| PWD := $(shell pwd) |
| |
| include ../shared/mojo.mk |
| |
| # ANDROID needs to be any positive integer (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4...) |
| ifdef ANDROID |
| BUILD_DIR := $(PWD)/gen/mojo/android |
| |
| # For some reason we need to set the origin flag when running on Android, |
| # but setting it on Linux causes errors. |
| |
| # In order to determine the device id to target, we will parse the output |
| # of `adb devices`. The target id is present within the ANDROID+1'th line. |
| ANDROID_PLUS_ONE := $(shell echo $(ANDROID) \+ 1 | bc) |
| DEVICE_ID := $(shell adb devices | sed -n $(ANDROID_PLUS_ONE)p | awk '{ print $$1; }') |
| DEVICE_FLAG := --target-device $(DEVICE_ID) |
| ANDROID_FLAG := --android |
| else |
| BUILD_DIR := $(PWD)/gen/mojo/linux_amd64 |
| endif |
| |
| # Add the discovery mojom output to the go path. |
| export GOPATH := $(PWD)/../discovery/gen/go |
| |
| # If this is not the first mojo shell, then you must reuse the devservers |
| # to avoid a "port in use" error. |
| ifneq ($(shell fuser 31841/tcp),) |
| REUSE_FLAG := --reuse-servers |
| endif |
| |
| # Build the v23proxy and the associated examples in Go and Dart. |
| .PHONY: build |
| build: build-go build-dart |
| |
| # Build the v23proxy.mojo, client, and associated go examples. |
| .PHONY: build-go |
| build-go: $(BUILD_DIR)/v23proxy.mojo build-go-examples |
| |
| # Build the v23proxy client and its associated dart examples. |
| .PHONY: build-dart |
| build-dart: gen/v23proxy.mojom.dart build-dart-examples lint-dart |
| |
| .PHONY: lint-dart |
| lint-dart: |
| dartanalyzer lib/client.dart | grep -v "\[warning\] The imported libraries" |
| dartanalyzer dart-examples/echo/lib/main.dart | grep -v "\[warning\] The imported libraries" |
| |
| # Installs dart dependencies. |
| packages: |
| pub get |
| |
| .PHONY: upgrade-packages |
| upgrade-packages: |
| pub upgrade |
| |
| build-go-examples: $(BUILD_DIR)/echo_client.mojo $(BUILD_DIR)/echo_server.mojo $(BUILD_DIR)/fortune_client.mojo $(BUILD_DIR)/fortune_server.mojo |
| |
| build-dart-examples: gen/echo.mojom.dart gen/fortune.mojom.dart |
| |
| # Go-based unit tests |
| test: $(MOJO_SHARED_LIB) gen/go/src/mojom/tests/transcoder_testcases/transcoder_testcases.mojom.go gen-vdl |
| $(call MOGO_TEST,v.io/x/mojo/transcoder/...) |
| |
| # Note:This file is needed to compile v23proxy.mojom, so we're symlinking it in from $MOJO_SDK. |
| mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types.mojom: $(MOJO_SDK)/src/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types.mojom |
| mkdir -p mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings |
| ln -sf $(MOJO_SDK)/src/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types.mojom mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types.mojom |
| |
| mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_unions.mojom: $(MOJO_SDK)/src/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_unions.mojom |
| mkdir -p mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests |
| ln -sf $(MOJO_SDK)/src/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_unions.mojom mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_unions.mojom |
| |
| mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_included_unions.mojom: $(MOJO_SDK)/src/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_included_unions.mojom |
| mkdir -p mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests |
| ln -sf $(MOJO_SDK)/src/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_included_unions.mojom mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_included_unions.mojom |
| |
| mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_structs.mojom: $(MOJO_SDK)/src/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_structs.mojom |
| mkdir -p mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests |
| ln -sf $(MOJO_SDK)/src/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_structs.mojom mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_structs.mojom |
