blob: 114aa84cd0f7c2a7d9f2ecf7a7fb89e37b9efe0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
type testStatus int
func (s testStatus) String() string {
switch s {
case statusUnknown:
return "?"
case statusSuccess:
return "✔"
return "✖"
func stringToTestStatus(s string) testStatus {
switch s {
case unknownStatusString:
return statusUnknown
case successStatusString:
return statusSuccess
return statusFail
// Constants used for aggregating test status for tests that have multiple parts.
const (
statusUnknown testStatus = iota
// testResultSummary stores data for generating summary for a test.
type testResultSummary struct {
testNameWithLabels string // labels include os and architecture.
lastStatus testStatus
curStatus testStatus
timeoutValue time.Duration
var (
dashboardHostFlag string
projectsFlag string
reviewMessageFlag string
unknownStatusString = "UNKNOWN"
successStatusString = "SUCCESS"
func init() {
cmdResult.Flags.StringVar(&dashboardHostFlag, "dashboard-host", "", "The host of the dashboard server.")
cmdResult.Flags.StringVar(&projectsFlag, "projects", "", "The base names of the remote projects containing the CLs pointed by the refs, separated by ':'.")
cmdResult.Flags.StringVar(&reviewTargetRefsFlag, "refs", "", "The review references separated by ':'.")
cmdResult.Flags.IntVar(&jenkinsBuildNumberFlag, "build-number", -1, "The number of the Jenkins build.")
// cmdResult represents the 'result' command of the presubmit tool.
var cmdResult = &cmdline.Command{
Name: "result",
Short: "Process and post test results",
Long: `
Result processes all the test statuses and results files collected from all the
presubmit test configuration builds, creates a result summary, and posts the
summary back to the corresponding Gerrit review thread.
Runner: jiri.RunnerFunc(runResult),
type testResultInfo struct {
Result test.Result
TestName string // This is the test name without the part suffix (vanadium-go-race).
Timestamp int64
PostSubmitResult string
AxisValues axisValuesInfo
type axisValuesInfo struct {
Arch string
OS string
PartIndex int
// genBuildSpec returns a spec string for the given Jenkins build.
// If the main job is a multi-configuration job, the spec is in the form of:
// <jobName>/axis1Label=axis1Value,axis2Label=axis2Value,.../<suffix>
// The axis values are taken from the given axisValuesInfo object, and only
// the axes set in the job's axisInfo object will appear in the spec.
// If the main job is not a multi-configuration job, the spec will be:
// <jobName>/<suffix>.
func genBuildSpec(jobName string, axisValues axisValuesInfo, suffix string, matrixJobsConf map[string]util.JenkinsMatrixJobInfo) string {
axis, ok := matrixJobsConf[jobName]
// Not a multi-configuration job.
if !ok {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", jobName, suffix)
// Multi-configuration job.
// The axis order doesn't matter.
parts := []string{}
if axis.HasArch {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("ARCH=%s", axisValues.Arch))
if axis.HasOS {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("OS=%s", axisValues.OS))
if axis.HasParts {
parts = append(parts, fmt.Sprintf("P=%d", axisValues.PartIndex))
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", jobName, strings.Join(parts, ","), suffix)
// genSubJobLabel returns a descriptive label for given Jenkins job's sub-job.
// For more info, please see comments of the subJobSpec method above.
func genSubJobLabel(jobName string, axisValues axisValuesInfo, matrixJobsConf map[string]util.JenkinsMatrixJobInfo) string {
axis, ok := matrixJobsConf[jobName]
// Not a multi-configuration job.
if !ok {
return ""
// Multi-configuration job.
parts := []string{}
if axis.HasOS && axis.ShowOS {
parts = append(parts, axisValues.OS)
if axis.HasArch {
parts = append(parts, axisValues.Arch)
// Note that we omit the part index here to make parts transparent to users.
return strings.Join(parts, ",")
// key returns a unique key for the test wrapped in the given
// testResultInfo object.
func (ri testResultInfo) key() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s_%d", ri.TestName, ri.AxisValues.OS, ri.AxisValues.Arch, ri.AxisValues.PartIndex)
// runResult implements the 'result' subcommand.
// In the new presubmit "master" job, the collected results related files are
// organized using the following structure:
// ├── root
// └── test_results
// ├── 45 (build number)
// │ ├── ARCH=amd64,OS=linux,TEST=vanadium-go-build
// │ │ ├── status_vanadium_go_build.json
// │ │ └─- tests_vanadium_go_build.xml
// │ ├── ARCH=amd64,OS=linux,TEST=vanadium-go-test
// │ │ ├── status_vanadium_go_test.json
// │ │ └─- tests_vanadium_go_test.xml
// │ ├── ARCH=386,OS=mac,TEST=vanadium-go-build
// │ │ ├── status_vanadium_go_build.json
// │ │ └─- tests_vanadium_go_build.xml
// │ ├── ARCH=amd64,OS=linux,TEST=vanadium-go-race_part0
// │ │ ├── status_vanadium_go_race.json
// │ │ └─- tests_vanadium_go_race.xml
// │ └── ...
// ├── 46
// ...
// The .json files record the test status (a test.TestResult object), and
// the .xml files are xUnit reports.
// Each individual presubmit test will generate the .json file and the .xml file
// at the end of their run, and the presubmit "master" job is configured to
// collect all those files and store them in the above directory structure.
func runResult(jirix *jiri.X, args []string) (e error) {
// Load Jenkins matrix jobs config.
config, err := util.LoadConfig(jirix)
if err != nil {
return err
matrixJobsConf := config.JenkinsMatrixJobs()
// Find all status files and store their paths in a slice.
workspaceDir := os.Getenv("WORKSPACE")
curTestResultsDir := filepath.Join(workspaceDir, "test_results", fmt.Sprintf("%d", jenkinsBuildNumberFlag))
statusFiles := []string{}
filepath.Walk(curTestResultsDir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
fileName := info.Name()
if strings.HasPrefix(fileName, "status_") && strings.HasSuffix(fileName, ".json") {
statusFiles = append(statusFiles, path)
return nil
// Read status files and add them to the "results" map below.
testResults := []testResultInfo{}
for _, statusFile := range statusFiles {
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(statusFile)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ReadFile(%v) failed: %v", statusFile, err)
var curResult testResultInfo
if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &curResult); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal() failed: %v", err)
testResults = append(testResults, curResult)
// Post results.
refs := strings.Split(reviewTargetRefsFlag, ":")
postSubmitResults, err := getPostSubmitBuildData(jirix, testResults, matrixJobsConf)
if err != nil {
return err
reporter := testReporter{matrixJobsConf, testResults, postSubmitResults, refs, &bytes.Buffer{}}
if allTestsPassed, err := reporter.postReport(jirix); err != nil {
return err
} else if allTestsPassed {
if err := submitPresubmitCLs(jirix, refs); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
// Process result files.
return processRemoteTestResults(jirix)
// getPostSubmitBuildData returns a map from job names to the data of the
// corresponding postsubmit builds that ran before the recorded test result
// timestamps.
