blob: f662481104266f40bf008b1868191f998d4f1f67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
const (
defaultLogFilePath = "${HOME}/tmp/presubmit_log"
var (
queryStringFlag string
logFilePathFlag string
emailWhitelist = []string{
func init() {
cmdQuery.Flags.StringVar(&queryStringFlag, "query", defaultQueryString, "The string used to query Gerrit for open CLs.")
cmdQuery.Flags.StringVar(&logFilePathFlag, "log-file", os.ExpandEnv(defaultLogFilePath), "The file that stores the refs from the previous Gerrit query.")
cmdQuery.Flags.Lookup("log-file").DefValue = defaultLogFilePath
type clList []gerrit.Change
// clRefMap indexes cls by their ref strings.
type clRefMap map[string]gerrit.Change
// clNumberToPatchsetMap is a map from CL numbers to the latest patchset of the CL.
type clNumberToPatchsetMap map[int]int
// multiPartCLSet represents a set of CLs that spans multiple projects.
type multiPartCLSet struct {
parts map[int]gerrit.Change // Indexed by cl's part index.
expectedTotal int
expectedTopic string
// NewMultiPartCLSet creates a new instance of multiPartCLSet.
func NewMultiPartCLSet() *multiPartCLSet {
return &multiPartCLSet{
parts: map[int]gerrit.Change{},
expectedTotal: -1,
expectedTopic: "",
// addCL adds a CL to the set after it passes a series of checks.
func (s *multiPartCLSet) addCL(cl gerrit.Change) error {
if cl.MultiPart == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no multi part info found: %#v", cl)
multiPartInfo := cl.MultiPart
if s.expectedTotal < 0 {
s.expectedTotal = multiPartInfo.Total
if s.expectedTopic == "" {
s.expectedTopic = multiPartInfo.Topic
if s.expectedTotal != multiPartInfo.Total {
return fmt.Errorf("inconsistent total number of cls in this set: want %d, got %d", s.expectedTotal, multiPartInfo.Total)
if s.expectedTopic != multiPartInfo.Topic {
return fmt.Errorf("inconsistent cl topics in this set: want %s, got %s", s.expectedTopic, multiPartInfo.Topic)
if existingCL, ok :=[multiPartInfo.Index]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicated cl part %d found:\ncl to add: %v\nexisting cl:%v", multiPartInfo.Index, cl, existingCL)
}[multiPartInfo.Index] = cl
return nil
// complete returns whether the current set has all the cl parts it needs.
func (s *multiPartCLSet) complete() bool {
return len( == s.expectedTotal
// cls returns a list of CLs in this set sorted by their part number.
func (s *multiPartCLSet) cls() clList {
ret := clList{}
sortedKeys := []int{}
for part := range {
sortedKeys = append(sortedKeys, part)
for _, part := range sortedKeys {
ret = append(ret,[part])
return ret
// cmdQuery represents the 'query' command of the presubmit tool.
var cmdQuery = &cmdline.Command{
Name: "query",
Short: "Query open CLs from Gerrit",
Long: `
This subcommand queries open CLs from Gerrit, calculates diffs from the previous
query results, and sends each one with related metadata (ref, project, changeId)
to a Jenkins job which will run tests against the corresponding CL and post
review with test results.
Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runQuery),
// runQuery implements the "query" subcommand.
func runQuery(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) error {
numSentCLs := 0
defer func() {
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "%d sent.\n", numSentCLs)
// Load Jenkins matrix jobs config.
config, err := util.LoadConfig(jirix)
if err != nil {
return err
matrixJobsConf := config.JenkinsMatrixJobs()
// Don't query anything if the last "presubmit-test" build failed.
lastBuildInfo, err := lastCompletedBuildStatus(jirix, presubmitTestJobFlag, axisValuesInfo{}, matrixJobsConf)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
} else {
if lastBuildInfo.Result == "FAILURE" {
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "%s is failing. Skipping this round.\n", presubmitTestJobFlag)
return nil
// Read previous CLs from the log file.
