blob: 0e67c56d954633e0acb54a5acf43544d415947bf [file] [log] [blame]
"source": "doc/api/buffer.markdown",
"modules": [
"textRaw": "Buffer",
"name": "buffer",
"stability": 3,
"stabilityText": "Stable",
"desc": "<p>Pure JavaScript is Unicode friendly but not nice to binary data. When\ndealing with TCP streams or the file system, it&#39;s necessary to handle octet\nstreams. Node has several strategies for manipulating, creating, and\nconsuming octet streams.\n\n</p>\n<p>Raw data is stored in instances of the <code>Buffer</code> class. A <code>Buffer</code> is similar\nto an array of integers but corresponds to a raw memory allocation outside\nthe V8 heap. A <code>Buffer</code> cannot be resized.\n\n</p>\n<p>The <code>Buffer</code> class is a global, making it very rare that one would need\nto ever <code>require(&#39;buffer&#39;)</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Converting between Buffers and JavaScript string objects requires an explicit\nencoding method. Here are the different string encodings.\n\n</p>\n<ul>\n<li><p><code>&#39;ascii&#39;</code> - for 7 bit ASCII data only. This encoding method is very fast, and\nwill strip the high bit if set.</p>\n<p>Note that when converting from string to buffer, this encoding converts a null\ncharacter (<code>&#39;\\0&#39;</code> or <code>&#39;\\u0000&#39;</code>) into <code>0x20</code> (character code of a space). If\nyou want to convert a null character into <code>0x00</code>, you should use <code>&#39;utf8&#39;</code>.</p>\n</li>\n<li><p><code>&#39;utf8&#39;</code> - Multibyte encoded Unicode characters. Many web pages and other\ndocument formats use UTF-8.</p>\n</li>\n<li><p><code>&#39;utf16le&#39;</code> - 2 or 4 bytes, little endian encoded Unicode characters.\nSurrogate pairs (U+10000 to U+10FFFF) are supported.</p>\n</li>\n<li><p><code>&#39;ucs2&#39;</code> - Alias of <code>&#39;utf16le&#39;</code>.</p>\n</li>\n<li><p><code>&#39;base64&#39;</code> - Base64 string encoding.</p>\n</li>\n<li><p><code>&#39;binary&#39;</code> - A way of encoding raw binary data into strings by using only\nthe first 8 bits of each character. This encoding method is deprecated and\nshould be avoided in favor of <code>Buffer</code> objects where possible. This encoding\nwill be removed in future versions of Node.</p>\n</li>\n<li><p><code>&#39;hex&#39;</code> - Encode each byte as two hexadecimal characters.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<p>A <code>Buffer</code> object can also be used with typed arrays. The buffer object is\ncloned to an <code>ArrayBuffer</code> that is used as the backing store for the typed\narray. The memory of the buffer and the <code>ArrayBuffer</code> is not shared.\n\n</p>\n<p>NOTE: Node.js v0.8 simply retained a reference to the buffer in <code>array.buffer</code>\ninstead of cloning it.\n\n</p>\n<p>While more efficient, it introduces subtle incompatibilities with the typed\narrays specification. <code>ArrayBuffer#slice()</code> makes a copy of the slice while\n<code>Buffer#slice()</code> creates a view.\n\n</p>\n",
"classes": [
"textRaw": "Class: Buffer",
"type": "class",
"name": "Buffer",
"desc": "<p>The Buffer class is a global type for dealing with binary data directly.\nIt can be constructed in a variety of ways.\n\n</p>\n",
"classMethods": [
"textRaw": "Class Method: Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)",
"type": "classMethod",
"name": "isEncoding",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`encoding` {String} The encoding string to test ",
"name": "encoding",
"type": "String",
"desc": "The encoding string to test"
"params": [
"name": "encoding"
"desc": "<p>Returns true if the <code>encoding</code> is a valid encoding argument, or false\notherwise.\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "Class Method: Buffer.isBuffer(obj)",
"type": "classMethod",
"name": "isBuffer",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Boolean ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Boolean"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`obj` Object ",
"name": "obj",
"desc": "Object"
"params": [
"name": "obj"
"desc": "<p>Tests if <code>obj</code> is a <code>Buffer</code>.\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "Class Method: Buffer.byteLength(string, [encoding])",
"type": "classMethod",
"name": "byteLength",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`string` String ",
"name": "string",
"desc": "String"
"textRaw": "`encoding` String, Optional, Default: 'utf8' ",
"name": "encoding",
"desc": "String, Optional, Default: 'utf8'",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "string"
