blob: 441a0b7e89b76724db3ace1f6539ba7ad46f6968 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package datastore
import (
pb ""
type operator int
const (
lessThan operator = iota
keyFieldName = "__key__"
var operatorToProto = map[operator]*pb.PropertyFilter_Operator{
lessThan: pb.PropertyFilter_LESS_THAN.Enum(),
lessEq: pb.PropertyFilter_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL.Enum(),
equal: pb.PropertyFilter_EQUAL.Enum(),
greaterEq: pb.PropertyFilter_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL.Enum(),
greaterThan: pb.PropertyFilter_GREATER_THAN.Enum(),
// filter is a conditional filter on query results.
type filter struct {
FieldName string
Op operator
Value interface{}
type sortDirection int
const (
ascending sortDirection = iota
var sortDirectionToProto = map[sortDirection]*pb.PropertyOrder_Direction{
ascending: pb.PropertyOrder_ASCENDING.Enum(),
descending: pb.PropertyOrder_DESCENDING.Enum(),
// order is a sort order on query results.
type order struct {
FieldName string
Direction sortDirection
// NewQuery creates a new Query for a specific entity kind.
// An empty kind means to return all entities, including entities created and
// managed by other App Engine features, and is called a kindless query.
// Kindless queries cannot include filters or sort orders on property values.
func NewQuery(kind string) *Query {
return &Query{
kind: kind,
limit: -1,
// Query represents a datastore query.
type Query struct {
kind string
ancestor *Key
filter []filter
order []order
projection []string
distinct bool
keysOnly bool
eventual bool
limit int32
offset int32
start []byte
end []byte
trans *Transaction
err error
func (q *Query) clone() *Query {
x := *q
// Copy the contents of the slice-typed fields to a new backing store.
if len(q.filter) > 0 {
x.filter = make([]filter, len(q.filter))
copy(x.filter, q.filter)
if len(q.order) > 0 {
x.order = make([]order, len(q.order))
copy(x.order, q.order)
return &x
// Ancestor returns a derivative query with an ancestor filter.
// The ancestor should not be nil.
func (q *Query) Ancestor(ancestor *Key) *Query {
q = q.clone()
if ancestor == nil {
q.err = errors.New("datastore: nil query ancestor")
return q
q.ancestor = ancestor
return q
// EventualConsistency returns a derivative query that returns eventually
// consistent results.
// It only has an effect on ancestor queries.
func (q *Query) EventualConsistency() *Query {
q = q.clone()
q.eventual = true
return q
// Transaction returns a derivative query that is associated with the given
// transaction.
// All reads performed as part of the transaction will come from a single
// consistent snapshot. Furthermore, if the transaction is set to a
// serializable isolation level, another transaction cannot concurrently modify
// the data that is read or modified by this transaction.
func (q *Query) Transaction(t *Transaction) *Query {
q = q.clone()
q.trans = t
return q
// Filter returns a derivative query with a field-based filter.
// The filterStr argument must be a field name followed by optional space,
// followed by an operator, one of ">", "<", ">=", "<=", or "=".
// Fields are compared against the provided value using the operator.
// Multiple filters are AND'ed together.
// Field names which contain spaces, quote marks, or operator characters
// should be passed as quoted Go string literals as returned by strconv.Quote
// or the fmt package's %q verb.
func (q *Query) Filter(filterStr string, value interface{}) *Query {
q = q.clone()
filterStr = strings.TrimSpace(filterStr)
if filterStr == "" {
q.err = fmt.Errorf("datastore: invalid filter %q", filterStr)
return q
f := filter{
FieldName: strings.TrimRight(filterStr, " ><=!"),
Value: value,
switch op := strings.TrimSpace(filterStr[len(f.FieldName):]); op {
case "<=":
f.Op = lessEq
case ">=":
f.Op = greaterEq
case "<":
f.Op = lessThan
case ">":
f.Op = greaterThan
case "=":
f.Op = equal
q.err = fmt.Errorf("datastore: invalid operator %q in filter %q", op, filterStr)
return q
var err error
f.FieldName, err = unquote(f.FieldName)
if err != nil {
q.err = fmt.Errorf("datastore: invalid syntax for quoted field name %q", f.FieldName)
return q
q.filter = append(q.filter, f)
return q
// Order returns a derivative query with a field-based sort order. Orders are
// applied in the order they are added. The default order is ascending; to sort
// in descending order prefix the fieldName with a minus sign (-).
