blob: 0c8d17c667f7f2eb1ce45c8cb0763debc1169d65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mdns
// This MDNS is used only to announce veyron name servers to each other. It can run in
// conjunction with any native MDNS (at least on Linux).
// The discovery protocol and MDNS are from RFCs 6762 and 6763:
// client -> question _veyronns._tcp.local. PTR
// each server -> response _veyronns._tcp.local. PTR <hostid>._veyronns._tcp.local
// <hostid>._veyronns._tcp.local. TXT <descriptive string>*
// <hostid>._veyronns._tcp.local. SRV <hostid>.local. <port> 0 0
// <hostid>.local. A <v4 ip address>
// <hostid>.local. AAAA <v6 ip address>
// This server uses all ip interfaces that have non loop back addresses. It does not leak information
// between interfaces.
// There are three main types here. MDNS represents the service itself. One can have multiple of
// these running at once, each bound to different multicast-address:port.
// Each MDNS connects to all IP interfaces that have ipv4 or ipv6 addresses. A multicastIfc exists
// for each of these interfaces (ipv4 and ipv6 each have their own multicastIfc since they are considered
// to be different networks even if on the same wire).
// Each multicastIfc has a cache of information learned from its network.
import (
// All incoming network messages carries enough context for a network appropriate response.
type msgFromNet struct {
mifc *multicastIfc // Interface to reply on
sender *net.UDPAddr // Address to reply to (if non-multicast: TODO)
msg *dns.Msg
// A multicast interface that we are listening on. Each physical interface can have both v4 and v6 multicast interfaces.
type multicastIfc struct {
// Info about the physical interface and address range covered (just for debugging).
ifc net.Interface
// Multicast Address
addr *net.UDPAddr
// IP version
ipver int
// Address ranges on this interface (used for detecting changed interfaces)
addresses []*net.IPNet
// The connection for talking on the internet.
conn *net.UDPConn
// We keep the cache interface specific because, absent connectivity info, we have to treat each network as separate.
cache *rrCache
// MDNS we are a child of.
mdns *MDNS
// Set to true to terminate any waiting thread.
doneLock sync.Mutex
done bool
func newMulticastIfc(ipver int, ifc net.Interface, addr *net.UDPAddr, addresses []*net.IPNet, mdns *MDNS) *multicastIfc {
return &multicastIfc{
ifc: ifc,
addr: addr,
addresses: addresses,
cache: newRRCache(),
mdns: mdns,
ipver: ipver,
func (m *multicastIfc) run() bool {
defer m.doneLock.Unlock()
return !m.done
func (m *multicastIfc) stop() {
m.done = true
func (m *multicastIfc) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d v%d %s multicast addr %s", m.ifc.Index, m.ipver, m.ifc.Name, m.addr)
// Append host addresses to the answer section.
func (m *multicastIfc) appendHostAddresses(msg *dns.Msg, host string, rrtype int, ttl uint32) {
hostDN := hostFQDN(host)
for _, address := range m.addresses {
switch rrtype {
case dns.TypeALL:
msg.Answer = append(msg.Answer, NewAddressRR(hostDN, 0x8000|dns.ClassINET, ttl, address.IP))
case dns.TypeA:
if v4 := address.IP.To4(); v4 != nil {
msg.Answer = append(msg.Answer, NewAddressRR(hostDN, 0x8000|dns.ClassINET, ttl, v4))
case dns.TypeAAAA:
if v4 := address.IP.To4(); v4 == nil {
msg.Answer = append(msg.Answer, NewAddressRR(hostDN, 0x8000|dns.ClassINET, ttl, address.IP))
func (m *multicastIfc) appendSrvRR(msg *dns.Msg, service, host string, port uint16, ttl uint32) {
hostDN := hostFQDN(host)
uniqueServiceDN := instanceFQDN(host, service)
msg.Answer = append(msg.Answer, NewSrvRR(uniqueServiceDN, 0x8000|dns.ClassINET, ttl, hostDN, port, 0, 0))
func (m *multicastIfc) appendTxtRR(msg *dns.Msg, service, host string, txt []string, ttl uint32) {
uniqueServiceDN := instanceFQDN(host, service)
msg.Answer = append(msg.Answer, NewTxtRR(uniqueServiceDN, 0x8000|dns.ClassINET, ttl, txt))
// Append service discovery records to the answer section.