"name": "encoding",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Gives the actual byte length of a string. <code>encoding</code> defaults to <code>&#39;utf8&#39;</code>.\nThis is not the same as <code>String.prototype.length</code> since that returns the\nnumber of <em>characters</em> in a string.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>str = &#39;\\u00bd + \\u00bc = \\u00be&#39;;\n\nconsole.log(str + &quot;: &quot; + str.length + &quot; characters, &quot; +\n Buffer.byteLength(str, &#39;utf8&#39;) + &quot; bytes&quot;);\n\n// ½ + ¼ = ¾: 9 characters, 12 bytes</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "Class Method: Buffer.concat(list, [totalLength])",
"type": "classMethod",
"name": "concat",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`list` {Array} List of Buffer objects to concat ",
"name": "list",
"type": "Array",
"desc": "List of Buffer objects to concat"
"textRaw": "`totalLength` {Number} Total length of the buffers when concatenated ",
"name": "totalLength",
"type": "Number",
"desc": "Total length of the buffers when concatenated",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "list"
"name": "totalLength",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Returns a buffer which is the result of concatenating all the buffers in\nthe list together.\n\n</p>\n<p>If the list has no items, or if the totalLength is 0, then it returns a\nzero-length buffer.\n\n</p>\n<p>If the list has exactly one item, then the first item of the list is\nreturned.\n\n</p>\n<p>If the list has more than one item, then a new Buffer is created.\n\n</p>\n<p>If totalLength is not provided, it is read from the buffers in the list.\nHowever, this adds an additional loop to the function, so it is faster\nto provide the length explicitly.\n\n</p>\n"
"methods": [
"textRaw": "buf.write(string, [offset], [length], [encoding])",
"type": "method",
"name": "write",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`string` String - data to be written to buffer ",
"name": "string",
"desc": "String - data to be written to buffer"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number, Optional, Default: 0 ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number, Optional, Default: 0",
"optional": true
"textRaw": "`length` Number, Optional, Default: `buffer.length - offset` ",
"name": "length",
"desc": "Number, Optional, Default: `buffer.length - offset`",
"optional": true
"textRaw": "`encoding` String, Optional, Default: 'utf8' ",
"name": "encoding",
"desc": "String, Optional, Default: 'utf8'",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "string"
"name": "offset",
"optional": true
"name": "length",
"optional": true
"name": "encoding",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>string</code> to the buffer at <code>offset</code> using the given encoding.\n<code>offset</code> defaults to <code>0</code>, <code>encoding</code> defaults to <code>&#39;utf8&#39;</code>. <code>length</code> is\nthe number of bytes to write. Returns number of octets written. If <code>buffer</code> did\nnot contain enough space to fit the entire string, it will write a partial\namount of the string. <code>length</code> defaults to <code>buffer.length - offset</code>.\nThe method will not write partial characters.\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>buf = new Buffer(256);\nlen = buf.write(&#39;\\u00bd + \\u00bc = \\u00be&#39;, 0);\nconsole.log(len + &quot; bytes: &quot; + buf.toString(&#39;utf8&#39;, 0, len));</code></pre>\n<p>The number of characters written (which may be different than the number of\nbytes written) is set in <code>Buffer._charsWritten</code> and will be overwritten the\nnext time <code>buf.write()</code> is called.\n\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.toString([encoding], [start], [end])",
"type": "method",
"name": "toString",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`encoding` String, Optional, Default: 'utf8' ",
"name": "encoding",
"desc": "String, Optional, Default: 'utf8'",
"optional": true
"textRaw": "`start` Number, Optional, Default: 0 ",
"name": "start",
"desc": "Number, Optional, Default: 0",
"optional": true
"textRaw": "`end` Number, Optional, Default: `buffer.length` ",
"name": "end",
"desc": "Number, Optional, Default: `buffer.length`",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "encoding",
"optional": true
"name": "start",
"optional": true
"name": "end",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Decodes and returns a string from buffer data encoded with <code>encoding</code>\n(defaults to <code>&#39;utf8&#39;</code>) beginning at <code>start</code> (defaults to <code>0</code>) and ending at\n<code>end</code> (defaults to <code>buffer.length</code>).\n\n</p>\n<p>See <code>buffer.write()</code> example, above.\n\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.toJSON()",
"type": "method",
"name": "toJSON",
