blob: 99dd69bccbab4bd68df0d27f2782b8dab1a0fe41 [file] [log] [blame]
PWD := $(shell pwd)
include ../shared/
# ANDROID needs to be any positive integer (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4...)
BUILD_DIR := $(PWD)/gen/mojo/android
MOJO_SHARED_LIB := $(PWD)/gen/lib/android/libsystem_thunk.a
# In order to determine the device id to target, we will parse the output of
# `adb devices`. The target id is present within the ANDROID+1'th line.
ANDROID_PLUS_ONE := $(shell echo $(ANDROID) \+ 1 | bc)
DEVICE_ID := $(shell adb devices | sed -n $(ANDROID_PLUS_ONE)p | awk '{ print $$1; }')
DEVICE_FLAG := --target-device $(DEVICE_ID)
ANDROID_FLAG := --android
BUILD_DIR := $(PWD)/gen/mojo/linux_amd64
MOJO_SHARED_LIB := $(PWD)/gen/lib/linux_amd64/libsystem_thunk.a
# If this is not the first mojo shell, then you must reuse the devservers
# to avoid a "port in use" error.
ifneq ($(shell fuser 31841/tcp),)
REUSE_FLAG := --reuse-servers
# Build the v23proxy and the associated examples.
.PHONY: build
build: $(BUILD_DIR)/v23proxy.mojo build-examples
build-examples: $(BUILD_DIR)/echo_client.mojo $(BUILD_DIR)/echo_server.mojo $(BUILD_DIR)/fortune_client.mojo $(BUILD_DIR)/fortune_server.mojo
# Go-based unit tests
test: gen/go/src/mojom/tests/transcoder_testcases/transcoder_testcases.mojom.go
$(call MOGO_TEST,
gen/go/src/mojom/tests/transcoder_testcases/transcoder_testcases.mojom.go: mojom/mojom/tests/transcoder_testcases.mojom | mojo-env-check
$(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,mojom,gen,go)
gofmt -w $@
$(BUILD_DIR)/echo_client.mojo: $(MOJO_SHARED_LIB) gen/go/src/mojom/examples/echo/echo.mojom.go
$(call MOGO_BUILD,examples/echo/client,$@)
$(BUILD_DIR)/echo_server.mojo: $(MOJO_SHARED_LIB) gen/go/src/mojom/examples/echo/echo.mojom.go
$(call MOGO_BUILD,examples/echo/server,$@)
gen/go/src/mojom/examples/echo/echo.mojom.go: mojom/mojom/examples/echo.mojom | mojo-env-check
$(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,mojom,gen,go)
gofmt -w $@
$(BUILD_DIR)/fortune_client.mojo: $(MOJO_SHARED_LIB) gen/go/src/mojom/examples/fortune/fortune.mojom.go
$(call MOGO_BUILD,examples/fortune/client,$@)
$(BUILD_DIR)/fortune_server.mojo: $(MOJO_SHARED_LIB) gen/go/src/mojom/examples/fortune/fortune.mojom.go
$(call MOGO_BUILD,examples/fortune/server,$@)
gen/go/src/mojom/examples/fortune/fortune.mojom.go: mojom/mojom/examples/fortune.mojom | mojo-env-check
$(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,mojom,gen,go)
gofmt -w $@
$(BUILD_DIR)/v23proxy.mojo: $(MOJO_SHARED_LIB) gen/go/src/mojom/v23proxy/v23proxy.mojom.go | mojo-env-check
$(call MOGO_BUILD,,$@)
mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types.mojom: $(MOJO_DIR)/src/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types.mojom
mkdir -p mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings
ln -sf $(MOJO_DIR)/src/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types.mojom mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types.mojom
gen/go/src/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types/mojom_types.mojom.go: mojom/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types.mojom | mojo-env-check
$(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,mojom,gen,go)
gofmt -w $@
gen/go/src/mojom/v23proxy/v23proxy.mojom.go: mojom/mojom/v23proxy.mojom gen/go/src/mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/mojom_types/mojom_types.mojom.go | mojo-env-check
$(call MOJOM_GEN,$<,mojom,gen,go)
gofmt -w $@
# Run the Mojo shell with map-origin. This is common to Linux and Android since
# the latter cannot accept a config-file.
$(MOJO_DIR)/src/mojo/devtools/common/mojo_run \
$1 \
--no-config-file \
--map-origin="$(BUILD_DIR)" \
--map-origin="" \
--args-for="$2 $3" \$2
# Start the v23proxy (server-side). This runs the v23proxy in its own shell and
# will print an endpoint to stdout. That endpoint needs to be passed to the clients.
# On Linux, run with
# make start-v23proxy
# (Optionally, this can be prefixed with a HOME directory.)
# On Android, run with
# ANDROID={device number} make start-v23proxy
.PHONY: start-v23proxy
start-v23proxy: build
$(call RUN_MOJO_SHELL,--enable-multiprocess,v23proxy.mojo,)
# Start the echo client. This uses the v23proxy (client-side) to speak Vanadium
# over to the v23proxy (server-side) [OR a 0-authentication Vanadium echo server].
# On Linux, run with
# HOME={tmpdir} make ARGS="{remote endpoint}// [optional: a string to echo]" start-echo-client
# On Android, run with
# ANDROID={device number} make ARGS="{remote endpoint}// [optional: a string to echo]" start-echo-client
# Note1: Does not use --enable-multiprocess since small Go programs can omit it.
# Note2: Setting HOME ensures that we avoid a db LOCK that is created per mojo shell instance.
.PHONY: start-echo-client
start-echo-client: build
$(call RUN_MOJO_SHELL,,echo_client.mojo,${ARGS})
# Start the fortune client. This uses the v23proxy (client-side) to speak Vanadium
# over to the v23proxy (server-side) [OR a 0-authentication Vanadium fortune server].
# On Linux, run with
# HOME={tmpdir} make ARGS="{remote endpoint}// [optional: a fortune to add]" start-fortune-client
# On Android, run with
# ANDROID={device number} make ARGS="{remote endpoint}// [optional: a fortune to add]" start-fortune-client
# Note1: Does not use --enable-multiprocess since small Go programs can omit it.
# Note2: Setting HOME ensures that we avoid a db LOCK that is created per mojo shell instance.
.PHONY: start-fortune-client
start-fortune-client: build
$(call RUN_MOJO_SHELL,,fortune_client.mojo,${ARGS})
.PHONY: clean
rm -r gen