func (m *multicastIfc) appendDiscoveryRecords(msg *dns.Msg, service, host string, port uint16, txt []string, ttl uint32) {
serviceDN := serviceFQDN(service)
uniqueServiceDN := instanceFQDN(host, service)
msg.Answer = append(msg.Answer, NewPtrRR(serviceDN, dns.ClassINET, ttl, uniqueServiceDN))
m.appendTxtRR(msg, service, host, txt, ttl)
m.appendSrvRR(msg, service, host, port, ttl)
m.appendHostAddresses(msg, host, dns.TypeALL, ttl)
// Send a message on a multicast net and cache it locally.
func (m *multicastIfc) sendMessage(msg *dns.Msg) {
if m.mdns.debug {
log.Printf("sending message %v\n", msg)
buf, ok := msg.Pack()
if !ok {
log.Printf("can't pack address message\n")
if _, err := m.conn.WriteTo(buf, m.addr); err != nil {
log.Printf("WriteTo failed %v %v", m.addr, err)
// Cache these RRs in case we ask about ourself.
for _, rr := range msg.Answer {
if m.cache.Add(rr) {
// Announce the address records for a host.
func (m *multicastIfc) announceHost(host string, ttl uint32) {
msg := newDnsMsg(0, true, true)
m.appendHostAddresses(msg, host, dns.TypeALL, ttl)
// Announce a service and how to reach it.
func (m *multicastIfc) announceService(service, host string, port uint16, txt []string, ttl uint32) {
msg := newDnsMsg(0, true, true)
m.appendDiscoveryRecords(msg, service, host, port, txt, ttl)
// Ask a question.
func (m *multicastIfc) sendQuestion(q []dns.Question) {
msg := newDnsMsg(0, false, false)
msg.Question = q
type lookupRequest struct {
name string
rrtype uint16
rc chan dns.RR
type announceRequest struct {
service string
host string
port uint16
txt []string
type watchedService struct {
c *sync.Cond
gen int
type MDNS struct {
// Addresses to multicast on.
v4addr, v6addr *net.UDPAddr
// Multicast interfaces to listen on.
mifcsLock sync.RWMutex
mifcs map[string]*multicastIfc
// Set to true to get threads to exit.
doneLock sync.Mutex
done bool
// Channel to pass incoming networlmessages to the main loop.
fromNet chan *msgFromNet
// All access methods turn into channel requests to the main loop to make synchronization trivial.
announce chan announceRequest
lookup chan lookupRequest
refreshAlarm chan struct{}
cleanupAlarm chan struct{}
// The host name.
hostName string
// Services we are announcing and their ports
services map[string]announceRequest
// Services whose memberships are being watched or subscribed to.
watchedLock sync.RWMutex
watched map[string]*watchedService
subscribed map[string]bool
// TTL to use for outgoing RRs.
ttl uint32
debug bool
loopback bool
func losecolons(x string) string {
var y string
for _, c := range x {
if c != ':' {
y = y + string(c)
return y
// Create a new MDNS service.
func NewMDNS(host, v4addr, v6addr string, loopback, debug bool) (s *MDNS, err error) {
s = new(MDNS)
if v4addr == "" {
v4addr = ""
if v6addr == "" {
v6addr = "[FF02::FB]:5353"
if s.v4addr, err = net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", v4addr); err != nil {
return nil, err
if s.v6addr, err = net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", v6addr); err != nil {
return nil, err
s.debug = debug
s.loopback = loopback
s.hostName = host
s.ttl = 120
// Allocate channels for communications internal to MDNS
s.fromNet = make(chan *msgFromNet, 10)
s.announce = make(chan announceRequest)
s.lookup = make(chan lookupRequest)
s.refreshAlarm = make(chan struct{})
s.cleanupAlarm = make(chan struct{}) = make(map[string]announceRequest, 0)
s.watched = make(map[string]*watchedService, 0)
s.subscribed = make(map[string]bool, 0)
s.mifcs = make(map[string]*multicastIfc, 0)
highesthwaddr, err := s.ScanInterfaces()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("scanning interfaces: %s", err)
// If we weren't passed in a host name, use the highest lexicographic hardware address.