prevCLsMap, err := readLog()
if err != nil {
return err
// Query Gerrit.
gUrl, err := gerritBaseUrl()
if err != nil {
return err
curCLs, err := jirix.Gerrit(gUrl).Query(queryStringFlag)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Query(%q) failed: %v", queryStringFlag, err)
// Write current CLs to the log file.
err = writeLog(jirix, curCLs)
if err != nil {
return err
// Don't send anything if jenkins host is not specified.
if jenkinsHostFlag == "" {
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "Not sending CLs to run presubmit tests due to empty Jenkins host.\n")
return nil
// Don't send anything if prevCLsMap is empty.
if len(prevCLsMap) == 0 {
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "Not sending CLs to run presubmit tests due to empty log file.\n")
return nil
// Get new clLists.
newCLLists := newOpenCLs(jirix, prevCLsMap, curCLs)
// Send the new open CLs one by one to the given Jenkins
// project to run presubmit-test builds.
projects, _, err := project.LoadManifest(jirix)
if err != nil {
return err
sender := clsSender{
clLists: newCLLists,
projects: projects,
clsSent: 0,
removeOutdatedFn: removeOutdatedBuilds,
addPresubmitFn: addPresubmitTestBuild,
postMessageFn: postMessage,
if err := sender.sendCLListsToPresubmitTest(jirix); err != nil {
return err
numSentCLs += sender.clsSent
// Get all submittable CLs and submit them.
submittableCLs := getSubmittableCLs(jirix, curCLs)
if len(submittableCLs) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "Submitting CLs...\n")
for _, curCLList := range submittableCLs {
if err := submitCLs(jirix, curCLList); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// readLog returns CLs indexed by thier refs stored in the log file.
func readLog() (clRefMap, error) {
results := clRefMap{}
path := logFilePathFlag
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
if runutil.IsNotExist(err) {
return results, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ReadFile(%q) failed: %v", path, err)
if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &results); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal failed: %v\n%v", err, string(bytes))
return results, nil
// writeLog writes the refs of the given CLs to the log file.
func writeLog(jirix *jiri.X, cls clList) (e error) {
// Index CLs with their refs.
results := clRefMap{}
for _, cl := range cls {
results[cl.Reference()] = cl
path := logFilePathFlag
fd, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, 0666)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("OpenFile(%q) failed: %v", path, err)
defer collect.Error(func() error { return fd.Close() }, &e)
bytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(results, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("MarshalIndent(%v) failed: %v", results, err)
if err := jirix.NewSeq().WriteFile(path, bytes, os.FileMode(0644)).Done(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("WriteFile(%q) failed: %v", path, err)
return nil
// newOpenCLs returns a slice of clLists that are "newer" relative to the
// previous query. A clList is newer if one of the following condition holds:
// - If a clList has only one cl, then it is newer if:
// * Its ref string cannot be found among the CLs from the previous query.
// For example: from the previous query, we got cl 1000/1 (cl number 1000 and
// patchset 1). Then clLists [1000/2] and [2000/1] are both newer.
// - If a clList has multiple CLs, then it is newer if:
// * It forms a "consistent" (its CLs have the same topic) and "complete"
// (it contains all the parts) multi-part CL set.
// * At least one of their ref strings cannot be found in the CLs from the
// previous query.
// For example: from the previous query, we got cl 3001/1 which is the first
// part of a multi part cl set with topic "T1". Suppose the current query
// returns cl 3002/1 which is the second part of the same set. In this case,
// a clList [3001/1 3002/1] will be returned. Then suppose in the next query,
// we got cl 3002/2 which is newer then 3002/1. In this case, a clList
// [3001/1 3002/2] will be returned.
func newOpenCLs(jirix *jiri.X, prevCLsMap clRefMap, curCLs clList) []clList {
newCLs := []clList{}
topicsInNewCLs := map[string]struct{}{}
multiPartCLs := clList{}
for _, curCL := range curCLs {
// Ref could be empty in cases where a patchset is causing conflicts.
if curCL.Reference() == "" {
if _, ok := prevCLsMap[curCL.Reference()]; !ok {
// This individual cl is newer.
if curCL.MultiPart == nil {
// This cl is not a multi part cl.
