blob: d259ab2233c041f25c8cad044da92600274502c1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The following enables go generate to generate the doc.go file.
//go:generate go run $JIRI_ROOT/release/go/src/ .
package main
import (
// TODO(toddw): Add tests by mocking out gcloud.
func main() {
var cmdVCloud = &cmdline.Command{
Name: "vcloud",
Short: "wrapper over the Google Compute Engine gcloud tool",
Long: `
Command vcloud is a wrapper over the Google Compute Engine gcloud tool. It
simplifies common usage scenarios and provides some Vanadium-specific support.
Children: []*cmdline.Command{cmdList, cmdCP, cmdNode, cmdCopyAndRun, cmdSH},
var cmdList = &cmdline.Command{
Runner: cmdline.RunnerFunc(runList),
Name: "list",
Short: "List GCE node information",
Long: `
List GCE node information. Runs 'gcloud compute instances list'.
ArgsName: "[nodes]",
ArgsLong: "[nodes] " + nodesDesc + `
If [nodes] is not provided, lists information for all nodes.
var cmdCP = &cmdline.Command{
Runner: cmdline.RunnerFunc(runCP),
Name: "cp",
Short: "Copy files to or from GCE nodes",
Long: `
Copy files to GCE node(s). Runs 'gcloud compute copy-files'. The default is to
copy to/from all nodes in parallel.
ArgsName: "<nodes> <src...> <dst>",
ArgsLong: "<nodes> " + nodesDesc + `
<src...> are the source file argument(s) to 'gcloud compute copy-files', and
<dst> is the destination. The syntax for each file is:
Files with the ':' prefix are remote; files without any such prefix are local.
As with 'gcloud compute copy-files', if <dst> is local, all <src...> must be
remote. If <dst> is remote, all <src...> must be local.
Each matching node in <nodes> is applied to the remote side of the copy
operation, either src or dst. If <dst> is local and there is more than one
matching node, sub directories will be automatically created under <dst>.
E.g. if <nodes> matches A, B and C:
// Copies local src{1,2,3} to {A,B,C}:dst
vcloud cp src1 src2 src3 :dst
// Copies remote {A,B,C}:src{1,2,3} to dst/{A,B,C} respectively.
vcloud cp :src1 :src2 :src3 dst
var cmdSH = &cmdline.Command{
Runner: cmdline.RunnerFunc(runSH),
Name: "sh",
Short: "Start a shell or run a command on GCE nodes",
Long: `
Start a shell or run a command on GCE node(s). Runs 'gcloud compute ssh'.
ArgsName: "<nodes> [command...]",
ArgsLong: "<nodes> " + nodesDesc + `
[command...] is the shell command line to run on each node. Specify the entire
command line without extra quoting, e.g. like this:
vcloud sh jenkins-node uname -a
But NOT like this:
vcloud sh jenkins-node 'uname -a'
If quoting and escaping becomes too complicated, use 'vcloud run' instead.
If <nodes> matches exactly one node and no [command] is given, sh starts a shell
on the specified node.
Otherwise [command...] is required; sh runs the command on all matching nodes.
The default is to run on all nodes in parallel.
var cmdCopyAndRun = &cmdline.Command{
Runner: cmdline.RunnerFunc(runCopyAndRun),
Name: "run",
Short: "Copy files to GCE nodes and run",
Long: `
Copy file(s) to GCE node(s) and run. Uses the logic of both cp and sh.
ArgsName: "<nodes> <files...> [++ [command...]]",
ArgsLong: "<nodes> " + nodesDesc + `
<files...> are the local source file argument(s) to copy to each matching node.
[command...] is the shell command line to run on each node. Specify the entire
command line without extra quoting, just like 'vcloud sh'. If a command is
specified, it must be preceeded by a single ++ argument, to distinguish it from
the files. If no command is given, runs the first file from <files...>.
We run the following logic on each matching node, in parallel by default:
1) Create a temporary directory TMPDIR based on a random number.
2) Copy run files to TMPDIR.