if len(s.hostName) == 0 {
s.hostName = losecolons(highesthwaddr)
go s.mainLoop()
go s.alarmClock()
// Announce ourselves if the host name is set.
if len(s.hostName) > 0 {
s.refreshAlarm <- struct{}{}
return s, nil
func equalAddresses(al, bl []*net.IPNet) bool {
// We're assuming no duplicates in the lists.
if len(al) != len(bl) {
return false
// N squared but for small N.
for _, a := range al {
for _, b := range bl {
if a.IP.Equal(b.IP) {
continue L
return false
return true
// ScanInterfaces looks for changes in the interface list and makes sure we are using them
// for mdns.
func (s *MDNS) ScanInterfaces() (string, error) {
highesthwaddr := ""
// Figure out which interfaces we have that we need to listen on.
ifcs, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil {
return "", err
newmifcs := make(map[string]*multicastIfc, 0)
for _, ifc := range ifcs {
addresses, addrErr := ifc.Addrs()
if addrErr != nil {
log.Printf("Addrs() failed: %s", addrErr)
// See if interface has non-loopback v4 or v6 interfaces. Remember the useful addresses.
hasv4 := false
hasv6 := false
var okAddresses []*net.IPNet
hwaddr := ifc.HardwareAddr.String()
if hwaddr > highesthwaddr {
highesthwaddr = hwaddr
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s+%d+%s", ifc.Name, ifc.Index, hwaddr)
for _, address := range addresses {
switch address := address.(type) {
case *net.IPNet:
// We either use loopback or non-loopback interfaces (generally loopback is for testing).
if (address.IP.IsLoopback() && !s.loopback) || (!address.IP.IsLoopback() && s.loopback) {
log.Printf("skipping ifc %d %s %s\n", ifc.Index, ifc.Name, address)
if address.IP.To4() != nil {
hasv4 = true
} else {
hasv6 = true
okAddresses = append(okAddresses, address)
if okAddresses == nil {
if hasv4 {
newmifcs["4+"+key] = newMulticastIfc(4, ifc, s.v4addr, okAddresses, s)
if hasv6 {
newmifcs["6+"+key] = newMulticastIfc(6, ifc, s.v6addr, okAddresses, s)
// If any interfaces disappeared or changed addresses, remove them.
defer s.mifcsLock.Unlock()
for k, m := range s.mifcs {
if newm, ok := newmifcs[k]; ok {
if equalAddresses(newm.addresses, m.addresses) {
log.Printf("removing ifc %s", m)
delete(s.mifcs, k)
// Create any missing interfaces.
for k, newm := range newmifcs {
if _, ok := s.mifcs[k]; ok {
conn, err := net.ListenMulticastUDP("udp", &newm.ifc, newm.addr)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ListenMulticastUDP %s: %v\n", newm, err)
if err := SetMulticastTTL(conn, newm.ipver, 255); err != nil {
log.Printf("SetMulticastTTL %s: %v\n", newm, err)
if err := SetMulticastLoopback(conn, newm.ipver, true); err != nil {
log.Printf("SetMulticastLoopback %s: %v\n", newm, err)
newm.conn = conn
s.mifcs[k] = newm
go s.udpListener(newm)
// Broadcast a request for any services to which we are subscribed. If we are
// also an instance of the service we will respond to our own request with a
// broadcast. If we have any watchers for the service, they too will be awakened
// by the responses.
for sdn := range s.subscribed {
newm.sendQuestion([]dns.Question{{sdn, dns.TypePTR, dns.ClassINET}})
return highesthwaddr, nil
// Change the ttl for outgoing records to something other than the default.
func (s *MDNS) SetOutgoingTTL(ttl uint32) {
s.ttl = ttl
// A go routine to listen for packets on a network. Pass to the main loop with sufficient information to
// answer on the same interface.
