blob: b34706193697e1d966d6b62ff4fa579262bd6d5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package transcoder_test
import (
type transcodeTestCase struct {
Name string
MojoValue interface{}
VdlValue interface{}
// Test cases for the mojom <-> vdl transcoder tests. See transcoder_test.go
var testCases = []transcodeTestCase{
// from Mojo's rect
Name: "Rect",
MojoValue: &rect.Rect{
X: 11,
Y: 12,
Height: 13,
Width: 14,
VdlValue: rect.Rect{
X: 11,
Y: 12,
Height: 13,
Width: 14,
// from Mojo's test_structs
Name: "NamedRegion",
MojoValue: &test_structs.NamedRegion{
Name: stringPtr("A"),
Rects: &[]rect.Rect{
VdlValue: test_structs.NamedRegion{
Name: stringPtr("A"),
Rects: &[]rect.Rect{
Name: "RectPair",
MojoValue: &test_structs.RectPair{
First: &rect.Rect{X: 0, Y: 1, Height: 2, Width: 3},
Second: &rect.Rect{X: 11, Y: 12, Height: 13, Width: 14},
VdlValue: test_structs.RectPair{
First: &rect.Rect{X: 0, Y: 1, Height: 2, Width: 3},
Second: &rect.Rect{X: 11, Y: 12, Height: 13, Width: 14},
Name: "EmptyStruct",
MojoValue: &test_structs.EmptyStruct{},
VdlValue: test_structs.EmptyStruct{},
// TODO(bprosnitz) HandleStruct?
// TODO(bprosnitz) NullableHandleStruct?
// TODO(bprosnitz) NoDefaultFieldValues?
Name: "DefaultFieldValues",
MojoValue: &test_structs.DefaultFieldValues{
true, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100,
100, 100, 100, 100,
"foo", stringPtr("foo"),
rect.Rect{X: 0, Y: 1, Height: 2, Width: 3},
&rect.Rect{X: 4, Y: 5, Height: 6, Width: 7},
VdlValue: test_structs.DefaultFieldValues{
true, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100,
100, 100, 100, 100,
"foo", stringPtr("foo"),
rect.Rect{X: 0, Y: 1, Height: 2, Width: 3},
&rect.Rect{X: 4, Y: 5, Height: 6, Width: 7},
Name: "ScopedConstants",
MojoValue: &test_structs.ScopedConstants{
VdlValue: test_structs.ScopedConstants{
Name: "MapKeyTypes",
MojoValue: &test_structs.MapKeyTypes{
map[bool]bool{true: false},
map[int8]int8{-1: 1},
map[uint8]uint8{1: 1},
map[int16]int16{-2: 2},
map[uint16]uint16{2: 2},
map[int32]int32{-4: 4},
map[uint32]uint32{4: 4},
map[int64]int64{-8: 8},
map[uint64]uint64{8: 8},
map[float32]float32{0.1: 0.1},
map[float64]float64{0.2: 0.2},
map[string]string{"A": "B", "C": "D"},
VdlValue: test_structs.MapKeyTypes{
map[bool]bool{true: false},
map[int8]int8{-1: 1},
map[uint8]uint8{1: 1},
map[int16]int16{-2: 2},
map[uint16]uint16{2: 2},
map[int32]int32{-4: 4},
map[uint32]uint32{4: 4},
map[int64]int64{-8: 8},
map[uint64]uint64{8: 8},
map[float32]float32{0.1: 0.1},
map[float64]float64{0.2: 0.2},
map[string]string{"A": "B", "C": "D"},
// TODO(bprosnitz) MapValueTypes?
Name: "ArrayValueTypes",
MojoValue: &test_structs.ArrayValueTypes{
[]int16{1, 2},
[]int32{1, 2, 3},
[]int64{1, 2, 3, 4},
[]float64{1, 2},
VdlValue: test_structs.ArrayValueTypes{
[]int16{1, 2},
[]int32{1, 2, 3},
[]int64{1, 2, 3, 4},
[]float64{1, 2},
Name: "FloatNumberValues",
MojoValue: &test_structs.FloatNumberValues{
0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9,
VdlValue: test_structs.FloatNumberValues{
0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9,
Name: "IntegerNumberValues",
MojoValue: &test_structs.IntegerNumberValues{
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
VdlValue: test_structs.IntegerNumberValues{
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
Name: "UnsignedNumberValues",
MojoValue: &test_structs.UnsignedNumberValues{
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
VdlValue: test_structs.UnsignedNumberValues{
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
Name: "BitArrayValues",
MojoValue: &test_structs.BitArrayValues{
[1]bool{true}, [7]bool{true, false, true}, [9]bool{true, false, true}, []bool{true, false, true},
[][]bool{[]bool{true, false, true}}, []*[]bool{&[]bool{true, false, true}}, []*[2]bool{&[2]bool{true, false}},
VdlValue: test_structs.BitArrayValues{
[1]bool{true}, [7]bool{true, false, true}, [9]bool{true, false, true}, []bool{true, false, true},
[][]bool{[]bool{true, false, true}}, []*[]bool{&[]bool{true, false, true}}, []*[2]bool{&[2]bool{true, false}},
// TODO(bprosnitz) Multi-version structs are not yet supported because the version is specified in the
// struct header in the mojom bytes and we don't have any way to specify the version with VDL.
