blob: b8fb73c860bf7c9e44a546a022a158ebc756da80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package test
import (
func vanadiumSignupProxy(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
return vanadiumSignupProxyHelper(jirix, "old_schema.go", testName)
func vanadiumSignupProxyNew(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
return vanadiumSignupProxyHelper(jirix, "new_schema.go", testName)
func vanadiumSignupProxyHelper(jirix *jiri.X, schema, testName string) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
// Fetch emails addresses.
credentials := os.Getenv("CREDENTIALS")
sheetID := os.Getenv("SHEET_ID")
data, err := fetchFieldValues(jirix, credentials, "email", schema, sheetID, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "fetch")
// Create a feature branch in the infrastructure project.
infraDir := gitutil.RootDirOpt(filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "infrastructure"))
git := gitutil.New(jirix.NewSeq(), infraDir)
if err := git.CreateAndCheckoutBranch("update"); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "create")
defer collect.Error(func() error {
git := gitutil.New(jirix.NewSeq(), infraDir)
if err := git.CheckoutBranch("master", gitutil.ForceOpt(true)); err != nil {
return newInternalError(err, "checkout")
if err := git.DeleteBranch("update", gitutil.ForceOpt(true)); err != nil {
return newInternalError(err, "delete")
return nil
}, &e)
// Update emails address whitelists.
whitelists := strings.Split(os.Getenv("WHITELISTS"), string(filepath.ListSeparator))
mergeSrc := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "infrastructure", "signup", "merge.go")
s := jirix.NewSeq()
for _, whitelist := range whitelists {
if err := s.Read(bytes.NewReader(data)).Last("jiri", "go", "run", mergeSrc, "-whitelist="+whitelist); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "merge")
if err := gitutil.New(jirix.NewSeq(), infraDir).Add(whitelist); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "commit")
// Push changes (if any exist) to master.
changed, err := git.HasUncommittedChanges()
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "changes")
if changed {
if err := git.CommitWithMessage("updating list of emails"); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "commit")
if err := git.Push("origin", "update:master", gitutil.VerifyOpt(false)); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "push")
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
func vanadiumSignupWelcomeStepOneNew(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
credentials := os.Getenv("CREDENTIALS")
sheetID := os.Getenv("SHEET_ID")
data, err := fetchFieldValues(jirix, credentials, "email", "new_schema.go", sheetID, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "fetch")
var emails bytes.Buffer
s := jirix.NewSeq()
welcome := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "infrastructure", "signup", "welcome.go")
sentlist := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "infrastructure", "signup", "sentlist.json")
if err := s.Read(bytes.NewReader(data)).Capture(&emails, nil).Last("jiri", "go", "run", welcome, "-sentlist="+sentlist); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "welcome")
// Convert the newline delimited output from the command above into a slice of
// strings which can be written to a file in the format:
// EMAILS = <email> <email> <email...>
output := []string{"EMAILS", "="}
reader := bytes.NewReader(emails.Bytes())
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(reader)
for scanner.Scan() {
email := scanner.Text()
output = append(output, email)
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Scan")
// Join the array and convert it to bytes
contents := strings.Join(output, " ")
filename := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, ".vanadium_signup_weclome_properties")
if err := s.WriteFile(filename, []byte(contents), 0644).Done(); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "WriteFile")
// Create a feature branch in the infrastructure project.
infraDir := gitutil.RootDirOpt(filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "infrastructure"))
git := gitutil.New(jirix.NewSeq(), infraDir)
if err := git.CreateAndCheckoutBranch("update"); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "create")
defer collect.Error(func() error {
git := gitutil.New(jirix.NewSeq(), infraDir)
if err := git.CheckoutBranch("master", gitutil.ForceOpt(true)); err != nil {
return newInternalError(err, "checkout")
if err := git.DeleteBranch("update", gitutil.ForceOpt(true)); err != nil {
return newInternalError(err, "delete")
return nil
}, &e)
if err := git.Add(sentlist); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "commit")
// Push changes (if any exist) to master.
changed, err := git.HasUncommittedChanges()
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "changes")
if changed {
if err := git.CommitWithMessage("infrastructure/signup: updating sentlist"); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "commit")
if err := git.Push("origin", "update:master", gitutil.VerifyOpt(false)); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "push")
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
func vanadiumSignupWelcomeStepTwoNew(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
mailer := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "release", "go", "src", "", "x", "devtools", "mailer", "mailer.go")
mailerFunc := func() error {
return jirix.NewSeq().Last("jiri", "go", "run", mailer)
if err := retry.Function(jirix.Context, mailerFunc); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "mailer")
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
func vanadiumSignupGithub(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
return vanadiumSignupGithubHelper(jirix, "old_schema.go", testName)
func vanadiumSignupGithubNew(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
return vanadiumSignupGithubHelper(jirix, "new_schema.go", testName)
func vanadiumSignupGithubHelper(jirix *jiri.X, schema, testName string) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
credentials := os.Getenv("CREDENTIALS")
sheetID := os.Getenv("SHEET_ID")
data, err := fetchFieldValues(jirix, credentials, "github", schema, sheetID, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "fetch")
// Add them to @vanadium/developers
githubToken := os.Getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
github := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "infrastructure", "signup", "github.go")
if err := jirix.NewSeq().Read(bytes.NewReader(data)).Last("jiri", "go", "run", github, "-token="+githubToken); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "github")
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
func vanadiumSignupGroup(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
return vanadiumSignupGroupHelper(jirix, "old_schema.go", testName, false)
func vanadiumSignupGroupNew(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
return vanadiumSignupGroupHelper(jirix, "new_schema.go", testName, false)
func vanadiumSignupDiscussNew(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, _ ...Opt) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
return vanadiumSignupGroupHelper(jirix, "new_schema.go", testName, true)
func vanadiumSignupGroupHelper(jirix *jiri.X, schema, testName string, discussOnly bool) (_ *test.Result, e error) {
cleanup, err := initTest(jirix, testName, []string{"v23:base"})
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "Init")
defer collect.Error(func() error { return cleanup() }, &e)
// Fetch emails addresses.
credentials := os.Getenv("CREDENTIALS")
sheetID := os.Getenv("SHEET_ID")
data, err := fetchFieldValues(jirix, credentials, "email", schema, sheetID, discussOnly)
if err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "fetch")
// Add them to Google Group.
groupEmail := os.Getenv("GROUP_EMAIL")
groupSrc := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "infrastructure", "signup", "group.go")
if err := jirix.NewSeq().Read(bytes.NewReader(data)).Last("jiri", "go", "run", groupSrc, "-credentials="+credentials, "-group-email="+groupEmail); err != nil {
return nil, newInternalError(err, "group")
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
func fetchFieldValues(jirix *jiri.X, credentials, field, schema, sheetID string, discussOnly bool) ([]byte, error) {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
fetchSrc := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "infrastructure", "signup", "fetch.go")
schemaSrc := filepath.Join(jirix.Root, "infrastructure", "signup", schema)
args := []string{"go", "run", fetchSrc, schemaSrc, "-credentials=" + credentials, "-field=" + field, "-sheet-id=" + sheetID}
if discussOnly {
args = append(args, "-discuss-only")
if err := jirix.NewSeq().Capture(&buffer, nil).Last("jiri", args...); err != nil {
return nil, err
return buffer.Bytes(), nil