blob: 5339c1ff2a0aa4426dda9430bb0342f4cc702597 [file] [log] [blame]
# This is a configuration file for devtools (`mojo_run`, `mojo_test) running
# within a Mojo checkout.
# The content has to parse to a Python dictionary literal. Strings of the form
# '@{ABC}' are aliases that will be substituted for their values before
# evaluation:
# '@{BUILD_DIR}': path to the output directory
# Each dev server will be configured as specified and mapped for the
# indicated host using --map-origin.
'dev_servers': [
'host': '',
# At this port the server will appear to the shell. That means actually
# running on this port when running a Linux shell and being forwarded from
# this port when running on Android. Using a fixed port enables caching
# server responses between shell runs.
'port': @{PORT},
# First matching prefix will apply. Within the directiories specified for
# a prefix, first location that contains the requested path will apply.
'mappings': [
('', [
# We map two directiories, so that both exploded dart apps under
# checkout root and built apps in the build directory are available.
# For example, one could refer to the apps of either type using urls:
# -
# -