blob: 4c14b9b94b3859bc49808e4fe17c999294067c03 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
const singleHeaderTmpl = `/* Created by jiri-swift - DO NOT EDIT. */
/* Start of preamble from import "C" comments. */
#import "go_types.h"
// These sizes (including C struct memory alignment/padding) isn't available from Go, so we make that available via CGo.
/* End of preamble from import "C" comments. */
/* Start of boilerplate cgo prologue. */
/* End of boilerplate cgo prologue. */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#ifdef __cplusplus
func runBuildCgo(jirix *jiri.X) error {
// Copy over dependent libraries.
if flagBuildDirCgo == "" {
flagBuildDirCgo = sh.MakeTempDir()
for _, targetArch := range targetArchs {
cleanOldCompiledFiles(jirix, targetArch)
compileCgo(jirix, targetArch)
installCgoBinary(jirix, targetArch)
if err := copyLinkedLibraries(jirix, targetArch); err != nil {
return err
// Grab either the main arch we're building for or just the first -- we just need to make sure
// it's one that will have headers generated for it.
return generateSingleHeader(jirix, targetArchs[0])
func cleanOldCompiledFiles(jirix *jiri.X, targetArch string) {
d := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "release/go/pkg", "darwin_"+targetArch, "")
if !pathExists(d) {
verbose(jirix, "Previously built go binaries & headers directory doesn't exist, nothing to remove: %v\n", d)
verbose(jirix, "Removing compiled go files and headers in path %v\n", d)
if err := os.RemoveAll(d); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprint("Unable to remove old compiled files:", err))
func compileCgo(jirix *jiri.X, targetArch string) {
targetFlag := targetArch + "-ios"
verbose(jirix, "Building for project %v target %v with build mode %v in dir %v\n",, targetFlag, flagBuildMode, flagBuildDirCgo)
// Create the binary
bp := buildBinaryPath(targetArch)
verbose(jirix, "Running jiri go -target %v build -buildmode=%v -tags ios -o %v %v\n", targetFlag, flagBuildMode, bp, selectedProject.mainPackage)
sh.Cmd("jiri", "go", "-target", targetFlag, "build", "-buildmode="+flagBuildMode, "-tags", "ios", "-o", bp, selectedProject.mainPackage).Run()
// If the package is simple enough it'll also generate a header -- we'll use the installed
// headers instead (as its more universal), so we can delete this generated header now if
// it exists.
b := strings.TrimSuffix(bp, filepath.Ext(bp))
os.RemoveAll(b + ".h")
// Now make sure the headers are created/generated in our go/pkg directory for a later step.
verbose(jirix, "Running jiri go -target %v install -buildmode=%v -tags ios %v\n", targetFlag, flagBuildMode, selectedProject.mainPackage)
sh.Cmd("jiri", "go", "-target", targetFlag, "install", "-buildmode="+flagBuildMode, "-tags", "ios", selectedProject.mainPackage).Run()
func buildBinaryPath(targetArch string) string {
bn := path.Join(flagBuildDirCgo, selectedProject.libraryBinaryName+"_"+targetArch)
switch flagBuildMode {
case buildModeArchive:
return bn + ".a"
case buildModeShared:
return bn + ".dylib"
panic("Unknown build mode")
func installCgoBinary(jirix *jiri.X, targetArch string) {
// Install it to the Swift target directory
swiftTargetDir := getSwiftTargetDir(jirix)
sh.Cmd("mkdir", "-p", swiftTargetDir).Run()
var destLibPath string
switch flagBuildMode {
case buildModeArchive:
a := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v.a", selectedProject.libraryBinaryName, targetArch)
destLibPath = path.Join(swiftTargetDir, a)
sh.Cmd("mv", buildBinaryPath(targetArch), destLibPath).Run()
case buildModeShared:
dylib := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v.dylib", selectedProject.libraryBinaryName, targetArch)
destLibPath = path.Join(swiftTargetDir, dylib)
sh.Cmd("mv", buildBinaryPath(targetArch), destLibPath).Run()
sh.Cmd("install_name_tool", "-id", "@loader_path/"+dylib, destLibPath).Run()
verbose(jirix, "Installed binary at %v\n", destLibPath)
verifyCgoBinaryArchOrPanic(destLibPath, targetArch)
// copyLinkedLibraries will look at the project-specific profile requirements (like v23:syncbase) to find
// any static libraries in the profile that Go might have linked to via CGO_LDFLAGS, and then copy these
// static archives to the target directory. This allows Xcode to be able to directly link to a local copy
// of these files as CGO doesn't statically link the libraries. While it might seem like a bug, it's
// actually a feature: it allows us to distribute a version of a framework without potentially-conflicting
// dependencies like LevelDB should the end-user wish to provide their own copy (or already has another
// library that has statically-linked it).