func getPostSubmitBuildData(jirix *jiri.X, testResults []testResultInfo, matrixJobsConf map[string]util.JenkinsMatrixJobInfo) (map[string]*postSubmitBuildData, error) {
jenkinsObj, err := jirix.Jenkins(jenkinsHostFlag)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data := map[string]*postSubmitBuildData{}
for _, resultInfo := range testResults {
name := resultInfo.TestName
timestamp := resultInfo.Timestamp
axisValues := resultInfo.AxisValues
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "Getting postsubmit build info for %q before timestamp %d...\n", resultInfo.key(), timestamp)
buildInfo, err := lastCompletedBuildStatus(jirix, name, axisValues, matrixJobsConf)
if err != nil {
test.Fail(jirix.Context, "%v\n", err)
curIdStr := buildInfo.Id
curId, err := strconv.Atoi(curIdStr)
if err != nil {
test.Fail(jirix.Context, "Atoi(%v) failed: %v\n", curIdStr, err)
for i := curId; i >= 0; i-- {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stdout(), "Checking build %d...\n", i)
buildSpec := genBuildSpec(name, resultInfo.AxisValues, fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), matrixJobsConf)
curBuildInfo, err := jenkinsObj.BuildInfoForSpec(buildSpec)
if err != nil {
test.Fail(jirix.Context, "%v\n", err)
continue outer
if curBuildInfo.Timestamp > timestamp {
// "cases" will be empty on error.
cases, _ := jenkinsObj.FailedTestCasesForBuildSpec(buildSpec)
test.Pass(jirix.Context, "Got build status of build %d: %s\n", i, curBuildInfo.Result)
data[resultInfo.key()] = &postSubmitBuildData{
result: curBuildInfo.Result,
failedTestCases: cases,
return data, nil
type testReporter struct {
// matrixJobsConf stores configs for Jenkins matrix jobs.
matrixJobsConf map[string]util.JenkinsMatrixJobInfo
// testResults stores presubmit results to report.
testResults []testResultInfo
// postSubmitResults stores postsubmit results (indexed by test names) used to
// compare with the presubmit results.
postSubmitResults map[string]*postSubmitBuildData
// refs identifies the references to post the report to.
refs []string
// report stores the report content.
report *bytes.Buffer
type postSubmitBuildData struct {
result string
failedTestCases []jenkins.TestCase
// postReport generates a test report and posts it to Gerrit.
// It returns whether the presubmit test is considered successful.
func (r *testReporter) postReport(jirix *jiri.X) (bool, error) {
// Do not post a test report if no tests were run.
if len(r.testResults) == 0 {
return true, nil
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "### Preparing report\n")
if r.reportFailedPresubmitBuild(jirix) {
return false, nil
// Report failures from presubmit itself.
// If any failures are found and reported, don't generate any further report.
if r.reportPresubmitFailure(jirix) {
return false, nil
failedTestNames := map[string]struct{}{}
numNewFailures := 0
if failedTestNames = r.reportTestResultsSummary(jirix); len(failedTestNames) != 0 {
// Report failed test cases grouped by failure types.
var err error
if numNewFailures, err = r.reportFailedTestCases(jirix); err != nil {
return false, err
printf(jirix.Stdout(), "### Posting test results to Gerrit\n")
success := numNewFailures == 0
if err := postMessage(jirix,, r.refs, success); err != nil {
return false, err
return success, nil
// reportFailedPresubmitBuild reports a failed presubmit build.
// It returns whether the presubmit build failed or not.
// In theory, a failed presubmit master build won't even execute the
// result reporting step (the cmdResult command implemented in this file),
// but just in case.
func (r *testReporter) reportFailedPresubmitBuild(jirix *jiri.X) bool {
jenkins, err := jirix.Jenkins(jenkinsHostFlag)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
return false
masterJobInfo, err := jenkins.BuildInfo(presubmitTestJobFlag, jenkinsBuildNumberFlag)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
return false
if masterJobInfo.Result == "FAILURE" {
fmt.Fprintf(, "SOME TESTS FAILED TO RUN.\nRetrying...\n")
return true
return false
// reportPresubmitFailure posts a review about failure from presubmit itself
// (not from the test it runs).
func (r *testReporter) reportPresubmitFailure(jirix *jiri.X) bool {
for _, resultInfo := range r.testResults {
message := ""
switch resultInfo.Result.Status {
case test.MergeConflict:
message = fmt.Sprintf(mergeConflictMessageTmpl, resultInfo.Result.MergeConflictCL)
case test.ToolsBuildFailure:
message = fmt.Sprintf(toolsBuildFailureMessageTmpl, resultInfo.Result.ToolsBuildFailureMsg)
if message != "" {
if err := postMessage(jirix, message, r.refs, false); err != nil {
printf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
return true
return false
// reportOncall reports current vanadium oncall.
