blob: c41ff2e5aa8c0124722c1c75e9627aaa6fe9f3a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package test
import (
type taskStatus int
const (
buildPassed taskStatus = iota
const (
escNewline = "
escTab = "	"
const timeoutDelay = 2 * time.Minute
type buildResult struct {
pkg string
status taskStatus
output string
time time.Duration
type goBuildOpt interface {
type goCoverageOpt interface {
type goTestOpt interface {
type funcMatcherOpt struct{ funcMatcher }
type argsOpt []string
type exclusionsOpt []exclusion
type jiriGoOpt []string
type nonTestArgsOpt []string
type numWorkersOpt int
type suppressTestOutputOpt bool
type pkgsOpt []string
type suffixOpt string
type timeoutOpt string
func (argsOpt) goBuildOpt() {}
func (argsOpt) goCoverageOpt() {}
func (argsOpt) goTestOpt() {}
func (exclusionsOpt) goTestOpt() {}
func (funcMatcherOpt) goTestOpt() {}
func (jiriGoOpt) Opt() {}
func (jiriGoOpt) goBuildOpt() {}
func (jiriGoOpt) goCoverageOpt() {}
func (jiriGoOpt) goTestOpt() {}
func (nonTestArgsOpt) goTestOpt() {}
func (numWorkersOpt) goTestOpt() {}
func (pkgsOpt) goBuildOpt() {}
func (pkgsOpt) goCoverageOpt() {}
func (pkgsOpt) goTestOpt() {}
func (suffixOpt) goTestOpt() {}
func (timeoutOpt) goCoverageOpt() {}
func (timeoutOpt) goTestOpt() {}
func (MergePoliciesOpt) goBuildOpt() {}
func (MergePoliciesOpt) goCoverageOpt() {}
func (MergePoliciesOpt) goTestOpt() {}
func (suppressTestOutputOpt) goTestOpt() {}
func goListOpts(opts []Opt) []string {
var ret []string
for _, opt := range opts {
switch typedOpt := opt.(type) {
case MergePoliciesOpt:
ret = append(ret, "-merge-policies="+profilesreader.MergePolicies(typedOpt).String())
case jiriGoOpt:
ret = append(ret, typedOpt...)
return ret
func optsFromGoCoverage(opts []goCoverageOpt) []Opt {
var r []Opt
for _, o := range opts {
if v, ok := o.(Opt); ok {
r = append(r, v)
return r
func optsFromGoTest(opts []goTestOpt) []Opt {
var r []Opt
for _, o := range opts {
if v, ok := o.(Opt); ok {
r = append(r, v)
return r
// goBuild is a helper function for running Go builds.
func goBuild(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...goBuildOpt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
var buildArgs, pkgs, goFlags []string
for _, opt := range opts {
switch typedOpt := opt.(type) {
case argsOpt:
buildArgs = []string(typedOpt)
case pkgsOpt:
pkgs = []string(typedOpt)
case jiriGoOpt:
goFlags = []string(typedOpt)
// For better performance, we don't call goutil.List to get all packages and
// distribute those packages to build workers. Instead, we use "go build"
// to build "top level" packages stored in "pkgs" which is much faster.
allPassed, suites := true, []xunit.TestSuite{}
s := jirix.NewSeq()
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
// Build package.
// The "leveldb" tag is needed to compile the levelDB-based
// storage engine for the groups service. See for more
// details.
args := []string{"go"}
args = append(args, goFlags...)
args = append(args, "build", "-v", "-tags=leveldb")
args = append(args, buildArgs...)
args = append(args, pkg)
var out bytes.Buffer
stdout := io.MultiWriter(&out, jirix.Stdout())
stderr := io.MultiWriter(&out, jirix.Stdout())
if err := s.Capture(stdout, stderr).Last("jiri", args...); err == nil {
// Parse build output to get failed packages and generate xunit test cases
// for them.
allPassed = false
s := xunit.TestSuite{Name: pkg}
curPkg := ""
curOutputLines := []string{}
seenPkgs := map[string]struct{}{}
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(out.Bytes()))
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "# ") {
if curPkg != "" {
processBuildOutput(curPkg, curOutputLines, &s, seenPkgs)
curPkg = line[2:]
curOutputLines = nil
} else {
curOutputLines = append(curOutputLines, line)
processBuildOutput(curPkg, curOutputLines, &s, seenPkgs)
suites = append(suites, s)
// Create the xUnit report when some builds failed.
if !allPassed {
if err := xunit.CreateReport(jirix, testName, suites); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, nil
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
func processBuildOutput(pkg string, outputLines []string, suite *xunit.TestSuite, seenPkgs map[string]struct{}) {
if len(outputLines) == 1 && strings.HasPrefix(outputLines[0], "link: warning") {
if _, ok := seenPkgs[pkg]; ok {
seenPkgs[pkg] = struct{}{}
c := xunit.TestCase{
Classname: pkg,
Name: "Build",
c.Failures = append(c.Failures, xunit.Failure{
Message: "build failure",
Data: strings.Join(outputLines, "\n"),
suite.Cases = append(suite.Cases, c)
type coverageResult struct {
pkg string
coverage *os.File
output string
status taskStatus
time time.Duration
const defaultTestCoverageTimeout = "5m"
// goCoverage is a helper function for running Go coverage tests.
func goCoverage(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...goCoverageOpt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
timeout := defaultTestCoverageTimeout
var args, pkgs, goFlags []string
for _, opt := range opts {
switch typedOpt := opt.(type) {
case timeoutOpt:
timeout = string(typedOpt)
case argsOpt:
args = []string(typedOpt)
case pkgsOpt:
pkgs = []string(typedOpt)
case jiriGoOpt:
goFlags = []string(typedOpt)
s := jirix.NewSeq()
// Install required tools.
goInstall := []string{"go"}
goInstall = append(goInstall, goFlags...)
goInstall = append(goInstall, "install", "", "", "")
if err := s.Last("jiri", goInstall...); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "install coverage tools")
// Build dependencies of test packages.
if err := buildTestDeps(jirix, pkgs, goFlags); err != nil {
if err := xunit.CreateFailureReport(jirix, testName, "BuildTestDependencies", "TestCoverage", "dependencies build failure", err.Error()); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, nil
// Enumerate the packages for which coverage is to be computed.
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "listing test packages and functions ... ")
pkgList, err := goutil.List(jirix, goListOpts(optsFromGoCoverage(opts)), pkgs...)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "failed\n%s\n", err.Error())
if err := xunit.CreateFailureReport(jirix, testName, "ListPackages", "TestCoverage", "listing package failure", err.Error()); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, nil
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "ok\n")
// Create a pool of workers.
numPkgs := len(pkgList)
tasks := make(chan string, numPkgs)
taskResults := make(chan coverageResult, numPkgs)
for i := 0; i < runtime.NumCPU(); i++ {
go coverageWorker(jirix, timeout, args, tasks, taskResults)
// Distribute work to workers.
for _, pkg := range pkgList {
tasks <- pkg
// Collect the results.