"desc": "<p>Returns a JSON-representation of the Buffer instance, which is identical to the\noutput for JSON Arrays. <code>JSON.stringify</code> implicitly calls this function when\nstringifying a Buffer instance.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(&#39;test&#39;);\nvar json = JSON.stringify(buf);\n\nconsole.log(json);\n// &#39;[116,101,115,116]&#39;\n\nvar copy = new Buffer(JSON.parse(json));\n\nconsole.log(copy);\n// &lt;Buffer 74 65 73 74&gt;</code></pre>\n",
"signatures": [
"params": []
"textRaw": "buf.copy(targetBuffer, [targetStart], [sourceStart], [sourceEnd])",
"type": "method",
"name": "copy",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`targetBuffer` Buffer object - Buffer to copy into ",
"name": "targetBuffer",
"desc": "Buffer object - Buffer to copy into"
"textRaw": "`targetStart` Number, Optional, Default: 0 ",
"name": "targetStart",
"desc": "Number, Optional, Default: 0",
"optional": true
"textRaw": "`sourceStart` Number, Optional, Default: 0 ",
"name": "sourceStart",
"desc": "Number, Optional, Default: 0",
"optional": true
"textRaw": "`sourceEnd` Number, Optional, Default: `buffer.length` ",
"name": "sourceEnd",
"desc": "Number, Optional, Default: `buffer.length`",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "targetBuffer"
"name": "targetStart",
"optional": true
"name": "sourceStart",
"optional": true
"name": "sourceEnd",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Does copy between buffers. The source and target regions can be overlapped.\n<code>targetStart</code> and <code>sourceStart</code> default to <code>0</code>.\n<code>sourceEnd</code> defaults to <code>buffer.length</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>All values passed that are <code>undefined</code>/<code>NaN</code> or are out of bounds are set equal\nto their respective defaults.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example: build two Buffers, then copy <code>buf1</code> from byte 16 through byte 19\ninto <code>buf2</code>, starting at the 8th byte in <code>buf2</code>.\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>buf1 = new Buffer(26);\nbuf2 = new Buffer(26);\n\nfor (var i = 0 ; i &lt; 26 ; i++) {\n buf1[i] = i + 97; // 97 is ASCII a\n buf2[i] = 33; // ASCII !\n}\n\nbuf1.copy(buf2, 8, 16, 20);\nconsole.log(buf2.toString(&#39;ascii&#39;, 0, 25));\n\n// !!!!!!!!qrst!!!!!!!!!!!!!</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.slice([start], [end])",
"type": "method",
"name": "slice",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`start` Number, Optional, Default: 0 ",
"name": "start",
"desc": "Number, Optional, Default: 0",
"optional": true
"textRaw": "`end` Number, Optional, Default: `buffer.length` ",
"name": "end",
"desc": "Number, Optional, Default: `buffer.length`",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "start",
"optional": true
"name": "end",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Returns a new buffer which references the same memory as the old, but offset\nand cropped by the <code>start</code> (defaults to <code>0</code>) and <code>end</code> (defaults to\n<code>buffer.length</code>) indexes. Negative indexes start from the end of the buffer.\n\n</p>\n<p><strong>Modifying the new buffer slice will modify memory in the original buffer!</strong>\n\n</p>\n<p>Example: build a Buffer with the ASCII alphabet, take a slice, then modify one\nbyte from the original Buffer.\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf1 = new Buffer(26);\n\nfor (var i = 0 ; i &lt; 26 ; i++) {\n buf1[i] = i + 97; // 97 is ASCII a\n}\n\nvar buf2 = buf1.slice(0, 3);\nconsole.log(buf2.toString(&#39;ascii&#39;, 0, buf2.length));\nbuf1[0] = 33;\nconsole.log(buf2.toString(&#39;ascii&#39;, 0, buf2.length));\n\n// abc\n// !bc</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readUInt8(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readUInt8",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads an unsigned 8 bit integer from the buffer at the specified offset.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\n\nbuf[0] = 0x3;\nbuf[1] = 0x4;\nbuf[2] = 0x23;\nbuf[3] = 0x42;\n\nfor (ii = 0; ii &lt; buf.length; ii++) {\n console.log(buf.readUInt8(ii));\n}\n\n// 0x3\n// 0x4\n// 0x23\n// 0x42</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readUInt16LE(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readUInt16LE",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads an unsigned 16 bit integer from the buffer at the specified offset with\nspecified endian format.