func (r *testReporter) reportOncall(jirix *jiri.X) {
shift, err := util.Oncall(jirix, time.Now())
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(, "\nCurrent Oncall: %s, %s\n\n", shift.Primary, shift.Secondary)
// reportTestResultsSummary populates the given buffer with a test
// results summary (one transition for each test) and returns a list of
// failed tests.
func (r *testReporter) reportTestResultsSummary(jirix *jiri.X) map[string]struct{} {
fmt.Fprintf(, "Test results:\n")
// This set will be used to generate the "retry failed tests only" link where
// we should use the names with the part suffix.
failedTests := map[string]struct{}{}
// The "test key" is testName+os+arch.
testResultSummaries := map[string]*testResultSummary{}
// For tests with multiple parts, we'd like to show a single summary line for
// all their parts. To do this, we aggregate test status/results data for all
// their parts first.
for _, resultInfo := range r.testResults {
name := resultInfo.TestName
result := resultInfo.Result
if result.Status == test.Skipped {
fmt.Fprintf(, "skipped %v\n", name)
testKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s", name, resultInfo.AxisValues.OS, resultInfo.AxisValues.Arch)
summary := testResultSummaries[testKey]
if summary == nil {
// Generate test name with labels (os, architecture, etc).
// It is ok to initialize this string using any part of the multi-part
// tests as the part index is not used by the initialization.
nameString := name
subJobLabel := genSubJobLabel(name, resultInfo.AxisValues, r.matrixJobsConf)
if subJobLabel != "" {
nameString += fmt.Sprintf(" [%s]", subJobLabel)
summary = &testResultSummary{
testNameWithLabels: nameString,
timeoutValue: -1,
testResultSummaries[testKey] = summary
if testFailed := r.mergeTestResults(resultInfo, summary); testFailed {
failedTests[testNameWithPartSuffix(name, resultInfo.AxisValues.PartIndex)] = struct{}{}
// Generate one summary line for each aggregated test.
nameStrings := []string{}
nameStringToSummaryLine := map[string]string{}
for _, summary := range testResultSummaries {
var lineBuf bytes.Buffer
nameString := summary.testNameWithLabels
fmt.Fprintf(&lineBuf, "%s ➔ %s: %s", summary.lastStatus.String(), summary.curStatus.String(), nameString)
if summary.timeoutValue > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&lineBuf, " [TIMED OUT after %s]\n", summary.timeoutValue)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&lineBuf, "\n")
nameStrings = append(nameStrings, nameString)
nameStringToSummaryLine[nameString] = lineBuf.String()
// Sort summary lines by test name strings and output them to the report.
for _, n := range nameStrings {
fmt.Fprintf(, "%s", nameStringToSummaryLine[n])
return failedTests
// mergeTestResults merges the given test result data to the given test summary.
// It returns whether the given test fails.
func (r *testReporter) mergeTestResults(resultInfo testResultInfo, summary *testResultSummary) bool {
result := resultInfo.Result
testFailed := false
// Get the status of the corresponding postsubmit test.
lastStatus := statusUnknown
if data := r.postSubmitResults[resultInfo.key()]; data != nil {
lastStatus = stringToTestStatus(data.result)
// The aggregated test status is:
// - FAILED if any of the individual statuses is FAILED.
// - SUCCESS if none of the individual status is FAILED and any of the
// individual status is SUCCESS.