// TODO(jsimsa): Gather coverage data using the testCoverage
// data structure as opposed to a buffer.
var coverageData bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&coverageData, "mode: set\n")
allPassed, suites := true, []xunit.TestSuite{}
for i := 0; i < numPkgs; i++ {
result := <-taskResults
var s *xunit.TestSuite
switch result.status {
case buildFailed:
s = xunit.CreateTestSuiteWithFailure(result.pkg, "TestCoverage", "build failure", result.output, result.time)
case testPassed:
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(result.coverage)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lines := strings.Split(string(data), "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
if line != "" && strings.Index(line, "mode: set") == -1 {
fmt.Fprintf(&coverageData, "%s\n", line)
case testFailed:
if strings.Index(result.output, "no test files") == -1 {
ss, err := xunit.TestSuitesFromGoTestOutput(jirix, bytes.NewBufferString(result.output))
if err != nil {
// Token too long error.
if !strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "token too long") {
return nil, err
s = xunit.CreateTestSuiteWithFailure(result.pkg, "Test", "test output contains lines that are too long to parse", "", result.time)
} else {
if len(ss) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("too many testsuites: %d", len(ss))
s = ss[0]
if result.coverage != nil {
if err := jirix.NewSeq().RemoveAll(result.coverage.Name()).Done(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if s != nil {
if s.Failures > 0 {
allPassed = false
test.Fail(jirix.Context, "%s\n%v\n", result.pkg, result.output)
} else {
test.Pass(jirix.Context, "%s\n", result.pkg)
suites = append(suites, *s)
// Create the xUnit and cobertura reports.
if err := xunit.CreateReport(jirix, testName, suites); err != nil {
return nil, err
coverage, err := coverageFromGoTestOutput(jirix, &coverageData)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := createCoberturaReport(jirix, testName, coverage); err != nil {
return nil, err
if !allPassed {
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, nil
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
// coverageWorker generates test coverage.
func coverageWorker(jirix *jiri.X, timeout string, args []string, pkgs <-chan string, results chan<- coverageResult) {
s := jirix.NewSeq()
for pkg := range pkgs {
// Compute the test coverage.
var out bytes.Buffer
coverageFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "")
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("TempFile() failed: %v", err))
args := append([]string{"go", "test", "-tags=leveldb", "-cover", "-coverprofile",
coverageFile.Name(), "-timeout", timeout, "-v",
}, args...)
args = append(args, pkg)
start := time.Now()
err = s.Capture(&out, &out).Verbose(false).Last("jiri", args...)
result := coverageResult{
pkg: pkg,
coverage: coverageFile,
time: time.Now().Sub(start),
output: out.String(),
if err != nil {
oe := runutil.GetOriginalError(err)
if isBuildFailure(oe, out.String(), pkg) {
result.status = buildFailed
} else {
result.status = testFailed
} else {
result.status = testPassed
results <- result
// funcMatcher is the interface for determing if functions in the loaded ast
// of a package match a certain criteria.
type funcMatcher interface {
match(*ast.FuncDecl) (bool, string)
type matchGoTestFunc struct {
testNameRE *regexp.Regexp
func (t *matchGoTestFunc) match(fn *ast.FuncDecl) (bool, string) {
name := fn.Name.String()
// TODO(cnicolaou): match on signature, not just name.
return t.testNameRE.MatchString(name), name
func (t *matchGoTestFunc) goTestOpt() {}
type matchV23TestFunc struct {
testNameRE *regexp.Regexp
func (t *matchV23TestFunc) match(fn *ast.FuncDecl) (bool, string) {
name := fn.Name.String()
if !t.testNameRE.MatchString(name) {
return false, name
sig := fn.Type
if len(sig.Params.List) != 1 || sig.Results != nil {
return false, name
typ := sig.Params.List[0].Type
star, ok := typ.(*ast.StarExpr)
if !ok {
return false, name
sel, ok := star.X.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
pkgIdent, ok := sel.X.(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
return false, name
return pkgIdent.Name == "testing" && sel.Sel.Name == "T", name
func (t *matchV23TestFunc) goTestOpt() {}
var (
goTestNameRE = regexp.MustCompile("^Test.*")
goBenchNameRE = regexp.MustCompile("^Benchmark.*")
integrationTestNameRE = regexp.MustCompile("^TestV23.*")
// goListPackagesAndFuncs is a helper function for listing Go
// packages and obtaining lists of function names that are matched
// by the matcher interface.
func goListPackagesAndFuncs(jirix *jiri.X, opts []Opt, pkgs []string, matcher funcMatcher) ([]string, map[string][]string, error) {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "listing test packages and functions ... ")
config, err := tooldata.LoadConfig(jirix)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
rd, err := profilesreader.NewReader(jirix, profilesreader.UseProfiles, ProfilesDBFilename)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
rd.MergeEnvFromProfiles(profilesreader.JiriMergePolicies(), profiles.NativeTarget())
profilesreader.MergeEnv(profilesreader.JiriMergePolicies(), rd.Vars, []string{config.GoPath(jirix), config.VDLPath(jirix)})
pkgList, err := goutil.List(jirix, goListOpts(opts), pkgs...)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "failed\n%s\n", err.Error())
return nil, nil, err
matched := map[string][]string{}
pkgsWithTests := []string{}
buildContext := build.Default
buildContext.GOPATH = rd.Get("GOPATH")
for _, pkg := range pkgList {
pi, err := buildContext.Import(pkg, ".", build.ImportMode(0))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "failed\n%s\n", err.Error())
return nil, nil, err
testFiles := append(pi.TestGoFiles, pi.XTestGoFiles...)
fset := token.NewFileSet() // positions are relative to fset
for _, testFile := range testFiles {
file := filepath.Join(pi.Dir, testFile)
testAST, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, file, nil, parser.Mode(0))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "failed\n%s\n", err.Error())
return nil, nil, err
for _, decl := range testAST.Decls {
fn, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if !ok {
if ok, result := matcher.match(fn); ok {
matched[pkg] = append(matched[pkg], result)
if len(matched[pkg]) > 0 {
pkgsWithTests = append(pkgsWithTests, pkg)
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "ok\n")
return pkgsWithTests, matched, nil
// filterExcludedTests filters out excluded tests returning an
// indication of whether this package should be included in test runs
// and a list of the specific tests that should be run (which if nil
// means running all of the tests), and a list of the skipped tests.
func filterExcludedTests(pkg string, testNames []string, exclusions []exclusion) (bool, []string, []string) {
var excluded []string
for _, name := range testNames {
for _, exclusion := range exclusions {
if exclusion.exclude && exclusion.pkgRE.MatchString(pkg) && exclusion.nameRE.MatchString(name) {
excluded = append(excluded, name)
if len(excluded) == 0 {
// Run all of the tests, none are to be skipped/excluded.
return true, testNames, nil
remaining := []string{}
for _, name := range testNames {
found := false
for _, exclude := range excluded {
if name == exclude {
found = true
if !found {
remaining = append(remaining, name)
return len(remaining) > 0, remaining, excluded
type testResult struct {
pkg string
output string
excluded []string
status taskStatus
time time.Duration
const defaultTestTimeout = "20m"
type goTestTask struct {
pkg string
// specificTests enumerates the tests to run.
