blob: ab2a57ec7d264e68bccce9c064b4141387a6dd9c [file] [log] [blame]
#!mojo mojo:dart_content_handler
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:mojo/core.dart' show MojoHandle;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:syncbase/src/testing_instrumentation.dart' as testing;
import 'package:syncbase/initialized_application.dart' show InitializedApplication;
import 'package:syncbase/syncbase_client.dart' show SyncbaseClient;
// Import other test files.
import './syncbase_app_test.dart' show runAppTests;
import './syncbase_database_test.dart' show runDatabaseTests;
import './syncbase_row_test.dart' show runRowTests;
import './syncbase_syncgroup_test.dart' show runSyncgroupTests;
import './syncbase_table_test.dart' show runTableTests;
main(List args) async {
// Enable testing instrumentation.
testing.isTesting = true;
InitializedApplication app = new InitializedApplication.fromHandle(args[0]);
await app.initialized;
SyncbaseClient c = new SyncbaseClient(
app.connectToService, '');
tearDown(() {
// Run imported tests.
// Append a final test to terminate shell connection.
// TODO(nlacasse): Remove this once package 'test' supports a global tearDown
// callback. See
test('terminate shell connection', () async {
await c.close();
expect(MojoHandle.reportLeakedHandles(), isTrue);
// TODO(nlacasse): When running mojo_shell with --enable-multiprocess,
// closing the application causes a non-graceful shutdown. To avoid this,
// we sleep for a second so the test reporter can finish and print the
// results before we close the app. Once mojo_shell can shut down more
// gracefully, we should call app.close directly in the test and not in
// this Timer.
new Timer(new Duration(seconds: 1), app.close);