blob: 96d42033de239a33bb987675cd03a06f0fae5433 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The following enables go generate to generate the doc.go file.
//go:generate go run $JIRI_ROOT/release/go/src/ -env=CMDLINE_PREFIX=jiri . -help
package main
import (
var cmd = &cmdline.Command{
Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runGo),
Name: "dockergo",
Short: "Execute the go command in a docker container",
Long: `
Executes a Go command in a docker container. This is primarily aimed at the
builds of Linux binaries and libraries where there is a dependence on cgo. This
allows for compilation (and cross-compilation) without polluting the host
filesystem with compilers, C-headers, libraries etc. as dependencies are
encapsulated in the docker image.
The docker image is expected to have the appropriate C-compiler
and any pre-built headers/libraries to be linked in. It is also
expected to have the appropriate environment variables (such as CGO_ENABLED,
CGO_CFLAGS etc) set.
Sample usage on *all* platforms (Linux/OS X):
Build the "./foo" package for the host architecture and linux (command works
from OS X as well):
jiri-dockergo build
Build for linux/arm from any host (including OS X):
GOARCH=arm jiri-dockergo build
For more information on docker see
For more information on the design of this particular tool including the
definitions of default images, see:
While the targets are built using the toolchain in the docker image, a local Go
installation is still required for Vanadium-specific compilation prep work -
such as invoking the VDL compiler on packages to generate up-to-date .go files.
ArgsName: "<arg ...>",
ArgsLong: "<arg ...> is a list of arguments for the go tool.",
var (
imageFlag string
extraLDFlags string
readerFlags profilescmdline.ReaderFlagValues
const dockerBin = "docker"
func init() {
profilescmdline.RegisterReaderFlags(&cmd.Flags, &readerFlags, jiri.ProfilesDBDir)
flag.StringVar(&imageFlag, "image", "", "Name of the docker image to use. If empty, the tool will automatically select an image based on the environment variables, possibly edited by the profile")
flag.StringVar(&extraLDFlags, "extra-ldflags", "", golib.ExtraLDFlagsFlagDescription)
func runGo(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) error {
if len(args) == 0 {
return jirix.UsageErrorf("not enough arguments")
rd, err := profilesreader.NewReader(jirix, readerFlags.ProfilesMode, readerFlags.DBFilename)
if err != nil {
return err
profileNames := profilesreader.InitProfilesFromFlag(readerFlags.Profiles, profilesreader.DoNotAppendJiriProfile)
if err := rd.ValidateRequestedProfilesAndTarget(profileNames, readerFlags.Target); err != nil {
return err
rd.MergeEnvFromProfiles(readerFlags.MergePolicies, readerFlags.Target, "jiri")
if jirix.Verbose() {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "Merged profiles: %v\n", readerFlags.Profiles)
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "Merge policies: %v\n", readerFlags.MergePolicies)
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "%v\n", strings.Join(rd.ToSlice(), "\n"))
envMap := rd.ToMap()
// docker can only be used to build linux binaries
if os, exists := envMap["GOOS"]; exists && os != "linux" {
return fmt.Errorf("Only GOOS=linux is supported, not %q", os)
envMap["GOOS"] = "linux"
// default to the local architecture
if _, exists := envMap["GOARCH"]; !exists {
envMap["GOARCH"] = runtime.GOARCH
if _, err := lookpath.Look(envMap, dockerBin); err != nil {
return err
img, err := image(envMap)
if err != nil {
return err
var installSuffix string
if readerFlags.Target.OS() == "fnl" {
installSuffix = "musl"
if args, err = golib.PrepareGo(jirix, envMap, args, extraLDFlags, installSuffix); err != nil {
return err
if jirix.Verbose() {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "Using docker image: %q\n", img)
// Run the go tool.
return runDockerGo(jirix, img, envMap, args)
// image returns the name of the docker image to use, or the empty string if
// a containerized build environment should not be used.
func image(env map[string]string) (string, error) {
if image := imageFlag; len(image) > 0 {
return image, nil
switch goarch := env["GOARCH"]; goarch {
case "arm", "armhf":
return "asimshankar/testing:armhf", nil
case "amd64":
return "asimshankar/testing:amd64", nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("unable to auto select docker image to use for GOARCH=%q", goarch)
// runDockerGo runs the "go" command on this node via docker, using the
// provided docker image.
// Note that many Go-compiler related environment variables (CGO_ENABLED,
// CGO_CXXFLAGS etc.) will be ignored, as those are expected to be set in the
// docker container.
// TODO(ashasnkar): CGO_CFLAGS, CGO_LDFLAGS and CGO_CXXFLAGS should be checked
// and possibly used?
// In order to make users of "jiri-dockergo" feel like they are using a local
// build environment (i.e., making the use of docker transparent) a few things
// need to be done:
// (a) All directores in GOPATH on the host need to be mounted in the container.
// These are mounted under /jiri/gopath<index>
// $JIRI_ROOT is mounted specially under /jiri/root
// (b) The current working directory needs to be mounted in the container
// (so that relative paths work).
// Mounted under /jiri/workdir
// (c) On a Linux host (where docker runs natively, not inside a virtual machine),
// the -u flag needs to be provided to "docker run" to ensure that files written out
// to the host match the UID and GID of the filesystem as it would if the build was
// run on the host.
// All this is best effort - there are still command invocations that will not
// work via docker.
// For example: jiri-go build -o /tmp/foo .
// will succeed but the output will not appear in /tmp/foo on the host (it will
// be written to /tmp/foo on the container and then vanish when the container
// dies).
// TODO(ashankar): This and other similar cases can be dealt with by inspecting "args"
// and handling such cases, but that is left as a future excercise.
func runDockerGo(jirix *jiri.X, image string, env map[string]string, args []string) error {
var (
volumeroot = "/jiri" // All volumes are mounted inside here
jiriroot = fmt.Sprintf("%v/root", volumeroot)
gopath []string
ctr int
workdir string
hostWorkdir = env["PWD"]
dockerargs = []string{"run", "-v", fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", jirix.Root, jiriroot)}
if strings.HasPrefix(hostWorkdir, jirix.Root) {
workdir = strings.Replace(hostWorkdir, jirix.Root, jiriroot, 1)
for _, p := range strings.Split(env["GOPATH"], ":") {
if strings.HasPrefix(p, jirix.Root) {
gopath = append(gopath, strings.Replace(p, jirix.Root, jiriroot, 1))
// A non $JIRI_ROOT entry in the GOPATH, include that in the volumes.
cdir := fmt.Sprintf("%v/gopath%d", volumeroot, ctr)
dockerargs = append(dockerargs, "-v", fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", p, cdir))
gopath = append(gopath, cdir)
if strings.HasPrefix(hostWorkdir, p) {
workdir = strings.Replace(hostWorkdir, p, cdir, 1)
if len(workdir) == 0 {
// Working directory on host is outside the directores in GOPATH.
workdir = fmt.Sprintf("%v/workdir", volumeroot)
dockerargs = append(dockerargs, "-v", fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", hostWorkdir, workdir))
// Figure out the uid/gid to run the container with so that files
// written out to the host filesystem have the right owner/group.
if gid, ok := fileGid(jirix.Root); ok {
dockerargs = append(dockerargs, "-u", fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", os.Getuid(), gid))
dockerargs = append(dockerargs,
"-e", fmt.Sprintf("GOPATH=%v", strings.Join(gopath, ":")),
"-w", workdir,
dockerargs = append(dockerargs, args...)
err := jirix.NewSeq().Last(dockerBin, dockerargs...)
return runutil.TranslateExitCode(err)
func main() {