| |
| gen/go/src/mojom/tests/transcoder_testcases/transcoder_testcases.mojom.go: mojom/mojom/tests/transcoder_testcases.mojom mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_unions.mojom mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_included_unions.mojom mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_structs.mojom | mojo-env-check |
| $(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,mojom,gen,go) |
| gofmt -w $@ |
| |
| $(BUILD_DIR)/echo_client.mojo: gen/go/src/mojom/examples/echo/echo.mojom.go |
| $(call MOGO_BUILD,examples/echo/client,$@) |
| |
| $(BUILD_DIR)/echo_server.mojo: gen/go/src/mojom/examples/echo/echo.mojom.go |
| $(call MOGO_BUILD,examples/echo/server,$@) |
| |
| gen/go/src/mojom/examples/echo/echo.mojom.go: mojom/mojom/examples/echo.mojom | mojo-env-check |
| $(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,mojom,gen,go) |
| gofmt -w $@ |
| |
| gen/echo.mojom.dart: mojom/mojom/examples/echo.mojom | mojo-env-check |
| $(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,mojom,dart-examples/echo/lib/gen,dart) |
| |
| $(BUILD_DIR)/fortune_client.mojo: gen/go/src/mojom/examples/fortune/fortune.mojom.go |
| $(call MOGO_BUILD,examples/fortune/client,$@) |
| |
| $(BUILD_DIR)/fortune_server.mojo: gen/go/src/mojom/examples/fortune/fortune.mojom.go |
| $(call MOGO_BUILD,examples/fortune/server,$@) |
| |
| gen/go/src/mojom/examples/fortune/fortune.mojom.go: mojom/mojom/examples/fortune.mojom | mojo-env-check |
| $(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,mojom,gen,go) |
| gofmt -w $@ |
| |
| gen/fortune.mojom.dart: mojom/mojom/examples/fortune.mojom | mojo-env-check |
| $(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,mojom,dart-examples/fortune/lib/gen,dart) |
| |
| $(BUILD_DIR)/v23proxy.mojo: gen/go/src/mojom/v23proxy/v23proxy.mojom.go | mojo-env-check |
| $(call MOGO_BUILD,v.io/x/mojo/proxy,$@) |
| |
| gen/go/src/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types/mojom_types.mojom.go: mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types.mojom | mojo-env-check |
| $(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,mojom,gen,go) |
| gofmt -w $@ |
| |
| gen/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types/mojom_types.mojom.dart: mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types.mojom packages | mojo-env-check |
| $(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,.,lib/gen,dart) |
| # TODO(nlacasse): mojom_bindings_generator creates bad symlinks on dart |
| # files, so we delete them. Stop doing this once the generator is fixed. |
| # See https://github.com/domokit/mojo/issues/386 |
| rm -f lib/gen/mojom/$(notdir $@) |
| |
| mojom/mojom/v23proxy.mojom: mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types.mojom | mojo-env-check |
| |
| gen/go/src/mojom/v23proxy/v23proxy.mojom.go: mojom/mojom/v23proxy.mojom | mojo-env-check |
| $(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,mojom,gen,go) |
| gofmt -w $@ |
| |
| gen/v23proxy.mojom.dart: mojom/mojom/v23proxy.mojom packages gen/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types/mojom_types.mojom.dart | mojo-env-check |
| $(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,.,lib/gen,dart) |
| # TODO(nlacasse): mojom_bindings_generator creates bad symlinks on dart |
| # files, so we delete them. Stop doing this once the generator is fixed. |
| # See https://github.com/domokit/mojo/issues/386 |
| rm -f lib/gen/mojom/$(notdir $@) |
| |
| gen-vdl: |
| GOPATH=$(PWD)/go VDLPATH=$(PWD)/go vdl generate all |
| |
| # Run the Mojo shell with map-origin. This is common to Linux and Android since |
| # the latter cannot accept a config-file. |
| # $1 is for any extra flags, like --enable-multiprocess. |
| # $2 is for the name and/or path to the mojo or dart file. |
| # $3 is for $ARGS, any arguments you might want to pass to the mojo program. |