// Field names which contain spaces, quote marks, or the minus sign
// should be passed as quoted Go string literals as returned by strconv.Quote
// or the fmt package's %q verb.
func (q *Query) Order(fieldName string) *Query {
q = q.clone()
fieldName, dir := strings.TrimSpace(fieldName), ascending
if strings.HasPrefix(fieldName, "-") {
fieldName, dir = strings.TrimSpace(fieldName[1:]), descending
} else if strings.HasPrefix(fieldName, "+") {
q.err = fmt.Errorf("datastore: invalid order: %q", fieldName)
return q
fieldName, err := unquote(fieldName)
if err != nil {
q.err = fmt.Errorf("datastore: invalid syntax for quoted field name %q", fieldName)
return q
if fieldName == "" {
q.err = errors.New("datastore: empty order")
return q
q.order = append(q.order, order{
Direction: dir,
FieldName: fieldName,
return q
// unquote optionally interprets s as a double-quoted or backquoted Go
// string literal if it begins with the relevant character.
func unquote(s string) (string, error) {
if s == "" || (s[0] != '`' && s[0] != '"') {
return s, nil
return strconv.Unquote(s)
// Project returns a derivative query that yields only the given fields. It
// cannot be used with KeysOnly.
func (q *Query) Project(fieldNames ...string) *Query {
q = q.clone()
q.projection = append([]string(nil), fieldNames...)
return q
// Distinct returns a derivative query that yields de-duplicated entities with
// respect to the set of projected fields. It is only used for projection
// queries.
func (q *Query) Distinct() *Query {
q = q.clone()
q.distinct = true
return q
// KeysOnly returns a derivative query that yields only keys, not keys and
// entities. It cannot be used with projection queries.
func (q *Query) KeysOnly() *Query {
q = q.clone()
q.keysOnly = true
return q
// Limit returns a derivative query that has a limit on the number of results
// returned. A negative value means unlimited.
func (q *Query) Limit(limit int) *Query {
q = q.clone()
if limit < math.MinInt32 || limit > math.MaxInt32 {
q.err = errors.New("datastore: query limit overflow")
return q
q.limit = int32(limit)
return q
// Offset returns a derivative query that has an offset of how many keys to
// skip over before returning results. A negative value is invalid.
func (q *Query) Offset(offset int) *Query {
q = q.clone()
if offset < 0 {
q.err = errors.New("datastore: negative query offset")
return q
if offset > math.MaxInt32 {
q.err = errors.New("datastore: query offset overflow")
return q
q.offset = int32(offset)
return q
// Start returns a derivative query with the given start point.
func (q *Query) Start(c Cursor) *Query {
q = q.clone()
if == nil {
q.err = errors.New("datastore: invalid cursor")
return q
q.start =
return q
// End returns a derivative query with the given end point.
func (q *Query) End(c Cursor) *Query {
q = q.clone()
if == nil {
q.err = errors.New("datastore: invalid cursor")
return q
q.end =
return q
// toProto converts the query to a protocol buffer.
