blob: 434e65e565a0665e746e27b071271462bbe51118 [file] [log] [blame]
package gatt
import (
type peripheral struct {
// NameChanged is called whenever the peripheral GAP Device name has changed.
NameChanged func(Peripheral)
// ServicesModified is called when one or more service of a peripheral have changed.
// A list of invalid service is provided in the parameter.
ServicesModified func(Peripheral, []*Service)
d *device
svcs []*Service
sub *subscriber
id xpc.UUID
name string
reqc chan message
rspc chan message
quitc chan struct{}
func NewPeripheral(u UUID) Peripheral { return &peripheral{id: xpc.UUID(u.b)} }
func (p *peripheral) Device() Device { return p.d }
func (p *peripheral) ID() string { return }
func (p *peripheral) Name() string { return }
func (p *peripheral) Services() []*Service { return p.svcs }
func (p *peripheral) DiscoverServices(ss []UUID) ([]*Service, error) {
rsp := p.sendReq(44, xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgUUIDs": uuidSlice(ss),
if res := rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgResult"); res != 0 {
return nil, attEcode(res)
svcs := []*Service{}
for _, xss := range rsp["kCBMsgArgServices"].(xpc.Array) {
xs := xss.(xpc.Dict)
u := MustParseUUID(xs.MustGetHexBytes("kCBMsgArgUUID"))
h := uint16(xs.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgServiceStartHandle"))
endh := uint16(xs.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgServiceEndHandle"))
svcs = append(svcs, &Service{uuid: u, h: h, endh: endh})
p.svcs = svcs
return svcs, nil
func (p *peripheral) DiscoverIncludedServices(ss []UUID, s *Service) ([]*Service, error) {
rsp := p.sendReq(60, xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgServiceStartHandle": s.h,
"kCBMsgArgServiceEndHandle": s.endh,
"kCBMsgArgUUIDs": uuidSlice(ss),
if res := rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgResult"); res != 0 {
return nil, attEcode(res)
return nil, notImplemented
func (p *peripheral) DiscoverCharacteristics(cs []UUID, s *Service) ([]*Characteristic, error) {
rsp := p.sendReq(61, xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgServiceStartHandle": s.h,
"kCBMsgArgServiceEndHandle": s.endh,
"kCBMsgArgUUIDs": uuidSlice(cs),
if res := rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgResult"); res != 0 {
return nil, attEcode(res)
for _, xcs := range rsp.MustGetArray("kCBMsgArgCharacteristics") {
xc := xcs.(xpc.Dict)
u := MustParseUUID(xc.MustGetHexBytes("kCBMsgArgUUID"))
ch := uint16(xc.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgCharacteristicHandle"))
vh := uint16(xc.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgCharacteristicValueHandle"))
props := Property(xc.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgCharacteristicProperties"))
c := &Characteristic{uuid: u, svc: s, props: props, h: ch, vh: vh}
s.chars = append(s.chars, c)
return s.chars, nil
func (p *peripheral) DiscoverDescriptors(ds []UUID, c *Characteristic) ([]*Descriptor, error) {
rsp := p.sendReq(69, xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgCharacteristicHandle": c.h,
"kCBMsgArgCharacteristicValueHandle": c.vh,
"kCBMsgArgUUIDs": uuidSlice(ds),
for _, xds := range rsp.MustGetArray("kCBMsgArgDescriptors") {
xd := xds.(xpc.Dict)
u := MustParseUUID(xd.MustGetHexBytes("kCBMsgArgUUID"))
h := uint16(xd.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgDescriptorHandle"))
d := &Descriptor{uuid: u, char: c, h: h}
c.descs = append(c.descs, d)
return c.descs, nil
func (p *peripheral) ReadCharacteristic(c *Characteristic) ([]byte, error) {
rsp := p.sendReq(64, xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgCharacteristicHandle": c.h,
"kCBMsgArgCharacteristicValueHandle": c.vh,
if res := rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgResult"); res != 0 {
return nil, attEcode(res)
b := rsp.MustGetBytes("kCBMsgArgData")
return b, nil
func (p *peripheral) WriteCharacteristic(c *Characteristic, b []byte, noRsp bool) error {
args := xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgCharacteristicHandle": c.h,
"kCBMsgArgCharacteristicValueHandle": c.vh,
"kCBMsgArgData": b,
"kCBMsgArgType": map[bool]int{false: 0, true: 1}[noRsp],
if noRsp {
p.sendCmd(65, args)
return nil
rsp := p.sendReq(65, args)
if res := rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgResult"); res != 0 {
return attEcode(res)
return nil
func (p *peripheral) ReadDescriptor(d *Descriptor) ([]byte, error) {
rsp := p.sendReq(76, xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgDescriptorHandle": d.h,
if res := rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgResult"); res != 0 {
return nil, attEcode(res)
b := rsp.MustGetBytes("kCBMsgArgData")
return b, nil
func (p *peripheral) WriteDescriptor(d *Descriptor, b []byte) error {
rsp := p.sendReq(77, xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgDescriptorHandle": d.h,
"kCBMsgArgData": b,
if res := rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgResult"); res != 0 {
return attEcode(res)
return nil
func (p *peripheral) SetNotifyValue(c *Characteristic, f func(*Characteristic, []byte, error)) error {
set := 1
if f == nil {
set = 0
// To avoid race condition, registeration is handled before requesting the server.
if f != nil {
// Note: when notified, core bluetooth reports characteristic handle, not value's handle.
p.sub.subscribe(c.h, func(b []byte, err error) { f(c, b, err) })
rsp := p.sendReq(67, xpc.Dict{
"kCBMsgArgCharacteristicHandle": c.h,
"kCBMsgArgCharacteristicValueHandle": c.vh,
"kCBMsgArgState": set,
if res := rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgResult"); res != 0 {
return attEcode(res)
// To avoid race condition, unregisteration is handled after server responses.
if f == nil {
return nil
func (p *peripheral) SetIndicateValue(c *Characteristic,
f func(*Characteristic, []byte, error)) error {
// TODO: Implement set indications logic for darwin (
return nil
func (p *peripheral) ReadRSSI() int {
rsp := p.sendReq(43, xpc.Dict{"kCBMsgArgDeviceUUID":})
return rsp.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgData")
func uuidSlice(uu []UUID) [][]byte {
us := [][]byte{}
for _, u := range uu {
us = append(us, reverse(u.b))
return us
type message struct {
id int
args xpc.Dict
rspc chan xpc.Dict
func (p *peripheral) sendCmd(id int, args xpc.Dict) {
p.reqc <- message{id: id, args: args}
func (p *peripheral) sendReq(id int, args xpc.Dict) xpc.Dict {
m := message{id: id, args: args, rspc: make(chan xpc.Dict)}
p.reqc <- m
return <-m.rspc
func (p *peripheral) loop() {
rspc := make(chan message)
go func() {
for {
select {
case req := <-p.reqc:
p.d.sendCBMsg(, req.args)
if req.rspc == nil {
m := <-rspc
req.rspc <- m.args
case <-p.quitc:
for {
select {
case rsp := <-p.rspc:
// Notification
if == 70 && rsp.args.GetInt("kCBMsgArgIsNotification", 0) != 0 {
// While we're notified with the value's handle, blued reports the characteristic handle.
ch := uint16(rsp.args.MustGetInt("kCBMsgArgCharacteristicHandle"))
b := rsp.args.MustGetBytes("kCBMsgArgData")
f := p.sub.fn(ch)
if f == nil {
log.Printf("notified by unsubscribed handle")
// FIXME: should terminate the connection?
} else {
go f(b, nil)
rspc <- rsp
case <-p.quitc: