blob: d9ec6b7217bdf2ece09e3336cb6c23c01f56ee0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package test
import (
const (
// numLinesToOutput identifies the number of lines to be included in
// the error messsage of an xUnit report.
numLinesToOutput = 50
const (
dummyTestResult = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This file will be used to generate a dummy test results file
in case the presubmit tests produce no test result files.
<testsuite name="NO_TESTS" tests="1" errors="0" failures="0" skip="0">
<testcase classname="NO_TESTS" name="NO_TESTS" time="0">
// testNode represents a node of a test dependency graph.
type testNode struct {
// deps is a list of its dependencies.
deps []string
// visited determines whether a DFS exploration of the test
// dependency graph has visited this test.
visited bool
// stack determines whether this test is on the search stack
// of a DFS exploration of the test dependency graph.
stack bool
// testDepGraph captures the test dependency graph.
type testDepGraph map[string]*testNode
var testMock = func(*jiri.X, string, ...Opt) (*test.Result, error) {
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
var testFunctions = map[string]func(*jiri.X, string, ...Opt) (*test.Result, error){
// TODO(jsimsa,cnicolaou): consider getting rid of the vanadium- prefix.
"ignore-this": testMock,
"baku-android-build": bakuAndroidBuild,
"baku-java-test": bakuJavaTest,
"test-presubmit-test": testPresubmitTest,
"third_party-go-build": thirdPartyGoBuild,
"third_party-go-test": thirdPartyGoTest,
"third_party-go-race": thirdPartyGoRace,
"vanadium-android-build": vanadiumAndroidBuild,
"vanadium-baku-test": vanadiumBakuTest,
"vanadium-bootstrap": vanadiumBootstrap,
"vanadium-browser-test": vanadiumBrowserTest,
"vanadium-browser-test-web": vanadiumBrowserTestWeb,
"vanadium-chat-shell-test": vanadiumChatShellTest,
"vanadium-chat-web-test": vanadiumChatWebTest,
"vanadium-chat-web-ui-test": vanadiumChatWebUITest,
"vanadium-copyright": vanadiumCopyright,
"vanadium-create-instance-test": vanadiumCreateInstanceTest,
"vanadium-croupier-unit": vanadiumCroupierTestUnit,
"vanadium-croupier-unit-go": vanadiumCroupierTestUnitGo,
"vanadium-github-mirror": vanadiumGitHubMirror,
"vanadium-go-api": vanadiumGoAPI,
"vanadium-go-bench": vanadiumGoBench,
"vanadium-go-binaries": vanadiumGoBinaries,
"vanadium-go-build": vanadiumGoBuild,
"vanadium-go-cover": vanadiumGoCoverage,
"vanadium-go-depcop": vanadiumGoDepcop,
"vanadium-go-format": vanadiumGoFormat,
"vanadium-go-generate": vanadiumGoGenerate,
"vanadium-go-race": vanadiumGoRace,
"vanadium-go-snapshot": vanadiumGoSnapshot,
"vanadium-go-test": vanadiumGoTest,
"vanadium-go-vdl": vanadiumGoVDL,
"vanadium-go-vet": vanadiumGoVet,
"vanadium-go-rpc-stress": vanadiumGoRPCStress,
"vanadium-go-rpc-load": vanadiumGoRPCLoad,
"vanadium-integration-test": vanadiumIntegrationTest,
"vanadium-java-test": vanadiumJavaTest,
"vanadium-js-build-extension": vanadiumJSBuildExtension,
"vanadium-js-doc": vanadiumJSDoc,
"vanadium-js-doc-deploy": vanadiumJSDocDeploy,
"vanadium-js-doc-syncbase": vanadiumJSDocSyncbase,
"vanadium-js-doc-syncbase-deploy": vanadiumJSDocSyncbaseDeploy,
"vanadium-js-browser-integration": vanadiumJSBrowserIntegration,
"vanadium-js-node-integration": vanadiumJSNodeIntegration,
"vanadium-js-syncbase-browser": vanadiumJSSyncbaseBrowser,
"vanadium-js-syncbase-node": vanadiumJSSyncbaseNode,
"vanadium-js-unit": vanadiumJSUnit,
"vanadium-js-vdl": vanadiumJSVdl,
"vanadium-js-vdl-audit": vanadiumJSVdlAudit,
"vanadium-js-vom": vanadiumJSVom,
"vanadium-mojo-discovery-test": vanadiumMojoDiscoveryTest,
"vanadium-mojo-syncbase-test": vanadiumMojoSyncbaseTest,
"vanadium-mojo-v23proxy-unit-test": vanadiumMojoV23ProxyUnitTest,
"vanadium-mojo-v23proxy-integration-test": vanadiumMojoV23ProxyIntegrationTest,
"vanadium-moments-test": vanadiumMomentsTest,
"vanadium-nginx-deploy-production": vanadiumNGINXDeployProduction,
"vanadium-nginx-deploy-staging": vanadiumNGINXDeployStaging,