func copyLinkedLibraries(jirix *jiri.X, targetArch string) error {
if len(selectedProject.jiriProfiles) == 0 {
// No files to copy over
verbose(jirix, "No jiri profiles associated with project; not copying any linked static libs\n")
return nil
// Load jiri profiles database
db := profiles.NewDB()
if err := db.Read(jirix, jirix.ProfilesDBDir()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read profiles db at path %v: %v", jirix.ProfilesDBDir(), err)
// Copy any profile's static libraries over
for _, pn := range selectedProject.jiriProfiles {
// Get profile
splitPn := strings.Split(pn, ":")
if len(splitPn) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("did not understand jiri profile %v -- expected format is <installer>:<name>", pn)
p := db.LookupProfile(splitPn[0], splitPn[1])
if p == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to find profile %v", pn)
// Find target for this architecture & os
var target *profiles.Target
for _, t := range p.Targets() {
if t.Arch() != targetArch {
if t.OS() != "ios" {
target = t
if target == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't find target arch %v in targets %v for profile %v", targetArch, p.Targets(), pn)
copyLinkedLibrariesForTarget(jirix, target)
return nil
// copyLinkedLibrariesForTarget copies any static libraries included on the
// CGO_LDFLAGS to our target directory to make it easy to link to (or
// distribute as its own library) in Xcode.
func copyLinkedLibrariesForTarget(jirix *jiri.X, target *profiles.Target) {
libs := findStaticLibsInDirs(findLibDirsInTargetEnv(jirix, target))
for _, l := range libs {
// Convert path to dst/libname_arch.a
bn := filepath.Base(l)
bn = strings.Trim(bn, filepath.Ext(bn))
dst := filepath.Join(getSwiftTargetDir(jirix), fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v.a", bn, target.Arch()))
verbose(jirix, "Copying %v to %v\n", l, dst)
sh.Cmd("cp", l, dst).Run()
// findLibDirsInTargetEnv parses a profile target's CGO_LDFLAGS for any included
// library dirs, intersects them with the target's installation dir (to make sure
// we only get our own locally-built and not system-wide libraries), and returns
// these absolute paths. For example it will return the directories associated
// with target architecture's compiled static archives of LevelDB and Snappy
// when searching the v23:syncbase profile target.
func findLibDirsInTargetEnv(jirix *jiri.X, t *profiles.Target) []string {
var dirs []string
for _, v := range t.Env.Vars {
if !strings.HasPrefix(v, "CGO_LDFLAGS") {
dirs = strings.Split(v, "-L")
if len(dirs) == 0 {
return dirs
var paths []string
for _, d := range dirs {
i := strings.Index(d, t.InstallationDir)
if i == -1 {
d = filepath.Join(jirix.Root, strings.TrimSpace(d[i:]))
paths = append(paths, d)
return paths
// findStaticLibsInDirs walks a slice of directories searching for static archives
// (files that end with .a), and returns those as a string slice.
func findStaticLibsInDirs(dirs []string) []string {
var libs []string
for _, d := range dirs {
filepath.Walk(d, func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".a") {
libs = append(libs, path)
return nil
return libs
func copyCommonHeaders(jirix *jiri.X) {
verbose(jirix, "Copying common shared headers between Swift and Go\n")
// Take types.h and make it into go_types.h
sh.Cmd("cp", path.Join(jirix.Root, selectedProject.commonHeaderPath), path.Join(getSwiftTargetDir(jirix), "go_types.h")).Run()
func generateSingleHeader(jirix *jiri.X, targetArch string) error {
verbose(jirix, "Generating header for Swift\n")
// Load and parse all the headers
generatedHeadersDir := fmt.Sprintf("%v/release/go/pkg/darwin_%v/%v", jirix.Root, targetArch, selectedProject.exportedHeadersPackageRoot)
generatedHeadersPaths := findHeadersUnderPath(generatedHeadersDir)
hdrs := cgoHeaders{}
for _, file := range generatedHeadersPaths {
hdr, err := newCgoHeader(jirix, file)
if err != nil {
return err
hdrs = append(hdrs, hdr)
// Generate the header
data := struct {
Includes string
Typedefs string
Prologue string
Exports string
Includes: strings.Join(hdrs.includes(), "\n"),
Typedefs: strings.Join(hdrs.typedefs(), "\n"),
Prologue: strings.Join(hdrs[0].prologue, "\n"), // Grab the first -- it is sufficient and complete.
Exports: strings.Join(hdrs.exports(), "\n"),
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("singleCgoHeader").Parse(singleHeaderTmpl))
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := tmpl.Execute(&buf, data); err != nil {
return err
// Write it to disk
combinedHdrPath := path.Join(getSwiftTargetDir(jirix), "cgo_exports.h")
verbose(jirix, "Writing generated merged header to %v\n", combinedHdrPath)
// Remove the old file if it exists
if err := os.RemoveAll(combinedHdrPath); err != nil {
return err
f, err := os.Create(combinedHdrPath)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, err := buf.WriteTo(f); err != nil {
return err
return nil