blob: d0bb453ecbb1ba48d4f4d77fe5833e67ff5b4434 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package io.v.syncbase;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import io.v.v23.V;
import io.v.v23.context.VContext;
import io.v.v23.rpc.Server;
import io.v.v23.syncbase.SyncbaseService;
import io.v.v23.verror.VException;
// FIXME(sadovsky): Currently, various methods throw RuntimeException on any error. We need to
// decide which error types to surface to clients, and define specific Exception subclasses for
// those.
* The "userdata" collection is a per-user collection (and associated syncgroup) for data that
* should automatically get synced across a given user's devices. It has the following schema:
* - /syncgroups/{encodedSyncgroupId} -> null
* - /ignoredInvites/{encodedSyncgroupId} -> null
* Syncbase is a storage system for developers that makes it easy to synchronize app data between
* devices. It works even when devices are not connected to the Internet.
public class Syncbase {
* Options for opening a database.
public static class DatabaseOptions {
// Where data should be persisted.
public String rootDir;
// TODO(sadovsky): Figure out what this should default to.
public List<String> mountPoints = ImmutableList.of("/");
// TODO(sadovsky): Figure out how developers should specify this.
public String adminUserId = "";
// TODO(sadovsky): Figure out how developers should specify this.
public String defaultBlessingStringPrefix = "";
// FOR ADVANCED USERS. If true, syncgroups will not be published to the cloud peer.
public boolean disableSyncgroupPublishing;
// FOR ADVANCED USERS. If true, the user's data will not be synced across their devices.
public boolean disableUserdataSyncgroup;
// TODO(sadovsky): Drop this once we switch from io.v.v23.syncbase to io.v.syncbase.core.
public VContext vContext;
protected String getPublishSyncbaseName() {
if (disableSyncgroupPublishing) {
return null;
return mountPoints.get(0) + "cloud";
protected String getCloudBlessingString() {
return "" + adminUserId;
protected static DatabaseOptions sOpts;
private static Database sDatabase;
// TODO(sadovsky): Maybe set DB_NAME to "db__" so that it is less likely to collide with
// developer-specified names.
protected static final String
TAG = "syncbase",
DIR_NAME = "syncbase",
DB_NAME = "db",
protected static void enqueue(final Runnable r) {
// Note, we use Timer rather than Handler because the latter must be mocked out for tests,
// which is rather annoying.
//new Handler().post(r);
new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {;
}, 0);
public static abstract class DatabaseCallback {
public void onSuccess(Database db) {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Starts Syncbase if needed; creates default database if needed; performs create-or-join for
* "userdata" syncgroup if needed. The passed callback is called on the current thread.
* Fails if the user is not logged in.
* @param opts options for database creation
* @param cb the callback to call with the database handle
public static void database(final DatabaseCallback cb, DatabaseOptions opts) {
// TODO(sadovsky): The create-or-join forces this method to be async, which is annoying
// since create-or-join will no longer be necessary once syncgroup merge is supported.
if (sDatabase != null) {
// TODO(sadovsky): Check that opts matches original opts (sOpts)?
Syncbase.enqueue(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
sOpts = opts;
// TODO(sadovsky): Call ctx.cancel in sDatabase destructor?
VContext ctx = getVContext().withCancel();
try {
sDatabase = startSyncbaseAndInitDatabase(ctx);
} catch (final Exception e) {
Syncbase.enqueue(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (sOpts.disableUserdataSyncgroup) {
Database.CollectionOptions cxOpts = new DatabaseHandle.CollectionOptions();
cxOpts.withoutSyncgroup = true;
sDatabase.collection(USERDATA_SYNCGROUP_NAME, cxOpts);
Syncbase.enqueue(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} else {
// FIXME(sadovsky): Implement create-or-join (and watch) of userdata syncgroup. For the
// new JNI API, we'll need to add Go code for this, since Java can't make RPCs.
cb.onError(new RuntimeException("Synced userdata collection is not yet supported"));
* Returns true iff the user is currently logged in.
public static boolean isLoggedIn() {
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
* Returns the currently logged in user.
public static User getLoggedInUser() {
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
* Logs in the user associated with the given OAuth token and provider.
* A mapping of providers and OAuth token scopes are listed below:
* google:
* Note: Unlisted providers are unsupported.
