blob: 5dd4ebb2c424cf77f6be8dded3c931a0bdafe963 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library syncbase_client;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show UTF8;
import 'package:mojo/bindings.dart' as bindings;
import 'package:syncbase/src/naming/util.dart' as naming;
import 'package:syncbase/src/testing_instrumentation.dart' as testing;
import 'gen/dart-gen/mojom/lib/mojo/syncbase.mojom.dart' as mojom;
// Export struct types from syncbase.mojom.
export 'gen/dart-gen/mojom/lib/mojo/syncbase.mojom.dart'
part 'src/app.dart';
part 'src/client_context.dart';
part 'src/named_resource.dart';
part 'src/stream_flow_control.dart';
part 'src/unclosed_stubs_manager.dart';
part 'src/util.dart';
part 'src/nosql/database.dart';
part 'src/nosql/row.dart';
part 'src/nosql/rowrange.dart';
part 'src/nosql/syncgroup.dart';
part 'src/nosql/table.dart';
part 'src/nosql/watch_change_types.dart';
typedef void ConnectToServiceFn(String url, bindings.ProxyBase proxy);
bool isError(mojom.Error err) {
return err != null && != '';
// TODO(sadovsky): Add listApps method.
class SyncbaseClient {
final ClientContext _ctx;
SyncbaseClient(ConnectToServiceFn cts, String url)
: _ctx = new ClientContext._internal(new mojom.SyncbaseProxy.unbound(),
new UnclosedStubsManager._internal()) {
print('connecting to $url');
cts(url, _ctx.proxy);
// Closes the connection to the syncbase server.
Future close({bool immediate: false}) {
return Future.wait([
_ctx.unclosedStubsManager.closeAll(immediate: immediate),
_ctx.proxy.close(immediate: immediate)
// app returns the app with the given name.
SyncbaseApp app(String name) => new SyncbaseApp._internal(_ctx, name);
Future<mojom.Perms> getPermissions() async {
var v = await _ctx.syncbase.serviceGetPermissions();
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
// TODO(nlacasse): We need to return the version too. Create a struct type
// that combines perms and version?
return v.perms;
Future<List<SyncbaseApp>> listApps() async {
var v = await _ctx.syncbase.serviceListApps();
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
return =>;
Future setPermissions(mojom.Perms perms, String version) async {
var v = await _ctx.syncbase.serviceSetPermissions(perms, version);
if (isError(v.err)) throw v.err;
// Helper methods that wrap the generated constructors for mojom types. The
// generated constructors take zero arguments, so they are difficult to use.
static mojom.BatchOptions batchOptions(
{String hint: null, bool readOnly: false}) {
return new mojom.BatchOptions()
..hint = hint
..readOnly = readOnly;
static mojom.Perms perms([String json = '{}']) {
return new mojom.Perms()..json = json;
static mojom.SyncgroupMemberInfo syncgroupMemberInfo({int syncPriority: 0}) {
return new mojom.SyncgroupMemberInfo()..syncPriority = syncPriority;
static mojom.TableRow syncgroupPrefix(String tableName, String row) {
return new mojom.TableRow()
..tableName = tableName
..row = row;
static mojom.SyncgroupSpec syncgroupSpec(List<mojom.TableRow> prefixes,
{String description: '',
bool isPrivate: false,
mojom.Perms perms: null,
List<String> mountTables: null}) {
if (prefixes == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('prefixes must be specified');
return new mojom.SyncgroupSpec()
..description = description
..isPrivate = isPrivate
..perms = perms ?? SyncbaseClient.perms()
..prefixes = prefixes
..mountTables = mountTables ?? [];
static mojom.WatchChange watchChange(
String tableName, String rowKey, List<int> resumeMarker, int changeType,
{List<int> valueBytes: null,
bool fromSync: false,
bool continued: false}) {
if (tableName == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('tableName must be specified');
if (rowKey == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('rowKey must be specified');
if (resumeMarker == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('resumeMarker must be specified');
if (changeType == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('changeType must be specified');
return new mojom.WatchChange()
..tableName = tableName
..rowKey = rowKey
..valueBytes = valueBytes ?? []
..resumeMarker = resumeMarker
..changeType = changeType
..fromSync = fromSync
..continued = continued;