// - UNKNOWN otherwise.
if lastStatus > summary.lastStatus {
summary.lastStatus = lastStatus
// Get the status of the current presubmit test.
curStatus := statusUnknown
if result.Status == test.Passed {
curStatus = statusSuccess
} else {
testFailed = true
curStatus = statusFail
if curStatus > summary.curStatus {
summary.curStatus = curStatus
// Timeout value.
if result.Status == test.TimedOut {
timeoutValue := test.DefaultTimeout
if result.TimeoutValue != 0 {
timeoutValue = result.TimeoutValue
if timeoutValue > summary.timeoutValue {
summary.timeoutValue = timeoutValue
return testFailed
// lastCompletedBuildStatus gets the status of the last completed
// build for a given Jenkins job.
func lastCompletedBuildStatus(jirix *jiri.X, jobName string, axisValues axisValuesInfo, matrixJobsConf map[string]util.JenkinsMatrixJobInfo) (*jenkins.BuildInfo, error) {
jenkins, err := jirix.Jenkins(jenkinsHostFlag)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buildSpec := genBuildSpec(jobName, axisValues, "lastCompletedBuild", matrixJobsConf)
buildInfo, err := jenkins.BuildInfoForSpec(buildSpec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return buildInfo, nil
type failureType int
const (
fixedFailure failureType = iota
func (t failureType) String() string {
switch t {
case fixedFailure:
case newFailure:
return "NEW FAILURE"
case knownFailure:
// failedTestLinks maps from failure type to links.
type failedTestLinksMap map[failureType][]string
// reportFailedTestCasesByFailureTypes reports failed test cases grouped by
// failure types: new failures, known failures, and fixed failures.
func (r *testReporter) reportFailedTestCases(jirix *jiri.X) (int, error) {
// Get groups.
groups, err := r.genFailedTestCasesGroupsForAllTests(jirix)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
// Generate links for all groups.
for _, failureType := range []failureType{newFailure, knownFailure, fixedFailure} {
failedTestCaseInfos, ok := groups[failureType]
if !ok || len(failedTestCaseInfos) == 0 {
failureTypeStr := failureType.String()
if len(failedTestCaseInfos) > 1 {
failureTypeStr += "S"
curLinks := []string{}
for _, testCase := range failedTestCaseInfos {
curLink := genTestResultLink(testCase.suiteName, testCase.className, testCase.testCaseName, testCase.testName, testCase.axisValues)
curLinks = append(curLinks, curLink)
fmt.Fprintf(, "\n%s:\n%s\n\n", failureTypeStr, strings.Join(curLinks, "\n"))
return len(groups[newFailure]), nil
type failedTestCaseInfo struct {
suiteName string
className string
testCaseName string
testName string
axisValues axisValuesInfo
type failedTestCasesGroups map[failureType][]failedTestCaseInfo
// genFailedTestCasesGroupsForAllTests iterate all tests from the given
// testResults, compares the presubmit failed test cases (read from the given
// xUnit report) with the postsubmit failed test cases, and groups the failed
// tests into three groups: new failures, known failures, and fixed failures.
// Each group has a slice of failedTestLinkInfo which is used to generate
// dashboard links.
func (r *testReporter) genFailedTestCasesGroupsForAllTests(jirix *jiri.X) (failedTestCasesGroups, error) {
groups := failedTestCasesGroups{}
for _, testResult := range r.testResults {
axisValues := testResult.AxisValues
// For a given test script, its test
// report file is: tests_this_is_a_test.xml.
xUnitReportFileName := fmt.Sprintf("tests_%s.xml", strings.Replace(testResult.TestName, "-", "_", -1))
// The collected xUnit test report is located at:
// $WORKSPACE/test_results/$buildNumber/ARCH=amd64,OS=$OS,TEST=$testNameWithPartSuffix/tests_xxx.xml
// See more details in result.go.
xUnitReportFile := filepath.Join(
fmt.Sprintf("%d", jenkinsBuildNumberFlag),
fmt.Sprintf("ARCH=%s,OS=%s,TEST=%s", axisValues.Arch, axisValues.OS, testNameWithPartSuffix(testResult.TestName, testResult.AxisValues.PartIndex)),
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(xUnitReportFile)
if err != nil {
// It is normal that certain tests don't have report available.
