blob: 2580ece6cf470f74403198a7715d69b2cf6d2259 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Vanadium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
var htmlEncode = require('htmlencode').htmlEncode;
function text(plainText) {
return htmlEncode(plainText);
function link(name, linkText) {
return '<a name="' + name + '" href="#">' + text(linkText) + '</a>';
function pre(preText) {
return '<pre>' + preText + '</pre>';
function ownerOfTrip(sender, owner) {
return sender === owner? 'a' : owner + '\'s';
function getStrings(locale) {
return {
'Add destination': 'Add destination',
add: function(object) {
return 'Add ' + object.toLowerCase();
notCastable: function(feature) {
return 'The ' + feature + ' feature is not castable.';
castingTooltip: 'To cast a panel to a nearby device, middle-click and ' +
'drag (or left-right-click and drag) the panel towards the target ' +
change: function(object) {
return 'Change ' + object.toLowerCase();
'Connected to all services.': 'Connected to all services.',
'Connecting...': 'Connecting...',
'Destination': 'Destination',
destination: function(n) {
return 'Destination ' + n;
DirectionsStatus: {
NOT_FOUND: 'Location not found',
ZERO_RESULTS: 'No route to destination',
MAX_WAYPOINTS_EXCEEDED: 'Maximum number of waypoints exceeded',
OVER_QUERY_LIMIT: 'Request rate exceeded',
REQUEST_DENIED: 'Request denied',
UNKNOWN_ERROR: 'Server error'
'Final destination': 'Final destination',
'Free': 'Free',
label: function(label, details) {
return label + ': ' + details;
invitationAccepted: function(sender, owner) {
return 'Accepted invite from ' + sender + ' to join ' +
ownerOfTrip(sender, owner) + ' trip.';
invitationDeclined: function(sender, owner) {
return 'Declined invite from ' + sender + ' to join ' +
ownerOfTrip(sender, owner) + ' trip.';
invitationDismissed: function(sender, owner) {
return sender + ' has invited you to join ' + ownerOfTrip(sender, owner) +
' trip. (Expired)';
invitationReceived: function(sender, owner) {
return text(sender + ' has invited you to join ' +
ownerOfTrip(sender, owner) + ' trip. ') +
link('accept', 'Accept') + text(' / ') + link('decline', 'Decline');
invitationSent: function(recipient, sender) {
return sender?
sender + ' invited ' + recipient + ' to join the trip.' :
'Invited ' + recipient + ' to join the trip.';
noNearbyDevices: 'Cannot cast: no nearby devices.',
'Not connected': 'Not connected',
notReachable: function(username) {
return username + ' is not reachable or is not a Travel Planner user.';
'Origin': 'Origin',
priceLevelUnit: '$',
'Search': 'Search',
sendingInvite: function(username) {
return 'Inviting ' + username + ' to join the trip...';
status: function(status) {
return text('Status: ') + pre(status);
'Timeline': 'Timeline',
'Travel Planner': 'Travel Planner',
'Trip is still initializing.' : 'Trip is still initializing.',
'Unknown error': 'Unknown error'
getStrings.currentLocale = getStrings();
module.exports = getStrings;