// Tests are passed to -run as a regex or'ing each item in the slice.
specificTests []string
// excludedTests enumerates the tests that are to be excluded as a result
// of exclusion rules.
excludedTests []string
// goTestAndReport runs goTest and writes an xml report.
func goTestAndReport(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...goTestOpt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
res, suites, err := goTest(jirix, testName, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create the xUnit report.
return res, xunit.CreateReport(jirix, testName, suites)
// goTest is a helper function for running Go tests.
func goTest(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...goTestOpt) (_ *test.Result, _ []xunit.TestSuite, e error) {
timeout := defaultTestTimeout
var args, pkgs, goFlags []string
var exclusions []exclusion
var suffix string
var matcher funcMatcher
matcher = &matchGoTestFunc{testNameRE: goTestNameRE}
numWorkers := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
var nonTestArgs nonTestArgsOpt
suppressOutput := false
for _, opt := range opts {
switch typedOpt := opt.(type) {
case timeoutOpt:
timeout = string(typedOpt)
case argsOpt:
args = []string(typedOpt)
case suffixOpt:
suffix = string(typedOpt)
case exclusionsOpt:
exclusions = []exclusion(typedOpt)
case nonTestArgsOpt:
nonTestArgs = typedOpt
case funcMatcherOpt:
matcher = typedOpt
case pkgsOpt:
pkgs = []string(typedOpt)
case suppressTestOutputOpt:
suppressOutput = bool(typedOpt)
case numWorkersOpt:
numWorkers = int(typedOpt)
if numWorkers < 1 {
numWorkers = 1
case jiriGoOpt:
goFlags = []string(typedOpt)
// TODO(cnicolaou): this gets run for every test case, which is going
// to be pretty slow. We should refactor so that it only gets run once.
// Install required tools.
goInstall := []string{"go"}
goInstall = append(goInstall, goFlags...)
goInstall = append(goInstall, "install", "")
if err := jirix.NewSeq().Last("jiri", goInstall...); err != nil {
return nil, nil, newInternalError(err, "install-go2xunit")
// Build dependencies of test packages.
if err := buildTestDeps(jirix, pkgs, goFlags); err != nil {
originalTestName := testName
if len(suffix) != 0 {
testName += " " + suffix
failureSuite := xunit.CreateTestSuiteWithFailure("BuildTestDependencies", originalTestName, "dependencies build failure", err.Error(), 0)
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, []xunit.TestSuite{*failureSuite}, nil
// Enumerate the packages to be built and tests to be executed.
pkgList, pkgAndFuncList, err := goListPackagesAndFuncs(jirix, optsFromGoTest(opts), pkgs, matcher)
if err != nil {
originalTestName := testName
if len(suffix) != 0 {
testName += " " + suffix
failureSuite := xunit.CreateTestSuiteWithFailure("goListPackagesAndFuncs", originalTestName, "package pasing failure", err.Error(), 0)
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, []xunit.TestSuite{*failureSuite}, nil
// Create a pool of workers.
numPkgs := len(pkgList)
tasks := make(chan goTestTask, numPkgs)
taskResults := make(chan testResult, numPkgs)
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "running tests using %d workers...\n", numWorkers)
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "running tests concurrently...\n")
staggeredWorker := func() {
delay := time.Duration(rand.Int63n(30*1000)) * time.Millisecond
if jirix.Verbose() {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "staggering start of test worker by %s\n", delay)
testWorker(jirix, timeout, args, nonTestArgs, tasks, taskResults)
for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ {
if numWorkers > 1 {
go staggeredWorker()
} else {
go testWorker(jirix, timeout, args, nonTestArgs, tasks, taskResults)
// Distribute work to workers.
for _, pkg := range pkgList {
testThisPkg, specificTests, excludedTests := filterExcludedTests(pkg, pkgAndFuncList[pkg], exclusions)
if testThisPkg {
tasks <- goTestTask{pkg, specificTests, excludedTests}
} else {
taskResults <- testResult{
pkg: pkg,
output: "package excluded",
excluded: excludedTests,
status: testPassed,
// Collect the results.
// excludedTests are a result of exclusion rules in this tool.
excludedTests := map[string][]string{}
// skippedTests are a result of testing.Skip calls in the actual
// tests.
skippedTests := map[string][]string{}
allPassed, suites := true, []xunit.TestSuite{}
for i := 0; i < numPkgs; i++ {
result := <-taskResults
var ss []*xunit.TestSuite
switch result.status {
case buildFailed:
ss = append(ss, xunit.CreateTestSuiteWithFailure(result.pkg, "Test", "build failure", result.output, result.time))
case testTimedout:
ss = append(ss, xunit.CreateTestSuiteWithFailure(result.pkg, "Test", fmt.Sprintf("test timed out after %s", timeout), "", result.time))
case testFailed, testPassed:
if strings.Index(result.output, "no test files") == -1 &&
strings.Index(result.output, "package excluded") == -1 {
if testName == "vanadium-go-bench" {
// TODO(jsimsa): The go2xunit tool used for parsing output
// of Go tests ignores output of Go benchmarks. We dump
// output of benchmarks to stdout to persist this
// information in the console logs of our CI. This is a
// temporary solution until someone finds the enthusiasm to
// implement benchmark output parsing, tracking and
// graphing.
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), result.output)
// Escape test output to make sure go2xunit can process it.
var escapedOutput bytes.Buffer
if err := xml.EscapeText(&escapedOutput, []byte(result.output)); err != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("failed to escape test output:\n%s\n", result.output)
ss = append(ss, xunit.CreateTestSuiteWithFailure(result.pkg, "Test", msg, "", result.time))
} else {
// xml.EscapeTest also escapes newlines and tabs.
// We want to keep them unescaped so that go2xunit can correctly parse
// the output.
output := strings.Replace(escapedOutput.String(), escNewline, "\n", -1)
output = strings.Replace(output, escTab, "\t", -1)
var err error
if ss, err = xunit.TestSuitesFromGoTestOutput(jirix, bytes.NewBufferString(output)); err != nil {
errMsg := ""
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "package build failed") {
// Package build failure.
errMsg = "failed to build package"
} else if strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "token too long") {
// Token too long error.
errMsg = "test output contains lines that are too long to parse"
if errMsg != "" {
ss = append(ss, xunit.CreateTestSuiteWithFailure(result.pkg, "Test", errMsg, output, result.time))
} else {
return nil, suites, fmt.Errorf("%s: got error %q running go2xunit on test output %q", result.pkg, err, result.output)
for _, ts := range ss {
if ts.Skip > 0 {
for _, c := range ts.Cases {
if c.Skipped != nil {
skippedTests[result.pkg] = append(skippedTests[result.pkg], c.Name)
if len(result.excluded) > 0 {
excludedTests[result.pkg] = result.excluded
for _, s := range ss {
if s.Failures > 0 {
allPassed = false
// There are times, generally when running tests that fail from
// within tests that expect those failures, that we want to
// supress the output from the test to prevent other tools (e.g.
