blob: bd4aeb0f20ffe01502648226e020cb0798f510a6 [file] [log] [blame]
#!mojo mojo:dart_content_handler
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' show Random;
import 'dart:convert' show UTF8;
import 'package:ether/initialized_application.dart' show InitializedApplication;
import 'package:ether/src/naming/util.dart' as naming;
import 'package:ether/syncbase_client.dart' as sb;
main(List args) async {
// mojo_shell does not print a stack trace when the dart program crashes.
// Hence, we must wrap everything in a try/catch if we want to see the
// errors. :(
try {
InitializedApplication app = new InitializedApplication.fromHandle(args[0]);
await app.initialized;
// Application arguments are in app.args.
// app.args[0] = url of this service. Rest of arguments follow.
if (app.args.length < 2 || app.args[1] == null || app.args[1] == '') {
throw 'mount table address must be first argument';
String mtAddr = app.args[1];
sb.SyncbaseClient c = new sb.SyncbaseClient(
app.connectToService, '');
sb.SyncbaseApp sbApp = await createApp(c, 'testapp');
sb.SyncbaseNoSqlDatabase sbDb = await createDb(sbApp, 'testdb');
sb.SyncbaseTable sbTable = await createTable(sbDb, 'testtable');
await joinOrCreateSyncGroup(sbDb, mtAddr,, 'testsg');
startWatch(sbDb, sbTable);
// Wait forever.
await new Completer().future;
// Looks like forever came and went. Might as well clean up after
// ourselves...
await c.close();
await app.close();
} catch (e) {
print('ERROR in main()');
startWatch(db, table) async {
try {
var s =, '', await db.getResumeMarker());
s.forEach((change) {
'GOT CHANGE: ${change.rowName} - ${UTF8.decode(change.valueBytes)} - ${change.fromSync}');
} catch (e) {
print('ERROR in startWatch()');
var r = new Random();
startPuts(table) async {
try {
var key = r.nextInt(100000000);
var val = r.nextInt(100000000);
var row = table.row('k$key');
print('PUTTING k$key');
await row.put(UTF8.encode('$val'));
} catch (e) {
print('ERROR in startPuts()');
await new Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 5));
String openPermsJson =
sb.Perms openPerms = sb.SyncbaseClient.perms(openPermsJson);
Future<sb.SyncbaseApp> createApp(sb.SyncbaseClient c, String name) async {
var app =;
var exists = await app.exists();
if (exists) {
print('app exists, rolling with it');
return app;
print('app does not exist, creating it');
await app.create(openPerms);
return app;
Future<sb.SyncbaseNoSqlDatabase> createDb(
sb.SyncbaseApp app, String name) async {
var db = app.noSqlDatabase(name);
var exists = await db.exists();
if (exists) {
print('db exists, rolling with it');
return db;
print('db does not exist, creating it');
await db.create(openPerms);
return db;
Future<sb.SyncbaseTable> createTable(
sb.SyncbaseNoSqlDatabase db, String name) async {
var table = db.table(name);
var exists = await table.exists();
if (exists) {
print('table exists, rolling with it');
return table;
print('table does not exist, creating it');
await table.create(openPerms);
return table;
Future<sb.SyncbaseSyncGroup> joinOrCreateSyncGroup(sb.SyncbaseNoSqlDatabase db,
String mtAddr, String tableName, String name) async {
// TODO(nlacasse): Get your email address out of here! Figure out a way to
// get the mounttable name and path to this part of the code.
var mtName = naming.join(mtAddr, 'users/');
// TODO(nlacasse): Make this %%sync thing a constant.
var sgPrefix = naming.join(mtName, 'syncbase_mojo/%%sync');
var sgName = naming.join(sgPrefix, 'testsg');
var sg = db.syncGroup(sgName);
print('SGNAME = $sgName');
var myInfo = sb.SyncbaseClient.syncGroupMemberInfo(syncPriority: 3);
try {
print('trying to join syncgroup');
await sg.join(myInfo);
print('syncgroup join success');
} catch (e) {
// Syncgroup does not exist.
print('syncgroup does not exist, creating it');
var sgSpec = sb.SyncbaseClient.syncGroupSpec(
description: 'test sync group',
perms: openPerms,
// Sync the entire table.
prefixes: ['$tableName:'],
mountTables: [mtName]);
print('SGSPEC = $sgSpec');
await sg.create(sgSpec, myInfo);
return sg;