blob: 78139edbb26a4f51b500c98ca6fd57bc7c3ad553 [file] [log] [blame]
part of syncbase_client;
class SyncbaseTable extends NamedResource {
SyncbaseTable._internal(_proxy, _parentFullName, relativeName)
: super._internal(_proxy, _parentFullName, relativeName);
SyncbaseRow row(String key) {
return new SyncbaseRow._internal(_proxy, fullName, key);
Future create(mojom.Perms perms) async {
var v = await _proxy.ptr.tableCreate(fullName, perms);
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
Future destroy() async {
var v = await _proxy.ptr.tableDestroy(fullName);
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
Future<bool> exists() async {
var v = await _proxy.ptr.tableExists(fullName);
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
return v.exists;
// TODO(aghassemi):
// Add put(string key, value)
// Add get(string key)
// Add delete(string key)
// Implement deleteRange in mojo_impl.go and add tests in Dart
// See
// TODO(aghassemi): deleteRange and scan should take a RowRange object
// See
Future deleteRange(List<int> start, List<int> limit) async {
var v = await _proxy.ptr.tableDeleteRange(fullName, start, limit);
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
Stream<mojom.KeyValue> scan(List<int> start, List<int> limit) {
StreamController<mojom.KeyValue> sc = new StreamController();
mojom.ScanStreamStub stub = new mojom.ScanStreamStub.unbound();
stub.impl = new ScanStreamImpl._fromStreamController(sc);
// Call tableScan asynchronously.
_proxy.ptr.tableScan(fullName, start, limit, stub).then((v) {
// TODO(nlacasse): Is throwing the correct behavior here? Consider
// returning a tuple (Stream<mojom.KeyValue>, Future) and resolve the
// Future at the end of the RPC (with an error if applicable). Then
// errors will be handled the same in this method as in all the other
// methods that return Futures. (Even though the other methods seem to
// "throw", they are actually resolving a Future since the function is
// declared with "async".)
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
Future<List<mojom.PrefixPerms>> getPermissions(String key) async {
var v = await _proxy.ptr.tableGetPermissions(fullName, key);
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
return v.permsArr;
Future setPermissions(String prefix, mojom.Perms perms) async {
var v = await _proxy.ptr.tableSetPermissions(fullName, prefix, perms);
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
Future deletePermissions(String prefix) async {
var v = await _proxy.ptr.tableDeletePermissions(fullName, prefix);
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
class ScanStreamImpl implements mojom.ScanStream {
final StreamController<mojom.KeyValue> sc;
onKeyValue(mojom.KeyValue keyValue) {
onDone(mojom.Error err) {
if (isError(err)) {