// go2xunit from seeing it).
if !suppressOutput {
if s.Failures > 0 {
if result.status == testTimedout {
test.Fail(jirix.Context, "[TIMED OUT after %s] %s\n", timeout, result.pkg)
} else {
test.Fail(jirix.Context, "%s\n%v\n", result.pkg, result.output)
} else {
test.Pass(jirix.Context, "%s\n", result.pkg)
if s.Skip > 0 {
test.Pass(jirix.Context, "%s (skipped tests: %v)\n", result.pkg, skippedTests[result.pkg])
newCases := []xunit.TestCase{}
for _, c := range s.Cases {
if len(suffix) != 0 {
c.Name += " " + suffix
newCases = append(newCases, c)
s.Cases = newCases
suites = append(suites, *s)
if excluded := excludedTests[result.pkg]; excluded != nil && !suppressOutput {
test.Pass(jirix.Context, "%s (excluded tests: %v)\n", result.pkg, excluded)
testResult := &test.Result{
Status: test.Passed,
ExcludedTests: excludedTests,
SkippedTests: skippedTests,
if !allPassed {
// We don't set testResult.Status to TimedOut when any pkgs timed out so
// that the final test report contains individual test failures/timeouts.
// If testResult.Status is set to TimedOut, the upstream code will generate
// a test report that only has a single failed test case saying the whole
// test timed out. This behavior is useful for other tests (e.g. js tests)
// but not here.
testResult.Status = test.Failed
return testResult, suites, nil
// testWorker tests packages.
func testWorker(jirix *jiri.X, timeout string, args, nonTestArgs []string, tasks <-chan goTestTask, results chan<- testResult) {
s := jirix.NewSeq()
for task := range tasks {
// Run the test.
// The "leveldb" tag is needed to compile the levelDB-based
// storage engine for the groups service. See for more
// details.
taskArgs := append([]string{"go", "test", "-tags=leveldb", "-timeout", timeout, "-v"}, args...)
// Use the -run command-line flag to identify the specific tests to run.
// If this flag is already set, make sure to override it.
testsExpr := fmt.Sprintf("^(%s)$", strings.Join(task.specificTests, "|"))
found := false
for i, arg := range taskArgs {
switch {
case arg == "-run" || arg == "--run":
taskArgs[i+1] = testsExpr
found = true
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-run=") || strings.HasPrefix(arg, "--run="):
taskArgs[i] = fmt.Sprintf("-run=%s", testsExpr)
found = true
if !found {
taskArgs = append(taskArgs, "-run", testsExpr)
taskArgs = append(taskArgs, task.pkg)
taskArgs = append(taskArgs, nonTestArgs...)
var out bytes.Buffer
start := time.Now()
timeoutDuration, err := time.ParseDuration(timeout)
if err != nil {
results <- testResult{
status: testFailed,
pkg: task.pkg,
output: fmt.Sprintf("time.ParseDuration(%s) failed: %v", timeout, err),
excluded: task.excludedTests,
err = s.Capture(&out, &out).Timeout(timeoutDuration+time.Minute).Verbose(false).Last("jiri", taskArgs...)
result := testResult{
pkg: task.pkg,
time: time.Now().Sub(start),
output: out.String(),
excluded: task.excludedTests,
if err != nil {
oe := runutil.GetOriginalError(err)
if isBuildFailure(oe, out.String(), task.pkg) {
result.status = buildFailed
} else if runutil.IsTimeout(err) {
result.status = testTimedout
} else {
result.status = testFailed
} else {
result.status = testPassed
results <- result
// buildTestDeps builds dependencies for the given test packages
func buildTestDeps(jirix *jiri.X, pkgs []string, jiriGoFlags []string) error {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "building test dependencies ... ")
// The "leveldb" tag is needed to compile the levelDB-based storage
// engine for the groups service. See for more details.
args := []string{"go"}
args = append(args, jiriGoFlags...)
args = append(args, "test", "-tags=leveldb", "-i")
args = append(args, pkgs...)
var out bytes.Buffer
if err := jirix.NewSeq().Capture(nil, &out).Last("jiri", args...); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "failed\n%s\n", out.String())
return fmt.Errorf("%v\n%s", err, out.String())
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "ok\n")
return nil
// isBuildFailure checks whether the given error and output indicate a build failure for the given package.
func isBuildFailure(err error, out, pkg string) bool {
if exitError, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
// Try checking err's process state to determine the exit code.
// Exit code 2 means build failures.
if status, ok := exitError.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
exitCode := status.ExitStatus()
// A exit code of 2 means build failure.
if exitCode == 2 {
return true
// When the exit code is 1, we need to check the output to distinguish
// "setup failure" and "test failure".
if exitCode == 1 {
// Treat setup failure as build failure.
if strings.HasPrefix(out, fmt.Sprintf("# %s", pkg)) &&
strings.HasSuffix(out, "[setup failed]\n") {
return true
return false
// As a fallback, check the output line.
// If the output starts with "# ${pkg}", then it should be a build failure.
return strings.HasPrefix(out, fmt.Sprintf("# %s", pkg))
// getListenerPID finds the process ID of the process listening on the
// given port. If no process is listening on the given port (or an
// error is encountered), the function returns -1.
func getListenerPID(jirix *jiri.X, port string) (int, error) {
// Make sure "lsof" exists.
_, err := exec.LookPath("lsof")
if err != nil {
return -1, fmt.Errorf(`"lsof" not found in the PATH`)
// Use "lsof" to find the process ID of the listener.
var out bytes.Buffer
if err := jirix.NewSeq().Capture(&out, &out).
Last("lsof", "-i", ":"+port, "-sTCP:LISTEN", "-F", "p"); err != nil {
// When no listener exists, "lsof" exits with non-zero
// status.
return -1, nil
// Parse the port number.
pidString := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSpace(out.String()), "p")
pid, err := strconv.Atoi(pidString)
if err != nil {
return -1, fmt.Errorf("Atoi(%v) failed: %v", pidString, err)
return pid, nil
type exclusion struct {
exclude bool
nameRE *regexp.Regexp
pkgRE *regexp.Regexp
// newExclusion is the exclusion factory.
func newExclusion(pkg, name string, exclude bool) exclusion {
return exclusion{
exclude: exclude,
nameRE: regexp.MustCompile(name),
pkgRE: regexp.MustCompile(pkg),
var (
goExclusions []exclusion
goRaceExclusions []exclusion
goIntegrationExclusions []exclusion
func init() {
goExclusions = []exclusion{
// This test triggers a bug in go 1.4.1 garbage collector.
newExclusion("", "TestConcurrentFlows", isDarwin() && is386()),
// TODO(jingjin): re-enable this test when the following issue is resolved.
newExclusion("", "TestV23DeviceManagerMultiUser", isDarwin()),
// The fsnotify package tests are flaky on darwin. This begs the
// question of whether we should be relying on this library at
// all.
newExclusion("", ".*", isDarwin()),
// This test relies on timing, which results in flakiness on GCE.
newExclusion("", "TestDelayedLogFlushing", isCI()),
// The crypto/ssh TestValidTerminalMode is flakey on Jenkins and
// sometimes fails when getting a pty.
newExclusion("", "TestValidTerminalMode", isCI()),
// The following tests require ICMP socket permissions which are not enabled
// by default on linux.
newExclusion("", "TestPingGoogle", isCI()),
newExclusion("", "TestNonPrivilegedPing", isCI()),
// This test has proven flaky under go1.5
newExclusion("", "TestLimitListener", isCI()),
// Don't run this test on mac systems prior to Yosemite since it
// can crash some machines.
newExclusion("", ".*", !isYosemite()),
// This test fails, seemingly because of xml name space changes.
newExclusion("", "TestMultistatusWriter", isCI()),
// The following test is way out of date and doesn't work any more.
newExclusion("", "TestCheck", true),
// The following two tests use too much memory.
newExclusion("", "TestStdlib", true),
newExclusion("", "TestStdlib", true),
// The following test expects to see "FAIL: TestBar" which causes
// go2xunit to fail.
newExclusion("", "TestTestmainPackage", true),
// More broken tests.
