website: fix some formatting issues in the Syncbase overview

In the Synchronization > Which data? > NoSQL the prefixes were
accidently using double quotes instead of back ticks. This prevented
them to show up in the HTML output.

Change-Id: Iead9e84477d0fad5bca1ab574cf45a56c9023d51
diff --git a/content/concepts/ b/content/concepts/
index b25ee80..6764718 100644
--- a/content/concepts/
+++ b/content/concepts/
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@
     <list2 uuid>/entries/<uuid> -> Entry
     <list2 uuid>/entries/<uuid> -> Entry
-The app could then create two syncgroups: one with the prefix "<list1 uuid>" and
-another with the prefix "<list2 uuid>". Another user's "<list3 uuid>" syncgroup
+The app could then create two syncgroups: one with the prefix `<list1 uuid>` and
+another with the prefix `<list2 uuid>`. Another user's `<list3 uuid>` syncgroup
 could be added directly to this database. It is important that the developer use
 UUIDs to avoid conflicts. However, the system does not enforce that the
 developer use UUIDs because there are times when the developer might actually