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<title>Java date and time API - GregorianJulian (GJ) calendar system</title>
<author>Stephen Colebourne</author>
<section name="GregorianJulian (GJ) calendar system">
The GregorianJulian calendar system is the fusion of the two calendar systems
in the Christian or Roman tradition.
This calendar system is widely used today throughout the world, and is
especially useful for historical work.
The GregorianJulian calendar is a combination of two separate calendar systems,
the <a href="cal_gregorian.html">Gregorian</a> and the <a href="cal_julian.html">Julian</a>.
The switch from one to the other occurs at a configurable date.
The default date is 1582-10-15, as defined by Pope Gregory XIII.
The two calendar systems differ mainly in their accuracy of recording leap years.
The Julian calendar defines a leap year as being once every four years.
The Gregorian calendar adds two extra rules to state that years divisible by 100 are not leap, but those divisible by 400 are.
Joda-Time defines this calendar system using the GJChronology.
This is a replacement for the JDK GregorianCalendar.
If you intend to only refer to modern dates (after 1583) then you should use the
Joda-Time default of <a href="cal_iso.html">ISO</a> chronology.
<li>Calendrical Calculations - Millenium Edition - ISBN 0521777526</li>
<li><a href="">Wikipedia - Gregorian Calendar</a></li>
<section name="Using GregorianJulian in Joda-Time">
Within Joda-Time the GregorianJulian calendar system can be used by obtaining an
instance of <a href="apidocs/org/joda/time/chrono/GJChronology.html">GJChronology</a>.
This is normally created using the factory method
<a href="apidocs/org/joda/time/chrono/GJChronology.html#getInstance()">GJChronology.getInstance()</a>.
This is then passed into the constructors of the main date and time classes.
// setup date object for the Battle of Hastings in 1066
Chronology chrono = GJChronology.getInstance();
DateTime dt = new DateTime(1066, 10, 14, 10, 0, 0, 0, chrono);
If you want to change the cutover date between Julian and Gregorian, you will need
to use the other factory methods on GJChronology.