| # $4 is for 'dart'. This is temporary so that the --map-origin works out. |
| # TODO(alexfandrianto): Figure out how to make this mapping work without |
| # needing a distinct URL. |
| define RUN_MOJO_SHELL |
| $(MOJO_DEVTOOLS)/mojo_run \ |
| $1 \ |
| --shell-path $(MOJO_SHELL) \ |
| $(DEVICE_FLAG) \ |
| --no-config-file \ |
| $(REUSE_FLAG) \ |
| $(ORIGIN_FLAG) \ |
| --map-origin="https://mojo.v.io/=$(BUILD_DIR)" \ |
| --map-origin="https://mojodart.v.io/=$(PWD)" \ |
| --args-for="https://mojo$4.v.io/$2 $3" \ |
| https://mojo$4.v.io/$2 |
| endef |
| |
| # Start the v23proxy (server-side). This runs the v23proxy in its own shell and |
| # will print an endpoint to stdout. That endpoint needs to be passed to the clients. |
| # |
| # On Linux, run with |
| # make start-v23proxy |
| # (Optionally, this can be prefixed with a HOME directory.) |
| # |
| # On Android, run with |
| # ANDROID={device number} make start-v23proxy |
| .PHONY: start-v23proxy |
| start-v23proxy: build-go |
| $(call RUN_MOJO_SHELL,--enable-multiprocess,v23proxy.mojo,,) |
| |
| |
| # Start the echo client. This uses the v23proxy (client-side) to speak Vanadium |
| # over to the v23proxy (server-side) [OR a 0-authentication Vanadium echo server]. |
| # |
| # On Linux, run with |
| # HOME={tmpdir} make ARGS="{remote endpoint}//https://mojo.v.io/echo_server.mojo/mojo::examples::RemoteEcho [optional: a string to echo]" start-echo-client |
| # |
| # On Android, run with |
| # ANDROID={device number} make ARGS="{remote endpoint}//https://mojo.v.io/echo_server.mojo/mojo::examples::RemoteEcho [optional: a string to echo]" start-echo-client |
| # |
| # Note1: Does not use --enable-multiprocess since small Go programs can omit it. |
| # Note2: Setting HOME ensures that we avoid a db LOCK that is created per mojo shell instance. |
| .PHONY: start-echo-client |
| start-echo-client: build-go |
| $(call RUN_MOJO_SHELL,,echo_client.mojo,${ARGS},) |
| |
| # Like the start-echo-client but using a Dart client instead. |
| # Note: Uses --enable-multiprocess since it looks like the Dart VM and Go VM |
| # together are enough to cause a SIGSEGV (Android signal 11 crash) if this flag |
| # is not used. |
| .PHONY: start-dart-echo-client |
| start-dart-echo-client: build-dart |
| $(call RUN_MOJO_SHELL,--enable-multiprocess,dart-examples/echo/lib/main.dart,${ARGS},dart) |
| |
| |
| # Start the fortune client. This uses the v23proxy (client-side) to speak Vanadium |
| # over to the v23proxy (server-side) [OR a 0-authentication Vanadium fortune server]. |
| # |
| # On Linux, run with |
| # HOME={tmpdir} make ARGS="{remote endpoint}//https://mojo.v.io/fortune_server.mojo/mojo::examples::Fortune [optional: a fortune to add]" start-fortune-client |
| # |
| # On Android, run with |
| # ANDROID={device number} make ARGS="{remote endpoint}//https://mojo.v.io/fortune_server.mojo/mojo::examples::Fortune [optional: a fortune to add]" start-fortune-client |
| # |
| # Note1: Does not use --enable-multiprocess since small Go programs can omit it. |
| # Note2: Setting HOME ensures that we avoid a db LOCK that is created per mojo shell instance. |
| .PHONY: start-fortune-client |
| start-fortune-client: build-go |
| $(call RUN_MOJO_SHELL,,fortune_client.mojo,${ARGS},) |
| |
| # Like the start-fortune-client but using a Dart client instead. |
| # Note: Uses --enable-multiprocess since it looks like the Dart VM and Go VM |
| # together are enough to cause a SIGSEGV (Android signal 11 crash) if this flag |
| # is not used. |
| .PHONY: start-dart-fortune-client |
| start-dart-fortune-client: build-dart |
| $(call RUN_MOJO_SHELL,--enable-multiprocess,dart-examples/fortune/lib/main.dart,${ARGS},dart) |
| |
| |
| .PHONY: clean |
| clean: clean-go clean-dart |
| |
| .PHONY: clean-go |
| clean-go: |
| rm -rf gen |
| |
| .PHONY: clean-dart |
| clean-dart: |
| rm -rf lib/gen |
| rm -rf dart-examples/echo/lib/gen |
| rm -rf dart-examples/fortune/lib/gen |