blob: 795b7b4697b3ccfac060285c64be4c012659c2ad [file] [log] [blame]
PATH := bin:node_modules/.bin:$(PATH)
PATH := $(PATH):$(VANADIUM_ROOT)/environment/cout/node/bin
SHELL := /bin/bash -euo pipefail
js_files := $(shell find src/javascript -name "*.js")
css_files := $(shell find src/stylesheets -name "*.css")
static_files := $(shell find src/static -name "*")
.PHONY: deploy
deploy: public
@true # silences watch
public: build/playground.js $(css_files) $(static_files) src/example_bundles
$(RM) -rf $@ build/$@
mkdir -p build/$@
cp -r build/playground.js* build/$@
cp -r src/stylesheets build/$@
cp -r src/static/. build/$@
cp -r bundles build/$@
mv build/$@ .
build/playground.js: src/javascript/index.js $(js_files) node_modules
mkdir -p $(@D)
browserify -d $< -p [ minifyify --map $(@F).map --output $ ] -o $@
# All paths of the form bundles/<project>/<example>.
example_code_bundle_dirs := $(shell find bundles -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2)
example_code_files := $(shell find bundles -mindepth 2)
# Builds the playground bundles for the examples.
# This is an empty target.
# See
# This task depends on example_code_files because we want to re-bundle if any of
# those change. However, the bundle tool works on directories, so we pass in
# example_code_bundle_dirs as the argument.
src/example_bundles: $(example_code_files) node_modules
pgbundle $(example_code_bundle_dirs)
touch $@
node_modules: package.json
@npm prune
# Temporary workaround: install pgbundle directly from source.
@cd "${VANADIUM_ROOT}/release/javascript/pgbundle" && npm link
npm link pgbundle
@touch $<
# End workaround.
npm install
@touch $@
.PHONY: start
start: deploy
npm start
.PHONY: clean
@$(RM) -rf public
@$(RM) -rf build
@$(RM) -rf node_modules
@$(RM) -rf npm-debug.log
.PHONY: distclean
distclean: clean
@npm cache clean
@$(RM) -rf src/example_bundles
@$(RM) -rf $(shell find bundles -name "bundle.json")
.PHONY: lint
@jshint .
.PHONY: test
v23 run ./