func (q *Query) toProto(req *pb.RunQueryRequest) error {
dst := pb.Query{}
if len(q.projection) != 0 && q.keysOnly {
return errors.New("datastore: query cannot both project and be keys-only")
if q.kind != "" {
dst.Kind = []*pb.KindExpression{&pb.KindExpression{Name: proto.String(q.kind)}}
if q.projection != nil {
for _, propertyName := range q.projection {
dst.Projection = append(dst.Projection, &pb.PropertyExpression{Property: &pb.PropertyReference{Name: proto.String(propertyName)}})
if q.distinct {
for _, propertyName := range q.projection {
dst.GroupBy = append(dst.GroupBy, &pb.PropertyReference{Name: proto.String(propertyName)})
if q.keysOnly {
dst.Projection = []*pb.PropertyExpression{&pb.PropertyExpression{Property: &pb.PropertyReference{Name: proto.String(keyFieldName)}}}
var filters []*pb.Filter
for _, qf := range q.filter {
if qf.FieldName == "" {
return errors.New("datastore: empty query filter field name")
v, errStr := interfaceToProto(reflect.ValueOf(qf.Value).Interface())
if errStr != "" {
return errors.New("datastore: bad query filter value type: " + errStr)
xf := &pb.PropertyFilter{
Operator: operatorToProto[qf.Op],
Property: &pb.PropertyReference{Name: proto.String(qf.FieldName)},
Value: v,
if xf.Operator == nil {
return errors.New("datastore: unknown query filter operator")
filters = append(filters, &pb.Filter{PropertyFilter: xf})
if q.ancestor != nil {
filters = append(filters, &pb.Filter{
PropertyFilter: &pb.PropertyFilter{
Property: &pb.PropertyReference{Name: proto.String("__key__")},
Operator: pb.PropertyFilter_HAS_ANCESTOR.Enum(),
Value: &pb.Value{KeyValue: keyToProto(q.ancestor)},
if len(filters) == 1 {
dst.Filter = filters[0]
} else if len(filters) > 1 {
dst.Filter = &pb.Filter{CompositeFilter: &pb.CompositeFilter{
Operator: pb.CompositeFilter_AND.Enum(),
Filter: filters,
for _, qo := range q.order {
if qo.FieldName == "" {
return errors.New("datastore: empty query order field name")
xo := &pb.PropertyOrder{
Property: &pb.PropertyReference{Name: proto.String(qo.FieldName)},
Direction: sortDirectionToProto[qo.Direction],
if xo.Direction == nil {
return errors.New("datastore: unknown query order direction")
dst.Order = append(dst.Order, xo)
if q.limit >= 0 {
dst.Limit = proto.Int32(q.limit)
if q.offset != 0 {
dst.Offset = proto.Int32(q.offset)
dst.StartCursor = q.start
dst.EndCursor = q.end
if t := q.trans; t != nil {
if == nil {
return errExpiredTransaction
req.ReadOptions = &pb.ReadOptions{Transaction:}
req.Query = &dst
return nil
// Count returns the number of results for the query.
func (q *Query) Count(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
// Check that the query is well-formed.
if q.err != nil {
return 0, q.err
// Run a copy of the query, with keysOnly true (if we're not a projection,
// since the two are incompatible).
newQ := q.clone()
newQ.keysOnly = len(newQ.projection) == 0
req := &pb.RunQueryRequest{}
if err := newQ.toProto(req); err != nil {
return 0, err
res := &pb.RunQueryResponse{}
if err := call(ctx, "runQuery", req, res); err != nil {
return 0, err
var n int
b := res.Batch
for {
n += len(b.GetEntityResult())
if b.GetMoreResults() != pb.QueryResultBatch_NOT_FINISHED {
var err error
// TODO(jbd): Support count queries that have a limit and an offset.
if err = callNext(ctx, req, res, 0, 0); err != nil {
return 0, err
return int(n), nil
func callNext(ctx context.Context, req *pb.RunQueryRequest, res *pb.RunQueryResponse, offset, limit int32) error {
if res.GetBatch().EndCursor == nil {
return errors.New("datastore: internal error: server did not return a cursor")
req.Query.StartCursor = res.GetBatch().GetEndCursor()
if limit >= 0 {
req.Query.Limit = proto.Int32(limit)
if offset != 0 {
req.Query.Offset = proto.Int32(offset)
return call(ctx, "runQuery", req, res)
// GetAll runs the query in the given context and returns all keys that match
// that query, as well as appending the values to dst.
// dst must have type *[]S or *[]*S or *[]P, for some struct type S or some non-
// interface, non-pointer type P such that P or *P implements PropertyLoadSaver.