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\n\nbuf[0] = 0x3;\nbuf[1] = 0x4;\nbuf[2] = 0x23;\nbuf[3] = 0x42;\n\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt16BE(0));\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt16LE(0));\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt16BE(1));\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt16LE(1));\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt16BE(2));\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt16LE(2));\n\n// 0x0304\n// 0x0403\n// 0x0423\n// 0x2304\n// 0x2342\n// 0x4223</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readUInt16BE(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readUInt16BE",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads an unsigned 16 bit integer from the buffer at the specified offset with\nspecified endian format.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\n\nbuf[0] = 0x3;\nbuf[1] = 0x4;\nbuf[2] = 0x23;\nbuf[3] = 0x42;\n\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt16BE(0));\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt16LE(0));\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt16BE(1));\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt16LE(1));\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt16BE(2));\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt16LE(2));\n\n// 0x0304\n// 0x0403\n// 0x0423\n// 0x2304\n// 0x2342\n// 0x4223</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readUInt32LE(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readUInt32LE",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads an unsigned 32 bit integer from the buffer at the specified offset with\nspecified endian format.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\n\nbuf[0] = 0x3;\nbuf[1] = 0x4;\nbuf[2] = 0x23;\nbuf[3] = 0x42;\n\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt32BE(0));\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt32LE(0));\n\n// 0x03042342\n// 0x42230403</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readUInt32BE(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readUInt32BE",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads an unsigned 32 bit integer from the buffer at the specified offset with\nspecified endian format.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\n\nbuf[0] = 0x3;\nbuf[1] = 0x4;\nbuf[2] = 0x23;\nbuf[3] = 0x42;\n\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt32BE(0));\nconsole.log(buf.readUInt32LE(0));\n\n// 0x03042342\n// 0x42230403</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readInt8(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readInt8",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads a signed 8 bit integer from the buffer at the specified offset.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Works as <code>buffer.readUInt8</code>, except buffer contents are treated as two&#39;s\ncomplement signed values.\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readInt16LE(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readInt16LE",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads a signed 16 bit integer from the buffer at the specified offset with\nspecified endian format.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Works as <code>buffer.readUInt16*</code>, except buffer contents are treated as two&#39;s\ncomplement signed values.\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readInt16BE(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readInt16BE",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads a signed 16 bit integer from the buffer at the specified offset with\nspecified endian format.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Works as <code>buffer.readUInt16*</code>, except buffer contents are treated as two&#39;s\ncomplement signed values.\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readInt32LE(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readInt32LE",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads a signed 32 bit integer from the buffer at the specified offset with\nspecified endian format.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Works as <code>buffer.readUInt32*</code>, except buffer contents are treated as two&#39;s\ncomplement signed values.\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readInt32BE(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readInt32BE",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads a signed 32 bit integer from the buffer at the specified offset with\nspecified endian format.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Works as <code>buffer.readUInt32*</code>, except buffer contents are treated as two&#39;s\ncomplement signed values.\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readFloatLE(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readFloatLE",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads a 32 bit float from the buffer at the specified offset with specified\nendian format.