blob: 678b9aa359e323b390ae95b0d5490bd292f682e0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Expects credentials in tmp/creds, generated as follows:
# make creds
set -euo pipefail
trap kill_child_processes INT TERM EXIT
silence() {
"$@" &> /dev/null || true
# Copied from chat example app.
kill_child_processes() {
# Attempt to stop child processes using the TERM signal.
if [[ -n "$(jobs -p -r)" ]]; then
silence pkill -P $$
sleep 1
# Kill any remaining child processes using the KILL signal.
if [[ -n "$(jobs -p -r)" ]]; then
silence sudo -u "${SUDO_USER}" pkill -9 -P $$
main() {
local -r TMP=tmp
local -r CREDS=tmp/creds/${creds-}
local -r PORT=${port-4000}
local -r MOUNTTABLED_ADDR=":$((PORT+1))"
local -r SYNCBASED_ADDR=":$((PORT))"
local -r BLESSINGS=`./bin/principal dump --v23.credentials=${CREDS} -s=true`
mkdir -p $TMP
${V23_ROOT}/release/go/bin/mounttabled \
--v23.tcp.address=${MOUNTTABLED_ADDR} \
--v23.credentials=${CREDS} &
./bin/syncbased \
--v=5 \
--alsologtostderr=false \
--root-dir=${TMP}/syncbase_${PORT} \
--name=syncbase \
--v23.namespace.root=/${MOUNTTABLED_ADDR} \
--v23.tcp.address=${SYNCBASED_ADDR} \
--v23.credentials=${CREDS} \
tail -f /dev/null # wait forever
main "$@"