blob: 1ecb6788b28a57a7919abf2f8353524a284a1442 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Expects credentials in tmp/creds, generated as follows:
# make creds
# Optionally, the creds variable can specify a subdirectory.
set -euo pipefail
main() {
local -r TMP=tmp
local -r CREDS=./tmp/creds/${creds-}
local -r PORT=${port-4000}
local -r SYNCBASED_ADDR=":$((PORT))"
local -r BLESSINGS=`principal dump --v23.credentials=${CREDS} -s=true`
if [ ${client-} ]; then
local -r SG_NAME=dummy # a value is required or syncgroups aren't joinable (bug)
echo "Starting syncbased on ${SYNCBASED_ADDR}"
local -r RE="dev\.v\.io/u/(.*)"
if [[ ${BLESSINGS} =~ ${RE} ]]; then
local -r V_USER=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
local -r SG_NAME=users/${V_USER}/travel/sgadmin
local -r NS_ROOT=/
local -r NS_OPT="--v23.namespace.root=${NS_ROOT}"
echo "Starting syncbased on ${SYNCBASED_ADDR} mounted at ${NS_ROOT}/${SG_NAME}"
mkdir -p $TMP
syncbased \
--v=5 \
--alsologtostderr=false \
--root-dir=${TMP}/syncbase_${PORT} \
--name=${SG_NAME} \
${NS_OPT-} \
--v23.proxy=/ \
--v23.tcp.address=${SYNCBASED_ADDR} \
--v23.credentials=${CREDS} \
main "$@"