// As a special case, *PropertyList is an invalid type for dst, even though a
// PropertyList is a slice of structs. It is treated as invalid to avoid being
// mistakenly passed when *[]PropertyList was intended.
// The keys returned by GetAll will be in a 1-1 correspondence with the entities
// added to dst.
// If q is a ``keys-only'' query, GetAll ignores dst and only returns the keys.
func (q *Query) GetAll(ctx context.Context, dst interface{}) ([]*Key, error) {
var (
dv reflect.Value
mat multiArgType
elemType reflect.Type
errFieldMismatch error
if !q.keysOnly {
dv = reflect.ValueOf(dst)
if dv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || dv.IsNil() {
return nil, ErrInvalidEntityType
dv = dv.Elem()
mat, elemType = checkMultiArg(dv)
if mat == multiArgTypeInvalid || mat == multiArgTypeInterface {
return nil, ErrInvalidEntityType
var keys []*Key
for t := q.Run(ctx); ; {
k, e, err :=
if err == Done {
if err != nil {
return keys, err
if !q.keysOnly {
ev := reflect.New(elemType)
if elemType.Kind() == reflect.Map {
// This is a special case. The zero values of a map type are
// not immediately useful; they have to be make'd.
// Funcs and channels are similar, in that a zero value is not useful,
// but even a freshly make'd channel isn't useful: there's no fixed
// channel buffer size that is always going to be large enough, and
// there's no goroutine to drain the other end. Theoretically, these
// types could be supported, for example by sniffing for a constructor
// method or requiring prior registration, but for now it's not a
// frequent enough concern to be worth it. Programmers can work around
// it by explicitly using Iterator.Next instead of the Query.GetAll
// convenience method.
x := reflect.MakeMap(elemType)
if err = loadEntity(ev.Interface(), e); err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(*ErrFieldMismatch); ok {
// We continue loading entities even in the face of field mismatch errors.
// If we encounter any other error, that other error is returned. Otherwise,
// an ErrFieldMismatch is returned.
errFieldMismatch = err
} else {
return keys, err
if mat != multiArgTypeStructPtr {
ev = ev.Elem()
dv.Set(reflect.Append(dv, ev))
keys = append(keys, k)
return keys, errFieldMismatch
// Run runs the query in the given context.
func (q *Query) Run(ctx context.Context) *Iterator {
if q.err != nil {
return &Iterator{err: q.err}
t := &Iterator{
ctx: ctx,
limit: q.limit,
q: q,
prevCC: q.start,
if err := q.toProto(&t.req); err != nil {
t.err = err
return t
if err := call(ctx, "runQuery", &t.req, &t.res); err != nil {
t.err = err
return t
b := t.res.GetBatch()
offset := q.offset - b.GetSkippedResults()
for offset > 0 && b.GetMoreResults() == pb.QueryResultBatch_NOT_FINISHED {
t.prevCC = b.GetEndCursor()
var err error
if err = callNext(t.ctx, &t.req, &t.res, offset, t.limit); err != nil {
t.err = err
skip := b.GetSkippedResults()
if skip < 0 {
t.err = errors.New("datastore: internal error: negative number of skipped_results")
offset -= skip
if offset < 0 {
t.err = errors.New("datastore: internal error: query offset was overshot")
return t
// Iterator is the result of running a query.
type Iterator struct {
ctx context.Context
err error
// req is the request we sent previously, we need to keep track of it to resend it
req pb.RunQueryRequest
// res is the result of the most recent RunQuery or Next API call.
res pb.RunQueryResponse
// i is how many elements of res.Result we have iterated over.
i int
// limit is the limit on the number of results this iterator should return.
// A negative value means unlimited.
limit int32
// q is the original query which yielded this iterator.
q *Query
// prevCC is the compiled cursor that marks the end of the previous batch
// of results.
prevCC []byte
// Done is returned when a query iteration has completed.
var Done = errors.New("datastore: query has no more results")
// Next returns the key of the next result. When there are no more results,
// Done is returned as the error.
