| PWD := $(shell pwd) |
| |
| ifndef NOFIND |
| DART_FILES := $(shell find example lib test -name "*.dart" -not -path "lib/gen/*") |
| V23_GO_FILES := $(shell find $(JIRI_ROOT) -name "*.go") |
| endif |
| |
| include ../shared/mojo.mk |
| |
| # Flags for Syncbase service running as Mojo service. |
| V23_MOJO_FLAGS := --v=0 |
| |
| MOJOM_FILE := mojom/syncbase.mojom |
| |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| # Parse the adb devices output to obtain the correct device id. |
| # sed takes out the ANDROID_PLUS_ONE'th row of the output |
| # awk takes just the first bit of the line (before whitespace). |
| ANDROID_PLUS_ONE := $(shell echo $(ANDROID) \+ 1 | bc) |
| DEVICE_ID := $(shell adb devices | sed -n $(ANDROID_PLUS_ONE)p | awk '{ print $$1; }') |
| TARGET_DEVICE_FLAG += --target-device $(DEVICE_ID) |
| |
| SYNCBASE_BUILD_DIR := $(PWD)/gen/mojo/android |
| |
| # NOTE(nlacasse): Trying to write to a directory that the app does not have |
| # permission to causes a crash with no stack trace. Because of this, we |
| # set logtostderr=true to prevent vlog from writing logs to directories we |
| # don't have permissions on. (Alternatively, we could set --log_dir to a |
| # directory inside APP_HOME_DIR.) We set syncbase root-dir inside |
| # APP_HOME_DIR for the same reason. |
| APP_HOME_DIR = /data/data/org.chromium.mojo.shell/app_home |
| SYNCBASE_ROOT_DIR=$(APP_HOME_DIR)/mojo_syncbase_data |
| ANDROID_CREDS_DIR := /sdcard/v23creds |
| V23_MOJO_FLAGS += --logtostderr=true --root-dir=$(SYNCBASE_ROOT_DIR) --v23.credentials=$(ANDROID_CREDS_DIR) |
| |
| # For some reason we need to set the origin flag when running on Android, |
| # but setting it on Linux causes errors. |
| ORIGIN_FLAG := --origin $(MOJO_SERVICES) |
| else |
| SYNCBASE_BUILD_DIR := $(PWD)/gen/mojo/linux_amd64 |
| SYNCBASE_ROOT_DIR := $(PWD)/tmp/syncbase_data$(SYNC_SUFFIX) |
| V23_MOJO_FLAGS += --root-dir=$(SYNCBASE_ROOT_DIR) --v23.credentials=$(PWD)/creds |
| endif |
| |
| # If this is not the first mojo shell, then you must reuse the dev servers |
| # to avoid a "port in use" error. |
| ifneq ($(shell fuser 31500/tcp),) |
| REUSE_FLAG := --reuse-servers |
| endif |
| |
| # Use BENCHMARK = the suffix of the syncbase instance (e.g., pingpong/s1) |
| ifdef BENCHMARK |
| V23_MOJO_FLAGS += --name=/ns.dev.v.io:8101/tmp/benchmark/$(BENCHMARK) |
| endif |
| |
| --config-alias SYNCBASE_DIR=$(PWD) \ |
| "--args-for=https://mojo.v.io/syncbase_server.mojo $(V23_MOJO_FLAGS)" \ |
| "--args-for=mojo:dart_content_handler --enable-strict-mode" \ |
| $(REUSE_FLAG) \ |
| |
| |
| all: test |
| |
| .PHONY: build |
| build: $(SYNCBASE_BUILD_DIR)/syncbase_server.mojo gen-mojom |
| |
| # Builds mounttabled, principal, and syncbased. |
| bin: $(V23_GO_FILES) | mojo-env-check |
| jiri go build -a -o $@/mounttabled v.io/x/ref/services/mounttable/mounttabled |
| jiri go build -a -o $@/principal v.io/x/ref/cmd/principal |
| jiri go build -a -o $@/syncbased v.io/x/ref/services/syncbase/syncbased |
| touch $@ |
| |
| # Mints credentials. |
| creds: | bin |
| ./bin/principal seekblessings --v23.credentials creds |
| touch $@ |
| |
| # TODO(nlacasse): These target-specific variables will affect this task and all |
| # pre-requisite tasks. Luckily none of the prerequisites require that these |
| # variables have their original value, so everything works. Once we have a |
| # prereq that requires the original value, we will need to re-work these |
| # variables. |
| $(SYNCBASE_BUILD_DIR)/syncbase_server.mojo: $(V23_GO_FILES) gen/go/src/mojom/syncbase/syncbase.mojom.go | mojo-env-check |