3) Change current directory to TMPDIR.
4) Runs the [command...], or if no command is given, runs the first run file.
5) If -outdir is specified, remove run files from TMPDIR, and copy TMPDIR from
the node to the local -outdir.
6) Delete TMPDIR.
const (
nodesDesc = `
is a comma-separated list of node name(s). Each node name is a regular
expression, with matches performed on the full node name. We select nodes that
match any of the regexps. The comma-separated list allows you to easily specify
a list of specific node names, without using regexp alternation. We assume node
names do not have embedded commas.
parallelDesc = `
<0 means all nodes in parallel
0,1 means sequentially
2+ means at most this many nodes in parallel
type fieldsFlag map[string]bool
func (f *fieldsFlag) String() string {
if f == nil {
return ""
out := set.StringBool.ToSlice(*f)
return strings.Join(out, ",")
func (f *fieldsFlag) Set(from string) error {
if from == "" {
return nil
*f = set.StringBool.FromSlice(strings.Split(from, ","))
return nil
var (
// Global flags.
flagProject = flag.String("project", "vanadium-internal", "Specify the gcloud project.")
flagUser = flag.String("user", "veyron", "Run operations as the given user on each node.")
// Command-specific flags.
flagListNoHeader bool
flagP int
flagFailFast bool
flagOutDir string
flagZone string
flagImage string
flagBootDiskSize string
flagMachineType string
flagSetupScript string
flagScopes string
flagFields fieldsFlag
func init() {
cmdList.Flags.BoolVar(&flagListNoHeader, "noheader", false, "Don't print list table header.")
cmdList.Flags.Var(&flagFields, "fields", "Only display these fields, specified as comma-separated column header names.")
cmdCP.Flags.IntVar(&flagP, "p", -1, "Copy to/from this many nodes in parallel."+parallelDesc)
cmdSH.Flags.IntVar(&flagP, "p", -1, "Run command on this many nodes in parallel."+parallelDesc)
cmdCopyAndRun.Flags.IntVar(&flagP, "p", -1, "Copy/run on this many nodes in parallel."+parallelDesc)
cmdCP.Flags.BoolVar(&flagFailFast, "failfast", false, "Skip unstarted nodes after the first failing node.")
cmdSH.Flags.BoolVar(&flagFailFast, "failfast", false, "Skip unstarted nodes after the first failing node.")
cmdCopyAndRun.Flags.BoolVar(&flagFailFast, "failfast", false, "Skip unstarted nodes after the first failing node.")
cmdCopyAndRun.Flags.StringVar(&flagOutDir, "outdir", "", "Output directory to store results from each node.")
cmdNodeCreate.Flags.StringVar(&flagBootDiskSize, "boot-disk-size", "500GB", "Size of the machine boot disk.")
cmdNodeCreate.Flags.StringVar(&flagImage, "image", "ubuntu-14-04", "Image to create the machine from.")
cmdNodeCreate.Flags.StringVar(&flagMachineType, "machine-type", "n1-standard-8", "Machine type to create.")
cmdNodeCreate.Flags.StringVar(&flagZone, "zone", "us-central1-f", "Zone to create the machine in.")
cmdNodeCreate.Flags.StringVar(&flagSetupScript, "setup-script", "", "Script to set up the machine.")
cmdNodeCreate.Flags.StringVar(&flagScopes, "scopes", "storage-full,logging-write", "Scopes of the machine.")
cmdNodeDelete.Flags.StringVar(&flagZone, "zone", "us-central1-f", "Zone to delete the machine in.")