"vanadium-pipe2browser-test": vanadiumPipe2BrowserTest,
"vanadium-playground-test": vanadiumPlaygroundTest,
"vanadium-postsubmit-poll": vanadiumPostsubmitPoll,
"vanadium-presubmit-poll": vanadiumPresubmitPoll,
"vanadium-presubmit-result": vanadiumPresubmitResult,
"vanadium-presubmit-test": vanadiumPresubmitTest,
"vanadium-prod-services-test": vanadiumProdServicesTest,
"vanadium-reader-test": vanadiumReaderTest,
"vanadium-regression-test": vanadiumRegressionTest,
"vanadium-release-candidate": vanadiumReleaseCandidate,
"vanadium-release-candidate-snapshot": vanadiumReleaseCandidateSnapshot,
"vanadium-release-production": vanadiumReleaseProduction,
"vanadium-release-kube-staging": vanadiumReleaseKubeStaging,
"vanadium-release-kube-production": vanadiumReleaseKubeProduction,
"vanadium-signup-github": vanadiumSignupGithub,
"vanadium-signup-github-new": vanadiumSignupGithubNew,
"vanadium-signup-group": vanadiumSignupGroup,
"vanadium-signup-group-new": vanadiumSignupGroupNew,
"vanadium-signup-discuss-new": vanadiumSignupDiscussNew,
"vanadium-signup-proxy": vanadiumSignupProxy,
"vanadium-signup-proxy-new": vanadiumSignupProxyNew,
"vanadium-signup-welcome-1-new": vanadiumSignupWelcomeStepOneNew,
"vanadium-signup-welcome-2-new": vanadiumSignupWelcomeStepTwoNew,
"vanadium-travel-test": vanadiumTravelTest,
"vanadium-website-site": vanadiumWebsiteSite,
"vanadium-website-tutorials-core": vanadiumWebsiteTutorialsCore,
"vanadium-website-tutorials-external": vanadiumWebsiteTutorialsExternal,
"vanadium-website-tutorials-java": vanadiumWebsiteTutorialsJava,
func newTestContext(jirix *jiri.X, env map[string]string) *jiri.X {
tmpEnv := map[string]string{}
for key, value := range jirix.Env() {
tmpEnv[key] = value
for key, value := range env {
tmpEnv[key] = value
return jirix.Clone(tool.ContextOpts{
Env: tmpEnv,
type Opt interface {
// BlessingsRootOpt is an option that specifies the blessings root of the
// services to check in VanadiumProdServicesTest.
type BlessingsRootOpt string
func (BlessingsRootOpt) Opt() {}
// CleanGoOpt is an option that specifies whether to remove Go object
// files and binaries before running the tests.
type CleanGoOpt bool
func (CleanGoOpt) Opt() {}
// NamespaceRootOpt is an option that specifies the namespace root of the
// services to check in VanadiumProdServicesTest.
type NamespaceRootOpt string
func (NamespaceRootOpt) Opt() {}
// NumWorkersOpt is an option to control the number of test workers used.
type NumWorkersOpt int
func (NumWorkersOpt) Opt() {}
// OutputDirOpt is an option that specifies where to output the test
// results.
type OutputDirOpt string
func (OutputDirOpt) Opt() {}
// PartOpt is an option that specifies which part of the test to run.
type PartOpt int
func (PartOpt) Opt() {}
// PkgsOpt is an option that specifies which Go tests to run using a
// list of Go package expressions.
type PkgsOpt []string
func (PkgsOpt) Opt() {}
// MergePoliciesOpt is an option that specifies merge policies for use
// when merging environment variables from the environment and from profiles.
type MergePoliciesOpt profilesreader.MergePolicies
func (MergePoliciesOpt) Opt() {}
// ListTests returns a list of all tests known by the test package.
func ListTests() ([]string, error) {
result := []string{}
for name := range testFunctions {
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "ignore") {
result = append(result, name)
return result, nil
// RunProjectTests runs all tests associated with the given projects.
func RunProjectTests(jirix *jiri.X, env map[string]string, projects []string, opts ...Opt) (map[string]*test.Result, error) {
testCtx := newTestContext(jirix, env)
// Parse tests and dependencies from config file.
config, err := util.LoadConfig(jirix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tests := config.ProjectTests(projects)
if len(tests) == 0 {
return nil, nil
graph, err := createTestDepGraph(config, tests)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Run tests.