* @param authToken The OAuth token for the user to be logged in.
* @param provider The provider of the OAuth token.
public static void login(String authToken, String provider) {
if (!provider.equals("google")) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported provider: " + provider);
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
* Scans the neighborhood for nearby users.
* @param cb The callback to call when a User is found or lost.
public static void scanNeighborhoodForUsers(ScanNeighborhoodForUsersCallback cb) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
public static abstract class ScanNeighborhoodForUsersCallback {
public abstract void onFound(User user);
public abstract void onLost(User user);
public void onError(Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Advertises the logged in user's presence to those around them.
public static void advertiseLoggedInUserInNeighborhood() {
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
* Advertises the logged in user's presence to a limited set of users who must be around them.
* @param usersWhoCanSee The set of users who are allowed to find this user.
public static void advertiseLoggedInUserInNeighborhood(Iterable<User> usersWhoCanSee) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
* Stops advertising the presence of the logged in user so that they can no longer be found.
public static void stopAdvertisingLoggedInUserInNeighborhood() {
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
* Returns true iff this person appears in the neighborhood.
public static boolean isAdvertisingLoggedInUserInNeighborhood() {
throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
// TODO(sadovsky): Remove much of the code below once we switch from io.v.v23.syncbase to
// io.v.syncbase.core. Note, much of this code was copied from the Todos app.
protected static VContext getVContext() {
return sOpts.vContext;
private static Database startSyncbaseAndInitDatabase(VContext ctx) {
SyncbaseService s;
try {
s = io.v.v23.syncbase.Syncbase.newService(startSyncbase(ctx, sOpts.rootDir));
} catch (SyncbaseServer.StartException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to start Syncbase", e);
// Create database, if needed.
Database res = new Database(s.getDatabase(getVContext(), DB_NAME, null));
return res;
private static String startSyncbase(VContext vContext, String rootDir)
throws SyncbaseServer.StartException {
try {
// TODO(sadovsky): Make proxy configurable?
vContext = V.withListenSpec(vContext, V.getListenSpec(vContext).withProxy("proxy"));
} catch (VException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to set up Vanadium proxy", e);
File dir = new File(rootDir, DIR_NAME);
SyncbaseServer.Params params = new SyncbaseServer.Params()
VContext serverContext = SyncbaseServer.withNewServer(vContext, params);
Server server = V.getServer(serverContext);
String name = server.getStatus().getEndpoints()[0].name();
Log.i(TAG, "Started Syncbase: " + name);
return name;
private static void checkHasOneBlessing(Blessings blessings) {
int n = blessings.getCertificateChains().size();
if (n != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected one blessing, got " + n);
private static String getEmailFromBlessings(Blessings blessings) {
return getEmailFromBlessingString(blessings.toString());
protected static String getEmailFromBlessingPattern(BlessingPattern pattern) {
return getEmailFromBlessingString(pattern.toString());
private static String getEmailFromBlessingString(String blessingStr) {
String[] parts = blessingStr.split(":");
return parts[parts.length - 1];
private static String getBlessingStringFromEmail(String email) {
return sOpts.defaultBlessingStringPrefix + email;
protected static BlessingPattern getBlessingPatternFromEmail(String email) {
return new BlessingPattern(getBlessingStringFromEmail(email));
private static Blessings getPersonalBlessings() {
return V.getPrincipal(getVContext()).blessingStore().defaultBlessings();
protected static String getPersonalBlessingString() {
Blessings blessings = getPersonalBlessings();
return blessings.toString();
private static String getPersonalEmail() {
return getEmailFromBlessings(getPersonalBlessings());
protected static Permissions defaultPerms() {
// TODO(sadovsky): Revisit these default perms, which were copied from the Todos app. anyone =
new BlessingPattern("...")),
ImmutableList.<String>of()); selfAndCloud =
new BlessingPattern(getPersonalBlessingString()),
new BlessingPattern(sOpts.getCloudBlessingString())),
return new Permissions(ImmutableMap.of(
Constants.RESOLVE.getValue(), anyone,
Constants.READ.getValue(), selfAndCloud,
Constants.WRITE.getValue(), selfAndCloud,
Constants.ADMIN.getValue(), selfAndCloud));