func (s *MDNS) udpListener(ifc *multicastIfc) {
log.Printf("MDNS listening on %s with %v", ifc, ifc.addresses)
b := make([]byte, 2048)
for && {
n, a, err := ifc.conn.ReadFromUDP(b)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("error reading from udp: %v", err)
// convert to dns packet
msg := new(dns.Msg)
if !msg.Unpack(b[0:n]) {
log.Printf("couldn't unpack %d byte dns msg from %v", n, a)
} else {
s.fromNet <- &msgFromNet{ifc, a, msg}
// A go routine to wake up the main loop periodicly. We need this to 'refresh' what we have advertised to the network.
func (s *MDNS) alarmClock() {
for {
// Try to get in two broadcasts before others start timing us out.
secs := (s.ttl - 1) / 2
if secs == 0 {
secs = 1
time.Sleep(time.Duration(secs) * time.Second)
s.refreshAlarm <- struct{}{}
s.cleanupAlarm <- struct{}{}
func serviceFQDN(service string) string {
if strings.HasSuffix(service, ".") {
return service
return "_" + service + "._tcp.local."
func instanceFQDN(instance, service string) string {
if strings.HasSuffix(instance, ".") {
return instance
return instance + "." + serviceFQDN(service)
func instanceUnqualify(instance, service string) string {
return strings.TrimSuffix(instance, "."+serviceFQDN(service))
func hostFQDN(host string) string {
if strings.HasSuffix(host, ".") {
return host
return host + ".local."
func hostUnqualify(host string) string {
host = strings.TrimSuffix(host, ".local.")
return strings.TrimSuffix(host, ".")
func serviceFQDNFromInstanceFQDN(instance string) string {
pieces := strings.SplitAfterN(instance, ".", 2)
if len(pieces) != 2 {
return ""
return pieces[1]
func (s *MDNS) answerA(m *msgFromNet, q dns.Question, msg *dns.Msg) {
if q.Name == hostFQDN(s.hostName) {
m.mifc.appendHostAddresses(msg, s.hostName, dns.TypeA, s.ttl)
for _, req := range {
if q.Name == hostFQDN( {
m.mifc.appendHostAddresses(msg,, dns.TypeA, s.ttl)
func (s *MDNS) answerAAAA(m *msgFromNet, q dns.Question, msg *dns.Msg) {
if q.Name == hostFQDN(s.hostName) {
m.mifc.appendHostAddresses(msg, s.hostName, dns.TypeAAAA, s.ttl)
for _, req := range {
if q.Name == hostFQDN( {
m.mifc.appendHostAddresses(msg,, dns.TypeAAAA, s.ttl)
func (s *MDNS) answerPTR(m *msgFromNet, q dns.Question, msg *dns.Msg) {
for service, req := range {
if q.Name == serviceFQDN(service) {
m.mifc.appendDiscoveryRecords(msg, service,, req.port, req.txt, s.ttl)
func (s *MDNS) answerSRV(m *msgFromNet, q dns.Question, msg *dns.Msg) {
for service, req := range {
if q.Name == instanceFQDN(, service) {
m.mifc.appendSrvRR(msg, service,, req.port, s.ttl)
m.mifc.appendHostAddresses(msg,, dns.TypeALL, s.ttl)
func (s *MDNS) answerTXT(m *msgFromNet, q dns.Question, msg *dns.Msg) {
for service, req := range {
if q.Name == instanceFQDN(, service) {
m.mifc.appendTxtRR(msg, service,, req.txt, s.ttl)
// Answer a question received from the network if it is for our host address or a service we know about.
func (s *MDNS) answerQuestionFromNet(m *msgFromNet) {
msg := newDnsMsg(0, true, true)
for _, q := range m.msg.Question {
switch q.Qtype {
case dns.TypeA:
s.answerA(m, q, msg)
case dns.TypeAAAA:
s.answerAAAA(m, q, msg)
case dns.TypePTR:
s.answerPTR(m, q, msg)
case dns.TypeSRV:
s.answerSRV(m, q, msg)
case dns.TypeTXT:
s.answerTXT(m, q, msg)
case dns.TypeALL:
s.answerA(m, q, msg)
s.answerAAAA(m, q, msg)
s.answerPTR(m, q, msg)
s.answerSRV(m, q, msg)
s.answerTXT(m, q, msg)
if len(msg.Answer) > 0 {
// Main loop, acts on incoming messages and resolution requests and announcements. We do pretty much everything
// in this loop to sequentialize all structure access.
