blob: 4fa23899b7ee92239fd910213849ce4a97cdf664 [file] [log] [blame]
package gatt
// Supported statuses for GATT characteristic read/write operations.
// These correspond to att constants in the BLE spec
const (
StatusSuccess = 0
StatusInvalidOffset = 1
StatusUnexpectedError = 2
// A Request is the context for a request from a connected central device.
// TODO: Replace this with more general context, such as:
type Request struct {
Central Central
// A ReadRequest is a characteristic read request from a connected device.
type ReadRequest struct {
Cap int // maximum allowed reply length
Offset int // request value offset
type Property int
// Characteristic property flags (spec
const (
CharBroadcast Property = 0x01 // may be brocasted
CharRead Property = 0x02 // may be read
CharWriteNR Property = 0x04 // may be written to, with no reply
CharWrite Property = 0x08 // may be written to, with a reply
CharNotify Property = 0x10 // supports notifications
CharIndicate Property = 0x20 // supports Indications
CharSignedWrite Property = 0x40 // supports signed write
CharExtended Property = 0x80 // supports extended properties
func (p Property) String() (result string) {
if (p & CharBroadcast) != 0 {
result += "broadcast "
if (p & CharRead) != 0 {
result += "read "
if (p & CharWriteNR) != 0 {
result += "writeWithoutResponse "
if (p & CharWrite) != 0 {
result += "write "
if (p & CharNotify) != 0 {
result += "notify "
if (p & CharIndicate) != 0 {
result += "indicate "
if (p & CharSignedWrite) != 0 {
result += "authenticateSignedWrites "
if (p & CharExtended) != 0 {
result += "extendedProperties "
// A Service is a BLE service.
type Service struct {
uuid UUID
chars []*Characteristic
h uint16
endh uint16
// NewService creates and initialize a new Service using u as it's UUID.
func NewService(u UUID) *Service {
return &Service{uuid: u}
// AddCharacteristic adds a characteristic to a service.
// AddCharacteristic panics if the service already contains another
// characteristic with the same UUID.
func (s *Service) AddCharacteristic(u UUID) *Characteristic {
for _, c := range s.chars {
if c.uuid.Equal(u) {
panic("service already contains a characteristic with uuid " + u.String())
c := &Characteristic{uuid: u, svc: s}
s.chars = append(s.chars, c)
return c
// UUID returns the UUID of the service.
func (s *Service) UUID() UUID { return s.uuid }
// Name returns the specificatin name of the service according to its UUID.
// If the UUID is not assigne, Name returns an empty string.
func (s *Service) Name() string {
return knownServices[s.uuid.String()].Name
// Handle returns the Handle of the service.
func (s *Service) Handle() uint16 { return s.h }
// EndHandle returns the End Handle of the service.
func (s *Service) EndHandle() uint16 { return s.endh }
// SetHandle sets the Handle of the service.
func (s *Service) SetHandle(h uint16) { s.h = h }
// SetEndHandle sets the End Handle of the service.
func (s *Service) SetEndHandle(endh uint16) { s.endh = endh }
// SetCharacteristics sets the Characteristics of the service.
func (s *Service) SetCharacteristics(chars []*Characteristic) { s.chars = chars }
// Characteristic returns the contained characteristic of this service.
func (s *Service) Characteristics() []*Characteristic { return s.chars }
// A Characteristic is a BLE characteristic.
type Characteristic struct {
uuid UUID
props Property // enabled properties
secure Property // security enabled properties
svc *Service
cccd *Descriptor
descs []*Descriptor
value []byte
// All the following fields are only used in peripheral/server implementation.
rhandler ReadHandler
whandler WriteHandler
nhandler NotifyHandler
h uint16
vh uint16
endh uint16
// NewCharacteristic creates and returns a Characteristic.
func NewCharacteristic(u UUID, s *Service, props Property, h uint16, vh uint16) *Characteristic {
c := &Characteristic{
uuid: u,
svc: s,
props: props,
h: h,
vh: vh,
return c
// Handle returns the Handle of the characteristic.
