blob: f62277cd5e2cb2db1eeada12d2b35f2ef9f9e32e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The following enables go generate to generate the doc.go file.
//go:generate go run $JIRI_ROOT/release/go/src/ -env=CMDLINE_PREFIX=jiri . -help
package main
import (
var (
buildCgo bool
buildFramework bool
sh *gosh.Shell
flagBuildMode string
flagBuildDirCgo string
flagOutDirSwift string
flagProject string
flagReleaseMode bool
flagTargetArch string
targetArchs []string
selectedProject *project
projectSyncbaseCore = &project{
name: "SyncbaseCore",
commonHeaderPath: "release/go/src/",
description: "Core bindings from Swift to Syncbase; incompatible with VanadiumCore",
directoryName: "SyncbaseCore",
exportedHeadersPackageRoot: "",
frameworkName: "SyncbaseCore.framework",
frameworkBinaryName: "SyncbaseCore",
libraryBinaryName: "sbcore",
mainPackage: "",
jiriProfiles: []string{"v23:syncbase"},
testCheckExportedSymbols: []string{"v23_syncbase_Init", "v23_syncbase_DbLeaveSyncgroup", "v23_syncbase_RowDelete"},
testCheckSharedTypes: []string{"v23_syncbase_String", "v23_syncbase_Bytes", "v23_syncbase_Strings", "v23_syncbase_VError"},
projectVanadiumCore = &project{
name: "VanadiumCore",
commonHeaderPath: "release/go/src/",
description: "Core bindings from Swift to Vanadium; incompatible with SyncbaseCore",
directoryName: "VanadiumCore",
exportedHeadersPackageRoot: "",
frameworkName: "VanadiumCore.framework",
frameworkBinaryName: "VanadiumCore",
libraryBinaryName: "v23",
mainPackage: "",
testCheckExportedSymbols: []string{"swift_io_v_v23_V_nativeInitGlobal", "swift_io_v_v23_context_VContext_nativeWithCancel"},
testCheckSharedTypes: []string{"SwiftByteArray", "SwiftByteArrayArray", "GoContextHandle"},
projects = []*project{projectVanadiumCore, projectSyncbaseCore}
type project struct {
name string
commonHeaderPath string
description string
directoryName string
exportedHeadersPackageRoot string
frameworkName string
frameworkBinaryName string
jiriProfiles []string
libraryBinaryName string
mainPackage string
testCheckExportedSymbols []string
testCheckSharedTypes []string
const (
// darwin/386 is not a supported configuration for Go 1.5.1
// TODO(zinman): Support mac target instead of pure iOS
// targetArch386 = "386"
targetArchAmd64 = "amd64"
targetArchArm = "arm"
targetArchArm64 = "arm64"
targetArchAll = "all"
buildModeArchive = "c-archive"
buildModeShared = "c-shared"
stageBuildCgo = "cgo"
stageBuildFramework = "framework"
descBuildMode = "The build mode for cgo, either c-archive or c-shared. Defaults to c-archive."
descBuildDirCgo = "The directory for all generated artifacts during the cgo building phase. Defaults to a temp dir."
descOutDirSwift = "The directory for the generated Swift framework."
descProject = "Selects which project to build (VanadiumCore, SyncbaseCore). Must be set."
descReleaseMode = "If set xcode is built in release mode. Defaults to false, which is debug mode."
descTargetArch = "The architecture you wish to build for (arm, arm64, amd64), or 'all'. Defaults to amd64."
func init() {
cmdBuild.Flags.StringVar(&flagBuildMode, "build-mode", buildModeArchive, descBuildMode)
cmdBuild.Flags.StringVar(&flagBuildDirCgo, "build-dir-cgo", "", descBuildDirCgo)
cmdBuild.Flags.StringVar(&flagOutDirSwift, "out-dir-swift", "", descOutDirSwift)
cmdBuild.Flags.StringVar(&flagProject, "project", "", descProject)
cmdBuild.Flags.BoolVar(&flagReleaseMode, "release-mode", false, descReleaseMode)
cmdBuild.Flags.StringVar(&flagTargetArch, "target", targetArchAmd64, descTargetArch)
func main() {
sh = newShell()
defer sh.Cleanup()
// cmdRun represents the "jiri run" command.