// TODO(jsimsa): Provide more descriptive message.
newExclusion("", "TestCheck", true),
newExclusion("", "TestStdlib", true),
newExclusion("", "TestBuild", true),
// Starting an sshd server is flaky on jenkins nodes, we don't
// need this code, so it's fine to exclude this test. cnicolaou 12/8/15.
newExclusion("", "TestCertLogin", isDarwin()),
// The godoc test does some really stupid string matching where it doesn't want
// cmd/gc to appear, but we have
newExclusion("", "TestWeb", true),
// The mysql tests require a connection to a MySQL database.
newExclusion("", ".*", true),
// The gorp tests require a connection to a SQL database, configured
// through various environment variables.
newExclusion("", ".*", true),
// The check.v1 tests contain flakey benchmark tests which sometimes do
// not complete, and sometimes complete with unexpected times.
newExclusion("", ".*", true),
// The tests depend on a c library.
newExclusion("", ".*", true),
// Tests excluded only when running under --race flag.
goRaceExclusions = []exclusion{
// This test takes too long in --race mode.
newExclusion("", "TestV23Generate", true),
// These third_party tests are flaky on Go1.5 with -race
newExclusion("", ".*", true),
newExclusion("", "TestServing", true),
// Tests excluded only when running integration tests (with --v23.tests flag).
goIntegrationExclusions = []exclusion{}
// ExcludedTests returns the set of tests to be excluded from the
// tests executed when testing the Vanadium project.
func ExcludedTests() []string {
return excludedTests(goExclusions)
// ExcludedRaceTests returns the set of race tests to be excluded from
// the tests executed when testing the Vanadium project.
func ExcludedRaceTests() []string {
return excludedTests(goRaceExclusions)
// ExcludedIntegrationTests returns the set of integration tests to be excluded
// from the tests executed when testing the Vanadium project.
func ExcludedIntegrationTests() []string {
return excludedTests(goIntegrationExclusions)
func excludedTests(exclusions []exclusion) []string {
excluded := make([]string, 0, len(exclusions))
for _, e := range exclusions {
if e.exclude {
excluded = append(excluded, fmt.Sprintf("pkg: %v, name: %v", e.pkgRE.String(), e.nameRE.String()))
return excluded
// validateAgainstDefaultPackages makes sure that the packages requested
// via opts are amongst the defaults assuming that all of the defaults are
// specified in <pkg>/... form and returns one of each of the goBuildOpt,
// goCoverageOpt and goTestOpt options.
// If no packages are requested, the defaults are returned.
// TODO(cnicolaou): ideally there'd be one piece of code that understands
// go package specifications that could be used here.
func validateAgainstDefaultPackages(jirix *jiri.X, opts []Opt, defaults []string) (pkgsOpt, error) {
optPkgs := []string{}
for _, opt := range opts {
switch v := opt.(type) {
case PkgsOpt:
optPkgs = []string(v)
if len(optPkgs) == 0 {
defsOpt := pkgsOpt(defaults)
return defsOpt, nil
defPkgs, err := goutil.List(jirix, goListOpts(opts), defaults...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkgs, err := goutil.List(jirix, goListOpts(opts), optPkgs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, p := range pkgs {
found := false
for _, d := range defPkgs {
if p == d {
found = true
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("requested packages %v is not one of %v", p, defaults)
po := pkgsOpt(pkgs)
return po, nil
// getNumWorkersOpt gets the NumWorkersOpt from the given Opt slice
func getNumWorkersOpt(opts []Opt) numWorkersOpt {
for _, opt := range opts {
switch v := opt.(type) {
case NumWorkersOpt:
return numWorkersOpt(v)
return numWorkersOpt(runtime.NumCPU())
// thirdPartyGoBuild runs Go build for third-party projects.
func thirdPartyGoBuild(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
// Build the third-party Go packages.
pkgs, err := thirdPartyPkgs(jirix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = validateAgainstDefaultPackages(jirix, opts, pkgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get packages options. If unset, use "pkgs" above as the default.
optPkgs := []string{}
for _, opt := range opts {
switch v := opt.(type) {
case PkgsOpt:
optPkgs = []string(v)
if len(optPkgs) == 0 {
optPkgs = pkgs
return goBuild(jirix, testName, pkgsOpt(optPkgs))
// thirdPartyGoTest runs Go tests for the third-party projects.
func thirdPartyGoTest(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
// Test the third-party Go packages.
pkgs, err := thirdPartyPkgs(jirix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
validatedPkgs, err := validateAgainstDefaultPackages(jirix, opts, pkgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
suffix := suffixOpt(genTestNameSuffix("GoTest"))
return goTestAndReport(jirix, testName, suffix, exclusionsOpt(goExclusions), validatedPkgs)
// thirdPartyGoRace runs Go data-race tests for third-party projects.
func thirdPartyGoRace(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
// Test the third-party Go packages for data races.
pkgs, err := thirdPartyPkgs(jirix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
validatedPkgs, err := validateAgainstDefaultPackages(jirix, opts, pkgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
partPkgs, err := identifyPackagesToTest(jirix, testName, opts, validatedPkgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args := argsOpt([]string{"-race"})
exclusions := append(goExclusions, goRaceExclusions...)
suffix := suffixOpt(genTestNameSuffix("GoRace"))
return goTestAndReport(jirix, testName, suffix, args, timeoutOpt("1h"), exclusionsOpt(exclusions), partPkgs)
// thirdPartyPkgs returns a list of Go expressions that describe all
// third-party packages.
func thirdPartyPkgs(jirix *jiri.X) ([]string, error) {
thirdPartyDir := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "third_party", "go", "src")
fileInfos, err := ioutil.ReadDir(thirdPartyDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ReadDir(%v) failed: %v", thirdPartyDir, err)
pkgs := []string{}
for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
if fileInfo.IsDir() {
pkgs = append(pkgs, fileInfo.Name()+"/...")
return pkgs, nil
// vanadiumCopyright checks the copyright for vanadium projects.
func vanadiumCopyright(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
// Run the jiri copyright check.
var out bytes.Buffer
if err := jirix.NewSeq().Capture(&out, &out).
Last("jiri", "copyright", "check"); err != nil {
report := fmt.Sprintf(`%v
To fix the above copyright violations run "jiri copyright fix" and commit the changes.