func (c *Characteristic) Handle() uint16 { return c.h }
// VHandle returns the Value Handle of the characteristic.
func (c *Characteristic) VHandle() uint16 { return c.vh }
// EndHandle returns the End Handle of the characteristic.
func (c *Characteristic) EndHandle() uint16 { return c.endh }
// Descriptor returns the Descriptor of the characteristic.
func (c *Characteristic) Descriptor() *Descriptor { return c.cccd }
// SetHandle sets the Handle of the characteristic.
func (c *Characteristic) SetHandle(h uint16) { c.h = h }
// SetVHandle sets the Value Handle of the characteristic.
func (c *Characteristic) SetVHandle(vh uint16) { c.vh = vh }
// SetEndHandle sets the End Handle of the characteristic.
func (c *Characteristic) SetEndHandle(endh uint16) { c.endh = endh }
// SetDescriptor sets the Descriptor of the characteristic.
func (c *Characteristic) SetDescriptor(cccd *Descriptor) { c.cccd = cccd }
// SetDescriptors sets the list of Descriptor of the characteristic.
func (c *Characteristic) SetDescriptors(descs []*Descriptor) { c.descs = descs }
// UUID returns the UUID of the characteristic.
func (c *Characteristic) UUID() UUID {
return c.uuid
// Name returns the specificatin name of the characteristic.
// If the UUID is not assigned, Name returns empty string.
func (c *Characteristic) Name() string {
return knownCharacteristics[c.uuid.String()].Name
// Service returns the containing service of this characteristic.
func (c *Characteristic) Service() *Service {
return c.svc
// Properties returns the properties of this characteristic.
func (c *Characteristic) Properties() Property {
return c.props
// Descriptors returns the contained descriptors of this characteristic.
func (c *Characteristic) Descriptors() []*Descriptor {
return c.descs
// AddDescriptor adds a descriptor to a characteristic.
// AddDescriptor panics if the characteristic already contains another
// descriptor with the same UUID.
func (c *Characteristic) AddDescriptor(u UUID) *Descriptor {
for _, d := range c.descs {
if d.uuid.Equal(u) {
panic("service already contains a characteristic with uuid " + u.String())
d := &Descriptor{uuid: u, char: c}
c.descs = append(c.descs, d)
return d
// SetValue makes the characteristic support read requests, and returns a
// static value. SetValue must be called before the containing service is
// added to a server.
// SetValue panics if the characteristic has been configured with a ReadHandler.
func (c *Characteristic) SetValue(b []byte) {
if c.rhandler != nil {
panic("charactristic has been configured with a read handler")
c.props |= CharRead
// |= CharRead
c.value = make([]byte, len(b))
copy(c.value, b)
// HandleRead makes the characteristic support read requests, and routes read
// requests to h. HandleRead must be called before the containing service is
// added to a server.
// HandleRead panics if the characteristic has been configured with a static value.
func (c *Characteristic) HandleRead(h ReadHandler) {
if c.value != nil {
panic("charactristic has been configured with a static value")
c.props |= CharRead
// |= CharRead
c.rhandler = h
// HandleReadFunc calls HandleRead(ReadHandlerFunc(f)).
func (c *Characteristic) HandleReadFunc(f func(rsp ResponseWriter, req *ReadRequest)) {
// HandleWrite makes the characteristic support write and write-no-response
// requests, and routes write requests to h.
// The WriteHandler does not differentiate between write and write-no-response
// requests; it is handled automatically.
