blob: 294bff3c21b14488c337de19cfafb0bc4ced2fc3 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
// As long as fakeService meets the Invoker interface, it is allowed to pass as
// a universal v23 service.
// See the function objectToInvoker in
type fakeService struct {
appctx application.Context
suffix string
router *bindings.Router
ids bindings.Counter
// Prepare is used by the Fake Service to prepare the placeholders for the
// input data.
func (fs fakeService) Prepare(ctx *context.T, method string, numArgs int) (argptrs []interface{}, tags []*vdl.Value, _ error) {
inargs := make([]*vdl.Value, numArgs)
inptrs := make([]interface{}, len(inargs))
for i := range inargs {
inptrs[i] = &inargs[i]
return inptrs, nil, nil
// Wraps the interface request and the name of the requested mojo service.
type v23ServiceRequest struct {
request bindings.InterfaceRequest
name string
func (v *v23ServiceRequest) Name() string {
func (v *v23ServiceRequest) ServiceDescription() service_describer.ServiceDescription {
panic("not supported")
func (v *v23ServiceRequest) PassMessagePipe() system.MessagePipeHandle {
return v.request.PassMessagePipe()
// Invoke calls the mojom service based on the suffix and converts the mojom
// results (a struct) to Vanadium results (a slice of *vdl.Value).
// Note: The argptrs from Prepare are reused here. The vom bytes should have
// been decoded into these argptrs, so there are actual values inside now.
func (fs fakeService) Invoke(ctx *context.T, call rpc.StreamServerCall, method string, argptrs []interface{}) (results []interface{}, _ error) {
// fs.suffix consists of the mojo url and the application/interface name.
// The last part should be the name; everything else is the url.
parts := strings.Split(fs.suffix, "/")
mojourl := strings.Join(parts[:len(parts)-1], "/") // e.g., mojo:go_remote_echo_server. May be defined in a file.
mojoname := parts[len(parts)-1] // e.g., mojo::examples::RemoteEcho. Defined from the interface + module.
// Create the generic message pipe. r is a bindings.InterfaceRequest, and
// p is a bindings.InterfacePointer.
r, p := bindings.CreateMessagePipeForMojoInterface()
v := v23ServiceRequest{
request: r,
name: mojoname,
} // v is an application.ServiceRequest with mojoname
// Connect to the mojourl.
// Then assign a new router the FakeService.
// This will never conflict because each FakeService is only invoked once.
fs.router = bindings.NewRouter(p.PassMessagePipe(), bindings.GetAsyncWaiter())
defer fs.Close_Proxy()
log.Printf("Fake Service Invoke (Remote Signature)")
// Vanadium relies on type information, so we will retrieve that first.
mojomInterface, desc, err := fs.callRemoteSignature(mojourl, mojoname)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("Fake Service Invoke Signature %v", mojomInterface)
log.Printf("Fake Service Invoke (Remote Method)")
// With the type information, we can make the method call to the remote interface.
methodResults, err := fs.callRemoteMethod(method, mojomInterface, desc, argptrs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Printf("Fake Service Invoke Results %v", methodResults)
// Convert methodResult to results.
results = make([]interface{}, len(methodResults))
for i := range methodResults {
results[i] = &methodResults[i]
return results, nil
func (fs fakeService) Close_Proxy() {
// callRemoteSignature obtains type and header information from the remote
// mojo service. Remote mojo interfaces all define a signature method.
func (fs fakeService) callRemoteSignature(mojourl string, mojoname string) (mojomInterface mojom_types.MojomInterface, desc map[string]mojom_types.UserDefinedType, err error) {
/*log.Printf("callRemoteSignature: Prepare payload and header")
// Prepare the input for the mojo call.
// This consists of a payload and a header for the RemoteSignature.
payload := mojom_types.SignatureInput{}
header := bindings.MessageHeader{
Type: 0xffffffff, // Signature is always type 0xffffffff
Flags: bindings.MessageExpectsResponseFlag, // It always has a response.