`, out.String())
if err := xunit.CreateFailureReport(jirix, testName, "RunCopyright", "CheckCopyright", "copyright check failure", report); err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v", report)
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, nil
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
// vanadiumGoAPI checks the public Go api for vanadium projects.
func vanadiumGoAPI(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
// Run the jiri api check.
var out bytes.Buffer
if err := jirix.NewSeq().Capture(&out, &out).
Last("jiri", "api", "check"); err != nil {
report := fmt.Sprintf("error running 'jiri api check': %v", err)
if err := xunit.CreateFailureReport(jirix, testName, "RunV23API", "CheckGoAPI", "failed to run the api check tool", report); err != nil {
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, nil
output := out.String()
if len(output) != 0 {
report := fmt.Sprintf(`%v
If the above changes to public Go API are intentional, run "jiri api fix",
to update the corresponding .api files and commit the changes.
`, out.String())
if err := xunit.CreateFailureReport(jirix, testName, "RunV23API", "CheckGoAPI", "public api check failure", report); err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v", report)
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, nil
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
// vanadiumGoBench runs Go benchmarks for vanadium projects.
func vanadiumGoBench(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
// Benchmark the Vanadium Go packages.
pkgs, err := validateAgainstDefaultPackages(jirix, opts, []string{""})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args := argsOpt([]string{"-bench", "."})
matcher := funcMatcherOpt{&matchGoTestFunc{testNameRE: goBenchNameRE}}
timeout := timeoutOpt("1h")
return goTestAndReport(jirix, testName, args, matcher, timeout, pkgs)
// vanadiumGoBuild runs Go build for the vanadium projects.
func vanadiumGoBuild(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
// Validate packages.
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
_, err = validateAgainstDefaultPackages(jirix, opts, []string{""})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Get packages options. If unset, use "" as the default.
optPkgs := []string{}
for _, opt := range opts {
switch v := opt.(type) {
case PkgsOpt:
optPkgs = []string(v)
if len(optPkgs) == 0 {
optPkgs = []string{""}
return goBuild(jirix, testName, pkgsOpt(optPkgs))
// vanadiumGoCoverage runs Go coverage tests for vanadium projects.
func vanadiumGoCoverage(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
// Compute coverage for Vanadium Go packages.
pkgs, err := validateAgainstDefaultPackages(jirix, opts, []string{""})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return goCoverage(jirix, testName, pkgs)
// vanadiumGoDepcop runs Go dependency checks for vanadium projects.
func vanadiumGoDepcop(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
s := jirix.NewSeq()
// Build the godepcop tool in a temporary directory.
tmpDir, err := s.TempDir("", "godepcop-test")
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "godepcop-build")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return jirix.NewSeq().RemoveAll(tmpDir).Done() }, &e)
binary := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "godepcop")
if err := s.Last("jiri", "go", "build", "-o", binary, ""); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "godepcop-build")
// Run the godepcop tool.
var out bytes.Buffer
if err := s.Capture(&out, &out).Last("jiri", "run", binary, "check", ""); err != nil {
if err := xunit.CreateFailureReport(jirix, testName, "RunGoDepcop", "CheckDependencies", "dependencies check failure", out.String()); err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v", out.String())
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, nil
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
// vanadiumGoFormat runs Go format check for vanadium projects.
func vanadiumGoFormat(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
// Run the gofmt tool.
var out bytes.Buffer
if err := jirix.NewSeq().Capture(&out, &out).Last("jiri", "go", "fmt", ""); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error while running go fmt: %v", err)
// If the output is non-empty, there are format errors.
if len(out.String()) > 0 {
report := fmt.Sprintf(`The following files do not adhere to the Go formatting conventions:
To resolve this problem, run "gofmt -w <file>" for each of them and commit the changes.
`, out.String())
if err := xunit.CreateFailureReport(jirix, testName, "RunGoFmt", "CheckFormat", "format check failure", report); err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v", report)
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, nil
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
// goGenerateDiff represents a file in a CL whose content does not match that
// expected by vanadiumGoGenerate.
type goGenerateDiff struct {
path string
diff string
// vanadiumGoGenerate checks that files created by 'go generate' are
// up-to-date.
func vanadiumGoGenerate(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
s := jirix.NewSeq()
pkgs, err := validateAgainstDefaultPackages(jirix, opts, []string{""})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkgStr := strings.Join([]string(pkgs), " ")
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "NOTE: This test checks that files created by 'go generate' are up-to-date.\nIf it fails, regenerate them using 'jiri go generate %s'.\n", pkgStr)
// Stash any uncommitted changes and defer functions that undo any
// changes created by this function and then unstash the original
// uncommitted changes.
projects, err := project.LocalProjects(jirix, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, project := range projects {
if err := s.Pushd(project.Path).Error(); err != nil {
return nil, err
stashed, err := gitutil.New(jirix.NewSeq()).Stash()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Take a copy, otherwise the defer below will refer to 'project' by
// reference, causing all the defer blocks to refer to the same
// project.
localProject := project
defer collect.Error(func() error {
if err := jirix.NewSeq().Chdir(localProject.Path).Done(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gitutil.New(jirix.NewSeq()).Reset("HEAD"); err != nil {
return err
if stashed {
return gitutil.New(jirix.NewSeq()).StashPop()
return nil
}, &e)
s.Done() // undo the pushd's
// Check if 'go generate' creates any changes.
args := append([]string{"go", "generate"}, []string(pkgs)...)
if err := s.Last("jiri", args...); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Go Generate")
dirtyFiles := []goGenerateDiff{}
if currentDir, err := os.Getwd(); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
defer collect.Error(func() error {
return jirix.NewSeq().Chdir(currentDir).Done()
}, &e)
for _, project := range projects {
files, err := gitutil.New(jirix.NewSeq(), gitutil.RootDirOpt(project.Path)).FilesWithUncommittedChanges()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(files) > 0 {
if err := s.Pushd(project.Path).Error(); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, file := range files {
var diff string
var out bytes.Buffer
if err := s.Capture(&out, nil).Last("git", "diff", file); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "git diff failed, no diff will be available for %s: %v\n", file, err)
diff = fmt.Sprintf("<not available: %v>", err)
} else {
diff = out.String()
fullPath := filepath.Join(project.Path, file)
fullPath = strings.TrimPrefix(fullPath, jirix.Root+string(filepath.Separator))
dirtyFile := goGenerateDiff{
path: fullPath,
diff: diff,
dirtyFiles = append(dirtyFiles, dirtyFile)
s.Done() // undo the pushd's
if len(dirtyFiles) != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "\nThe following go generated files are not up-to-date:\n")
for _, dirtyFile := range dirtyFiles {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "\t* %s\n", dirtyFile.path)
// Generate xUnit report.
suites := []xunit.TestSuite{}
for _, dirtyFile := range dirtyFiles {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "Diff for %s:\n%s\n", dirtyFile.path, dirtyFile.diff)
s := xunit.CreateTestSuiteWithFailure("GoGenerate", dirtyFile.path, "go generate failure", fmt.Sprintf("Outdated file: %s\nDiff: %s\n", dirtyFile.path, dirtyFile.diff), 0)
suites = append(suites, *s)
if err := xunit.CreateReport(jirix, testName, suites); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, nil
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
// vanadiumGoRace runs Go data-race tests for vanadium projects.
func vanadiumGoRace(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
pkgs, err := validateAgainstDefaultPackages(jirix, opts, []string{""})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
partPkgs, err := identifyPackagesToTest(jirix, testName, opts, pkgs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exclusions := append(goExclusions, goRaceExclusions...)
args := argsOpt([]string{"-race"})
timeout := timeoutOpt("30m")
suffix := suffixOpt(genTestNameSuffix("GoRace"))
return goTestAndReport(jirix, testName, args, timeout, suffix, exclusionsOpt(exclusions), partPkgs)
// identifyPackagesToTest returns a slice of packages to test using the
// following algorithm:
// - The part index is stored in the "P" environment variable. If it is not
// defined, return all packages.