// nodeInfo represents the node info returned by 'gcloud compute instances list'
type nodeInfo struct {
Name string
Zone string
MachineType string
InternalIP string
ExternalIP string
Status string
func (n nodeInfo) String() string {
var columns []string
if flagFields == nil || flagFields[infoHeader.Name] {
columns = append(columns, fmt.Sprintf("%-18s", n.Name))
if flagFields == nil || flagFields[infoHeader.Zone] {
columns = append(columns, fmt.Sprintf("%-15s", n.Zone))
if flagFields == nil || flagFields[infoHeader.MachineType] {
columns = append(columns, fmt.Sprintf("%-15s", n.MachineType))
if flagFields == nil || flagFields[infoHeader.InternalIP] {
columns = append(columns, fmt.Sprintf("%-15s", n.InternalIP))
if flagFields == nil || flagFields[infoHeader.ExternalIP] {
columns = append(columns, fmt.Sprintf("%-15s", n.ExternalIP))
if flagFields == nil || flagFields[infoHeader.Status] {
columns = append(columns, fmt.Sprintf("%s", n.Status))
return strings.Join(columns, " ")
// infoHeader contains the table headers from 'gcloud compute instances list'.
var infoHeader = nodeInfo{
Name: "NAME",
Zone: "ZONE",
MachineType: "MACHINE_TYPE",
InternalIP: "INTERNAL_IP",
ExternalIP: "EXTERNAL_IP",
Status: "STATUS",
func addUser(user, suffix string) string {
if user != "" {
return user + "@" + suffix
return suffix
func newContext(env *cmdline.Env) *tool.Context {
return tool.NewContextFromEnv(env)
// StartShell starts a shell on node n.
func (n nodeInfo) StartShell(ctx *tool.Context) error {
return ctx.NewSeq().Last("gcloud",
"compute", "ssh",
addUser(*flagUser, n.Name),
"--project", *flagProject,
"--zone", n.Zone,
// RunCopy runs the copy from srcs to dst on node x. Assumes we've already
// validated that either dst is remote and all srcs are local, or vice versa.
func (n nodeInfo) RunCopy(ctx *tool.Context, srcs []string, dst string, makeSubdir bool) runResult {
if strings.HasPrefix(dst, ":") {
dst = addUser(*flagUser, n.Name+dst)
} else {
copysrcs := make([]string, len(srcs))
for i, src := range srcs {
copysrcs[i] = addUser(*flagUser, n.Name+src)
srcs = copysrcs
if makeSubdir {
// We're copying into a local dst, and we have more than one copy running,
// so we need to make subdirs to keep each copy separate.
dst = path.Join(dst, n.Name)
if err := os.Mkdir(dst, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return runResult{node: n, err: err}
args := []string{"compute", "copy-files"}
args = append(args, srcs...)
args = append(args, dst)
args = append(args, "--project", *flagProject, "--zone", n.Zone)
var stdouterr bytes.Buffer
err := ctx.NewSeq().Read(nil).Capture(&stdouterr, &stdouterr).
Last("gcloud", args...)
return runResult{node: n, out: stdouterr.String(), err: err}
// RunCommand runs cmdline on node n.
func (n nodeInfo) RunCommand(ctx *tool.Context, user string, cmdline []string) runResult {
var stdouterr bytes.Buffer
err := ctx.NewSeq().Read(nil).Capture(&stdouterr, &stdouterr).
Last("gcloud", "compute", "ssh",
addUser(user, n.Name),
"--project", *flagProject,
"--zone", n.Zone,
"--command", quoteForCommand(cmdline),
return runResult{node: n, out: stdouterr.String(), err: err}
func quoteForCommand(cmdline []string) string {
// This is probably wrong, but it works for simple cases. This is very
// complicated because there are multiple levels of escaping, from the input
// shell, runutil.Run, gcloud, the node itself, etc.
// For more complicated scripts, use 'vcloud run'.
ret := ""
for i, arg := range cmdline {
if strings.ContainsAny(arg, " ") {
arg = `"` + arg + `"`
if i > 0 {
ret += " "
ret += arg
return ret
// runResult describes the result of running a command on a node.
type runResult struct {
node nodeInfo
out string
err error
skipped bool
// Merge merges the results from r2 into r.
func (r *runResult) Merge(r2 runResult, format string, v ...interface{}) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
if r2.err != nil {
if r.err != nil {
// Output r.err first so we don't lose it.