// TODO(jingjin) parallelize the top-level scheduling loop so
// that tests do not need to run serially.
results := make(map[string]*test.Result, len(tests))
for _, t := range tests {
results[t] = &test.Result{}
for i := 0; i < len(graph); i++ {
// Find a test that can execute.
for _, t := range tests {
result, node := results[t], graph[t]
if result.Status != test.Pending {
ready := true
for _, dep := range node.deps {
switch results[dep].Status {
case test.Skipped, test.Failed, test.TimedOut:
results[t].Status = test.Skipped
continue run
case test.Pending:
ready = false
if !ready {
if err := runTests(testCtx, []string{t}, results, opts...); err != nil {
return nil, err
continue run
// The following line should be never reached.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("erroneous test running logic")
return results, nil
// RunTests executes the given tests and reports the test results.
func RunTests(jirix *jiri.X, env map[string]string, tests []string, opts ...Opt) (map[string]*test.Result, error) {
results := make(map[string]*test.Result, len(tests))
for _, t := range tests {
results[t] = &test.Result{}
testCtx := newTestContext(jirix, env)
if err := runTests(testCtx, tests, results, opts...); err != nil {
return nil, err
return results, nil
type nopWriteCloser struct{}
func (nopWriteCloser) Close() error {
return nil
func (nopWriteCloser) Write([]byte) (int, error) {
return 0, nil
// runTests runs the given tests, populating the results map.
func runTests(jirix *jiri.X, tests []string, results map[string]*test.Result, opts ...Opt) (e error) {
outputDir := ""
for _, opt := range opts {
switch typedOpt := opt.(type) {
case OutputDirOpt:
outputDir = string(typedOpt)
case CleanGoOpt:
cleanGo = bool(typedOpt)
var outputFile io.WriteCloser = &nopWriteCloser{}
if outputDir != "" {
var err error
// Create a file for aggregating all of the test output.
fileName := filepath.Join(outputDir, "output")
outputFile, err = os.Create(fileName)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Create(%v) failed: %v", fileName, err)
defer collect.Error(func() error { return outputFile.Close() }, &e)
// Validate all tests before running any tests.
for _, t := range tests {
if _, ok := testFunctions[t]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("test %v does not exist", t)
for _, t := range tests {
testFn := testFunctions[t]
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "##### Running test %q #####\n", t)
// Create a 1MB buffer to capture the test function output.
var out bytes.Buffer
const largeBufferSize = 1 << 20
newX := jirix.Clone(tool.ContextOpts{
Stdout: io.MultiWriter(&out, jirix.Stdout()),
Stderr: io.MultiWriter(&out, jirix.Stderr()),
// Run the test and collect the test results.
result, err := testFn(newX, t, opts...)
if result != nil && result.Status == test.TimedOut {
writeTimedOutTestReport(newX, t, *result)
if err == nil {
err = checkTestReportFile(newX, t)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(newX.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
r, err := generateXUnitReportForError(newX, t, err, out.String())
if err != nil {
return err
result = r
results[t] = result
if _, err := outputFile.Write(out.Bytes()); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "##### %s #####\n", results[t].Status)
if outputDir != "" {
// Write the test results to the given output directory.
bytes, err := json.Marshal(results)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Marshal(%v) failed: %v", results, err)
resultsFile := filepath.Join(outputDir, "results")
if err := jirix.NewSeq().WriteFile(resultsFile, bytes, os.FileMode(0644)).Done(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// writeTimedOutTestReport writes a xUnit test report for the given timed-out test.
func writeTimedOutTestReport(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, result test.Result) {
timeoutValue := test.DefaultTimeout
if result.TimeoutValue != 0 {
timeoutValue = result.TimeoutValue
errorMessage := fmt.Sprintf("The test timed out after %s.", timeoutValue)
if err := xunit.CreateFailureReport(jirix, testName, testName, "Timeout", errorMessage, errorMessage); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
// checkTestReportFile checks that the test report file exists, contains a
// valid xUnit test report, and the set of test cases is non-empty. If any of
// these is not true, the function generates a dummy test report file that
// meets these requirements.
func checkTestReportFile(jirix *jiri.X, testName string) error {
// Skip the checks for presubmit-test itself.
if testName == "vanadium-presubmit-test" {
return nil
s := jirix.NewSeq()
xUnitReportFile := xunit.ReportPath(testName)
if _, err := s.Stat(xUnitReportFile); err != nil {
if !runutil.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
// No test report.
dummyFile, perm := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(xUnitReportFile), "tests_dummy.xml"), os.FileMode(0644)
if err := s.WriteFile(dummyFile, []byte(dummyTestResult), perm).Done(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("WriteFile(%v) failed: %v", dummyFile, err)
return nil
// Invalid xUnit file.