// - If the part index is found, return the corresponding packages read and
// processed from the config file. Note that for a test T with N parts, we
// only specify the packages for the first N-1 parts in the config file. The
// last part will automatically include all the packages that are not found
// in the first N-1 parts.
func identifyPackagesToTest(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts []Opt, allPkgs []string) (pkgsOpt, error) {
// Read config file to get the part.
config, err := tooldata.LoadConfig(jirix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
parts := config.TestParts(testName)
if len(parts) == 0 {
return pkgsOpt(allPkgs), nil
// Get part index from optionals.
index := -1
for _, opt := range opts {
switch v := opt.(type) {
case PartOpt:
index = int(v)
if index == -1 {
return pkgsOpt(allPkgs), nil
// Get packages specified in test-parts before the current index.
existingPartsPkgs := map[string]struct{}{}
for i := 0; i < index; i++ {
curPkgs, err := getPkgsFromSpec(jirix, opts, parts[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
set.String.Union(existingPartsPkgs, set.String.FromSlice(curPkgs))
// Get packages for the current index.
pkgs, err := goutil.List(jirix, goListOpts(opts), allPkgs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if index < len(parts) {
curPkgs, err := getPkgsFromSpec(jirix, opts, parts[index])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkgs = curPkgs
// Exclude "existingPartsPkgs" from "pkgs".
rest := []string{}
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
if _, ok := existingPartsPkgs[pkg]; !ok {
rest = append(rest, pkg)
return pkgsOpt(rest), nil
// getPkgsFromSpec parses the given pkgSpec (a common-separated pkg names) and
// returns a union of all expanded packages.
// TODO(jingjin): test this function.
func getPkgsFromSpec(jirix *jiri.X, opts []Opt, pkgSpec string) ([]string, error) {
expandedPkgs := map[string]struct{}{}
pkgs := strings.Split(pkgSpec, ",")
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
curPkgs, err := goutil.List(jirix, goListOpts(opts), pkg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
set.String.Union(expandedPkgs, set.String.FromSlice(curPkgs))
return set.String.ToSlice(expandedPkgs), nil
// vanadiumGoVet runs go vet checks for vanadium projects.
func vanadiumGoVet(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
s := jirix.NewSeq()
// Install the go vet tool.
if err := s.Last("jiri", "go", "install", ""); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "install-go-vet")
// Run the go vet tool.
var out bytes.Buffer
if err := s.Capture(&out, &out).Last("jiri", "go", "vet", ""); err != nil {
if err := xunit.CreateFailureReport(jirix, testName, "RunGoVet", "GoVetChecks", "go vet check failure", out.String()); err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v", out.String())
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, nil
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
// vanadiumGoTest runs Go tests for vanadium projects.
func vanadiumGoTest(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
// Test the Vanadium Go packages.
pkgs, err := validateAgainstDefaultPackages(jirix, opts, []string{""})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args := argsOpt([]string{})
suffix := suffixOpt(genTestNameSuffix("GoTest"))
return goTestAndReport(jirix, testName, suffix, exclusionsOpt(goExclusions), getNumWorkersOpt(opts), pkgs, args)
// vanadiumIntegrationTest runs integration tests for Vanadium
// projects.
func vanadiumIntegrationTest(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
// Initialize the test.
// We need a shorter root/tmp dir to keep the length of unix domain socket
// path under limit (108 for linux and 104 for darwin).
shorterRootDir := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), "tmp", "vit")
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"}, rootDirOpt(shorterRootDir))
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
pkgs, err := validateAgainstDefaultPackages(jirix, opts, []string{""})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
suffix := suffixOpt(genTestNameSuffix("V23Test"))
nonTestArgs := nonTestArgsOpt([]string{"-v23.tests"})
matcher := funcMatcherOpt{&matchV23TestFunc{testNameRE: integrationTestNameRE}}
env := jirix.Env()
env["V23_BIN_DIR"] = binDirPath()
newCtx := jirix.Clone(tool.ContextOpts{Env: env})
return goTestAndReport(newCtx, testName, suffix, getNumWorkersOpt(opts), nonTestArgs, matcher, exclusionsOpt(goIntegrationExclusions), pkgs)
// binOrder determines if the regression tests use
// new binaries for the selected binSet and old binaries for
// everything else, or the opposite.
type binOrder string
const (
binSetOld = binOrder("old")
binSetNew = binOrder("new")
binSetBoth = binOrder("")
// regressionDate is just a time.Time but we define a new type
// so we can Marshal and Unmarshal it from JSON easily.
// We also allow both YYYY-MM-DD and a relative number
// of days before today as valid representations.
type regressionDate time.Time
func (d *regressionDate) UnmarshalJSON(in []byte) error {
str := string(in)
if t, err := time.Parse("\"2006-01-02\"", str); err == nil {
*d = regressionDate(t)
return nil
if days, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(in), 10, 32); err == nil {
*d = regressionDate(time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -int(days)))
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Could not parse date as either YYYY-MM-DD or a number of days: %s", str)
func (d *regressionDate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte((*time.Time)(d).Format("\"2006-01-02\"")), nil
type binSet struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Order binOrder `json:"order,omitempty"`
Binaries []string `json:"binaries"`
type regressionTestConfig struct {
// Dates to test binaries against.
AgainstDates []regressionDate `json:"againstDates"`
// If binaries for any given date are missing, go back up to this many
// days in search for existing binaries.
DatesGrace int `json:"datesGrace"`
// Sets of binaries to hold at different dates.
Sets []binSet `json:"sets"`
// Regexp defining tests to run.
Tests string `json:"tests"`
func defaultRegressionConfig() *regressionTestConfig {
config := &regressionTestConfig{
DatesGrace: 3,
Sets: []binSet{
Name: "agent-only",
Binaries: []string{"agentd"},
Name: "prod-services",
Binaries: []string{
// By default we only run TestV23Hello.* because there are often
// changes to flags command line interfaces that often break other
// tests. In the future we may be more strict about compatibility
// for command line utilities and add more tests here.