// HandleWrite must be called before the containing service is added to a server.
func (c *Characteristic) HandleWrite(h WriteHandler) {
c.props |= CharWrite | CharWriteNR
// |= CharWrite | CharWriteNR
c.whandler = h
// HandleWriteFunc calls HandleWrite(WriteHandlerFunc(f)).
func (c *Characteristic) HandleWriteFunc(f func(r Request, data []byte) (status byte)) {
// HandleNotify makes the characteristic support notify requests, and routes
// notification requests to h. HandleNotify must be called before the
// containing service is added to a server.
func (c *Characteristic) HandleNotify(h NotifyHandler) {
if c.cccd != nil {
p := CharNotify | CharIndicate
c.props |= p
c.nhandler = h
// add ccc (client characteristic configuration) descriptor
secure := Property(0)
// If the characteristic requested secure notifications,
// then set ccc security to r/w.
if != 0 {
secure = CharRead | CharWrite
cd := &Descriptor{
uuid: attrClientCharacteristicConfigUUID,
props: CharRead | CharWrite | CharWriteNR,
secure: secure,
// FIXME: currently, we always return 0, which is inaccurate.
// Each connection should have it's own copy of this value.
value: []byte{0x00, 0x00},
char: c,
c.cccd = cd
c.descs = append(c.descs, cd)
// HandleNotifyFunc calls HandleNotify(NotifyHandlerFunc(f)).
func (c *Characteristic) HandleNotifyFunc(f func(r Request, n Notifier)) {
// func (c *Characteristic) SubscribedCentrals() []Central{
// }
// Descriptor is a BLE descriptor
type Descriptor struct {
uuid UUID
char *Characteristic
props Property // enabled properties
secure Property // security enabled properties
h uint16
value []byte
rhandler ReadHandler
whandler WriteHandler
// Handle returns the Handle of the descriptor.
func (d *Descriptor) Handle() uint16 { return d.h }
// SetHandle sets the Handle of the descriptor.
func (d *Descriptor) SetHandle(h uint16) { d.h = h }
// NewDescriptor creates and returns a Descriptor.
func NewDescriptor(u UUID, h uint16, char *Characteristic) *Descriptor {
cd := &Descriptor{
uuid: u,
h: h,
char: char,
return cd
// UUID returns the UUID of the descriptor.
func (d *Descriptor) UUID() UUID {
return d.uuid
// Name returns the specificatin name of the descriptor.
// If the UUID is not assigned, returns an empty string.
func (d *Descriptor) Name() string {
return knownDescriptors[d.uuid.String()].Name
// Characteristic returns the containing characteristic of the descriptor.
func (d *Descriptor) Characteristic() *Characteristic {
return d.char
// SetValue makes the descriptor support read requests, and returns a static value.
// SetValue must be called before the containing service is added to a server.
// SetValue panics if the descriptor has already configured with a ReadHandler.
func (d *Descriptor) SetValue(b []byte) {
if d.rhandler != nil {
panic("descriptor has been configured with a read handler")
d.props |= CharRead
// |= CharRead
d.value = make([]byte, len(b))
copy(d.value, b)
// HandleRead makes the descriptor support read requests, and routes read requests to h.
// HandleRead must be called before the containing service is added to a server.
// HandleRead panics if the descriptor has been configured with a static value.
func (d *Descriptor) HandleRead(h ReadHandler) {
if d.value != nil {
panic("descriptor has been configured with a static value")
d.props |= CharRead
// |= CharRead
d.rhandler = h
// HandleReadFunc calls HandleRead(ReadHandlerFunc(f)).
func (d *Descriptor) HandleReadFunc(f func(rsp ResponseWriter, req *ReadRequest)) {
// HandleWrite makes the descriptor support write and write-no-response requests, and routes write requests to h.
// The WriteHandler does not differentiate between write and write-no-response requests; it is handled automatically.
// HandleWrite must be called before the containing service is added to a server.
func (d *Descriptor) HandleWrite(h WriteHandler) {
d.props |= CharWrite | CharWriteNR
// |= CharWrite | CharWriteNR
d.whandler = h
// HandleWriteFunc calls HandleWrite(WriteHandlerFunc(f)).
func (d *Descriptor) HandleWriteFunc(f func(r Request, data []byte) (status byte)) {