| $(call MOGO_BUILD,v.io/x/ref/services/syncbase/syncbased,$@) |
| |
| # Formats dart files to follow dart style conventions. |
| .PHONY: dartfmt |
| dartfmt: packages |
| dartfmt --overwrite $(DART_FILES) |
| |
| # Lints src and test files with dartanalyzer. This takes a few seconds. |
| .PHONY: dartanalyzer |
| dartanalyzer: packages gen-mojom |
| # TODO(nlacasse): Fix dart mojom binding generator so it does not produce files |
| # that violate dartanalyzer. For now, we use "grep -v" to hide all hints and |
| # warnings from *.mojom.dart files. |
| dartanalyzer benchmark/**/*.dart example/*.dart lib/*.dart test/**/*.dart | grep -v "\.mojom\.dart, line" |
| |
| # Installs dart dependencies. |
| packages: pubspec.yaml |
| pub upgrade |
| |
| .PHONY: gen-mojom |
| gen-mojom: lib/gen/dart-gen/mojom/lib/mojo/syncbase.mojom.dart gen/go/src/mojom/syncbase/syncbase.mojom.go |
| |
| # TODO(aghassemi): The mojom compiler is in flux, and updates to it are |
| # typically not backwards-compatible, so for now we mark this rule as .PHONY in |
| # order to force recompilation of mojom files with every build. Once the mojom |
| # compiler stabilizes, we can remove the .PHONY label and avoid recompiling our |
| # mojom files unnecessarily. |
| #.PHONY: gen/go/src/mojom/syncbase/syncbase.mojom.go |
| gen/go/src/mojom/syncbase/syncbase.mojom.go: | mojo-env-check |
| $(call MOJOM_GEN,$(MOJOM_FILE),.,gen,go) |
| gofmt -w $@ |
| |
| #.PHONY: lib/gen/dart-gen/mojom/lib/mojo/syncbase.mojom.dart |
| lib/gen/dart-gen/mojom/lib/mojo/syncbase.mojom.dart: | mojo-env-check |
| $(call MOJOM_GEN,$(MOJOM_FILE),.,lib/gen,dart) |
| # TODO(nlacasse): mojom_bindings_generator creates bad symlinks on dart files, |
| # so we delete them. Stop doing this once the generator is fixed. See |
| # https://github.com/domokit/mojo/issues/386 |
| rm -f lib/gen/mojom/$(notdir $@) |
| |
| # TODO(sadovsky): Wipe any existing Syncbase data, as done in test-integration. |
| .PHONY: run-syncbase-example |
| run-syncbase-example: $(SYNCBASE_BUILD_DIR)/syncbase_server.mojo packages lib/gen/dart-gen/mojom/lib/mojo/syncbase.mojom.dart | mojo-env-check creds |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) push -p $(PWD)/creds $(ANDROID_CREDS_DIR) |
| endif |
| $(call MOJO_RUN,"https://mojo.v.io/syncbase_example.dart") |
| |
| # The pingpong benchmark is meant to run on N devices. |
| # Pass testID peerID numPeers pattern numTimes as $(ARGS) to this call. |
| # |
| # For example, for a 2 Android ping pong benchmark: |
| # ANDROID=1 BENCHMARK=pingpong/s0 make ARGS="MyTest 0 2 PingPong 100" benchmark-pingpong |
| # ANDROID=2 BENCHMARK=pingpong/s1 make ARGS="MyTest 1 2 PingPong 100" benchmark-pingpong |
| # |
| # You can also run this on Linux, but be sure to use different HOME dirs. |
| # Note: The first one shouldn't set a HOME dir. |
| # BENCHMARK=pingpong/s0 SYNC_SUFFIX=s0 make ARGS="MyTest 0 3 Cycle 200" benchmark-pingpong |
| # HOME=/tmp/test/s1 BENCHMARK=pingpong/s1 SYNC_SUFFIX=s1 make ARGS="MyTest 1 3 Cycle 200" benchmark-pingpong |
| # HOME=/tmp/test/s2 BENCHMARK=pingpong/s2 SYNC_SUFFIX=s2 make ARGS="MyTest 2 3 Cycle 200" benchmark-pingpong |
| # |
| # TODO(alexfandrianto): I think it would be easier if we had a script call the benchmark. |
| # Note: The Syncbase Creator (peer 0) should be created first; it may even take a minute to be ready. |
| .PHONY: benchmark-pingpong |
| benchmark-pingpong: packages $(SYNCBASE_BUILD_DIR)/syncbase_server.mojo gen-mojom test-preparation | mojo-env-check creds |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) push -p $(PWD)/creds $(ANDROID_CREDS_DIR) |
| endif |
