blob: afddb1d65a5ddb76ef55792183db050c311e31d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package test
import (
const (
bucket = "gs://vanadium-release"
checkManifestRetries = 5
checkManifestRetryPeriod = 10 * time.Second
hostNameStaging = ""
hostNameProduction = ""
adminRole = "identity/role/vprod/admin"
publisherRole = "identity/role/vprod/publisher"
manifestEnvVar = "SNAPSHOT_MANIFEST"
mounttableWaitRetries = 30
mounttableWaitRetryPeriod = 10 * time.Second
propertiesFile = ".release_candidate_properties"
rcTimeFormat = "2006-01-02.15:04"
snapshotName = "rc"
testsEnvVar = "TESTS"
var (
defaultReleaseTestTimeout = time.Minute * 5
manifestRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^devmgr/.*<manifest snapshotpath="manifest/(.*)">`)
serviceBinaries = []string{
nonMounttableApps = []string{
type step struct {
msg string
fn func() error
type updater struct {
jirix *jiri.X
hostname string
oauthBlesserService string
func newUpdater(jirix *jiri.X, hostname string) *updater {
return &updater{
jirix: jirix,
hostname: hostname,
// buildVanadiumBinaries builds all vanadium binaries.
func (u *updater) buildVanadiumBinaries() error {
s := u.jirix.NewSeq()
args := []string{
return s.Last(args[0], args[1:]...)
// extractRCTimestamp extracts release candidate timestamp from the manifest
// path stored in the <manifestEnvVar> environment variable.
func (u *updater) extractRCTimestamp() (string, error) {
manifestPath := os.Getenv(manifestEnvVar)
if manifestPath == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Environment variable %q not set", manifestEnvVar)
return filepath.Base(manifestPath), nil
// uploadVanadiumBinaries uploads binaries to the specific timestamp dir in the
// vanadium-release storage bucket.
func (u *updater) uploadVanadiumBinaries(rcTimestamp string) error {
s := u.jirix.NewSeq()
tmpDir, err := s.TempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
return err
defer u.jirix.NewSeq().RemoveAll(tmpDir)
doneFile := filepath.Join(tmpDir, ".done")
gsutilUploadArgs := []string{
"-q", "-m", "cp", "-r",
filepath.Join(u.jirix.Root, "release", "go", "bin"),
fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", bucket, rcTimestamp),
gsutilDoneArgs := []string{"-q", "cp", doneFile, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", bucket, rcTimestamp)}
return s.
Run("gsutil", gsutilUploadArgs...).
WriteFile(doneFile, nil, os.FileMode(0600)).
Last("gsutil", gsutilDoneArgs...)
// downloadReleaseBinaries uses the "vbinary" tool to download current release
// binaries.
func (u *updater) downloadReleaseBinaries(binDir string) error {
s := u.jirix.NewSeq()
args := []string{
"--output-dir=" + binDir,
return s.Last(u.bin("vbinary"), args...)
// checkReleaseCandidateStatus checks whether the "latest" file in
// gs://vanadium-release was updated today. If so, it means that the staging
// services have been updated successfully today, and it will return the
// content of the file.
func (u *updater) checkReleaseCandidateStatus() (string, error) {
s := u.jirix.NewSeq()
args := []string{
var out bytes.Buffer
stdout := io.MultiWriter(u.jirix.Stdout(), &out)
if err := s.Capture(stdout, nil).Last("gsutil", args...); err != nil {
return "", err
t, err := time.Parse(rcTimeFormat, out.String())
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Parse(%s, %s) failed: %v", rcTimeFormat, out.String(), err)
now := time.Now()
if t.Year() != now.Year() || t.Month() != now.Month() || t.Day() != now.Day() {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Release candidate (%v) not done for today", t)
return out.String(), nil
// publishBinaries publishes binaries from the given location.
// If the location is empty, it will use $JIRI_ROOT/release/go/bin.
func (u *updater) publishBinaries(binDir string) error {
s := u.jirix.NewSeq()
args := u.publisherCmd(
if binDir != "" {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--from=%s", binDir))
args = append(args, serviceBinaries...)
return s.Timeout(defaultReleaseTestTimeout).Last(args[0], args[1:]...)
// updateInstallations updates installations of all apps.
func (u *updater) updateInstallations() error {
return u.runDeviceUpdate("devmgr/apps/*/*")
// updateMounttable updates mounttable instance.
