blob: d56456ba087c36e334980847f3da4f1d264a12af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of syncbase_client;
abstract class AbstractDatabase extends NamedResource {
AbstractDatabase._internal(_ctx, _parentFullName, relativeName, batchSuffix)
: super._internal(_ctx, _parentFullName, relativeName,
naming.join(_parentFullName, escape(relativeName) + batchSuffix));
// Returns the table with the given relative name.
SyncbaseTable table(String relativeName) {
return new SyncbaseTable._internal(_ctx, fullName, relativeName);
// Returns a list of all table names.
Future<List<String>> listTables() async {
var v = await _ctx.syncbase.dbListTables(fullName);
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
return v.tables;
// Executes a syncQL query.
Stream<mojom.Result> exec(String query, [List<List<int>> params = const []]) {
StreamController<mojom.Result> sc = new StreamController();
mojom.ExecStreamStub stub = new mojom.ExecStreamStub.unbound();
stub.impl = new ExecStreamImpl._fromStreamController(_ctx, sc, stub);
// Call dbExec asynchronously.
_ctx.syncbase.dbExec(fullName, query, params, stub).then((v) {
// TODO(nlacasse): Same question regarding throwing behavior as TableScan.
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
Future<List<int>> getResumeMarker() async {
var v = await _ctx.syncbase.dbGetResumeMarker(fullName);
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
return v.resumeMarker;
class ExecStreamImpl extends Object
with StreamFlowControl
implements mojom.ExecStream {
final ClientContext _ctx;
final StreamController<mojom.Result> _sc;
final mojom.ExecStreamStub _stub;
ExecStreamImpl._fromStreamController(this._ctx, this._sc, this._stub) {
onResult(mojom.Result result, [Function newAck = null]) {
// NOTE(aghassemi): newAck must be optional to match the mojom-generated
// Dart interface, but in practice the Mojo IPC framework always provides
// it.
if (newAck == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('newAck must not be null');
// Only ack after we become unlocked.
// If we are unlocked, onNextUnlock returns immediately.
return onNextUnlock().then((_) => newAck());
// Called by the Mojo proxy when the Go function call returns.
onDone(mojom.Error err) {
if (isError(err)) {