// Add it to the return slice.
newCLs = append(newCLs, clList{curCL})
} else {
// This cl is a multi part cl.
// Record its topic.
topicsInNewCLs[curCL.MultiPart.Topic] = struct{}{}
// Record all multi part CLs.
if curCL.MultiPart != nil {
multiPartCLs = append(multiPartCLs, curCL)
// Find complete multi part cl sets.
setMap := map[string]*multiPartCLSet{}
for _, curCL := range multiPartCLs {
multiPartInfo := curCL.MultiPart
// Skip topics that contain no new CLs.
topic := multiPartInfo.Topic
if _, ok := topicsInNewCLs[topic]; !ok {
if _, ok := setMap[topic]; !ok {
setMap[topic] = NewMultiPartCLSet()
curSet := setMap[topic]
if err := curSet.addCL(curCL); err != nil {
curCLRef := curCL.Reference()
message := fmt.Sprintf("failed to process multi-part CL %s:\n%v\n", curCLRef, err.Error())
if err := postMessage(jirix, message, []string{curCLRef}, false); err != nil {
printf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
printf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
for _, set := range setMap {
if set.complete() {
newCLs = append(newCLs, set.cls())
return newCLs
type clsSender struct {
clLists []clList
projects project.Projects
clsSent int
removeOutdatedFn func(*jiri.X, clNumberToPatchsetMap) []error
addPresubmitFn func(*jiri.X, clList, []string) error
postMessageFn func(*jiri.X, string, []string, bool) error
// sendCLListsToPresubmitTest sends the given clLists to presubmit-test Jenkins
// job one by one to run presubmit-test builds. It returns how many CLs have
// been sent successfully.
func (s *clsSender) sendCLListsToPresubmitTest(jirix *jiri.X) error {
for _, curCLList := range s.clLists {
clListInfo := s.processCLList(jirix, curCLList)
curCLList = clListInfo.filteredCLList
if len(curCLList) == 0 {
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "SKIP: Empty CL set\n")
// Don't send curCLList to presubmit-test if at least one of them
// have PresubmitTest set to none.
if clListInfo.skipPresubmitTest {
// Set verified+1 label.
if err := s.postMessageFn(jirix, "Presubmit tests skipped.\n", clListInfo.refs, true); err != nil {
return err
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "SKIP: Add %s (presubmit=none)\n", clListInfo.clString)
// Skip if there is no tests to run.
tests, err := s.getTestsToRun(jirix, clListInfo.projects)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(tests) == 0 {
// Set verified+1 label when there is no tests to run.
if err := s.postMessageFn(jirix, "No tests found.\n", clListInfo.refs, true); err != nil {
return err
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "SKIP: Add %s (no tests found)\n", clListInfo.clString)
// Don't send curCLList to presubmit-test if at least one of them
// has an non-google owner. Instead, post a link that one of our
// team members has to click to trigger the presubmit-test manually.
if clListInfo.hasNonGoogleOwner {
if err := s.handleNonGoogleOwner(jirix, clListInfo.refs, clListInfo.projects, tests); err != nil {
return err
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "SKIP: Add %s (non-google owner)\n", clListInfo.clString)
// Check and cancel matched outdated builds.
for _, err := range s.removeOutdatedFn(jirix, clListInfo.clMap) {
if err != nil {
printf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
// Send curCLList to presubmit-test.
strCLs := fmt.Sprintf("Add %s", clListInfo.clString)
if err := s.addPresubmitFn(jirix, curCLList, tests); err != nil {
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "FAIL: %s\n", strCLs)
printf(jirix.Stderr(), "addPresubmitTestBuild failed: %v\n", err)
} else {
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "PASS: %s\n", strCLs)
s.clsSent += len(curCLList)
return nil
type clListInfo struct {
clMap clNumberToPatchsetMap
clString string
skipPresubmitTest bool
hasNonGoogleOwner bool
projects []string
refs []string
filteredCLList clList
func (s *clsSender) processCLList(jirix *jiri.X, curCLList clList) *clListInfo {
curCLMap := clNumberToPatchsetMap{}
clStrings := []string{}
skipPresubmitTest := false
hasNonGoogleOwner := false
projects := []string{}
refs := []string{}
filteredCLList := clList{}
for _, curCL := range curCLList {
// Ignore all CLs that are not in projects identified by the manifestFlag.