// It will return when mounttable is ready or times out.
func (u *updater) updateMounttable() error {
if err := u.runDeviceUpdate("devmgr/apps/mounttabled/*/*"); err != nil {
return err
return u.waitForMounttable(fmt.Sprintf("/ns.%s:8101", u.hostname), `.+`)
// updateNonMounttableInstances updates instances of all apps.
func (u *updater) updateNonMounttableInstances() error {
for _, app := range nonMounttableApps {
if err := u.runDeviceUpdate(fmt.Sprintf("%s/*/*", app)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// updateDeviceManager updates device manager itself.
func (u *updater) updateDeviceManager() error {
return u.runDeviceUpdate("devmgr/device")
// checkManifestTimestamps checks the timestamp part of the manifest for all apps
// againest the given expected timestamp.
func (u *updater) checkManifestTimestamps(statsPrefix, expectedTimestamp string, expectedNumMatches int) error {
fmt.Fprintf(u.jirix.Stdout(), "Expected timestamp: %s\nExpected number of results: %d\n------\n", expectedTimestamp, expectedNumMatches)
s := u.jirix.NewSeq()
args := u.adminCmd(
fmt.Sprintf("%s/stats/system/metadata/build.Manifest", statsPrefix),
checkFn := func() error {
var out bytes.Buffer
if err := s.Capture(&out, nil).Timeout(defaultReleaseTestTimeout).Last(args[0], args[1:]...); err != nil {
return err
statsOutput := out.String()
numMatches := 0
for _, line := range strings.Split(statsOutput, "\n") {
matches := manifestRE.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(matches) != 2 {
snapshotPath := matches[1]
timestamp := filepath.Base(snapshotPath)
fmt.Fprintf(u.jirix.Stdout(), "%d: %s\n", numMatches, line)
if timestamp != expectedTimestamp {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to verify manifest timestamp of #%d. Got %s, want %s", numMatches, timestamp, expectedTimestamp)
if numMatches != expectedNumMatches {
return fmt.Errorf("wrong number of matches: want %d, got %d", expectedNumMatches, numMatches)
return nil
return retry.Function(u.jirix.Context, checkFn, retry.AttemptsOpt(checkManifestRetries), retry.IntervalOpt(checkManifestRetryPeriod))
// updateLatestFile updates the "latest" file in Google Storage bucket to the
// given release candidate timestamp.
func (u *updater) updateLatestFile(rcTimestamp string) error {
s := u.jirix.NewSeq()
tmpDir, err := s.TempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
return err
defer u.jirix.NewSeq().RemoveAll(tmpDir)
latestFile := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "latest")
args := []string{"-q", "cp", latestFile, fmt.Sprintf("%s/latest", bucket)}
return s.WriteFile(latestFile, []byte(rcTimestamp), os.FileMode(0600)).
Last("gsutil", args...)
// checkServices runs "jiri test run vanadium-prod-services-test".
func (u *updater) checkServices() error {
s := u.jirix.NewSeq()
args := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("--blessings-root=%s", u.hostname),
return s.Timeout(defaultReleaseTestTimeout).Last(args[0], args[1:]...)
func (u *updater) runDeviceUpdate(target string) error {
s := u.jirix.NewSeq()
args := u.adminCmd(
return s.Timeout(defaultReleaseTestTimeout).Last(args[0], args[1:]...)
// waitForMounttable waits for the given mounttable to be up and checks output
// against outputRegexp (timeout: 5 minutes).
func (u *updater) waitForMounttable(mounttableRoot, outputRegexp string) error {
fmt.Fprintf(u.jirix.Stdout(), "Waiting for mounttable to be up...\n")
s := u.jirix.NewSeq()
args := u.adminCmd(
up := false
outputRE := regexp.MustCompile(outputRegexp)
for i := 0; i < mounttableWaitRetries; i++ {
var out bytes.Buffer
err := s.Capture(&out, nil).Last(args[0], args[1:]...)
if err != nil || !outputRE.MatchString(out.String()) {
} else {
up = true
if !up {
return fmt.Errorf("mounttable %q not up after 5 minute", mounttableRoot)
return nil
func (u *updater) roleCmd(role string, cmd []string) []string {
return append([]string{
fmt.Sprintf("--oauth-blesser=https://%s/auth/google/bless", u.hostname),
fmt.Sprintf("--role=/ns.%s:8101/%s", u.hostname, role),
}, cmd...)
func (u *updater) adminCmd(cmd ...string) []string {
return u.roleCmd(adminRole, cmd)
func (u *updater) publisherCmd(cmd ...string) []string {
return u.roleCmd(publisherRole, cmd)
func (u *updater) globalMtFlag() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("--v23.namespace.root=/ns.%s:8101", u.hostname)
func (u *updater) localMtFlag() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("--v23.namespace.root=/ns.%s:8151", u.hostname)
func (u *updater) bin(name string) string {
return filepath.Join(u.jirix.Root, "release", "go", "bin", name)
func (u *updater) outputCmd(args []string) {
fmt.Fprintf(u.jirix.Stdout(), "Running:\n%s\n", strings.Join(args, " \\\n "))
// vanadiumReleaseCandidate updates binaries of staging cloud services and run tests for them.
func vanadiumReleaseCandidate(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
// Extract release candidate timestamp from env var.
u := newUpdater(jirix, hostNameStaging)
rcTimestamp, err := u.extractRCTimestamp()
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Extract release candidate timestamp")
fmt.Fprintf(u.jirix.Stdout(), "Timestamp: %s\n", rcTimestamp)
steps := []step{
msg: "Prepare binaries",
fn: func() error {
if err := u.buildVanadiumBinaries(); err != nil {
return err
return u.uploadVanadiumBinaries(rcTimestamp)
steps = append(steps, genCommonSteps(u, "", rcTimestamp)...)