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\n\nbuf[0] = 0x00;\nbuf[1] = 0x00;\nbuf[2] = 0x80;\nbuf[3] = 0x3f;\n\nconsole.log(buf.readFloatLE(0));\n\n// 0x01</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readFloatBE(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readFloatBE",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads a 32 bit float from the buffer at the specified offset with specified\nendian format.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\n\nbuf[0] = 0x00;\nbuf[1] = 0x00;\nbuf[2] = 0x80;\nbuf[3] = 0x3f;\n\nconsole.log(buf.readFloatLE(0));\n\n// 0x01</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readDoubleLE(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readDoubleLE",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads a 64 bit double from the buffer at the specified offset with specified\nendian format.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(8);\n\nbuf[0] = 0x55;\nbuf[1] = 0x55;\nbuf[2] = 0x55;\nbuf[3] = 0x55;\nbuf[4] = 0x55;\nbuf[5] = 0x55;\nbuf[6] = 0xd5;\nbuf[7] = 0x3f;\n\nconsole.log(buf.readDoubleLE(0));\n\n// 0.3333333333333333</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.readDoubleBE(offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "readDoubleBE",
"signatures": [
"return": {
"textRaw": "Return: Number ",
"name": "return",
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Reads a 64 bit double from the buffer at the specified offset with specified\nendian format.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>offset</code>. This means that <code>offset</code>\nmay be beyond the end of the buffer. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(8);\n\nbuf[0] = 0x55;\nbuf[1] = 0x55;\nbuf[2] = 0x55;\nbuf[3] = 0x55;\nbuf[4] = 0x55;\nbuf[5] = 0x55;\nbuf[6] = 0xd5;\nbuf[7] = 0x3f;\n\nconsole.log(buf.readDoubleLE(0));\n\n// 0.3333333333333333</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeUInt8(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeUInt8",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset. Note, <code>value</code> must be a\nvalid unsigned 8 bit integer.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\nbuf.writeUInt8(0x3, 0);\nbuf.writeUInt8(0x4, 1);\nbuf.writeUInt8(0x23, 2);\nbuf.writeUInt8(0x42, 3);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\n// &lt;Buffer 03 04 23 42&gt;</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeUInt16LE(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeUInt16LE",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset with specified endian\nformat. Note, <code>value</code> must be a valid unsigned 16 bit integer.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(0xdead, 0);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(0xbeef, 2);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\nbuf.writeUInt16LE(0xdead, 0);\nbuf.writeUInt16LE(0xbeef, 2);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\n// &lt;Buffer de ad be ef&gt;\n// &lt;Buffer ad de ef be&gt;</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeUInt16BE(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeUInt16BE",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset with specified endian\nformat. Note, <code>value</code> must be a valid unsigned 16 bit integer.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(0xdead, 0);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(0xbeef, 2);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\nbuf.writeUInt16LE(0xdead, 0);\nbuf.writeUInt16LE(0xbeef, 2);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\n// &lt;Buffer de ad be ef&gt;\n// &lt;Buffer ad de ef be&gt;</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeUInt32LE(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeUInt32LE",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset with specified endian\nformat. Note, <code>value</code> must be a valid unsigned 32 bit integer.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\nbuf.writeUInt32BE(0xfeedface, 0);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\nbuf.writeUInt32LE(0xfeedface, 0);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\n// &lt;Buffer fe ed fa ce&gt;\n// &lt;Buffer ce fa ed fe&gt;</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeUInt32BE(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeUInt32BE",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset with specified endian\nformat. Note, <code>value</code> must be a valid unsigned 32 bit integer.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\nbuf.writeUInt32BE(0xfeedface, 0);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\nbuf.writeUInt32LE(0xfeedface, 0);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\n// &lt;Buffer fe ed fa ce&gt;\n// &lt;Buffer ce fa ed fe&gt;</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeInt8(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeInt8",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset. Note, <code>value</code> must be a\nvalid signed 8 bit integer.