blob: e4859d6974995e0e466ae72f08229112396289fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The following enables go generate to generate the doc.go file.
//go:generate go run $JIRI_ROOT/release/go/src/ . -help
package main
import (
var skipPackages = map[string]bool{
"": true,
"": true,
"": true,
const vtracePackage = "\"\""
const contextPackage = ""
func main() {
var (
transitive = flag.Bool("t", false, "include transitive dependencies of named packages.")
var cmdTracify = &cmdline.Command{
Name: "tracify",
Short: "Add vtrace annotations to functions in the specified packages.",
Long: `
tracify adds vtrace annotations to all functions in the given packages that
have a context as the first argument.
TODO(mattr): We will eventually support various options like excluding certain functions
or including specific information in the span name.
ArgsName: "[-t] [packages]",
Runner: cmdline.RunnerFunc(tracify),
// tracify adds vtrace spans to functions in the packages defined by args.
func tracify(env *cmdline.Env, args []string) error {
pkgs, err := readPackages(env, args)
if err != nil {
return err
if *transitive {
tPkgs := map[string]*build.Package{}
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
if err := addTransitive(tPkgs, pkg, true); err != nil {
return err
pkgs = tPkgs
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
if pkg != nil {
if err := processPackage(pkg); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// processPackage processes a build package, rewriting any file in the package
// to include vtrace annotations.
func processPackage(pkg *build.Package) error {
fset := token.NewFileSet()
pkgs, err := parser.ParseDir(fset, pkg.Dir, nil, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, p := range pkgs {
for fname, f := range p.Files {
processFile(fset, fname, f)
return nil
var vtraceTpl = template.Must(template.New("vtrace").Parse(`
{{.CtxName}}, vspan := {{.VtraceName}}.WithNewSpan({{.CtxName}}, "{{.FuncName}}")
defer vspan.Finish()
type decl struct {
pos token.Position
CtxName string
FuncName string
VtraceName string
// processFile Processes a single source file, rewriting it to include vtrace
// spans where necessary.
func processFile(fset *token.FileSet, fname string, f *ast.File) error {
vtraceName := ""
for _, i := range f.Imports {
if i.Path.Value == vtracePackage {
if i.Name == nil {
vtraceName = "vtrace"
} else {
vtraceName = i.Name.Name
decls := []decl{}
args := translateTypes(fset, f.Imports, []string{"*context.T"})
for _, d := range f.Decls {
if fd, ok := d.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok {
matches, names := checkParams(fset, fd.Type, args)
if !matches || len(names) == 0 || names[0] == "_" {
decls = append(decls, decl{
pos: fset.Position(fd.Body.Lbrace),
CtxName: names[0],
FuncName: fd.Name.Name,
if len(decls) > 0 {
inj, err := newInjector(fname)
if err != nil {
return err
if vtraceName == "" {
if err := inj.inject(fset.Position(f.Name.End()), fmt.Sprintf("\nimport %s\n", vtracePackage)); err != nil {
return err
vtraceName = "vtrace"
for _, d := range decls {
d.VtraceName = vtraceName
if err := inj.execute(d.pos, vtraceTpl, d); err != nil {
return err
if err := inj.format(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// readPackages resolves the user-supplied package patterns to a list of actual packages.
// We just call out to 'go list' for this since there is actually a lot of subtlety
// in resolving the patterns.
func readPackages(env *cmdline.Env, args []string) (map[string]*build.Package, error) {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
opts := []string{"list", "-json"}
cmd := exec.Command("go", append(opts, args...)...)
cmd.Env = envvar.MapToSlice(env.Vars)
cmd.Stderr = env.Stderr
cmd.Stdout = buf
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not list packages: %v", err)
dec := json.NewDecoder(buf)
packages := map[string]*build.Package{}
for {
var pkg build.Package
if err := dec.Decode(&pkg); err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
packages[pkg.ImportPath] = &pkg
return packages, nil
// addTransitive adds the transitive dependencies of pkg to packages.
func addTransitive(packages map[string]*build.Package, pkg *build.Package, alsoTest bool) error {
if skipPackages[pkg.ImportPath] {
return nil
if _, ok := packages[pkg.ImportPath]; ok {
return nil
packages[pkg.ImportPath] = nil
foundCtx := false
for _, dep := range pkg.Imports {
if dep == contextPackage {
foundCtx = true
allImports := [][]string{pkg.Imports}
if alsoTest {
allImports = append(allImports, pkg.TestImports, pkg.XTestImports)
for _, imports := range allImports {
for _, dep := range imports {
if dep == "C" {
depPkg, err := build.Import(dep, "", 0)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := addTransitive(packages, depPkg, false); err != nil {
return err
// Skip if we don't depend on context.
if foundCtx {
packages[pkg.ImportPath] = pkg
return nil
// checkParams returns true if the given function type has at least the given arg types.
// For example if args is ["*context.T", "int", "int"]
// Then checkParams would return true for:
// - func foo(ctx *context.T, a int, b int)
// - func foo(ctx *context.T, a, b int)
// - func foo(ctx *context.T, a, b int, c string)
// but not:
// - func foo(a string, ctx *context.T, a, b int)
// - func foo(ctx *context.T, c string, a, b int)
// - func foo(ctx *context.T, a int)
func checkParams(fset *token.FileSet, ftype *ast.FuncType, args []string) (bool, []string) {
i := 0
names := []string{}
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
for _, param := range ftype.Params.List {
format.Node(buf, fset, param.Type)
typeStr := buf.String()
nnames := len(param.Names)
if nnames == 0 {
nnames = 1 //Anonymous field.
for n := 0; n < nnames; n++ {
if args[i] != typeStr {
return false, nil
if n < len(param.Names) {
names = append(names, param.Names[n].Name)
if i++; i >= len(args) {
return true, names
return false, nil
// translateTypes uses the declared imports to change a list of queried types to their mapped versions.
// For example if you call:
// translateTypes(fset, imports, "*testing.T")
// and imports contains the import:
// import t "testing"
// Then we will return:
// []string{"*t.T"}
func translateTypes(fset *token.FileSet, imports []*ast.ImportSpec, types []string) []string {
namedImports := map[string]string{}
for _, i := range imports {
if i.Name != nil {
path := strings.Trim(i.Path.Value, "\"")
namedImports[path] = i.Name.Name
out := make([]string, len(types))
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
for i, typ := range types {
out[i] = typ
if expr, err := parser.ParseExpr(typ); err == nil && changePackage(expr, namedImports) {
if err := format.Node(buf, fset, expr); err == nil {
out[i] = buf.String()
return out
// changePackage changes the package name of a type to the mapped name.
// For example if you pass in the expr corresponding to "*testing.T" but
// the file has declared:
// import t "testing"
// then it will return the expr for "*t.T".
// TODO(mattr): I'm not sure this catches all the cases. If we find a breakage
// we can fix it then.
func changePackage(expr ast.Expr, namedImports map[string]string) bool {
switch e := expr.(type) {
case *ast.StarExpr:
return changePackage(e.X, namedImports)
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
if id, ok := e.X.(*ast.Ident); ok {
if name, has := namedImports[id.Name]; has {
id.Name = name
return true
return false
return false