Name: "MultiVersionStruct Full -> V3",
MojoValue: &test_structs.MultiVersionStruct{
FInt32: 8,
FRect: &rect.Rect{1, 2, 3, 4},
FString: stringPtr("testStr"),
VdlValue: testtypes.MultiVersionStructV3{
FInt32: 8,
FRect: testtypes.Rect{1, 2, 3, 4},
FString: "testStr",
Name: "MultiVersionStruct V3 -> Full",
MojoValue: &test_structs.MultiVersionStructV3{
FInt32: 8,
FRect: &rect.Rect{1, 2, 3, 4},
FString: stringPtr("testStr"),
VdlValue: testtypes.MultiVersionStruct{
FInt32: 8,
FRect: testtypes.Rect{1, 2, 3, 4},
FString: "testStr",
// from Mojo's test_unions
Name: "PodUnionFInt8",
MojoValue: &transcoder_testcases.PodUnionWrapper{&test_unions.PodUnionFInt8{-1}},
VdlValue: testtypes.PodUnionWrapper{testtypes.PodUnionFInt8{-1}},
Name: "ObjectUnionFInt8",
MojoValue: &transcoder_testcases.ObjectUnionWrapper{&test_unions.ObjectUnionFInt8{5}},
VdlValue: testtypes.ObjectUnionWrapper{testtypes.ObjectUnionFInt8{5}},
Name: "ObjectUnionFDummy",
MojoValue: &transcoder_testcases.ObjectUnionWrapper{&test_unions.ObjectUnionFDummy{test_unions.DummyStruct{5}}},
VdlValue: testtypes.ObjectUnionWrapper{testtypes.ObjectUnionFDummy{testtypes.DummyStruct{5}}},
Name: "ObjectUnionFPodUnion",
MojoValue: &transcoder_testcases.ObjectUnionWrapper{&test_unions.ObjectUnionFPodUnion{&test_unions.PodUnionFDouble{1}}},
VdlValue: testtypes.ObjectUnionWrapper{testtypes.ObjectUnionFPodUnion{testtypes.PodUnionFDouble{1}}},
// TODO(bprosnitz) HandleUnion?
// TODO(bprosnitz) WrapperStruct?
// TODO(bprosnitz) SmallStruct?
// TODO(bprosnitz) SmallStructNonNullableUnion?
// TODO(bprosnitz) SmallObjStruct?
Name: "TryNonNullStruct - nil optional",
MojoValue: &test_unions.TryNonNullStruct{},
VdlValue: test_unions.TryNonNullStruct{},
Name: "TryNonNullStruct - non nil optional",
MojoValue: &test_unions.TryNonNullStruct{&test_unions.DummyStruct{1}, test_unions.DummyStruct{2}},
VdlValue: test_unions.TryNonNullStruct{&test_unions.DummyStruct{1}, test_unions.DummyStruct{2}},
// TODO(bprosnitz) OldUnion?
// TODO(bprosnitz) NewUnion?
// TODO(bprosnitz) IncludingStruct?
// test cases not from Mojo:
/* This doesn't currently work because VDL doesn't register the anonymous struct.
Name: "Transcode to Anonymous Struct",
MojoValue: &transcoder_testcases.UnnamedPrimitiveTestStruct{1, "A", true, 2},
VdlValue: struct {
A uint32
B string
C bool
D float32
}{1, "A", true, 2},
Name: "Transcode to struct of different name",
MojoValue: &transcoder_testcases.UnnamedPrimitiveTestStruct{1, "A", true, 2},
VdlValue: NamedPrimitiveTestStruct{1, "A", true, 2},
Name: "VarietyOfBitSizesStruct",
MojoValue: &transcoder_testcases.VarietyOfBitSizesStruct{false, 8, 16, 32, 64, "F", []int8{1, 2}, map[string]bool{"a": true}, 32, 16, 8, false, true, 12},
VdlValue: transcoder_testcases.VarietyOfBitSizesStruct{false, 8, 16, 32, 64, "F", []int8{1, 2}, map[string]bool{"a": true}, 32, 16, 8, false, true, 12},
// TODO(bprosnitz) More tests of errors, named type conversions, unsupported types, etc
func stringPtr(in string) *string { return &in }
type NUint32 uint32
type NString string
type NBool bool
type NFloat32 float32
type NamedPrimitiveTestStruct struct {
A NUint32
B NString
C NBool
D NFloat32