blob: 1a040fafb1cef3740203455b5fe81e762c7e78e6 [file] [log] [blame]
#!mojo mojo:dart_content_handler
import 'dart:async';
// TODO(nlacasse): Use 'show' or 'as' in non-stdlib import statements, per
// Vanadium Dart convention.
import 'package:mojo/application.dart';
import 'package:mojo/core.dart';
import '../../gen/dart-gen/mojom/lib/mojo/echo.mojom.dart' show EchoEchoStringResponseParams, EchoProxy;
class Client extends Application {
Client.fromHandle(MojoHandle handle) : super.fromHandle(handle);
void initialize(List<String> args, String url) {
// TODO(nlacasse): This is pretty gross, but there's no good way to get the
// current directory from within a Mojo app. Dart's Directory.current() is
// either broken or unsupported. In any case, this will never work on
// Android, so we should switch to serving these files over http rather
// than directly from the filesystem.
String echoServerUrl = url.replaceFirst('dart/bin/echo_client.dart', 'gen/mojo/echo_server.mojo');
print('connecting to $echoServerUrl');
EchoProxy ep = new EchoProxy.unbound();
connectToService(echoServerUrl, ep);
String input = 'foobee';
print('calling echoString($input)');
ep.ptr.echoString(input).then((EchoEchoStringResponseParams v) {
String output = v.value;
print('got echo result: $output');
assert(input == output);
print('done calling echoString');
Future closeApplication() async {
await close();
main(List args) {
MojoHandle appHandle = new MojoHandle(args[0]);
new Client.fromHandle(appHandle);