r.out += fmt.Sprintf("%s FAIL: %v\n", msg, r.err)
r.err = r2.err
r.out += msg + "\n"
r.out += r2.out
func (r runResult) String() string {
var ret string
if r.out != "" {
ret += prefixLines(r.node.Name+": ", r.out) + "\n"
switch {
case r.skipped:
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s SKIP\n", r.node.Name)
case r.err != nil:
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s FAIL: %v\n", r.node.Name, r.err)
ret += fmt.Sprintf("%s DONE\n", r.node.Name)
return ret
// prefixLines adds pre to each newline-terminated line in lines.
func prefixLines(pre, lines string) string {
newpre := "\n" + pre
return strings.TrimSuffix(pre+strings.Replace(lines, "\n", newpre, -1), newpre)
// nodeInfos holds a slice of nodeInfo representing multiple nodes, and supports
// convenient methods to manipulate and run commands on the nodes.
type nodeInfos []nodeInfo
// run runs fn on each of the nodes in x, obeying flagP and flagFailFast.
func (x nodeInfos) run(w io.Writer, fn func(node nodeInfo) runResult) error {
parallel := flagP
switch {
case flagP == 0:
parallel = 1
case flagP < 0:
parallel = len(x)
failFast := make(chan bool)
semaphore := make(chan bool, parallel)
results := make(chan runResult, len(x))
// Only spawn a maximum of parallel goroutines at a time, controlled by the
// semaphore. Each goroutine runs fn and sends the results back on results.
// We spawn an outer goroutine so that we can output results as they're
// available from any workers.
go func() {
for i, node := range x {
select {
case semaphore <- true:
go func(n nodeInfo) {
results <- fn(n)
case <-failFast:
// Skip all remaining nodes once we get the failFast signal.
for j := i; j < len(x); j++ {
results <- runResult{x[j], "", nil, true}
// Collect results; each node returns a result even if it's skipped.
var skip, fail, done nodeInfos
for ix := 0; ix < len(x); ix++ {
result := <-results
fmt.Fprint(w, result)
switch {
case result.skipped:
skip = append(skip, result.node)
case result.err != nil:
fail = append(fail, result.node)
if flagFailFast && len(fail) == 1 {
done = append(done, result.node)
if len(fail) > 0 {
var msg string
if len(done) > 0 {
msg += fmt.Sprintf("\nDONE %d/%d nodes: %v", len(done), len(x), done.Names())
if len(skip) > 0 {
msg += fmt.Sprintf("\nSKIP %d/%d nodes: %v", len(skip), len(x), skip.Names())
msg += fmt.Sprintf("\nFAIL %d/%d nodes: %v", len(fail), len(x), fail.Names())
return errors.New(msg)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\nDONE %d nodes: %v\n", len(done), done.Names())
return nil
// RunCopy runs the copy from srcs to dst on all nodes in x.
func (x nodeInfos) RunCopy(ctx *tool.Context, srcs []string, dst string) error {
makeSubdir := false
if len(x) > 1 && !strings.HasPrefix(dst, ":") {
// If we have more than one node and dst is local, it'd be pointless to copy
// into the same dst dir; the remote copies would overwrite each other.
makeSubdir = true
fn := func(node nodeInfo) runResult { return node.RunCopy(ctx, srcs, dst, makeSubdir) }
return, fn)
// RunCommand runs the cmdline on all nodes in x.
func (x nodeInfos) RunCommand(ctx *tool.Context, user string, cmdline []string) error {
fn := func(node nodeInfo) runResult { return node.RunCommand(ctx, user, cmdline) }
return, fn)
// RunCopyAndRun implements the 'vcloud run' command.
func (x nodeInfos) RunCopyAndRun(ctx *tool.Context, user string, files, cmds []string, outdir string) error {
// Check if the run file has execution permissions.
if len(cmds) == 0 {
info, err := ctx.NewSeq().Stat(files[0])
if err != nil {
return err
if info.Mode()&0111 == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("file %v doesn't have executable permissions", files[0])
// 0) Pick a random number so that we use the same tmpdir on each node.