steps = append(steps,
msg: "Update the 'latest' file",
fn: func() error { return u.updateLatestFile(rcTimestamp) },
for _, step := range steps {
if result, err := invoker(jirix, step.msg, step.fn); result != nil || err != nil {
return result, err
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
// vanadiumReleaseProduction updates binaries of production cloud services and runs tests for them.
func vanadiumReleaseProduction(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
u := newUpdater(jirix, hostNameProduction)
// Temp dir to hold release binaries.
binDir, err := u.jirix.NewSeq().TempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "TempDir")
defer u.jirix.NewSeq().RemoveAll(binDir)
// Make sure we got a release candidate today.
rcTimestamp, err := u.checkReleaseCandidateStatus()
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Check release candidate")
steps := []step{
msg: "Download release binaries",
fn: func() error { return u.downloadReleaseBinaries(binDir) },
steps = append(steps, genCommonSteps(u, binDir, rcTimestamp)...)
for _, step := range steps {
if result, err := invoker(jirix, step.msg, step.fn); result != nil || err != nil {
return result, err
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
// invoker invokes the given function and returns test.Result and/or
// errors based on function's results.
func invoker(jirix *jiri.X, msg string, fn func() error) (*test.Result, error) {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), banner(msg))
if err := fn(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%s\n", err.Error())
test.Fail(jirix.Context, "\n\n")
if runutil.IsTimeout(err) {
return &test.Result{
Status: test.TimedOut,
TimeoutValue: defaultReleaseTestTimeout,
}, nil
return nil, newInternalError(err, msg)
test.Pass(jirix.Context, "\n\n")
return nil, nil
// banner generates a banner like this:
// ##############
// # banner msg #
// ##############
func banner(msg string) string {
s := strings.Repeat("#", len(msg)+4)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n# %s #\n%s\n", s, msg, s)
// vanadiumReleaseCandidateSnapshot takes a snapshot of the current JIRI_ROOT and
// writes the symlink target (the relative path to JIRI_ROOT) of that snapshot
// in the form of "<manifestEnvVar>=<symlinkTarget>" to
// "JIRI_ROOT/<snapshotManifestFile>".
func vanadiumReleaseCandidateSnapshot(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, opts ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
// TODO(nlacasse): Are we going to continue storing snapshots here? Maybe
// we need some configuation to tell us where these should be, so we don't
// need to hard-code this path.
manifestDir := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "manifest")
snapshotDir := filepath.Join(manifestDir, "snapshot")
// Take snapshot.
args := []string{
"--dir=" + snapshotDir,
// TODO(jingjin): change this to use "date-rc<n>" format when the function is ready.
"--time-format=" + rcTimeFormat,
s := jirix.NewSeq()
if err := s.Last("jiri", args...); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Snapshot")
// Get the symlink target of the newly created snapshot manifest.
symlink := filepath.Join(snapshotDir, snapshotName)
target, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(symlink)
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(fmt.Errorf("EvalSymlinks(%s) failed: %v", symlink, err), "Resolve Snapshot Symlink")
// Get manifest file's relative path to the root manifest dir.
relativePath := strings.TrimPrefix(target, manifestDir+string(filepath.Separator))
// Get all the tests to run.
config, err := util.LoadConfig(jirix)
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "LoadConfig")
tests := config.GroupTests([]string{"go", "java", "javascript", "projects", "third_party-go"})
testsWithParts := []string{}
// Append the part suffix to tests that have multiple parts specified in the config file.
for _, test := range tests {
if parts := config.TestParts(test); parts != nil {
for i := 0; i <= len(parts); i++ {
testsWithParts = append(testsWithParts, fmt.Sprintf("%s-part%d", test, i))
} else {
testsWithParts = append(testsWithParts, test)
// Write to the properties file.
content := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s\n%s=%s", manifestEnvVar, relativePath, testsEnvVar, strings.Join(testsWithParts, " "))
if err := s.WriteFile(filepath.Join(jirix.Root, propertiesFile), []byte(content), os.FileMode(0644)).Done(); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Record Properties")
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
func genCommonSteps(u *updater, binDir, rcTimestamp string) []step {
return []step{
msg: "Publish binaries",
fn: func() error { return u.publishBinaries(binDir) },
msg: "Update installations",
fn: u.updateInstallations,
msg: "Update mounttable",
fn: u.updateMounttable,
msg: "Update non-mounttable apps",
fn: u.updateNonMounttableInstances,
msg: "Check manifest timestamps of all apps",
fn: func() error { return u.checkManifestTimestamps("devmgr/apps/*/*/*", rcTimestamp, 8) },
msg: "Update device manager",
fn: u.updateDeviceManager,
msg: "Check manifest timestamps of device manager",
fn: func() error { return u.checkManifestTimestamps("devmgr/__debug", rcTimestamp, 1) },
msg: "Health check",
fn: u.checkServices,