blob: 35998bed90738f8c9aa76204650ffdfb976cf424 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO(sadovsky): Finish updating to reflect new, simplified API. Some, but not
// all, has been updated.
// TODO(sadovsky): Copy struct and interface comments from VDL files.
// TODO(sadovsky): Add BlobManager, ConflictManager, and SchemaManager
// methods.
// TODO(sadovsky): This should probably be something else.
module mojo;
// TODO(sadovsky): Put structs in a separate types.mojom file.
// TODO(sadovsky): Loose representation of verror. Improve this.
struct Error {
string id; // empty string means no error
uint32 action_code;
string msg;
// TODO(sadovsky): Decide how to represent perms.
struct Permissions {
string json;
struct Id {
string blessing;
string name;
struct BatchOptions {
string hint;
bool read_only;
struct SyncgroupSpec {
string description;
Permissions perms;
array<Id> collections;
array<string> mount_tables;
bool is_private;
struct SyncgroupMemberInfo {
uint8 sync_priority;
uint8 blob_dev_type;
struct Result {
array<array<uint8>> values;
// In this model, the server pushes one stream item to the client, then waits
// for an ack from the client before sending the next item, thus providing
// flow control.
interface ExecStream {
OnResult(Result result) => ();
OnDone(Error err);
struct KeyValue {
string key;
array<uint8> value;
// In this model, the server pushes one stream item to the client, then waits
// for an ack from the client before sending the next item, thus providing
// flow control.
interface ScanStream {
OnKeyValue(KeyValue key_value) => ();
OnDone(Error err);
struct WatchChange {
Id collection_id;
string row_key;
uint32 change_type;
array<uint8> value_bytes;
array<uint8> resume_marker;
bool from_sync;
bool continued;
struct GlobRequest {
string pattern;
array<uint8> resume_marker;
// In this model, the server pushes one stream item to the client, then waits
// for an ack from the client before sending the next item, thus providing
// flow control.
interface WatchGlobStream {
OnChange(WatchChange change) => ();
OnError(Error err);
// All 'name' params are service-relative object names.
// Error handling modeled after:
interface Syncbase {
// Service
ServiceGetPermissions() => (Error err, Permissions perms, string version);
ServiceSetPermissions(Permissions perms, string version) => (Error err);
ServiceListDatabases() => (Error err, array<Id> databases);
// Database
DbCreate(string name, Permissions perms) => (Error err);
DbDestroy(string name) => (Error err);
DbExists(string name) => (Error err, bool exists);
DbListCollections(string name, string batch_handle)
=> (Error err, array<Id> collections);
string name, string batch_handle, string query,
array<array<uint8>> parameters, ExecStream stream)
=> (Error err);
DbBeginBatch(string name, BatchOptions opts)
=> (Error err, string batch_handle);
DbCommit(string name, string batch_handle) => (Error err);
DbAbort(string name, string batch_handle) => (Error err);
DbPauseSync(string name) => (Error err);
DbResumeSync(string name) => (Error err);
DbGetPermissions(string name)
=> (Error err, Permissions perms, string version);
DbSetPermissions(string name, Permissions perms, string version)
=> (Error err);
DbWatchGlob(string name, GlobRequest req, WatchGlobStream stream)
=> (Error err);
DbGetResumeMarker(string name, string batch_handle)
=> (Error err, array<uint8> resume_marker);
// SyncgroupManager
DbListSyncgroups(string name) => (Error err, array<Id> ids);
string name, Id sg_id, SyncgroupSpec spec,
SyncgroupMemberInfo my_info)
=> (Error err);
DbJoinSyncgroup(string name, Id sg_id, SyncgroupMemberInfo my_info)
=> (Error err, SyncgroupSpec spec);
DbLeaveSyncgroup(string name, Id sg_id) => (Error err);
DbDestroySyncgroup(string name, Id sg_id) => (Error err);
DbEjectFromSyncgroup(string name, Id sg_id, string member)
=> (Error err);
DbGetSyncgroupSpec(string name, Id sg_id)
=> (Error err, SyncgroupSpec spec, string version);
DbSetSyncgroupSpec(string name, Id sg_id, SyncgroupSpec spec, string version)
=> (Error err);
DbGetSyncgroupMembers(string name, Id sg_id)
=> (Error err, map<string, SyncgroupMemberInfo> infos);
// Collection
CollectionCreate(string name, string batch_handle, Permissions perms)
=> (Error err);
CollectionDestroy(string name, string batch_handle) => (Error err);
CollectionExists(string name, string batch_handle)
=> (Error err, bool exists);
CollectionGetPermissions(string name, string batch_handle)
=> (Error err, Permissions perms);
CollectionSetPermissions(string name, string batch_handle, Permissions perms)
=> (Error err);
string name, string batch_handle, array<uint8> start, array<uint8> limit)
=> (Error err);
string name, string batch_handle, array<uint8> start, array<uint8> limit,
ScanStream stream)
=> (Error err);
// Row
RowExists(string name, string batch_handle) => (Error err, bool exists);
RowGet(string name, string batch_handle) => (Error err, array<uint8> value);
RowPut(string name, string batch_handle, array<uint8> value) => (Error err);
RowDelete(string name, string batch_handle) => (Error err);