blob: 4cb646fb4fd84fdac322c2ee0e37f521801c2b71 [file] [log] [blame]
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<section name="Privacy">
Information about your use of this website is collected using cookies.
The collected information consists of the following:
<br />
1. The IP address from which you access the website;<br />
2. The type of browser and operating system you use to access our site;<br />
3. The date and time you access our site;<br />
4. The pages you visit; and<br />
5. The addresses of pages from where you followed a link to our site.<br />
Part of this information is gathered using a tracking cookie set by the
<a href="">Google Analytics</a> service
and handled by Google as described in their
<a href="">privacy policy</a>. See your browser documentation for
instructions on how to disable the cookie if you prefer not to share this data with Google.
We use the gathered information to help us make our site more useful to visitors and to better
understand how and when our site is used. We do not track or collect personally identifiable information
or associate gathered data with any personally identifying information from other sources.
By using this website, you consent to the collection of this data in the manner and for the purpose described above.
<br />
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This website also makes use of targetted adverts supplied by
<a href="">Google Adsense</a>.
To achieve this targetting, Google utilises cookies which collect the same information described above.
The cookies identfy your usage of many different internet websites, not just this one, and may be used
in conjunction with other advertising networks.
For more details on the Adsense program, and to find out your options to control how the data
is used please <a href="">click here</a>.