// TODO(jingjin): find a better way so we can remove this check.
if s.projects != nil && !isKnownProject(jirix, curCL, s.projects) {
filteredCLList = append(filteredCLList, curCL)
cl, patchset, err := parseRefString(curCL.Reference())
if err != nil {
printf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
return nil
curCLMap[cl] = patchset
clStrings = append(clStrings, fmt.Sprintf("http://go/vcl/%d/%d", cl, patchset))
if curCL.PresubmitTest == gerrit.PresubmitTestTypeNone {
skipPresubmitTest = true
hasNonGoogleOwner = !checkEmailAddress(curCL.OwnerEmail())
projects = append(projects, curCL.Project)
refs = append(refs, curCL.Reference())
return &clListInfo{
clMap: curCLMap,
clString: strings.Join(clStrings, ", "),
skipPresubmitTest: skipPresubmitTest,
hasNonGoogleOwner: hasNonGoogleOwner,
projects: projects,
refs: refs,
filteredCLList: filteredCLList,
func (s *clsSender) getTestsToRun(jirix *jiri.X, projects []string) ([]string, error) {
config, err := util.LoadConfig(jirix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tmpTests := config.ProjectTests(projects)
tests := []string{}
// Append the part suffix to tests that have multiple parts specified in the config file.
for _, test := range tmpTests {
if parts := config.TestParts(test); parts != nil {
for i := 0; i <= len(parts); i++ {
tests = append(tests, testNameWithPartSuffix(test, i))
} else {
tests = append(tests, test)
return tests, nil
func (s *clsSender) handleNonGoogleOwner(jirix *jiri.X, refs, projects, tests []string) error {
link := genStartPresubmitBuildLink(strings.Join(refs, ":"), strings.Join(projects, ":"), strings.Join(tests, " "))
message := fmt.Sprintf("A Vanadium team member will manually trigger presubmit tests for this change:\n%s\n", link)
if err := s.postMessageFn(jirix, message, refs, false); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// isKnownProject checks whether the given cl's project is in the
// given set of projects.
func isKnownProject(jirix *jiri.X, cl gerrit.Change, projects project.Projects) bool {
foundProjects := projects.Find(cl.Project)
if len(foundProjects) == 0 {
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "project=%q (%s) not found. Skipped.\n", cl.Project, cl.Reference())
return false
return true
// removeOutdatedBuilds removes all the outdated presubmit-test builds
// that have the given cl number and equal or smaller patchset
// number. Outdated builds include queued builds and ongoing build.
// Since this is not a critical operation, we simply print out the
// errors if we see any.
func removeOutdatedBuilds(jirix *jiri.X, cls clNumberToPatchsetMap) (errs []error) {
collect.Errors(func() error { return removeQueuedOutdatedBuilds(jirix, cls) }, &errs)
collect.Errors(func() error { return removeOngoingOutdatedBuilds(jirix, cls) }, &errs)
func removeQueuedOutdatedBuilds(jirix *jiri.X, cls clNumberToPatchsetMap) error {
jenkins, err := jirix.Jenkins(jenkinsHostFlag)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get queued outdated builds.