tmpdir := fmt.Sprintf("./tmp_%X", rand.Int63())
fn := func(node nodeInfo) runResult {
result := runResult{node: node}
// 1) Create temporary directory.
result.Merge(node.RunCommand(ctx, user, []string{"mkdir", tmpdir}), "[run] create tmpdir %q", tmpdir)
if result.err != nil {
return result
// 2) Copy all run files into the temporary directory.
result.Merge(node.RunCopy(ctx, files, ":"+tmpdir, false), "[run] copy files to node %v", files)
if result.err == nil {
// 3,4) Change dir to TMPDIR and run the cmdline, or the first run file if
// no commands are specified.
cmdline := []string{"cd", tmpdir, ";"}
if len(cmds) == 0 {
cmdline = append(cmdline, "./"+filepath.Base(files[0]))
} else {
cmdline = append(cmdline, cmds...)
result.Merge(node.RunCommand(ctx, user, cmdline), "[run] run cmdline %v", cmdline)
// 5) If outdir is specified, remove the run files from TMPDIR, and copy
// TMPDIR from the node to the local outdir.
if outdir != "" {
rmcmds := []string{"cd", tmpdir, "&&", "rm"}
for _, file := range files {
rmcmds = append(rmcmds, filepath.Base(file))
result.Merge(node.RunCommand(ctx, user, rmcmds), "[run] remove run files %v", rmcmds)
// If we have more than one node, it'd be pointless to copy into the
// same dst dir; the remote copies would overwrite each other.
makeSubdir := len(x) > 1
result.Merge(node.RunCopy(ctx, []string{":" + tmpdir}, outdir, makeSubdir), "[run] copy tmpdir from node")
// 6) Delete the temporary directory (always, if created successfully).
result.Merge(node.RunCommand(ctx, user, []string{"rm", "-rf", tmpdir}), "[run] delete tmpdir %q", tmpdir)
return result
return, fn)
func (x nodeInfos) String() string {
var ret string
if !flagListNoHeader {
ret += infoHeader.String() + "\n"
for _, node := range x {
ret += node.String() + "\n"
return ret
func (x nodeInfos) Sort() { sort.Sort(x) }
func (x nodeInfos) Len() int { return len(x) }
func (x nodeInfos) Less(i, j int) bool { return x[i].Name < x[j].Name }
func (x nodeInfos) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
func (x nodeInfos) Names() []string {
var ret []string
for _, node := range x {
ret = append(ret, node.Name)
return ret
// MatchNames returns all nodes that match exprlist, which is a comma-separated
// list of regexps.
func (x nodeInfos) MatchNames(exprlist string) (nodeInfos, error) {
relist, err := parseRegexpList(exprlist)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var ret nodeInfos
for _, node := range x {
if relist.AnyMatch(node.Name) {
ret = append(ret, node)
if len(ret) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%#q doesn't match any node names", exprlist)
return ret, nil
// regexpList holds a list of regular expressions.
type regexpList []*regexp.Regexp
// parseRegexpList parses a comma-separated list of regular expressions.
func parseRegexpList(exprlist string) (regexpList, error) {
var ret regexpList
for _, expr := range strings.Split(exprlist, ",") {
expr = strings.TrimSpace(expr)
if expr == "" {
// Make sure the regexp performs a full match against the target string.
if !strings.HasPrefix(expr, "^") {
expr = "^" + expr
if !strings.HasSuffix(expr, "$") {
expr = expr + "$"
re, err := regexp.Compile(expr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret = append(ret, re)
return ret, nil
// AnyMatch returns true iff any regexp in x matches s.
func (x regexpList) AnyMatch(s string) bool {
for _, re := range x {
if re.MatchString(s) {
return true
return false
// listAll runs 'gcloud compute instances list' to list all nodes, and parses
// the results into nodeInfos.
func listAll(ctx *tool.Context) (nodeInfos, error) {
var stdout bytes.Buffer
if err := ctx.NewSeq().Read(nil).Capture(&stdout, ctx.Stderr()).
