Remove go version check, since it messes up with devel and rc versions,
and most users have version > 1.5 now anyways.

Change-Id: I61b9af1c929a0b0e051bec9ec94314c4c5b3c71f
diff --git a/public/ b/public/
index 8eef3a6..cffeac4 100755
--- a/public/
+++ b/public/
@@ -65,17 +65,6 @@
       exit 1
-  # Check that Go compiler version 1.5 or newer exists on the host.
-  local -r GO_VERSION=$(go version 2> /dev/null)
-  local -r RESULT="$?"
-  local -a TOKENS=(${GO_VERSION})
-  TOKENS=($(echo "${TOKENS[2]}" | tr '.' ' '))
-  if [[ "${RESULT}" -ne 0 ]] || [[ "${TOKENS[0]}" -eq "go1" && "${TOKENS[1]}" -lt 5 ]]; then
-    echo "Go compiler version 1.5 or newer is required for installation."
-    echo "Install it and re-run."
-    exit 1
-  fi
   # Check that GOPATH does not contain packages.
   local -r VANADIUM_PACKAGES=$(go list 2> /dev/null)
   if [[ -n "${VANADIUM_PACKAGES}" ]]; then