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Command vmon interacts with Google Cloud Monitoring.
vmon [flags] <command>
The vmon commands are:
md Manage metric descriptors in the given GCM instance
check Manage checks used for alerting and graphing
help Display help for commands or topics
The vmon flags are:
Use color to format output.
The path to the service account's JSON credentials file.
The GCM's corresponding GCE project ID.
Print verbose output.
The global flags are:
log to standard error as well as files
when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
if non-empty, write log files to this directory
log to standard error instead of files
max size in bytes of the buffer to use for logging stack traces
-metadata=<just specify -metadata to activate>
Displays metadata for the program and exits.
logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
Dump timing information to stderr before exiting the program.
log level for V logs
directory to use for storing security credentials
18n catalogue files to load, comma separated
local namespace root; can be repeated to provided multiple roots
object name of proxy service to use to export services across network
address to listen on
protocol to listen with
The number of vtrace traces to store in memory.
Spans and annotations that match this regular expression will trigger trace
If true, dump all stored traces on runtime shutdown.
Rate (from 0.0 to 1.0) to sample vtrace traces.
The verbosity level of the log messages to be captured in traces
comma-separated list of globpattern=N settings for filename-filtered logging
(without the .go suffix). E.g. foo/bar/baz.go is matched by patterns baz or
*az or b* but not by bar/baz or baz.go or az or b.*
comma-separated list of regexppattern=N settings for file pathname-filtered
logging (without the .go suffix). E.g. foo/bar/baz.go is matched by patterns
foo/bar/baz or fo.*az or oo/ba or b.z but not by foo/bar/baz.go or fo*az
Vmon md - Manage metric descriptors in the given GCM instance
Metric descriptor defines the metadata for a custom metric. It includes the
metric's name, description, a set of labels, and its type. Before adding custom
metric data points to GCM, we need to create its metric descriptor (once).
vmon md [flags] <command>
The vmon md commands are:
create Create the given metric descriptor in GCM
delete Delete the given metric descriptor from GCM
list List known custom metric descriptors
query Query metric descriptors from GCM using the given filter
The vmon md flags are:
Use color to format output.
The path to the service account's JSON credentials file.
The GCM's corresponding GCE project ID.
Print verbose output.
Vmon md create - Create the given metric descriptor in GCM
Create the given metric descriptor in GCM.
vmon md create [flags] <names>
<names> is a list of metric descriptor names to create. Available: gce-instance,
jenkins, nginx, rpc-load-test, service-counters, service-counters-agg,
service-latency, service-latency-agg, service-metadata, service-metadata-agg,
service-permethod-latency, service-permethod-latency-agg, service-qps-method,
service-qps-method-agg, service-qps-total, service-qps-total-agg
The vmon md create flags are:
Use color to format output.
The path to the service account's JSON credentials file.
The GCM's corresponding GCE project ID.
Print verbose output.
Vmon md delete - Delete the given metric descriptor from GCM
Delete the given metric descriptor from GCM.
vmon md delete [flags] <names>
<names> is a list of metric descriptor names to delete. Available: gce-instance,
jenkins, nginx, rpc-load-test, service-counters, service-counters-agg,
service-latency, service-latency-agg, service-metadata, service-metadata-agg,
service-permethod-latency, service-permethod-latency-agg, service-qps-method,
service-qps-method-agg, service-qps-total, service-qps-total-agg
The vmon md delete flags are:
Use color to format output.
The path to the service account's JSON credentials file.
The GCM's corresponding GCE project ID.
Print verbose output.
Vmon md list - List known custom metric descriptors
List known custom metric descriptors.
vmon md list [flags]
The vmon md list flags are:
Use color to format output.
The path to the service account's JSON credentials file.
The GCM's corresponding GCE project ID.
Print verbose output.
Vmon md query - Query metric descriptors from GCM using the given filter
Query metric descriptors from GCM using the given filter.
vmon md query [flags]
The vmon md query flags are:
The filter used for query. Default to only query custom metrics.
Use color to format output.
The path to the service account's JSON credentials file.
The GCM's corresponding GCE project ID.
Print verbose output.
Vmon check - Manage checks used for alerting and graphing
Manage checks whose results are used in GCM for alerting and graphing.
vmon check [flags] <command>
The vmon check commands are:
list List known checks
run Run the given checks
The vmon check flags are:
The path where all binaries are downloaded.
The blessings root.
The path to v23 credentials.
The namespace root.
Use color to format output.
The path to the service account's JSON credentials file.
The GCM's corresponding GCE project ID.
Print verbose output.
Vmon check list - List known checks
List known checks.
vmon check list [flags]
The vmon check list flags are:
The path where all binaries are downloaded.
Use color to format output.
The path to the service account's JSON credentials file.
The GCM's corresponding GCE project ID.
The blessings root.
Print verbose output.
The path to v23 credentials.
The namespace root.
Vmon check run - Run the given checks
Run the given checks.
vmon check run [flags] <names>
<names> is a list of names identifying the checks to run. Available:
gce-instance, jenkins, rpc-load-test, service-counters, service-latency,
service-metadata, service-permethod-latency, service-qps
The vmon check run flags are:
The path where all binaries are downloaded.
Use color to format output.
The path to the service account's JSON credentials file.
The GCM's corresponding GCE project ID.
The blessings root.
Print verbose output.
The path to v23 credentials.
The namespace root.
Vmon help - Display help for commands or topics
Help with no args displays the usage of the parent command.
Help with args displays the usage of the specified sub-command or help topic.
"help ..." recursively displays help for all commands and topics.
vmon help [flags] [command/topic ...]
[command/topic ...] optionally identifies a specific sub-command or help topic.
The vmon help flags are:
The formatting style for help output:
compact - Good for compact cmdline output.
full - Good for cmdline output, shows all global flags.
godoc - Good for godoc processing.
shortonly - Only output short description.
Override the default by setting the CMDLINE_STYLE environment variable.
-width=<terminal width>
Format output to this target width in runes, or unlimited if width < 0.
Defaults to the terminal width if available. Override the default by setting
the CMDLINE_WIDTH environment variable.
package main