| #$(MOJO_DEVTOOLS)/mojo_run --config-file $(PWD)/mojoconfig --shell-path $(MOJO_SHELL) \ |
| # $(MOJO_SHELL_FLAGS) $(MOJO_ANDROID_FLAGS) "https://benchmark.mojo.v.io/pingpong/pingpong.dart $(ARGS)" |
| $(call MOJO_RUN,"https://benchmark.mojo.v.io/pingpong/pingpong.dart $(ARGS)") |
| |
| .PHONY: test-preparation |
| test-preparation: |
| $(error please unset MOUNTTABLE_ADDR before running the tests) |
| endif |
| # Make sure Syncbase starts from a clean slate. |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| adb -s $(DEVICE_ID) shell run-as org.chromium.mojo.shell rm -rf $(SYNCBASE_ROOT_DIR) |
| else |
| rm -rf $(SYNCBASE_ROOT_DIR) |
| endif |
| |
| # Note: If "make test" fails with "Connection error to the shell" messages, it |
| # could be that the Dart VM has crashed (e.g. due to a missing import). In this |
| # case, "make dartanalyzer" often reveals the problem. |
| .PHONY: test |
| test: test-unit test-integration |
| |
| .PHONY: test-unit |
| test-unit: packages |
| pub run test test/unit/*.dart |
| |
| .PHONY: test-integration |
| test-integration: packages $(SYNCBASE_BUILD_DIR)/syncbase_server.mojo gen-mojom test-preparation | mojo-env-check |
| # Delete the 'creds' dir to make sure we are running with in-memory credentials. |
| # Otherwise tests time out. |
| # TODO(nlacasse): Figure out why tests time out with dev.v.io credentials. Maybe |
| # caveat validation? |
| rm -rf $(PWD)/creds |
| # NOTE(nlacasse): The "tests" argument must come before the "MOJO_SHELL_FLAGS" |
| # flags, otherwise mojo_test's argument parser gets confused and exits with an |
| # error. |
| $(MOJO_DEVTOOLS)/mojo_test tests --config-file $(PWD)/mojoconfig --shell-path $(MOJO_SHELL) $(MOJO_ANDROID_FLAGS) $(MOJO_SHELL_FLAGS) |
| |
| .PHONY: publish |
| # NOTE(aghassemi): This must be inside lib in order to be accessible. |
| PACKAGE_MOJO_BIN_DIR := lib/mojo_services |
| ifdef DRYRUN |
| PUBLISH_FLAGS := --dry-run |
| endif |
| # NOTE(aghassemi): Publishing will fail unless you increment the version number |
| # in pubspec.yaml. See https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/versioning.html for |
| # guidelines. |
| # TODO(nlacasse): Generate a MOJO_VERSION file and publish that as part of the |
| # package. |
| publish: veryclean packages |
| $(MAKE) test # Build and test on Linux. |
| ANDROID=1 $(MAKE) build # Cross-compile for Android. |
| mkdir -p $(PACKAGE_MOJO_BIN_DIR) |
| cp -r gen/mojo/* $(PACKAGE_MOJO_BIN_DIR) |
| # Note: The '-' at the beginning of the following command tells make to ignore |
| # failures and always continue to the next command. |
| -pub publish $(PUBLISH_FLAGS) |
| rm -rf $(PACKAGE_MOJO_BIN_DIR) |
| |
| # Prepares a local version of the syncbase package that can be accessed via a |
| # pubspec path. For example, if this is release/projects/croupier, its |
| # pubspec.yaml will include a syncbase path dependency pointing at |
| # ../../mojo/syncbase. |
| # This is helpful when testing local changes to syncbase or a version that has |
| # not been published on pub yet. |
| .PHONY: local-publish |
| local-publish: veryclean packages |
| $(MAKE) build # Build on Linux. |
| ANDROID=1 $(MAKE) build # Cross-compile for Android. |
| mkdir -p $(PACKAGE_MOJO_BIN_DIR) |
| cp -r gen/mojo/* $(PACKAGE_MOJO_BIN_DIR) |
| |
| # TODO(aghassemi): Why does mojo generate dart-pkg and mojom dirs? |
| .PHONY: clean |
| clean: |
| rm -rf bin creds gen tmp |
| rm -rf lib/gen/dart-pkg |
| rm -rf lib/gen/mojom |
| rm -rf $(PACKAGE_MOJO_BIN_DIR) |
| |
| .PHONY: veryclean |
| veryclean: clean |
| rm -rf {.packages,pubspec.lock,packages} |
| jiri goext distclean |