blob: f8428960f9e036b5dc845f8cabfe72aa517e516c [file] [log] [blame]
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mdns
// A cache of DNS RRs (resource records).
import (
type rrCacheEntry struct {
expires time.Time
rr dns.RR
type rrCache struct {
// The first key is the domain name and the second is the RR type
cache map[string]map[uint16][]*rrCacheEntry
debug bool
// Create a new rr cache. Make sure at least the top level map exists.
func newRRCache() *rrCache {
rrcache := new(rrCache)
rrcache.cache = make(map[string]map[uint16][]*rrCacheEntry, 0)
return rrcache
// Add a resource record (RR) to the cache.
// In MDNS there are two types of RR sets, private ones that are only answered by a single machine and shared ones that
// are made up of responses from any machine. The most significant bit in the rrclass (can you say hack?) has been
// purloined as a cache flush bit. If this bit is set this RR replaces all cached ones of the same type.
// Returns true if this entry was not already in the cache.
func (c *rrCache) Add(rr dns.RR) bool {
// Create an entry for the domain name if none exists.
dnmap, ok := c.cache[rr.Header().Name]
if !ok {
c.cache[rr.Header().Name] = make(map[uint16][]*rrCacheEntry, 0)
dnmap = c.cache[rr.Header().Name]
// Remove all rr's matching this one's type if a cache flush is requested.
if rr.Header().Class&0x8000 == 0x8000 {
if c.debug {
log.Printf("cache flush for %v\n", rr)
dnmap[rr.Header().Rrtype] = make([]*rrCacheEntry, 0)
// Don't believe TTLs greater than 75 minutes. Entries should refresh much faster than this.
if rr.Header().Ttl > 4500 {
rr.Header().Ttl = 4500
// Add absolute expiration time to the entry.
entry := &rrCacheEntry{time.Now().Add(time.Duration(rr.Header().Ttl) * time.Second), rr}
// If the slice doesn't exist yet, create it.
rrslice, ok := dnmap[rr.Header().Rrtype]
if !ok {
dnmap[rr.Header().Rrtype] = make([]*rrCacheEntry, 0)
rrslice = dnmap[rr.Header().Rrtype]
// If an existing cache rr has the same data fields, replace it. Otherwise, just append. We just
// worry about a subset of rr types used by mdns.
firstnil := -1
for i := range rrslice {
if rrslice[i] == nil {
// When we take down entries with expired TTLs, we just nil out the pointer so we
// remember the first nil'd pointer for subsequent reuse.
if firstnil < 0 {
firstnil = i
same := false
switch x := rr.(type) {
case *dns.RR_A:
y := rrslice[i].rr.(*dns.RR_A)
if same = x.A == y.A; same {
case *dns.RR_AAAA:
y := rrslice[i].rr.(*dns.RR_AAAA)
same = true
for j := range x.AAAA {
if x.AAAA[j] != y.AAAA[j] {
same = false
if same {
case *dns.RR_TXT:
y := rrslice[i].rr.(*dns.RR_TXT)
if same = reflect.DeepEqual(x.Txt, y.Txt); same {
case *dns.RR_PTR:
y := rrslice[i].rr.(*dns.RR_PTR)
if same = x.Ptr == y.Ptr; same {
case *dns.RR_SRV:
y := rrslice[i].rr.(*dns.RR_SRV)
if same = x.Priority == y.Priority && x.Weight == y.Weight && x.Port == y.Port && x.Target == y.Target; same {
if same {
if c.debug {
log.Printf("replacing cached entry for %v with %v\n", rrslice[i].rr, rr)
rrslice[i] = entry
return false
// If we get to here, we have a new record.
if firstnil >= 0 {
// Fill in a hole.
rrslice[firstnil] = entry
if c.debug {
log.Printf("adding cached entry for %v (in a hole)\n", rr)
} else {
// Append to the end of the list.
dnmap[rr.Header().Rrtype] = append(rrslice, entry)
if c.debug {
log.Printf("adding cached entry for %v (append)\n", rr)
return true
// Send all RRs in entries to rc. Ignore expired entries.
func sendRRs(entries []*rrCacheEntry, rc chan dns.RR) {
now := time.Now()
for _, e := range entries {
if e == nil {
ttl := e.expires.Sub(now).Seconds()
if ttl <= 0 {
e.rr.Header().Ttl = uint32(ttl)
rc <- e.rr // Don't read this as err!
// Lookup and Write to rc any cached RRs for name of the given rrtype.
// Note: it is up to the immediate caller to close rc. This allows him to chain together
// multiple calls to Lookup, directly feeding all the answers to his caller.
func (c *rrCache) Lookup(name string, rrtype uint16, rc chan dns.RR) {
if dnmap, ok := c.cache[name]; ok {
// TypeAll matches all RR types.
if rrtype == dns.TypeALL {
for _, entries := range dnmap {
sendRRs(entries, rc)
// Otherwise, look for the specific type.
if entries, ok := dnmap[rrtype]; ok {
sendRRs(entries, rc)
// CleanExpired cleans out expired entries. We run this occasionally to kill off entries that haven't been seen in a while.
func (c *rrCache) CleanExpired() []dns.RR {
var expired []dns.RR
now := time.Now()
for _, dnmap := range c.cache {
for _, entries := range dnmap {
for i, e := range entries {
if e == nil {
if now.After(e.expires) {
// Nil out any expired entries, faster than rebuilding the slice.
expired = append(expired, e.rr)
entries[i] = nil
return expired