func (s *MDNS) mainLoop() {
for {
select {
case m := <-s.fromNet:
if m.msg.Response {
// Cache the information.
if s.debug {
log.Printf("%s: response %v\n", s.hostName, m.msg)
for _, rr := range m.msg.Answer {
if m.mifc.cache.Add(rr) {
} else {
// Answer the question (only if we have a host name)
if s.hostName == "" {
if s.debug {
log.Printf("%s: question %v\n", s.hostName, m.msg)
case req := <-s.announce:
// Adding a service[req.service] = req
log.Printf("adding service %s %s %d %v\n", req.service,, req.port, req.txt)
// Tell all the networks about the name
for _, mifc := range s.mifcs {
mifc.announceService(req.service,, req.port, req.txt, s.ttl)
case req := <-s.lookup:
// Reply with all matching requests from all interfaces and then close the channel.
for _, mifc := range s.mifcs {
mifc.cache.Lookup(, req.rrtype, req.rc)
case <-s.refreshAlarm:
// Reannounce all services. We need to do this before the TTLs run out. As a side
// effect this reannounces the host address RRs.
if len(s.hostName) == 0 {
if len( == 0 {
for _, mifc := range s.mifcs {
mifc.announceHost(s.hostName, s.ttl)
} else {
for service, req := range {
for _, mifc := range s.mifcs {
mifc.announceService(service,, req.port, req.txt, s.ttl)
case <-s.cleanupAlarm:
for _, mifc := range s.mifcs {
rrs := mifc.cache.CleanExpired()
for _, rr := range rrs {
// Stop all udpListeners.
func (s *MDNS) Stop() {
s.done = true
for _, mifc := range s.mifcs {
func (s *MDNS) run() bool {
defer s.doneLock.Unlock()
return !s.done
// Announce a service. If the host name is empty, we just use the host name from NewMDNS. If the host name ends in .local. we strip it off.
func (s *MDNS) AddService(service, host string, port uint16, txt ...string) error {
if len(service) == 0 {
return errors.New("service name cannot be null")
if len(host) == 0 {
host = s.hostName
} else {
host = hostUnqualify(host)
s.announce <- announceRequest{service, host, port, txt}
return nil
// Resolve a particular RR type.
func (s *MDNS) ResolveRR(dn string, rrtype uint16) []dns.RR {
dn = hostFQDN(dn)
rrs := make([]dns.RR, 0)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
// Try cache.
req := lookupRequest{dn, rrtype, make(chan dns.RR, 10)}
s.lookup <- req
for rr := <-req.rc; rr != nil; rr = <-req.rc {
rrs = append(rrs, rr)
if len(rrs) > 0 || i >= 3 {
// Ask the net to resolve it
q := make([]dns.Question, 1)
q[0] = dns.Question{dn, rrtype, dns.ClassINET}
for _, mifc := range s.mifcs {
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
return rrs
// Resolve an address from the cache.
func (s *MDNS) resolveAddressFromCache(dn string, rrmap map[string]net.IP, minttl uint32) uint32 {
req := lookupRequest{dn, dns.TypeALL, make(chan dns.RR, 10)}
s.lookup <- req
for rr := <-req.rc; rr != nil; rr = <-req.rc {
switch rr := rr.(type) {
case *dns.RR_A:
ip := AtoIP(rr)
rrmap[ip.String()] = ip
case *dns.RR_AAAA:
ip := AAAAtoIP(rr)
rrmap[ip.String()] = ip
return minttl
// ResolveToAddress return all IP addresses for a domain name (from all interfaces). These come from A and AAAA RR's for the name <host>.local.
