blob: f5880ae83bb3ce8469b50be95b95e6f442273f67 [file] [log] [blame]
Coding style
Tabs and Indents
* Tab size : 4
* Indent : 4
* Continuation indent : 8
* Label indent : 0
> Don't use tab characters.
Before Parentheses
* if parentheses
* for parentheses
* while parentheses
* switch parentheses
* try parentheses
* catch parentheses
* synchronized parentheses
Around Operators
* Assignment operators (=, +=, …)
* Logical operators (&&, ||)
* Equality operators (==, !=)
* Relational operators (<, >, <=, >=)
* Bitwise operators (&, |, ^)
* Additive operators (+, -)
* Multiplicative operators (*, /, %)
* Shift operators (<<, >>, >>>)
Before Left Brace
* Class left brace
* Method left brace
* if left brace
* else left brace
* for left brace
* while left brace
* do left brace
* switch left brace
* try left brace
* catch left brace
* finally left brace
* synchronized left brace
Before Keywords
* else keyword
* while keyword
* catch keyword
* finally keyword
In Ternary Operator (?:)
* Before ?
* After ?
* Before :
* After :
Within Type Arguments
* After comma
* After comma
* After semicolon
* After type cast
Wrapping and Braces
Braces placement
* In class declaration : End of line
* In method declaration : End of line
* Other : End of line
Use Of Braces
* if() statement : When multiline
* for() statement : When multiline
* while() statement : When multiline
* do .. while() statement : When multiline
* Class annotations : Wrap always
* Method annotations : Wrap always
* Field annotations : Wrap always
* Paramater annotations : Do not wrap
* Local variable annotations : Do not wrap
Blank Lines
Minimum Blank Lines
* Before package statement : 0
* After package statement : 1
* Before imports : 1
* After imports : 1
* Around class : 1
* After class header : 0
* After anonymous class header : 0
* Around field in interface : 0
* Around field : 0
* Around method in interface : 1
* Around method : 1
* Before method body : 0
* Align thrown exception descriptions
Blank Lines
* After description
* Enable leading asterisks
* Use @throws rather than @exception
* Keep empty lines
import static (all other imports)
<blank line>
import java.*
import javax.*
import com.*
<blank line>
import (all other imports)