blob: acbb389a134911886f7ceae1c3e839ca67deeb04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package container contains a Google Container Engine client.
// For more information about the API,
// see
package container // import ""
import (
raw ""
type Type string
var (
TypeCreate Type = Type("createCluster")
TypeDelete Type = Type("deleteCluster")
type Status string
var (
Done = Status("done")
Pending = Status("pending")
Running = Status("running")
Error = Status("error")
Provisioning = Status("provisioning")
Stopping = Status("stopping")
// Resource is a Google Container Engine cluster resource.
type Resource struct {
// Name is the name of this cluster. The name must be unique
// within this project and zone, and can be up to 40 characters.
Name string
// Description is the description of the cluster. Optional.
Description string
// Zone is the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides.
Zone string
// Status is the current status of the cluster. It could either be
// StatusError, StatusProvisioning, StatusRunning or StatusStopping.
Status Status
// Num is the number of the nodes in this cluster resource.
Num int64
// APIVersion is the version of the Kubernetes master and kubelets running
// in this cluster. Allowed value is 0.4.2, or leave blank to
// pick up the latest stable release.
APIVersion string
// Endpoint is the IP address of this cluster's Kubernetes master.
// The endpoint can be accessed at https://username:password@endpoint/.
// See Username and Password fields for the username and password information.
Endpoint string
// Username is the username to use when accessing the Kubernetes master endpoint.
Username string
// Password is the password to use when accessing the Kubernetes master endpoint.
Password string
// ContainerIPv4CIDR is the IP addresses of the container pods in
// this cluster, in CIDR notation (e.g.
ContainerIPv4CIDR string
// ServicesIPv4CIDR is the IP addresses of the Kubernetes services in this
// cluster, in CIDR notation (e.g. Service addresses are
// always in the range.
ServicesIPv4CIDR string
// MachineType is a Google Compute Engine machine type (e.g. n1-standard-1).
// If none set, the default type is used while creating a new cluster.
MachineType string
// SourceImage is the fully-specified name of a Google Compute Engine image.
// For example:
SourceImage string
// Created is the creation time of this cluster.
Created time.Time
func resourceFromRaw(c *raw.Cluster) *Resource {
if c == nil {
return nil
r := &Resource{
Name: c.Name,
Description: c.Description,
Zone: c.Zone,
Status: Status(c.Status),
Num: c.NumNodes,
APIVersion: c.ClusterApiVersion,
Endpoint: c.Endpoint,
Username: c.MasterAuth.User,
Password: c.MasterAuth.Password,
ContainerIPv4CIDR: c.ContainerIpv4Cidr,
ServicesIPv4CIDR: c.ServicesIpv4Cidr,
MachineType: c.NodeConfig.MachineType,
SourceImage: c.NodeConfig.SourceImage,
r.Created, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, c.CreationTimestamp)
return r
func resourcesFromRaw(c []*raw.Cluster) []*Resource {
r := make([]*Resource, len(c))
for i, val := range c {
r[i] = resourceFromRaw(val)
return r
// Op represents a Google Container Engine API operation.
type Op struct {
// Name is the name of the operation.
Name string
// Zone is the Google Compute Engine zone.
Zone string
// TargetURL is the URL of the cluster resource
// that this operation is associated with.
TargetURL string
// Type is the operation type. It could be either be TypeCreate or TypeDelete.
Type Type
// Status is the current status of this operation. It could be either
// OpDone or OpPending.
Status Status
func opFromRaw(o *raw.Operation) *Op {
if o == nil {
return nil
return &Op{
Name: o.Name,
Zone: o.Zone,
TargetURL: o.Target,
Type: Type(o.OperationType),
Status: Status(o.Status),
func opsFromRaw(o []*raw.Operation) []*Op {
ops := make([]*Op, len(o))
for i, val := range o {
ops[i] = opFromRaw(val)
return ops
// Clusters returns a list of cluster resources from the specified zone.
// If no zone is specified, it returns all clusters under the user project.
func Clusters(ctx context.Context, zone string) ([]*Resource, error) {
s := rawService(ctx)
if zone == "" {
resp, err := s.Projects.Clusters.List(internal.ProjID(ctx)).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resourcesFromRaw(resp.Clusters), nil
resp, err := s.Projects.Zones.Clusters.List(internal.ProjID(ctx), zone).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resourcesFromRaw(resp.Clusters), nil
// Cluster returns metadata about the specified cluster.
func Cluster(ctx context.Context, zone, name string) (*Resource, error) {
s := rawService(ctx)
resp, err := s.Projects.Zones.Clusters.Get(internal.ProjID(ctx), zone, name).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resourceFromRaw(resp), nil
// CreateCluster creates a new cluster with the provided metadata
// in the specified zone.
func CreateCluster(ctx context.Context, zone string, resource *Resource) (*Resource, error) {
panic("not implemented")
// DeleteCluster deletes a cluster.
func DeleteCluster(ctx context.Context, zone, name string) error {
s := rawService(ctx)
_, err := s.Projects.Zones.Clusters.Delete(internal.ProjID(ctx), zone, name).Do()
return err
// Operations returns a list of operations from the specified zone.
// If no zone is specified, it looks up for all of the operations
// that are running under the user's project.
func Operations(ctx context.Context, zone string) ([]*Op, error) {
s := rawService(ctx)
if zone == "" {
resp, err := s.Projects.Operations.List(internal.ProjID(ctx)).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return opsFromRaw(resp.Operations), nil
resp, err := s.Projects.Zones.Operations.List(internal.ProjID(ctx), zone).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return opsFromRaw(resp.Operations), nil
// Operation returns an operation.
func Operation(ctx context.Context, zone, name string) (*Op, error) {
s := rawService(ctx)
resp, err := s.Projects.Zones.Operations.Get(internal.ProjID(ctx), zone, name).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resp.ErrorMessage != "" {
return nil, errors.New(resp.ErrorMessage)
return opFromRaw(resp), nil
func rawService(ctx context.Context) *raw.Service {
return internal.Service(ctx, "container", func(hc *http.Client) interface{} {
svc, _ := raw.New(hc)
return svc