var cmdRoot = &cmdline.Command{
Name: "swift",
Short: "Compile Swift frameworks and apps",
Long: "Manages the build pipeline for the Swift framework/app, from CGO bindings to fattening the binaries.",
Children: []*cmdline.Command{cmdBuild, cmdClean},
var cmdBuild = &cmdline.Command{
Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runBuild),
Name: "build",
Short: "Builds and installs the cgo wrapper, as well as the Swift framework/app",
Long: `The complete build pipeline from creating the CGO library, manipulating the headers for Swift,
and building the Swift framework/app using Xcode for the selected project.`,
ArgsName: "[stage ...] (cgo, framework)",
ArgsLong: `
[stage ...] are the pipelines stage to run and any arguments to pass to that stage. If left empty defaults
to building all stages. Project must be set.
Available stages:
cgo: Builds and installs the cgo library
framework: Builds a Swift framework using Xcode
var cmdClean = &cmdline.Command{
Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runClean),
Name: "clean",
Short: "Removes generated cgo binaries and headers",
Long: "Removes generated cgo binaries and headers that fall under $JIRI_ROOT/release/swift/$PROJECT/Generated",
func parseProjectFlag() error {
for _, p := range projects {
if strings.ToLower(flagProject) == strings.ToLower( {
selectedProject = p
return nil
names := []string{}
for _, p := range projects {
names = append(names,
return fmt.Errorf("You must set a project -- one of the following (case-insensitive): %v", names)
func parseBuildFlags() error {
// Validate build modes
switch flagBuildMode {
case buildModeArchive, buildModeShared:
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid build mode (%v)", flagBuildMode)
// Validate build mode + architecture
switch flagTargetArch {
case targetArchAmd64:
case targetArchArm:
return fmt.Errorf(
"32-bit ARM is currently unsupported as Go is unable to generate PIC code (as of 1.5); See")
case targetArchAll, targetArchArm64:
if flagBuildMode != buildModeArchive {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid build mode %v for ARM architecture (only archive is supported by Go 1.5)", flagBuildMode)
return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported target architecture (%v). Must pass %v, %v or %v",
// Parse architectures
targetArchs = []string{flagTargetArch}
if flagTargetArch == targetArchAll {
targetArchs = []string{targetArchArm64, targetArchAmd64}
return nil
func parseBuildArgs(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) error {
// Defaults to all
if len(args) == 0 {
verbose(jirix, "No stages specified: building cgo and the swift framework\n")
buildCgo = true
buildFramework = true
// Turn on a stage for each argument
for _, arg := range args {
switch arg {
case stageBuildCgo:
buildCgo = true
case stageBuildFramework:
buildFramework = true
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid build stage: %v", arg)
// Follow up on dependencies
if buildFramework {
if !buildCgo {
verbose(jirix, "Turning on building cgo as it's a dependency of the framework\n")
buildCgo = true // Dependency of framework... for now always build.
if flagOutDirSwift == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("-out-dir-swift must be defined if building the framework")
if flagTargetArch != targetArchAll {
return fmt.Errorf("Framework builds are always universal -- target must be all")
return nil
func runClean(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) error {
if err := parseProjectFlag(); err != nil {
return err
swiftTargetDir := getSwiftTargetDir(jirix)
if pathExists(swiftTargetDir) {
verbose(jirix, "Removing generated swift library path %v\n", swiftTargetDir)
sh.Cmd("rm", "-r", swiftTargetDir).Run()
return nil
func runBuild(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) error {
if runtime.GOOS != "darwin" {
return fmt.Errorf("Only darwin is currently supported")
if err := parseProjectFlag(); err != nil {
return err
if err := parseBuildFlags(); err != nil {
return err
if err := parseBuildArgs(jirix, args); err != nil {
return err
if buildCgo {
if err := runBuildCgo(jirix); err != nil {
return err
if buildFramework {
return runBuildFramework(jirix)
return nil