blob: 4a4dc53ee696359e4f003bf670a2fc3325e2c294 [file] [log] [blame]
#!mojo mojo:dart_content_handler
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'gen/dart-gen/mojom/lib/mojo/examples/fortune.mojom.dart';
import 'package:v23proxy/client.dart' as v23proxy;
import 'package:mojo/application.dart';
import 'package:mojo/bindings.dart';
import 'package:mojo/core.dart';
class Fortune extends Application {
final FortuneProxy fortuneProxy = new FortuneProxy.unbound();
Fortune.fromHandle(MojoHandle handle) : super.fromHandle(handle);
void initialize(List<String> args, String url) {
run(args, url);
Future run(List<String> args, String url) async {
// args[0] is the mojo name
// args[1] is the remote endpoint.
// args[2+] is the phrase to add to the fortune service. If omitted, we'll get instead.
print("$url Fortune");
String remoteEndpoint = args[1];
if (remoteEndpoint == null) {
throw new Exception('A remote endpoint must be specified');
// The phrase is join args[2:]
String fortunestr = args.length <= 2 ? null : args.sublist(2).join(" ");
v23proxy.connectToRemoteService(this, fortuneProxy, remoteEndpoint);
if (fortunestr == null) { // Get Fortune
print("Asking fortune server for a fortune...");
var response = await fortuneProxy.ptr.get(fortunestr);
print("Received fortune: ${response.value}");
} else { // Add Fortune
print("Adding '${fortunestr}' to the fortune server...");
var response = await fortuneProxy.ptr.add(fortunestr);
print("Added fortune successfully: ${response}");
await this.closeApplication();
Future closeApplication() async {
print("Closing proxy...");
await fortuneProxy.close();
print("Closing application...");
await this.close();
main(List args) {
MojoHandle appHandle = new MojoHandle(args[0]);
new Fortune.fromHandle(appHandle);