// We use a map to dedup replies and then make a slice out of the map values. It also returns the lowest TTL of all the address records.
func (s *MDNS) ResolveAddress(dn string) ([]net.IP, uint32) {
dn = hostFQDN(dn)
rrmap := make(map[string]net.IP, 0)
minttl := uint32(7 * 24 * 60 * 60)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
minttl = s.resolveAddressFromCache(dn, rrmap, minttl)
if len(rrmap) != 0 || i >= 3 {
// if the cache has no answers, ask the nets and wait for replies to be collected
q := make([]dns.Question, 2)
q[0] = dns.Question{dn, dns.TypeA, dns.ClassINET}
q[1] = dns.Question{dn, dns.TypeAAAA, dns.ClassINET}
for _, mifc := range s.mifcs {
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
var ips []net.IP
for _, ip := range rrmap {
ips = append(ips, ip)
return ips, minttl
// SubscriberToService declare our interest in a service. This should elicit responses from everyone implementing that service. This is
// orthogonal to offering the service ourselves.
func (s *MDNS) SubscribeToService(service string) {
serviceDN := serviceFQDN(service)
q := []dns.Question{{serviceDN, dns.TypePTR, dns.ClassINET}}
s.subscribed[serviceDN] = true
defer s.mifcsLock.RUnlock()
for _, mifc := range s.mifcs {
type ServiceInstance struct {
Name string
SrvRRs []*dns.RR_SRV
TxtRRs []*dns.RR_TXT
// ResolveInstance returns the address records, the port, and the min ttl for a single service instance.
func (s *MDNS) ResolveInstance(instance, service string) ServiceInstance {
si := ServiceInstance{Name: instanceUnqualify(instance, service)}
dn := instanceFQDN(instance, service)
for _, rr := range s.ResolveRR(dn, dns.TypeSRV) {
switch rr := rr.(type) {
case *dns.RR_SRV:
si.SrvRRs = append(si.SrvRRs, rr)
for _, rr := range s.ResolveRR(dn, dns.TypeTXT) {
switch rr := rr.(type) {
case *dns.RR_TXT:
si.TxtRRs = append(si.TxtRRs, rr)
return si
// ServiceMemberDiscovery returns all the members of a service (i.e. with a PTR record).
func (s *MDNS) ServiceMemberDiscovery(service string) []string {
dn := serviceFQDN(service)
// Conmpute all unique members.
memberMap := make(map[string]struct{}, 0)
req := lookupRequest{dn, dns.TypePTR, make(chan dns.RR, 10)}
s.lookup <- req
for rr := <-req.rc; rr != nil; rr = <-req.rc {
switch rr := rr.(type) {
case *dns.RR_PTR:
memberMap[rr.Ptr] = struct{}{}
var reply []string
for member := range memberMap {
reply = append(reply, member)
return reply
// ServiceDiscovery returns all current instances of a service (i.e. with a SRV record).
// We assume the user has already subscribed to the service to get systems on
// the network to multicast their entries.
func (s *MDNS) ServiceDiscovery(service string) []ServiceInstance {
// Get the current set of members.
members := s.ServiceMemberDiscovery(service)
// Loop trying to fulfill the request.
resolved := make([]ServiceInstance, 0)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
if i != 0 {
// Don't sleep the first time around.
time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
var q []dns.Question
var unresolved []string
// First get what the is in the cache.
for _, member := range members {
var txtRRs []*dns.RR_TXT
srvmap := make(map[string]*dns.RR_SRV, 0)
req := lookupRequest{member, dns.TypeALL, make(chan dns.RR, 10)}
s.lookup <- req
for rr := <-req.rc; rr != nil; rr = <-req.rc {
switch rr := rr.(type) {
case *dns.RR_SRV:
// It is a mistake to have two srv rrs with the
// same target so we just remember the last seen.
srvmap[rr.Target] = rr
case *dns.RR_TXT:
// We may get the same text record from multiple networks so
// we need to suppress dups.
found := false
for i := range txtRRs {
if reflect.DeepEqual(rr.Txt, txtRRs[i].Txt) {
found = true
if !found {
txtRRs = append(txtRRs, rr)
// We need at least one of each flavor or we'll ask the net for more records.
if len(srvmap) == 0 || txtRRs == nil {
unresolved = append(unresolved, member)
if len(srvmap) == 0 {
q = append(q, dns.Question{member, dns.TypeSRV, dns.ClassINET})
if txtRRs == nil {
q = append(q, dns.Question{member, dns.TypeTXT, dns.ClassINET})
} else {
var srvRRs []*dns.RR_SRV
for _, rr := range srvmap {
srvRRs = append(srvRRs, rr)
resolved = append(resolved, ServiceInstance{Name: instanceUnqualify(member, service), SrvRRs: srvRRs, TxtRRs: txtRRs})
if q == nil {
// Nothing left to ask for.