printf(jirix.Stderr(), "ReadFile(%v) failed: %v\n", xUnitReportFile, err)
// Get the failed test cases from the corresponding postsubmit Jenkins job
// to compare with the presubmit failed tests.
postsubmitFailedTestCases := []jenkins.TestCase{}
if data := r.postSubmitResults[testResult.key()]; data != nil {
postsubmitFailedTestCases = data.failedTestCases
curFailedTestCasesGroups, err := r.genFailedTestCasesGroupsForOneTest(jirix, testResult, bytes, postsubmitFailedTestCases)
if err != nil {
printf(jirix.Stderr(), "%v\n", err)
for curFailureType, curFailedTestCaseInfos := range *curFailedTestCasesGroups {
groups[curFailureType] = append(groups[curFailureType], curFailedTestCaseInfos...)
return groups, nil
// genFailedTestCasesGroupsForOneTest generates groups for failed tests.
// See comments of genFailedTestsGroupsForAllTests.
func (r *testReporter) genFailedTestCasesGroupsForOneTest(jirix *jiri.X, testResult testResultInfo, presubmitXUnitReport []byte, postsubmitFailedTestCases []jenkins.TestCase) (*failedTestCasesGroups, error) {
testName := testResult.TestName
// Parse xUnit report of the presubmit test.
suites := xunit.TestSuites{}
if err := xml.Unmarshal(presubmitXUnitReport, &suites); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal(%v) failed: %v", string(presubmitXUnitReport), err)
groups := failedTestCasesGroups{}
curFailedTestCases := []jenkins.TestCase{}
for _, curTestSuite := range suites.Suites {
for _, curTestCase := range curTestSuite.Cases {
// Unescape test name and class name.
curTestCase.Classname = html.UnescapeString(curTestCase.Classname)
curTestCase.Name = html.UnescapeString(curTestCase.Name)
// A failed test.
if len(curTestCase.Failures) > 0 {
linkInfo := failedTestCaseInfo{
suiteName: curTestSuite.Name,
className: curTestCase.Classname,
testCaseName: curTestCase.Name,
testName: testName,
axisValues: testResult.AxisValues,
// Determine whether the curTestCase is a new failure or not.
isNewFailure := true
for _, postsubmitFailedTestCase := range postsubmitFailedTestCases {
curClassName := curTestCase.Classname
if curClassName == "" {
curClassName = curTestSuite.Name
if curClassName == postsubmitFailedTestCase.ClassName && curTestCase.Name == postsubmitFailedTestCase.Name {
isNewFailure = false
if isNewFailure {
groups[newFailure] = append(groups[newFailure], linkInfo)
} else {
groups[knownFailure] = append(groups[knownFailure], linkInfo)
curFailedTestCases = append(curFailedTestCases, jenkins.TestCase{
ClassName: curTestCase.Classname,
Name: curTestCase.Name,
// Populate fixed failure group.
for _, postsubmitFailedTestCase := range postsubmitFailedTestCases {
fixed := true
for _, curFailedTestCase := range curFailedTestCases {
if postsubmitFailedTestCase.Equal(curFailedTestCase) {
fixed = false
if fixed {
groups[fixedFailure] = append(groups[fixedFailure], failedTestCaseInfo{
className: postsubmitFailedTestCase.ClassName,
testCaseName: postsubmitFailedTestCase.Name,
return &groups, nil
// genTestResultLink generates a link to a dashboard page for the given failed test case.
func genTestResultLink(suiteName, className, testCaseName string, testName string, axisValues axisValuesInfo) string {
testFullName := genTestFullName(className, testCaseName)
u, err := url.Parse(dashboardHostFlag + "/")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("- %s\n Result link not available (%v)", testFullName, err)
partIndex := axisValues.PartIndex
// For tests without multi-parts, set its partIndex to 0.
