blob: cc93922144e24332e7b2a2f6238089f3cd9b7f63 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var defineClass = require('./util/define-class');
var Place = defineClass({
statics: {
* @param dependencies {placesService, maps}
* @param obj the plain object representation of the place
fromObject: function(dependencies, obj) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (obj.placeId) {
dependencies.placesService.getDetails(obj, function(place, status) {
if (status === dependencies.maps.places.PlacesServiceStatus.OK) {
resolve(new Place(place));
} else {
} else {
reject('Deserialization not supported.'); //TODO(rosswang)
equal: function(a, b) {
return a === b || a && b && a.toKey() === b.toKey();
publics: {
getDetails: function() {
return this.details;
hasDetails: function() {
return !!this.details;
getGeometry: function() {
return this.details && this.details.geometry || {
location: this.getLocation()
getLocation: function() {
return this.placeObj.location;
getName: function() {
var details = this.details;
return details && ||
getPlaceObject: function() {
return this.placeObj;
getSingleLine: function() {
var details = this.details;
if (this.singleLine) {
return this.singleLine;
} else if (details) {
this.singleLine = && !== details['formatted_address'].split(', ')[0]? + ', ' + details['formatted_address'] :
return this.singleLine;
} else { // not preferred
return this.placeObj.query || this.placeObj.location.toString();
* This code is highly fragile and heaven help the poor soul who needs to
* localize it.
* TODO(rosswang): Is this really the best way? We should find a formatter.
* @param name optional place name to omit from the address. Defaults to the
* name in the details; pass null to override.
* @return an array of formatted address lines.
getMultiLine: function(name) {
var details = this.details;
var addr = details && details['formatted_address'];
if (!addr) {
return [];
if (name === undefined) {
name =;
/* If at any point the first line/atom will echo the place name, leave it
* out. */
var parts = addr.split(', ');
var lines = (function() {
switch (parts.length) {
case 2:
// ex. WA, USA => WA, USA
return [parts.join(', ')];
case 3:
// ex. Seattle, WA, USA => Seattle, WA || WA, USA
// (if Seattle was the search query, format as if it were WA, USA)
return parts[0] === name?
[parts[1] + ', ' + parts[2]] : [parts[0] + ', ' + parts[1]];
case 4: {
/* ex. Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA:
* Amphitheatre Pkwy
* Mountain View, CA 94043
return [parts[0], parts[1] + ', ' + parts[2]];
case 5: {
/* ex. Fort Mason, 2 Marina Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94123, USA
* Fort Mason
* 2 Marina Blvd
* San Francisco, CA 94123
return [parts[0], parts[1], parts[2] + ', ' + parts[3]];
case 6: {
/* ex. A, Fort Mason, 2 Marina Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94123, USA
* A, Fort Mason
* 2 Marina Blvd
* San Francisco, CA 94123
return [
parts[0] + ', ' + parts[1],
parts[3] + ', ' + parts[4]
return parts;
return lines[0] === name? lines.slice(1) : lines;
* Returns a plain object that can be used to reconstruct the place. This
* object really shouldn't be mutated.
toObject: function() {
if (this.placeObj.placeId) {
return {
placeId: this.placeObj.placeId
} else {
return {
location: {
lng: this.placeObj.location.lng()
query: this.placeObj.query
toKey: function() {
return this.placeObj.placeId ||
(this.placeObj.query || '') + this.placeObj.location.toString();
* @param desc place object, place details result, or search result.
* TODO(rosswang): lazy fetch details if not given.
init: function(desc) {
if (desc.geometry) {
var placeObj = this.placeObj = { location: desc.geometry.location };
this.details = desc;
if (desc['place_id'] !== undefined) {
placeObj.placeId = desc['place_id'];
} else {
placeObj.query = desc['formatted_address'];
} else {
this.placeObj = desc;
module.exports = Place;