// Ask the net for everything that's missing in a single request. We are assuming that it
// will fit in one request. If not, the message will not be sent and we'll have to wait for
// the systems to refresh.
// Note that we may ask but not wait around for the answer (should the loopterminate).
// That is purposeful, i.e., priming the pump should the caller retry.
members = unresolved
for _, mifc := range s.mifcs {
return resolved
// changedRR is called after we add a new record to the cache. Check to see if a watched service
// has changed and wake up the corresponding watcher routines.
func (s *MDNS) changedRR(rr dns.RR) {
dn := rr.Header().Name
switch rr.(type) {
case *dns.RR_PTR:
// Nothing to do here but we don't want to hit the default.
case *dns.RR_TXT:
dn = serviceFQDNFromInstanceFQDN(dn)
if len(dn) == 0 {
case *dns.RR_SRV:
dn = serviceFQDNFromInstanceFQDN(dn)
if len(dn) == 0 {
if s.debug {
log.Printf("%s: changed %v\n", s.hostName, rr)
if w, ok := s.watched[dn]; ok {
// deepEqual returns true of both ServiceInstance's are equivalent except for TTLs. If it
// wasn't for TTL we'ld be able to use reflect.DeepEqual.
// Normally they'll each only contain one each of a TXT and SRV RR so it normally goes pretty fast.
func deepEqual(a, b *ServiceInstance) bool {
if len(a.TxtRRs) != len(b.TxtRRs) {
return false
for _, arr := range a.TxtRRs {
found := false
for _, brr := range b.TxtRRs {
if reflect.DeepEqual(arr.Txt, brr.Txt) {
found = true
if found == false {
return false
if len(a.SrvRRs) != len(b.SrvRRs) {
return false
for _, arr := range a.SrvRRs {
found := false
for _, brr := range b.SrvRRs {
if arr.Target == brr.Target && arr.Port == brr.Port && arr.Priority == brr.Priority && arr.Weight == brr.Weight {
found = true
if found == false {
return false
return true
// serviceMemberWatcher gets signalled each time membership might have changed.
func (s *MDNS) serviceMemberWatcher(service string, w *watchedService, reply chan ServiceInstance) {
// A client signals its intent to stop by closing the channel.
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
log.Printf("serviceMemberWatcher recover: %s", r)
var old map[string]ServiceInstance
// Loop waiting for changes and tell any to client.
gen := 0
for {
// Get current membership.
current := make(map[string]ServiceInstance, 0)
for _, x := range s.ServiceDiscovery(service) {
current[x.Name] = x
for okey, oval := range old {
if cval, ok := current[okey]; !ok {
// Entry disappeared. A message with nil pointers is the signal.
oval.SrvRRs = nil
oval.TxtRRs = nil
reply <- oval
} else {
// See if anything changed other than TTLs.
if !deepEqual(&oval, &cval) {
reply <- cval
for ckey, cval := range current {
if _, ok := old[ckey]; !ok {
// A new instance.
reply <- cval
old = current
// Wait for the next change.
for gen == w.gen {
gen = w.gen
// ServiceMemberWatch returns a reply channel over which membership changes are announced.
// A zero TTL means that the instance is no longer a member.
func (s *MDNS) ServiceMemberWatch(service string) chan ServiceInstance {
serviceDN := serviceFQDN(service)
// Make sure we have a broadcast condition
c := make(chan ServiceInstance, 20)
if _, ok := s.watched[serviceDN]; !ok {
s.watched[serviceDN] = &watchedService{c: sync.NewCond(new(sync.Mutex))}
// Fire off a go routine to do the actual watching. This lives forever.
go s.serviceMemberWatcher(service, s.watched[serviceDN], c)
return c
// Hostname return our chosen host name.
func (s *MDNS) Hostname() string {
return s.hostName