blob: 93d423e3cae54f1d91a66d6a9046ea34b4b743eb [file] [log] [blame]
package gatt
import "errors"
var notImplemented = errors.New("not implemented")
type State int
const (
StateUnknown State = 0
StateResetting State = 1
StateUnsupported State = 2
StateUnauthorized State = 3
StatePoweredOff State = 4
StatePoweredOn State = 5
func (s State) String() string {
str := []string{
return str[int(s)]
// Device defines the interface for a BLE device.
// Since an interface can't define fields(properties). To implement the
// callback support for cerntain events, deviceHandler is defined and
// implementation of Device on different platforms should embed it in
// order to keep have keep compatible in API level.
// Package users can use the Handler to set these handlers.
type Device interface {
Init(stateChanged func(Device, State)) error
// Advertise advertise AdvPacket
Advertise(a *AdvPacket) error
// AdvertiseNameAndServices advertises device name, and specified service UUIDs.
// It tres to fit the UUIDs in the advertising packet as much as possible.
// If name doesn't fit in the advertising packet, it will be put in scan response.
AdvertiseNameAndServices(name string, ss []UUID) error
// AdvertiseIBeaconData advertise iBeacon with given manufacturer data.
AdvertiseIBeaconData(b []byte) error
// AdvertisingIbeacon advertises iBeacon with specified parameters.
AdvertiseIBeacon(u UUID, major, minor uint16, pwr int8) error
// StopAdvertising stops advertising.
StopAdvertising() error
// RemoveAllServices removes all services that are currently in the database.
RemoveAllServices() error
// Add Service add a service to database.
AddService(s *Service) error
// SetServices set the specified service to the database.
// It removes all currently added services, if any.
SetServices(ss []*Service) error
// Scan discovers surounding remote peripherals that have the Service UUID specified in ss.
// If ss is set to nil, all devices scanned are reported.
// dup specifies weather duplicated advertisement should be reported or not.
// When a remote peripheral is discovered, the PeripheralDiscovered Handler is called.
Scan(ss []UUID, dup bool)
// StopScanning stops scanning.
// Connect connects to a remote peripheral.
Connect(p Peripheral)
// CancelConnection disconnects a remote peripheral.
CancelConnection(p Peripheral)
// Handle registers the specified handlers.
Handle(h ...Handler)
// Option sets the options specified.
Option(o ...Option) error
// deviceHandler is the handlers(callbacks) of the Device.
type deviceHandler struct {
// stateChanged is called when the device states changes.
stateChanged func(d Device, s State)
// connect is called when a remote central device connects to the device.
centralConnected func(c Central)
// disconnect is called when a remote central device disconnects to the device.
centralDisconnected func(c Central)
// peripheralDiscovered is called when a remote peripheral device is found during scan procedure.
peripheralDiscovered func(p Peripheral, a *Advertisement, rssi int)
// peripheralConnected is called when a remote peripheral is conneted.
peripheralConnected func(p Peripheral, err error)
// peripheralConnected is called when a remote peripheral is disconneted.
peripheralDisconnected func(p Peripheral, err error)
// A Handler is a self-referential function, which registers the options specified.
// See for more discussion.
type Handler func(Device)
// Handle registers the specified handlers.
func (d *device) Handle(hh ...Handler) {
for _, h := range hh {
// CentralConnected returns a Handler, which sets the specified function to be called when a device connects to the server.
func CentralConnected(f func(Central)) Handler {
return func(d Device) { d.(*device).centralConnected = f }
// CentralDisconnected returns a Handler, which sets the specified function to be called when a device disconnects from the server.
func CentralDisconnected(f func(Central)) Handler {
return func(d Device) { d.(*device).centralDisconnected = f }
// PeripheralDiscovered returns a Handler, which sets the specified function to be called when a remote peripheral device is found during scan procedure.
func PeripheralDiscovered(f func(Peripheral, *Advertisement, int)) Handler {
return func(d Device) { d.(*device).peripheralDiscovered = f }
// PeripheralConnected returns a Handler, which sets the specified function to be called when a remote peripheral device connects.
func PeripheralConnected(f func(Peripheral, error)) Handler {
return func(d Device) { d.(*device).peripheralConnected = f }
// PeripheralDisconnected returns a Handler, which sets the specified function to be called when a remote peripheral device disconnects.
func PeripheralDisconnected(f func(Peripheral, error)) Handler {
return func(d Device) { d.(*device).peripheralDisconnected = f }
// An Option is a self-referential function, which sets the option specified.
// Most Options are platform-specific, which gives more fine-grained control over the device at a cost of losing portibility.
// See for more discussion.
type Option func(Device) error
// Option sets the options specified.
// Some options can only be set before the device is initialized; they are best used with NewDevice instead of Option.
func (d *device) Option(opts ...Option) error {
var err error
for _, opt := range opts {
err = opt(d)
return err