A bunch of minor things:

(a) Add a top-level README
(b) Use the Vanadium logging APIs (context.T.Infof, context.T.Errorf
    etc.) where possible since those provide richer information
    (such as the file and line number)
(c) Unexport a few types that didn't need to be exported
(d) Remove the hack that defined unused flags.

Change-Id: I61c35fa5778186c31416c17fad252ea863e5c68a
4 files changed
tree: 376fd11bfc86e65c11c2a1f0b6fa2c79c8d02597
  1. go/
  2. mojom/
  3. .gitignore
  4. Makefile
  5. mojoconfig
  6. README.md

Mojo + v23 RPCs

This repository implements the proposal outlined here that enables communication between Mojo applications on different devices.

Quick start

  • For desktop: make build
  • For android: ANDROID=1 make build

The commands above build the .mojo shared library that can be run by mojo shells. For example:

  • make start-v23proxy
  • REMOTE_ENDPOINT=<see Makefile> HOME=/tmp make start-echo-client