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Works as <code>buffer.writeUInt8</code>, except value is written out as a two&#39;s complement\nsigned integer into <code>buffer</code>.\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeInt16LE(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeInt16LE",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset with specified endian\nformat. Note, <code>value</code> must be a valid signed 16 bit integer.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Works as <code>buffer.writeUInt16*</code>, except value is written out as a two&#39;s\ncomplement signed integer into <code>buffer</code>.\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeInt16BE(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeInt16BE",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset with specified endian\nformat. Note, <code>value</code> must be a valid signed 16 bit integer.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Works as <code>buffer.writeUInt16*</code>, except value is written out as a two&#39;s\ncomplement signed integer into <code>buffer</code>.\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeInt32LE(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeInt32LE",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset with specified endian\nformat. Note, <code>value</code> must be a valid signed 32 bit integer.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Works as <code>buffer.writeUInt32*</code>, except value is written out as a two&#39;s\ncomplement signed integer into <code>buffer</code>.\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeInt32BE(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeInt32BE",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset with specified endian\nformat. Note, <code>value</code> must be a valid signed 32 bit integer.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Works as <code>buffer.writeUInt32*</code>, except value is written out as a two&#39;s\ncomplement signed integer into <code>buffer</code>.\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeFloatLE(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeFloatLE",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset with specified endian\nformat. Note, behavior is unspecified if <code>value</code> is not a 32 bit float.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\nbuf.writeFloatBE(0xcafebabe, 0);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\nbuf.writeFloatLE(0xcafebabe, 0);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\n// &lt;Buffer 4f 4a fe bb&gt;\n// &lt;Buffer bb fe 4a 4f&gt;</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeFloatBE(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeFloatBE",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset with specified endian\nformat. Note, behavior is unspecified if <code>value</code> is not a 32 bit float.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(4);\nbuf.writeFloatBE(0xcafebabe, 0);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\nbuf.writeFloatLE(0xcafebabe, 0);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\n// &lt;Buffer 4f 4a fe bb&gt;\n// &lt;Buffer bb fe 4a 4f&gt;</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeDoubleLE(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeDoubleLE",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset with specified endian\nformat. Note, <code>value</code> must be a valid 64 bit double.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(8);\nbuf.writeDoubleBE(0xdeadbeefcafebabe, 0);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\nbuf.writeDoubleLE(0xdeadbeefcafebabe, 0);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\n// &lt;Buffer 43 eb d5 b7 dd f9 5f d7&gt;\n// &lt;Buffer d7 5f f9 dd b7 d5 eb 43&gt;</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.writeDoubleBE(value, offset, [noAssert])",
"type": "method",
"name": "writeDoubleBE",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` Number ",
"name": "value",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number ",
"name": "offset",
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`noAssert` Boolean, Optional, Default: false ",
"name": "noAssert",
"desc": "Boolean, Optional, Default: false",
"optional": true
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset"