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(xUnitReportFile)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ReadFile(%s) failed: %v", xUnitReportFile, err)
var suites xunit.TestSuites
if err := xml.Unmarshal(bytes, &suites); err != nil {
if err := xunit.CreateFailureReport(jirix, testName, testName, "Invalid xUnit Report", "Invalid xUnit Report", err.Error()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// No test cases.
numTestCases := 0
for _, suite := range suites.Suites {
numTestCases += len(suite.Cases)
if numTestCases == 0 {
if err := xunit.CreateFailureReport(jirix, testName, testName, "No Test Cases", "No Test Cases", ""); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return nil
// generateXUnitReportForError generates an xUnit test report for the
// given (internal) error.
func generateXUnitReportForError(jirix *jiri.X, testName string, err error, output string) (*test.Result, error) {
// Skip the report generation for presubmit-test itself.
if testName == "vanadium-presubmit-test" {
return &test.Result{Status: test.Passed}, nil
s := jirix.NewSeq()
xUnitFilePath := xunit.ReportPath(testName)
// Only create the report when the xUnit file doesn't exist, is
// invalid, or exist but doesn't have failed test cases.
createXUnitFile := false
if _, err := s.Stat(xUnitFilePath); err != nil {
if runutil.IsNotExist(err) {
createXUnitFile = true
} else {
return nil, err
} else {
bytes, err := s.ReadFile(xUnitFilePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var existingSuites xunit.TestSuites
if err := xml.Unmarshal(bytes, &existingSuites); err != nil {
createXUnitFile = true
} else {
createXUnitFile = true
for _, curSuite := range existingSuites.Suites {
if curSuite.Failures > 0 || curSuite.Errors > 0 {
createXUnitFile = false
if createXUnitFile {
errType := "Internal Error"
if internalErr, ok := err.(internalTestError); ok {
errType =
err = internalErr.err
// Create a test suite to encapsulate the error. Include last
// <numLinesToOutput> lines of the output in the error message.
lines := strings.Split(output, "\n")
startLine := int(math.Max(0, float64(len(lines)-numLinesToOutput)))
consoleOutput := "......\n" + strings.Join(lines[startLine:], "\n")
errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Error message:\n%s:\n%s\n\n\nConsole output:\n%s\n", errType, err.Error(), consoleOutput)
if err := xunit.CreateFailureReport(jirix, testName, testName, errType, errType, errMsg); err != nil {
return nil, err
if runutil.IsTimeout(err) {
return &test.Result{Status: test.TimedOut}, nil
return &test.Result{Status: test.Failed}, nil
// createTestDepGraph creates a test dependency graph given a map of
// dependencies and a list of tests.
func createTestDepGraph(config *util.Config, tests []string) (testDepGraph, error) {
// For the given list of tests, build a map from the test name
// to its testInfo object using the dependency data extracted
// from the given dependency config data "dep".
depGraph := testDepGraph{}
for _, test := range tests {
// Make sure the test dependencies are included in <tests>.
deps := []string{}
for _, curDep := range config.TestDependencies(test) {
isDepInTests := false
for _, test := range tests {
if curDep == test {
isDepInTests = true
if isDepInTests {
deps = append(deps, curDep)
depGraph[test] = &testNode{
deps: deps,
// Detect dependency loop using depth-first search.
for name, info := range depGraph {
if info.visited {
if findCycle(name, depGraph) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("found dependency loop: %v", depGraph)
return depGraph, nil
// findCycle checks whether there are any cycles in the test
// dependency graph.
func findCycle(name string, depGraph testDepGraph) bool {
node := depGraph[name]
node.visited = true
node.stack = true
for _, dep := range node.deps {
depNode := depGraph[dep]
if depNode.stack {
return true
if depNode.visited {
if findCycle(dep, depGraph) {
return true
node.stack = false
return false