if partIndex < 0 {
partIndex = 0
q := u.Query()
q.Set("type", "presubmit")
q.Set("n", fmt.Sprintf("%d", jenkinsBuildNumberFlag))
q.Set("arch", axisValues.Arch)
q.Set("os", axisValues.OS)
q.Set("part", fmt.Sprintf("%d", partIndex))
q.Set("job", testName)
q.Set("suite", suiteName)
q.Set("class", className)
q.Set("test", testCaseName)
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
return fmt.Sprintf("- %s\n%s", testFullName, u.String())
func genTestFullName(className, testName string) string {
testFullName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", className, testName)
// Replace the period "." in testFullName with
// "::" to stop gmail from turning it into a
// link automatically.
return strings.Replace(testFullName, ".", "::", -1)
// reportUsefulLinks reports useful links:
// - Current presubmit-test master status page.
// - Retry failed tests only.
// - Retry current build.
func (r *testReporter) reportUsefulLinks(failedTestNames map[string]struct{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(, "\nMore details at:\n%s/?type=presubmit&n=%d\n", dashboardHostFlag, jenkinsBuildNumberFlag)
if len(failedTestNames) > 0 {
// Generate link to retry failed tests only.
names := set.String.ToSlice(failedTestNames)
link := genStartPresubmitBuildLink(reviewTargetRefsFlag, projectsFlag, strings.Join(names, " "))
fmt.Fprintf(, "\nTo re-run FAILED TESTS ONLY without uploading a new patch set:\n(click Proceed button on the next screen)\n%s\n", link)
// Generate link to retry the whole presubmit test.
link = genStartPresubmitBuildLink(reviewTargetRefsFlag, projectsFlag, os.Getenv("TESTS"))
fmt.Fprintf(, "\nTo re-run presubmit tests without uploading a new patch set:\n(click Proceed button on the next screen)\n%s\n", link)
// submitPresubmitCLs tries to submit CLs in the current presubmit test.
func submitPresubmitCLs(jirix *jiri.X, refs []string) error {
// Query open CLs.
gUrl, err := gerritBaseUrl()
if err != nil {
return err
openCLs, err := jirix.Gerrit(gUrl).Query(defaultQueryString)
if err != nil {
return err
// Check whether all of the current CLs (refs) are in one of the
// submittable CL lists. If so, submit that whole CL list.
submittableCLs := getSubmittableCLs(jirix, openCLs)
for _, curCLList := range submittableCLs {
refsSet := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, cl := range curCLList {
refsSet[cl.Reference()] = struct{}{}
allRefsSubmittable := true
for _, ref := range refs {
if _, ok := refsSet[ref]; !ok {
allRefsSubmittable = false
if allRefsSubmittable {
if err := submitCLs(jirix, curCLList); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// processRemoteTestResults copies result files to a local tmp dir, compress
// them, and upload the tar file.
func processRemoteTestResults(jirix *jiri.X) error {
// Check the existence of the remote results dir.
// If it doesn't exist, it means the test phase failed (e.g. merge conflict).
// We don't fail the "result" phase in those cases.
s := jirix.NewSeq()
remoteResultsPath := gsPrefix + fmt.Sprintf("presubmit/%d", jenkinsBuildNumberFlag)
if err := s.Last("gsutil", "stat", remoteResultsPath); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(jirix.Stderr(), "Results not exist: %s", remoteResultsPath)
return nil
tmp, err := s.TempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
return err
defer os.RemoveAll(tmp)
tarFile := "results.tar.gz"
return s.
MkdirAll(tmp, 0755).
Run("gsutil", "-m", "cp", "-r", remoteResultsPath, ".").
Run("tar", "-zcf", tarFile, fmt.Sprintf("%d", jenkinsBuildNumberFlag)).
Last("gsutil", "cp", tarFile, remoteResultsPath)