Last("gcloud", "-q", "compute", "instances", "list", "--project", *flagProject, "--format=json"); err != nil {
return nil, err
if ctx.Verbose() {
fmt.Fprintln(ctx.Stdout(), stdout.String())
var instances []struct {
Name string
Zone string
NetworkInterfaces []struct {
AccessConfigs []struct {
NatIP string
NetworkIP string
MachineType string
Status string
if err := json.Unmarshal(stdout.Bytes(), &instances); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal() failed: %v", err)
var all nodeInfos
for _, instance := range instances {
all = append(all, nodeInfo{
Name: instance.Name,
Zone: instance.Zone,
MachineType: instance.MachineType,
InternalIP: instance.NetworkInterfaces[0].NetworkIP,
ExternalIP: instance.NetworkInterfaces[0].AccessConfigs[0].NatIP,
Status: instance.Status,
return all, nil
// listMatching runs listAll and matches the resulting nodes against exprlist, a
// comma-separated list of regular expressions.
func listMatching(ctx *tool.Context, exprlist string) (nodeInfos, error) {
all, err := listAll(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
match, err := all.MatchNames(exprlist)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return match, nil
func runList(env *cmdline.Env, args []string) error {
ctx := newContext(env)
all, err := listAll(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
switch {
case len(args) == 0:
fmt.Fprint(env.Stdout, all)
return nil
case len(args) == 1:
matches, err := all.MatchNames(args[0])
if err != nil {
return env.UsageErrorf("%v", err)
fmt.Fprint(env.Stdout, matches)
return nil
return env.UsageErrorf("too many args")
func runCP(env *cmdline.Env, args []string) error {
if len(args) < 3 {
return env.UsageErrorf("need at least three args")
ctx := newContext(env)
nodes, err := listMatching(ctx, args[0])
if err != nil {
return env.UsageErrorf("%v", err)
// If dst is remote, all srcs must be local. If dst is local, all srcs must
// be remote.
dstIndex := len(args) - 1
srcs, dst := args[1:dstIndex], args[dstIndex]
if strings.HasPrefix(dst, ":") {
for _, src := range srcs {
if strings.HasPrefix(src, ":") {
return env.UsageErrorf("dst is remote; all srcs must be local")
} else {
for _, src := range srcs {
if !strings.HasPrefix(src, ":") {
return env.UsageErrorf("dst is local; all srcs must be remote")
return nodes.RunCopy(ctx, srcs, dst)
func runSH(env *cmdline.Env, args []string) error {
if len(args) == 0 {
return env.UsageErrorf("no node(s) specified")
ctx := newContext(env)
nodes, err := listMatching(ctx, args[0])
if err != nil {
return env.UsageErrorf("%v", err)
if len(nodes) == 1 && len(args) == 1 {
return nodes[0].StartShell(ctx)
if len(args) == 1 {
return env.UsageErrorf("must specify command; more than one matching node: %v", nodes.Names())
return nodes.RunCommand(ctx, *flagUser, args[1:])
func runCopyAndRun(env *cmdline.Env, args []string) error {
if len(args) < 2 {
return env.UsageErrorf("need at least two args")
files, cmdline, err := splitCopyAndRunArgs(args[1:])
if err != nil {
return env.UsageErrorf("%v", err)
if strings.HasPrefix(flagOutDir, ":") {
return env.UsageErrorf("-outdir must be local")
ctx := newContext(env)
nodes, err := listMatching(ctx, args[0])
if err != nil {
return env.UsageErrorf("%v", err)
return nodes.RunCopyAndRun(ctx, *flagUser, files, cmdline, flagOutDir)
func splitCopyAndRunArgs(args []string) (files, cmdline []string, _ error) {
for i, arg := range args {
switch {
case arg == "":
case arg == "++":
// Everything after this is the cmdline.
cmdline = args[i+1:]
break SplitArgsLoop
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, ":") {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("all run files must be local")
files = append(files, arg)
if len(files) == 0 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no run files in %v", args)