"name": "noAssert",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Writes <code>value</code> to the buffer at the specified offset with specified endian\nformat. Note, <code>value</code> must be a valid 64 bit double.\n\n</p>\n<p>Set <code>noAssert</code> to true to skip validation of <code>value</code> and <code>offset</code>. This means\nthat <code>value</code> may be too large for the specific function and <code>offset</code> may be\nbeyond the end of the buffer leading to the values being silently dropped. This\nshould not be used unless you are certain of correctness. Defaults to <code>false</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var buf = new Buffer(8);\nbuf.writeDoubleBE(0xdeadbeefcafebabe, 0);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\nbuf.writeDoubleLE(0xdeadbeefcafebabe, 0);\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\n// &lt;Buffer 43 eb d5 b7 dd f9 5f d7&gt;\n// &lt;Buffer d7 5f f9 dd b7 d5 eb 43&gt;</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "buf.fill(value, [offset], [end])",
"type": "method",
"name": "fill",
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`value` ",
"name": "value"
"textRaw": "`offset` Number, Optional ",
"name": "offset",
"optional": true,
"desc": "Number"
"textRaw": "`end` Number, Optional ",
"name": "end",
"optional": true,
"desc": "Number"
"params": [
"name": "value"
"name": "offset",
"optional": true
"name": "end",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Fills the buffer with the specified value. If the <code>offset</code> (defaults to <code>0</code>)\nand <code>end</code> (defaults to <code>buffer.length</code>) are not given it will fill the entire\nbuffer.\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>var b = new Buffer(50);\nb.fill(&quot;h&quot;);</code></pre>\n"
"properties": [
"textRaw": "buf[index]",
"name": "[index]",
"desc": "<p>Get and set the octet at <code>index</code>. The values refer to individual bytes,\nso the legal range is between <code>0x00</code> and <code>0xFF</code> hex or <code>0</code> and <code>255</code>.\n\n</p>\n<p>Example: copy an ASCII string into a buffer, one byte at a time:\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>str = &quot;node.js&quot;;\nbuf = new Buffer(str.length);\n\nfor (var i = 0; i &lt; str.length ; i++) {\n buf[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);\n}\n\nconsole.log(buf);\n\n// node.js</code></pre>\n"
"textRaw": "`length` Number ",
"name": "length",
"desc": "<p>The size of the buffer in bytes. Note that this is not necessarily the size\nof the contents. <code>length</code> refers to the amount of memory allocated for the\nbuffer object. It does not change when the contents of the buffer are changed.\n\n</p>\n<pre><code>buf = new Buffer(1234);\n\nconsole.log(buf.length);\nbuf.write(&quot;some string&quot;, 0, &quot;ascii&quot;);\nconsole.log(buf.length);\n\n// 1234\n// 1234</code></pre>\n",
"shortDesc": "Number"
"signatures": [
"params": [
"textRaw": "`size` Number ",
"name": "size",
"desc": "Number"
"desc": "<p>Allocates a new buffer of <code>size</code> octets.\n\n</p>\n"
"params": [
"name": "size"
"desc": "<p>Allocates a new buffer of <code>size</code> octets.\n\n</p>\n"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`array` Array ",
"name": "array",
"desc": "Array"
"desc": "<p>Allocates a new buffer using an <code>array</code> of octets.\n\n</p>\n"
"params": [
"name": "array"
"desc": "<p>Allocates a new buffer using an <code>array</code> of octets.\n\n</p>\n"
"params": [
"textRaw": "`str` String - string to encode. ",
"name": "str",
"desc": "String - string to encode."
"textRaw": "`encoding` String - encoding to use, Optional. ",
"name": "encoding",
"desc": "String - encoding to use, Optional.",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Allocates a new buffer containing the given <code>str</code>.\n<code>encoding</code> defaults to <code>&#39;utf8&#39;</code>.\n\n</p>\n"
"params": [
"name": "str"
"name": "encoding",
"optional": true
"desc": "<p>Allocates a new buffer containing the given <code>str</code>.\n<code>encoding</code> defaults to <code>&#39;utf8&#39;</code>.\n\n</p>\n"
"textRaw": "Class: SlowBuffer",
"type": "class",
"name": "SlowBuffer",
"desc": "<p>This class is primarily for internal use. JavaScript programs should\nuse Buffer instead of using SlowBuffer.\n\n</p>\n<p>In order to avoid the overhead of allocating many C++ Buffer objects for\nsmall blocks of memory in the lifetime of a server, Node allocates memory\nin 8Kb (8192 byte) chunks. If a buffer is smaller than this size, then it\nwill be backed by a parent SlowBuffer object. If it is larger than this,\nthen Node will allocate a SlowBuffer slab for it directly.\n</p>\n"
"properties": [
"textRaw": "`INSPECT_MAX_BYTES` Number, Default: 50 ",
"desc": "<p>How many bytes will be returned when <code>buffer.inspect()</code> is called. This can\nbe overridden by user modules.\n\n</p>\n<p>Note that this is a property on the buffer module returned by\n<code>require(&#39;buffer&#39;)</code>, not on the Buffer global, or a buffer instance.\n\n</p>\n",
"shortDesc": "Number, Default: 50"
"type": "module",
"displayName": "Buffer"