Tests: "^TestV23Hello.*",
now := time.Now()
for _, days := range []int{1, 5} {
config.AgainstDates = append(config.AgainstDates,
regressionDate(now.AddDate(0, 0, -days)))
return config
// vanadiumRegressionTest runs integration tests for Vanadium projects
// using different versions of Vanadium binaries.
func vanadiumRegressionTest(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
var config *regressionTestConfig
if configStr := os.Getenv("V23_REGTEST_CONFIG"); configStr != "" {
config = &regressionTestConfig{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(configStr), config); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal(%q) failed: %v", configStr, err)
} else {
config = defaultRegressionConfig()
configBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(config, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "Using config:\n%s\n", string(configBytes))
// Initialize the test.
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
pkgs, err := validateAgainstDefaultPackages(jirix, opts, []string{""})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
globalOpts := []goTestOpt{
funcMatcherOpt{&matchV23TestFunc{testNameRE: regexp.MustCompile(config.Tests)}},
s := jirix.NewSeq()
// Build all binaries. We are going to check the binaries at head
// against those from a previous date.
// The "leveldb" tag is needed to compile the levelDB-based storage
// engine for the groups service. See for more details.
if err := s.Last("jiri", "go", "install", "-tags=leveldb", ""); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Install")
newDir := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "release", "go", "bin")
outDir := filepath.Join(regTestBinDirPath(), "bin")
tmpDir, err := s.TempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer collect.Error(func() error { return jirix.NewSeq().RemoveAll(tmpDir).Done() }, &e)
vbinaryBin := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "vbinary")
if err := s.Last("jiri", "go", "build", "-o", vbinaryBin, ""); err != nil {
return nil, err
available, err := listAvailableVanadiumBinaries(jirix, vbinaryBin)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out := &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}
suites := []xunit.TestSuite{}
for _, againstDate := range config.AgainstDates {
againstTime := time.Time(againstDate)
var againstDateStr string
for i := 0; i <= config.DatesGrace; i++ {
againstDateStr = againstTime.Format("2006-01-02")
if bytes.Contains(available, []byte(runtime.GOOS+"_"+runtime.GOARCH+"/"+againstDateStr)) {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "no snapshot found for %s; using %s instead\n", time.Time(againstDate).Format("2006-01-02"), againstDateStr)
if i == config.DatesGrace {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "#### Skipping tests for %s, no snapshot found (grace: %d) ####\n", againstDateStr, config.DatesGrace)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no snapshot found for %s (grace: %d)", againstDateStr, config.DatesGrace)
againstTime = againstTime.AddDate(0, 0, -1)
oldDir, err := downloadVanadiumBinaries(jirix, vbinaryBin, againstTime)
if err == noSnapshotErr {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "#### Skipping tests for %s, no snapshot ####\n", againstDateStr)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no snapshot found for %s", againstDateStr)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
env := jirix.Env()
env["V23_BIN_DIR"] = outDir
env["V23_REGTEST_DATE"] = againstDateStr
newCtx := jirix.Clone(tool.ContextOpts{Env: env})
for _, set := range config.Sets {
for _, order := range []binOrder{binSetOld, binSetNew} {
if set.Order != binSetBoth && set.Order != order {
if err := prepareRegressionBinaries(jirix, oldDir, newDir, outDir, set.Binaries, order); err != nil {
return nil, err
suffix := fmt.Sprintf("Regression(%s, %s, %s)", againstDateStr, set.Name, order)
suffixOpt := suffixOpt(genTestNameSuffix(suffix))
localOpts := append([]goTestOpt{suffixOpt}, globalOpts...)
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "#### Running %s ####\n", suffix)
result, cursuites, err := goTest(newCtx, testName, localOpts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
suites = append(suites, cursuites...)
if result.Status != test.Passed {
out.Status = test.Failed
mergeTestSet(out.ExcludedTests, result.ExcludedTests)
mergeTestSet(out.SkippedTests, result.SkippedTests)
return out, xunit.CreateReport(jirix, testName, suites)
func mergeTestSet(into map[string][]string, from map[string][]string) {
for k, v := range from {
into[k] = append(into[k], v...)
// noSnapshotErr is returned from downloadVanadiumBinaries when there were no
// binaries for the given date.
var noSnapshotErr = fmt.Errorf("no snapshots for specified date.")
func listAvailableVanadiumBinaries(jirix *jiri.X, bin string) ([]byte, error) {
args := []string{
"-key-file", os.Getenv("V23_KEY_FILE"),
var out bytes.Buffer
if err := jirix.NewSeq().Capture(&out, nil).Last(bin, args...); err != nil {
return nil, err
return out.Bytes(), nil
func downloadVanadiumBinaries(jirix *jiri.X, bin string, date time.Time) (binDir string, e error) {
dateStr := date.Format("2006-01-02")
binDir = filepath.Join(regTestBinDirPath(), dateStr)
s := jirix.NewSeq()
if _, err := s.Stat(binDir); err == nil {
return binDir, nil
} else if !runutil.IsNotExist(err) {
return "", err
args := []string{
"-date-prefix", dateStr,
"-key-file", os.Getenv("V23_KEY_FILE"),
"-output-dir", binDir,
if err := s.Last(bin, args...); err != nil {
exiterr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError)
if !ok {
return "", err
status, ok := exiterr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)
if !ok {
return "", err
if status.ExitStatus() == exitcode.NoSnapshotExitCode {
return "", noSnapshotErr
return "", err
return binDir, nil
// prepareRegressionBinaries assembles binaries into the directory out by taking
// binaries from in1 and in2. Binaries in the list take1 will be taken
// from 1, other will be taken from 2.
func prepareRegressionBinaries(jirix *jiri.X, in1, in2, out string, targetBinaries []string, order binOrder) error {
s := jirix.NewSeq()
if err := s.
MkdirAll(out, os.FileMode(0755)).Done(); err != nil {
return err
if order != binSetNew {
in1, in2 = in2, in1
take2 := set.String.FromSlice(targetBinaries)
binaries := make(map[string]string)
// First take everything from in1.
fileInfos, err := ioutil.ReadDir(in1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ReadDir(%v) failed: %v", in1, err)
for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
name := fileInfo.Name()
binaries[name] = filepath.Join(in1, name)
// Now take things from in2 if they are in take2, or were missing from in1.
fileInfos, err = ioutil.ReadDir(in2)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ReadDir(%v) failed: %v", in2, err)
for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
name := fileInfo.Name()
_, inSet := take2[name]
if inSet || binaries[name] == "" {
binaries[name] = filepath.Join(in2, name)
// We want to print some info in sorted order for easy reading.
sortedBinaries := make([]string, 0, len(binaries))
for name := range binaries {
sortedBinaries = append(sortedBinaries, name)
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "Using binaries from %s and %s out of %s\n", in1, in2, out)
for _, name := range sortedBinaries {
src := binaries[name]
dst := filepath.Join(out, name)
if err := s.Symlink(src, dst).Done(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func genTestNameSuffix(baseSuffix string) string {
suffixParts := []string{}
suffixParts = append(suffixParts, runtime.GOOS)
arch := os.Getenv("GOARCH")
if arch == "" {
var err error
arch, err = host.Arch()
if err != nil {
arch = "amd64"
suffixParts = append(suffixParts, arch)
suffix := strings.Join(suffixParts, ",")
if baseSuffix == "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", suffix)
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s - %s]", baseSuffix, suffix)