queuedBuilds, err := jenkins.QueuedBuilds(presubmitTestJobFlag)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, build := range queuedBuilds {
refs := build.ParseRefs()
if refs == "" {
return err
buildOutdated, err := isBuildOutdated(refs, cls)
if err != nil {
return err
if buildOutdated {
if err := jenkins.CancelQueuedBuild(fmt.Sprintf("%d", build.Id)); err != nil {
return err
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "Cancelled build %s as it is no longer current.\n", refs)
return nil
func removeOngoingOutdatedBuilds(jirix *jiri.X, cls clNumberToPatchsetMap) error {
jenkins, err := jirix.Jenkins(jenkinsHostFlag)
if err != nil {
return err
buildInfos, err := jenkins.OngoingBuilds(presubmitTestJobFlag)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, buildInfo := range buildInfos {
if !buildInfo.Building {
refs := buildInfo.ParseRefs()
if refs != "" {
buildOutdated, err := isBuildOutdated(refs, cls)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
// Cancel outdated running build.
if buildOutdated {
if err := jenkins.CancelOngoingBuild(presubmitTestJobFlag, buildInfo.Number); err != nil {
return err
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "Cancelled build %s as it is no longer current.\n", refs)
return nil
// isBuildOutdated checks whether a build (identified by the given refs string)
// is older than the cls in newCLs.
// Note that curRefs may contain multiple ref strings separated by ":".
func isBuildOutdated(curRefs string, newCLs clNumberToPatchsetMap) (bool, error) {
// Parse the refs string into a clNumberToPatchsetMap object.
curCLs := clNumberToPatchsetMap{}
refs := strings.Split(curRefs, ":")
for _, ref := range refs {
cl, patchset, err := parseRefString(ref)
if err != nil {
return false, err
curCLs[cl] = patchset
// Check curCLs and newCLs have the same set of cl numbers.
newCLNumbers := sortedKeys(newCLs)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(sortedKeys(curCLs), newCLNumbers) {
// curCLs are outdated when curCLs and newCLs have overlapping refs.
// For example: curCLs = {1000/1}, and newCLs = {1000/2, 2000/1}.
// In this case, 1000/1 becomes part of the MultiPart CLs, which makes
// 1000/1 outdated.
for curCLNumber, curPatchset := range curCLs {
if newPatchset, ok := newCLs[curCLNumber]; ok && newPatchset >= curPatchset {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// Check patchsets.
outdated := true
for _, clNumber := range newCLNumbers {
curPatchset := curCLs[clNumber]
newPatchset := newCLs[clNumber]
if newPatchset < curPatchset {
outdated = false
return outdated, nil
func sortedKeys(cls clNumberToPatchsetMap) []int {
keys := []int{}
for k := range cls {
keys = append(keys, k)
return keys
// parseRefString parses the cl and patchset number from the given ref string.
func parseRefString(ref string) (int, int, error) {
parts := strings.Split(ref, "/")
if expected, got := 5, len(parts); expected != got {
return -1, -1, fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of %q parts: expected %v, got %v", ref, expected, got)
cl, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[3])
if err != nil {
return -1, -1, fmt.Errorf("Atoi(%q) failed: %v", parts[3], err)
patchset, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[4])
if err != nil {
return -1, -1, fmt.Errorf("Atoi(%q) failed: %v", parts[4], err)
return cl, patchset, nil
// addPresubmitTestBuild uses Jenkins' remote access API to add a build for
// a set of open CLs to run presubmit tests.
func addPresubmitTestBuild(jirix *jiri.X, cls clList, tests []string) error {
jenkins, err := jirix.Jenkins(jenkinsHostFlag)
if err != nil {
return err
refs, projects := []string{}, []string{}
for _, cl := range cls {
refs = append(refs, cl.Reference())
projects = append(projects, cl.Project)
if err := jenkins.AddBuildWithParameter(presubmitTestJobFlag, url.Values{
"REFS": {strings.Join(refs, ":")},
"PROJECTS": {strings.Join(projects, ":")},
// Separating by spaces is required by the Dynamic Axis plugin used in the
// new presubmit test target.
"TESTS": {strings.Join(tests, " ")},
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// checkEmailAddress checks whether the given email address is from Google or
// is whitelisted.
func checkEmailAddress(email string) bool {
fromGoogle := strings.HasSuffix(email, "")
whiteListed := false
for _, we := range emailWhitelist {
if we == strings.ToLower(email) {
whiteListed = true
return fromGoogle || whiteListed