blob: 3549b868c8ea45803f12b7da24a6c873be2ccde8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var _ = require('lodash');
var uuid = require('uuid');
var $ = require('../util/jquery');
var defineClass = require('../util/define-class');
var debug = require('../debug');
var getTripLength = require('./get-trip-length');
var tripComparator = require('./trip-comparator');
var TripManager = defineClass({
statics: {
getTripLength: getTripLength
publics: {
* Sets the active trip to the given trip ID after it is available.
watchForTrip: function(tripId) {
this.awaitedTripId = tripId;
getMessageData: function() {
return this.activeTrip && this.activeTrip.messages;
getDestinationData: function() {
return this.activeTrip && this.activeTrip.destinations;
getActiveTripId: function() {
return this.activeTripId;
getActiveTripOwner: function() {
return this.activeTrip && this.activeTrip.owner;
setActiveTripId: function(tripId) {
var old = this.activeTripId;
this.activeTripId = tripId;
this.sbw.put(['user', 'tripMetadata', tripId, 'latestSwitch'],;
if (old !== tripId) {
this.activeTrip = null;
this.activeTripOwner = null;
hasValidUpstream: function() {
return this.upstreamTripId && this.upstreamTripId === this.activeTripId;
getTripKey: function() {
return ['trips', this.upstreamTripId].concat(_.flattenDeep(arguments));
getDestinationsKey: function() {
return this.getTripKey('destinations', arguments);
getMessagesKey: function() {
return this.getTripKey('messages', arguments);
* This should be called whenever the upstream should be considered ready to
* receive updates from local, i.e. after refreshing from remote or before
* pushing from local.
setUpstream: function() {
this.upstreamTripId = this.activeTripId;
processTrips: function(userTripMetadata, trips) {
var self = this;
var trip;
if (this.awaitedTripId) {
delete this.awaitedTripId;
/* Override latestSwitch this frame. (Subsequently syncbase will be up
* to date.) */
if (!userTripMetadata) {
userTripMetadata = {};
var activeTripMd = userTripMetadata[this.activeTripId];
if (!activeTripMd) {
activeTripMd = userTripMetadata[this.activeTripId] = {};
activeTripMd.latestSwitch =;
if (this.activeTripId) {
trip = trips && trips[this.activeTripId];
if (!trip) {
debug.log('Last active trip ' + this.activeTripId +
' is no longer present.');
} else {
var defaultId = this.getDefaultTrip(userTripMetadata, trips);
if (defaultId && defaultId !== this.activeTripId &&
trips[defaultId]) {
if (this.isNascent(trip)) {
debug.log('Replacing nascent trip ' + this.activeTripId +
' with established trip ' + defaultId);
} else {
/* TODO(rosswang): for now, sync trip changes. This behavior may
* change. */
debug.log('Replacing active trip ' + this.activeTripId +
' with most recent selection ' + defaultId);
this.activeTripId = defaultId;
trip = trips[defaultId];
if (!trip) {
if (trips) {
this.activeTripId = this.getDefaultTrip(userTripMetadata, trips);
debug.log('Setting active trip ' + this.activeTripId);
trip = trips[this.activeTripId];
} else {
var tripId = this.activeTripId = uuid.v4();
debug.log('Creating new trip ' + tripId);
trip = {};
this.startSyncgroupManager.then(function(sgm) {
return sgm.syncbaseWrapper.put(['trips', tripId, 'owner'],
this.activeTrip = trip;
privates: {
deleteTrip: function(tripId) {
this.sbw.batch(function(ops) {
return Promise.all([
ops.delete(['user', 'tripMetadata', tripId]),
ops.delete(['trips', tripId])
* Given a mapping of trip IDs to trip info with metadata, pick the trip
* that the user is most likely to care about.
getDefaultTrip: function(userTripMetadata, trips) {
var best;
$.each(trips, function(id, trip) {
var md = userTripMetadata && userTripMetadata[id];
var latestSwitch = md && md.latestSwitch;
var candidate =
new tripComparator.ComparableTrip(trip, id, latestSwitch);
if (tripComparator.compareTrips(best, candidate) > 0) {
best = candidate;
return best &&;
isNascent: function(trip) {
return this.getTripLength(trip) <= 1;
init: function(usernamePromise, deferredSyncbaseWrapper,
startSyncgroupManager) {
this.usernamePromise = usernamePromise;
this.sbw = deferredSyncbaseWrapper;
this.startSyncgroupManager = startSyncgroupManager;
this.joinedTrips = new Set();
module.exports = TripManager;