// If the query is not keys only and dst is non-nil, it also loads the entity
// stored for that key into the struct pointer or PropertyLoadSaver dst, with
// the same semantics and possible errors as for the Get function.
func (t *Iterator) Next(dst interface{}) (*Key, error) {
k, e, err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if dst != nil && !t.q.keysOnly {
err = loadEntity(dst, e)
return k, err
func (t *Iterator) next() (*Key, *pb.Entity, error) {
if t.err != nil {
return nil, nil, t.err
// Issue datastore_v3/Next RPCs as necessary.
b := t.res.GetBatch()
for t.i == len(b.EntityResult) {
if b.GetMoreResults() != pb.QueryResultBatch_NOT_FINISHED {
t.err = Done
return nil, nil, t.err
t.prevCC = b.GetEndCursor()
if err := callNext(t.ctx, &t.req, &t.res, 0, t.limit); err != nil {
t.err = err
return nil, nil, t.err
if b.GetSkippedResults() != 0 {
t.err = errors.New("datastore: internal error: iterator has skipped results")
return nil, nil, t.err
t.i = 0
if t.limit >= 0 {
t.limit -= int32(len(b.EntityResult))
if t.limit < 0 {
t.err = errors.New("datastore: internal error: query returned more results than the limit")
return nil, nil, t.err
// Extract the key from the t.i'th element of t.res.Result.
e := b.EntityResult[t.i]
if e.Entity.Key == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("datastore: internal error: server did not return a key")
k := protoToKey(e.Entity.Key)
if k.Incomplete() {
return nil, nil, errors.New("datastore: internal error: server returned an invalid key")
return k, e.Entity, nil
// Cursor returns a cursor for the iterator's current location.
func (t *Iterator) Cursor() (Cursor, error) {
if t.err != nil && t.err != Done {
return Cursor{}, t.err
// If we are at either end of the current batch of results,
// return the compiled cursor at that end.
b := t.res.Batch
skipped := b.GetSkippedResults()
if t.i == 0 && skipped == 0 {
if t.prevCC == nil {
// A nil pointer (of type *pb.CompiledCursor) means no constraint:
// passing it as the end cursor of a new query means unlimited results
// (glossing over the integer limit parameter for now).
// A non-nil pointer to an empty pb.CompiledCursor means the start:
// passing it as the end cursor of a new query means 0 results.
// If prevCC was nil, then the original query had no start cursor, but
// Iterator.Cursor should return "the start" instead of unlimited.
return Cursor{}, nil
return Cursor{t.prevCC}, nil
if t.i == len(b.EntityResult) {
return Cursor{b.EndCursor}, nil
// Otherwise, re-run the query offset to this iterator's position, starting from
// the most recent compiled cursor. This is done on a best-effort basis, as it
// is racy; if a concurrent process has added or removed entities, then the
// cursor returned may be inconsistent.
q := t.q.clone()
q.start = t.prevCC
q.offset = skipped + int32(t.i)
q.limit = 0
q.keysOnly = len(q.projection) == 0
t1 := q.Run(t.ctx)
_, _, err :=
if err != Done {
if err == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("datastore: internal error: zero-limit query did not have zero results")
return Cursor{}, err
return Cursor{t1.res.Batch.EndCursor}, nil
// Cursor is an iterator's position. It can be converted to and from an opaque
// string. A cursor can be used from different HTTP requests, but only with a
// query with the same kind, ancestor, filter and order constraints.
type Cursor struct {
cc []byte
// String returns a base-64 string representation of a cursor.
func (c Cursor) String() string {
if == nil {
return ""
return strings.TrimRight(base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(, "=")
// Decode decodes a cursor from its base-64 string representation.
func DecodeCursor(s string) (Cursor, error) {
if s == "" {
return Cursor{}, nil
if n := len(s) % 4; n != 0 {
s += strings.Repeat("=", 4-n)
b, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(s)
if err != nil {
return Cursor{}, err
return Cursor{b}, nil