RequestId: fs.ids.Count(),
log.Printf("callRemoteSignature: Encode payload and header")
var message *bindings.Message
if message, err = bindings.EncodeMessage(header, &payload); err != nil {
return response, fmt.Errorf("can't encode request: %v", err.Error())
log.Printf("callRemoteSignature => callRemoteGeneric")
outMessage, err := fs.callRemoteGeneric(message)
if err != nil {
return response, err
log.Printf("callRemoteSignature: Decode response")
if err = outMessage.DecodePayload(&response); err != nil {
return response, nil*/
// TODO(afandria): The service_describer mojom file defines the constant, but
// it is not actually present in the generated code:
// serviceDescriberInterfaceName := "_ServiceDescriber"
r, p := service_describer.CreateMessagePipeForServiceDescriber()
sDescriber := service_describer.NewServiceDescriberProxy(p, bindings.GetAsyncWaiter())
defer sDescriber.Close_Proxy()
r2, p2 := service_describer.CreateMessagePipeForServiceDescription()
err = sDescriber.DescribeService(mojoname, r2)
if err != nil {
sDescription := service_describer.NewServiceDescriptionProxy(p2, bindings.GetAsyncWaiter())
defer sDescription.Close_Proxy()
mojomInterface, err = sDescription.GetTopLevelInterface()
if err != nil {
descPtr, err := sDescription.GetAllTypeDefinitions()
if err != nil {
return mojomInterface, *descPtr, nil
// A helper function that sends a remote message that expects a response.
func (fs fakeService) callRemoteGeneric(message *bindings.Message) (outMessage *bindings.Message, err error) {
log.Printf("callRemoteGeneric: Send message along the router")
readResult := <-fs.router.AcceptWithResponse(message)
if err = readResult.Error; err != nil {
log.Printf("callRemoteGeneric: Audit response message header flag")
// The message flag we receive back must be a bindings.MessageIsResponseFlag
if readResult.Message.Header.Flags != bindings.MessageIsResponseFlag {
err = &bindings.ValidationError{bindings.MessageHeaderInvalidFlags,
fmt.Sprintf("invalid message header flag: %v", readResult.Message.Header.Flags),
log.Printf("callRemoteGeneric: Audit response message header type")
// While the mojo service we called into will return a header whose
// type must match our outgoing one.
if got, want := readResult.Message.Header.Type, message.Header.Type; got != want {
err = &bindings.ValidationError{bindings.MessageHeaderUnknownMethod,
fmt.Sprintf("invalid method in response: expected %v, got %v", want, got),
return readResult.Message, nil
// callRemoteMethod calls the method remotely in a generic way.
// Produces []*vdl.Value at the end for the invoker to return.
func (fs fakeService) callRemoteMethod(method string, mi mojom_types.MojomInterface, desc map[string]mojom_types.UserDefinedType, argptrs []interface{}) ([]*vdl.Value, error) {
// We need to parse the signature result to get the method relevant info out.
found := false
var ordinal uint32
for ord, mm := range mi.Methods {
if *mm.DeclData.ShortName == method {
ordinal = ord
found = true
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("callRemoteMethod: method %s does not exist", method)
mm := mi.Methods[ordinal]
// A void function must have request id of 0, whereas one with response params
// should have a unique request id.
var rqId uint64
var flag uint32
if mm.ResponseParams != nil {
rqId = fs.ids.Count()
flag = bindings.MessageExpectsResponseFlag
} else {
flag = bindings.MessageNoFlag
header := bindings.MessageHeader{
Type: ordinal,
Flags: flag,
RequestId: rqId,
// Now produce the *bindings.Message that we will send to the other side.
inType := transcoder.MojomStructToVDLType(mm.Parameters, desc)
message, err := encodeMessageFromVom(header, argptrs, inType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Handle the 0 out-arg case first.
if mm.ResponseParams == nil {
if err = fs.router.Accept(message); err != nil {
return nil, err
return make([]*vdl.Value, 0), nil
// Otherwise, make a generic call with the message.
outMessage, err := fs.callRemoteGeneric(message)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Decode the *vdl.Value from the mojom bytes and mojom type.
outType := transcoder.MojomStructToVDLType(*mm.ResponseParams, desc)
outVdlValue, err := transcoder.DecodeValue(outMessage.Payload, outType)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("transcoder.DecodeValue failed: %v", err)
// Then split the *vdl.Value (struct) into []*vdl.Value
response := splitVdlValueByMojomType(outVdlValue, outType)
return response, nil
// The fake service has no signature.
func (fs fakeService) Signature(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall) ([]signature.Interface, error) {
log.Printf("Fake Service Signature???")
return nil, nil
// The fake service knows nothing about method signatures.
func (fs fakeService) MethodSignature(ctx *context.T, call rpc.ServerCall, method string) (signature.Method, error) {
log.Printf("Fake Service Method Signature???")
return signature.Method{}, nil
// The fake service will never need to glob.
func (fs fakeService) Globber() *rpc.GlobState {
log.Printf("Fake Service Globber???")
return nil